CENSUS 1971 PARTS X-A & B VILLAGE & TOWN' DIRECTORY SERIES 17 PUNJAB VILLAGE &; TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT ROPAR CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK P. L. SONDHI H. s. KWATRA'" OF THE IND:LAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE OF THE PUNJAB CIVIL SERVICE E:c-officio Director oj Census Operations Deputy Director of Census Operations PUNJAB PUNJAB Motif GURDWARA KESHGARH SAHIB AT ANANDPUR SAHIB Birth Place of the Sikhs A Sikh temple is caHed a Gurdwara-the gateway-of-the-Guru. T}le central object of 'u)orship in tIle Gurdu,ara is the Granth Sahib (the holy book of scriptures and hYlltns written by the Sikh Guru~). Tll e GTanth Sahih is cerelnonially opened every 'morning and put to rest in. the e't'enillf}. Both 171en and WOlnen read it. All u.)orshippers go do'u~n on th,eir knees befoTe Granth Sahib and 7'nake obeisance by rubbing the forehead on the ground. The histor1c Gnrd1.oara K eshf1arh Sah.ib at A nandpur Sahib, the pl.ace oJ birth of the Khalsa Panth-Sikhs, is perched on a lofty hillock on. the l.eft bank of the Sutlej river in the background of the Shi'l'alik hills. 42 klns. jro'fYt Ropar all. the Chandigarh-N angaL State Highway. It 'toas on. t;he Baisakhi day in 1699 on the site of this white coloured Gurd'lL'OTn that Guru Gobind Singh, pitched a tent. Below the tent~ on the plains, a congregation of Sikhs had gathered. Guru Gobind Singh towered before t.hem all-and asked for an incredible sacrifice: "Was there a Sikh 'lDiHinq to give his head. then and there .. jar the (;'u.ru". Five thne-; Guru Gobind Sinqh repeated this; five t.i1nes heroic Sikhs respondeil: firp times the grim Guru em.erged from a tent. his steel sword dTipping blood. But he had killed five goats. not Sikhs-and his valiant volunteers Tobed in saffron and garlanded by hiln, beca1ne the uFi'l'-e Belo?"eds'~. (Panj Piaras). the first initiates of the Khalsa, the society of the Gur'u.'s cwn. The mernbers of the Khalsa Panth (SOCiety) from that day 1vere required to adopt the ji1}e .... Ks".. s'l/1'Jlbols introduced bV Guru Gobind Singh. They aTe Keshas, the long hair wrapped in a turban; Kangha, the lnooden cornb; Kachha, military knee breeches~· Kara~ a steel bracelet; and l{irpan. a su'ord. A 17, Khalsa. 'men take the surna-me Singh-lion--as the G·uru wanted et,ery Sikh to be brave to fight 125,000 foes single-handed. and the Sikhs are reputed to this day for their military prowess. But they aTe 'J7l.uch mOTe than that! They ure the best farmers in India. and conspicuous winners in the Indian 1L"orld of sports. Hola Mohalla is also celebTat~d at AnandpuT Sahib at the HoI Garh .~hrine soon after Holi e1,ef"'1I yeaT. Guru Gobintl Sin.nh ha.d ~tcrTter1 conductinq of the Hola Mohalla. at this place. The Nihang Sikhs fight 11Wck battles with swords on this da:y-symbolic of the martial quality of the race. Motif by : J. S. Gill Artist .". 1'5 _._,_ --- 76' ,~' . '0' 4-S' PUNJAB OISTRICT ROPAR kII.OMfT.At& 5 0 5 10 IS 20 _:;::::::::::=:=::::=:::::= .. o \1'. ~ -4 "" (' I' ~ ,., 4' ( A til .., ! I I, I \ " I 31"1 I 1- f'"'o... V 1) -t. , .1 UASAN POPULATION 45 -z. (' " 1 r "V ~ ;.! Z. I .,_;' 20.000 PERSONS !, ,'" "II 11' I 10.000 I L '/ '),000 STATE I'lOIJPI(l"'~l." ()IST~ICl eOUlltOAA., lAHSll BOUNDARY"" FH'IjRH, .. aovt TM( SPHERE IN()le"TE CIS1P',CT HEAOQU.t.RTERS, POPULATION OF THE l'OWN TAHSIl H£AO~VART£RS., NATIOHIH HIGHWAY ....... _--'. .. OTHER M(TALl£Q ROAO. .; !lAOAD GAUGE RA1LWAYl> I WITH STATION .............................. __ :~ ,; RiVER •••••• , .•.•••••••• , ••••.••• J,,',':nIIII! CAN,,!. ••• ' ••• , • , .•.••• , .•• " •• " •• U"'AN ARlA •• , ... " .................. ~~ REST HOUSE ........................... UI . POST I T'ElLGR.t.PIoI OfFICE .......... "........ 'if " HOSPITAlS/ ""IMM''I' tIE"lT" ;1 CENTIIU/MATUINITY 'CHIlD WE:L'AItE CENTRE6 ....................... _. _ til . sreElNOAA., 'CHOOL/COLLEGE .............. .. 10 POCKET '0" 11.0,....... OISTRICT ••••••••••• 11. CENSUS OF INDIA 1911 A-CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBUCATIONS The 1971 Census Reports on Punjab will bear uniformly series No. 17 and will be published in the following parts :- PART I·A General Report PARTI.. B General Report (Detailed analysis of the Demographic, Social, Cultural and Mi,ratien Patterns) PARTI·C Subsidiary Tables PART II-A General Population Tablei PARTI1 .. B Economic Tables PART II-C (i) Mother tongue, Religion and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Tables PART U .. C (ii) Social and Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables PART III Establishment Report and Tables PART IV Housing Report and Tables PART V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PART VI .. A Town Directory PART VI-B Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns PART VI .. C Survey Reports on Selected Villagei PA.RT Vll Special Report on Graduates and Technical