Unconfirmed LONG MARTON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Held 2nd November 2016 at Knock Mission Room Present: Jonty Bellas – JB, John Cannon – JCann, John Cragg – JCra, David Holdsworth (Vice Chairman)- DH, Tony Maclean – TM, Sam Potter (Chairman) – SP In attendance: Olivia Colbear (Clerk/RFO) – OC. Members of the public: 2 16:058 Apologies. Apologies were received from Yvonne Sowerby (Work Commitments) 16:59 Requests for Dispensations and Declaration of interest 16:059:01 Requests for Dispensation: None 16:059:02 Declarations of Interest: None 16:060 Minutes of the last meeting 2nd September 2016. RESOLVED: that the minutes of the last meeting be a true and accurate record and were signed by the Chair. 16:061 Open Session. There were no items brought up under agenda item. 16:062 District Councillor Report. There were no items brought up under this agenda item. 16:063 Schedule of Correspondence, Notices and Publications Appleby Police: Monthly Newsletter Sept-16. CALC: Annual Report, NALC Revised LTN 59 Re Planning Applications and Decisions, Nominations for CALC Exec Committee, Circular for Sept & Oct-16, Neighborhood Planning, Environment Agency – Catchment Director update for River Eden, Changes to CALC constitution, Eden Triparte meeting 10-Oct-16, Healthcare for the Future – Public Consultation Launch, AGM Invite, EDC Sandbag Policy update, Assc of Local Councils meeting 10-Oct-16, Cumbria Success Regime- Stakeholder Meetings, Healthcare for the Future - Newsletter Cumbria County Council: Decision notice regarding closure of Edenside Care Home. Eden Brows: Updates 17> 20. Other: Disbanding of the ‘Heart of Eden’ and Alfred Wainwrights Westmorland Heritage 16:064 Planning Applications 16:064:01 15/1022: Mr JL Potter – JL Potter and Sons. Town Head Farm, Long Marton. Outline application for part redevelopment of Town Head Farm to provide a residential scheme with all matters reserved. RESOLVED: that there were no further updates available for this application, at this time. 16:064:02 15/0923 & 22. RK & SM Cowan. Former Rail Goods Shed / Yard, Long Marton. Listed building consent / Full Application for the conversion of shed to 2no dwellings and erection of ancillary garages. RESOLVED: that this application had now been approved by Eden District Council (EDC), but that an official decision notice was still being awaited. 16:064:03 16/0298. Mrs JS Potter. Alanholme, Long Marton. Change of use from agricultural to touring caravans and camping. RESOLVED: that there were no further updates available for this application, at this time. 43 Unconfirmed 16:064:04 16/0654. White Gate Caravan Park, Long Marton. Extension of existing caravan park to include 2.23ha and 35 new caravan pitches and 5 caravan pitches to existing site - and associated works. RESOLVED: that this application had been approved by EDC and the decision notice forwarded to councillors. 16:064:05 16/0661. Rising Sun, Croft Ends, CA16 6JL. Messers Huschka. Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling. RESOLVED: that this application had been approved by EDC and the decision notice forwarded to councillors. 16:064:06 16/0677. Land at Merry Vale, Long Marton. Mr B Shepherd, Ms C O'Sullivan & Mr J O'Sullivan. Outline permission for residential development with all matters reserved. RESOLVED: that this application had received no objections from Long Marton Parish Council and was now with EDC’s planning department. 16:064:07 16/0772. Land at the Fold, Brampton, CA16 6JJ. Mr A Capstick. Change of use of agricultural land to domestic curtilage and creation of driveway RESOLVED: that this application had received no objections from Long Marton Parish Council and was now with EDC’s planning department. 16:065 Finance 16:065:01 Accounts for payment Items for payment: Clerks Salary and Mileage, September-16 - £105.43 Clerks Salary and Mileage, October-16 - £64.13 Appleby Town Council, 573 Buss Donation - £190.00 Knock Mission Room, Room Hire 02-Nov-16 - £20.00 TOTAL: £379.56 RESOLVED: that the items listed on the schedule be approved for payment. 16:065:02 Q2 Reconciliation Report (June-Sept-16) It was agreed that Cllr Cragg would review and sign off the report. 16:065:03 Budget Report The Clerk was noted that: there were a number of annual costs due in the new year, namely grass cutting and playground inspection; that the donation for the 573 Bus service had been split between budget headings ‘Donations’ and ‘S137’; that EDC had not requested claw-back on the Community Grant funding, therefore the remaining £315.25 and would be ring-fenced towards future maintenance of purchases for the playground, along with the remainder of £120 from the British Gypsum donation and £300 from the Long Marton Social Club donation; that the pay costs had been calculated on the revised NALC National Pay Scale framework and included all further hours at the recommended rate of £10.36 and a backdated sum of £5.23 for previous hours; that there were no other known costs to add; RESOLVED: that the Budget Comparison report be received and approved. 44 Unconfirmed 16:066 2017-18 Draft Budget The Clerk presented a first draft budget for 2017-18, noting that other than pay there were no significant variations to budget heading, only minor changes to reflect more accurate budget amounts. The Clerk noted that the pay heading had been increased by £135 to account for the average 3 hours a week at the increased rate of £10.46 as per the NALC National Pay Framework. It was agreed that the salary payments should be kept in-line with the national framework from NALC. The Clerk also noted that there was a sum of £735.25 ring fenced for maintenance of future equipment purchase for the playground at Long Marton. This sum comprised of the £300 remaining from the Long Marton Social Club donation, £120 from the British Gypsum donation and £315.25 from the Eden Community Grant. There followed a brief discussion regarding any community driven projects or other potential costs that were not included. It was agreed that it would be useful to speak to Allan Armstrong before the next meeting to discuss whether there are likely to be any potential budget cuts at Eden District Council that may have implications for the parishes. RESOLVED: that the updated pay rates as per the NALC National Pay Framework be OC adopted. RESOLVED: that further discussion would be undertaken at the next meeting OC regarding any additional costs, following discussions with Allan Armstrong. 16:067 Audit Plan and Appointment of Internal Auditor RESOLVED: to receive and approve the Audit Plan for 2016-17 and for the Clerk to OC progress the appointment of Sue Coward as internal auditor. 16:068 563 Bus Service The Clerk also noted that following advice from Cllr Andy Connell at Appleby Town Council a letter had been sent to Cumbria County Council noting Long Marton Parish Council’s concern about the service and willingness to work with all concerned to try and identify a positive resolution on the matter. The Clerk then gave an update regarding the 563 Bus Service, noting that following a number of updates from Mark Hodgkiss at Cumbria County Council, the current position to date was that: Grand Prix Coaches would not be continuing to run the service and attempts to find an alternative operator had not been successful. However, an application had been made to extend the service until the end of the school term – the outcome of this was still unknown. It was agreed that the Clerk would request an update regarding the extension. The Clerk also noted that Kirkby Stephen Town Councils, Town Clerk had been in touch with all the Parish Clerk’s along the route about the issue. The two members of the public present at the meeting (one a regular user of the service), noted their dismay at the potential withdrawal of the service and asked the Councillor’s what the Parish Council would be able to do to try and save the service. This prompted an extensive discussion about how the current situation 45 Unconfirmed had come about and also about possible options to put forward, some of which were taken from previous discussion pertaining to the 573 Service when it was under threat of being withdrawn. Suggestions included: local parishes along the route working together to agree possible contributions based on parish sizes, noting the potential implication that this would increase precept’s; whether a fund could be set up for those who have bus passes but wished to donate their fair – there is a similar scheme in another area of the county; the possibility of approaching Center Parcs and getting them involved and looking at combining services; the possibility of the fell runner extending its service past Milburn; It was agreed that it would be difficult to effectively take forward any discussions without further information about passenger numbers, running costs etc. and also without getting all the other parish and town councils along the route on- board. It was agreed to try and urgently get the ball rolling in securing a meeting with other parish and town councils the Clerk would contact both Andy Connell and the Clerk at Kirkby Stephen Town Council to see if they had received any further feedback or were planning to organize a meeting. OC RESOLVED: to contact Mark Hodgkiss at Cumbria County Council for an update regarding the proposed extension of service. OC RESOLVED: to contact both Andy Connell and the Clerk at Kirkby Stephen Town Council to see if they had received any further feedback or were planning to organize a meeting. 16:069 Parish Noticeboards The Clerk reported that since unlocking the halves of the boards in Brampton and Long Marton that the Parish Council use, these had been inundated with non- parish related posters.
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