Personnel PART Vlll.. A Administration Report-Enumeration (For official use only) PART VlIl·B Administration Report-Tabulation (For official use only) PART IX Census Atlas PAR.T IX-A Administrative Atlas B-STATB GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS PART X District Census Handbooks for each district in three Parts­ PART A-Village and Town Directory PART B-Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract PART C-Analytioal Report, Administrative Statistics and District Census Tables .Note .. -Parts A and B of the District Census Handbooks have been printed in one volume. it CONTENTS Pales PREFACE v FIGURES AT A. GLANCE · . vii PAl't A-Villa. aad Ton Directory­ Introductory Note on District Censu S Handbook 7 Note on Village Directory to ~ote on Town Directory 17 Vlllaee Dlreetory- Anandpur Sahib Tabsil 24 Ropsr Tahsil 38 Kharar Tahsil 58 APP.BNDIX .. Tahsilwise Abstract of educational, medical and other amenities .. 72 Tow. Diredory­ Statement I Status, Growth History & Functional Category of Towns 76 Statement II Physical aspects and Location of Towns. 1.969 17 Statemeat III Municipal Finance, 1968-69 78 Statement IV .. Civic and other anlenities~ 1969 79 Statement V .. Medica), Educationa), RecreationaJ and Cultura1 FacIlities in Towns, 1969 .. 80 Statement VI .. Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 81 Statement vn .. Population by religion, 1971 82 APPENDIX .. List of urban areas with their location code number. 83 Part B-Viliap aDd To_wise Primary CeDsus Abstract Explanatory Note on Primary Oensus Abstract 87 Primary Census Abstract ·. Ropar Distict .. 92 Alphabetical List of villages · . Anandpur Sahib Tahsil .. 97 Primary CenSus Abstract · . Anandpur Sahib Tahsil 100 Alphabetical List of villages · . Ropar Tahsil 121 Primary Census Abstract ·. Ropar Tahsil 126 Alphabetical Ust or villages .. Kharar Tahsil ·. '145 Primary Census Abstract . Kbarar Tahsil ·. ISO ill Pages Maps·- District Map Frontispiece Anandpur Sahib Tahsil Facing Page 97 Ropar Tahsil Facing Page 121 Kharar Tahsil Facing Pag4.! 145 PREFACE In the publication of the District Census Handbooks we have the privilege of taking one of the impor­ tant census traditions to the 1971 Census. Their publication was first taken up at the 195J Census for making census statistics available for the smaller territorial units. 1n the 1961 Census, attempts were mad~ . to make this publication more informative with the addition of data about level of development and ame~ltles available in villages. There was, however, great delay in the publication of this valuable reference compendIUm. The delay occured on account of the fact that the compilation of the Handbook had to wait till the ~omp~ete tabulation programme of census data was got through. The compilation of administrative statistics for mcluston in the Handbook also took a long time. As a result, the town and village-wise primary census data could not be released pending their formal publication even though there was constant demand for it. In view of t~ese considerations, it was decided at tht: 1971 Census that the District Census Handbook would be divided mto three convenient parts so that at least parts A and R, which contain essential data down to the village and town level, could be released quickly. Accordingly, parts (A) and (8) of the District Census Handbook of Ropar are presented in this Handbook. Part (A) contains the Village and Town Directory and part (8) Village ~nd Town-wise Primary Census Abstract. It is for the first time that data about urban areas is being presented 111 a separate part, HTown Directory", at the 1971 Census. The Village Directory presents comprehensive informa­ tion on various facets of each village. Alphabetical list of villages has also been inserted in the Handbook. 2. There are 108 towns and 12,188 inhabited villages in the Punjab State. ]t was, indeed, a form!dable task to collect and compile voluminous data for such a large number of units. The collection of area figures and land use data, in particular, presented serious difficulties especially when these figures somewhat differed from those given at the tahsil and district level by the Director of Land Records. We had to make several gruelling cross-chec:.ks to adopt the area figures finally for each village. 3. It was not considered necessary to have a penetrating analysis of any particular item of the data in parts (A) and (B) of this Handbook. This could he ta ken up hy the CenslIs Organisation itself or by some other agency later during the inter-censal period. The census data users and scholars would perhaps feel satisfied with statistical data being presented in this Handbook quickly 011 the heels of the census count in the country. 4. The Report, as at the last Census, continues to he a State Government publication as it is financed by them.
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