§ 122.15 19 CFR Ch. I (4–1–08 Edition) § 122.15 User fee airports. Location Name (a) Permission to land. The procedures Trenton, New Jer- Trenton Mercer Airport. for obtaining permission to land at a sey. user fee airport are the same proce- Victorville, California Southern California Logistics Airport. Waterford, Michigan Oakland County International Airport. dures as those set forth in § 122.14 for Waukegan, Illinois .. Waukegan Regional Airport. landing rights airports. West Chicago, Illi- Dupage County Airport. (b) List of user fee airports. The fol- nois. Wheeling, Illinois .... Chicago Executive Airport. lowing is a list of user fee airports des- Wilmington, Ohio .... Airborne Air Park Airport. ignated by the Commissioner of Cus- Yoder, Indiana ........ Fort Wayne International Airport. toms in accordance with 19 U.S.C. 58b. Ypsilanti, Michigan Willow Run Airport. The list is subject to change without notice. Information concerning service (c) Withdrawal of designation. The des- at any user fee airport can be obtained ignation as a user fee airport shall be by calling the airport or its authority withdrawn under either of the fol- directly. lowing circumstances: (1) If either Customs or the airport Location Name authority gives 120 days written notice of termination to the other party; or Addison, Texas ...... Addison Airport. Ardmore, Oklahoma Ardmore Industrial Airpark. (2) If any amounts due to be paid to Bakersfield, Cali- Meadows Field Airport. Customs are not paid on a timely basis. fornia. Bedford, Massachu- L.G. Hanscom Field. [T.D. 92–90, 57 FR 43397, Sept. 21, 1992, as setts. amended by T.D. 93–32, 58 FR 25933, Apr. 29, Broomfield, Colo- Jefferson County Airport. 1993; T.D. 95–2, 59 FR 67622, Dec. 30, 1994; T.D. rado. 95 –62, 60 FR 41804, Aug. 14, 1995; T.D. 96–67, 61 Carlsbad, California McClellan-Palomar Airport. FR 49059, Sept. 18, 1996; T.D. 97–64, 62 FR Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach International Airport. Florida. 37133, July 11, 1997; T.D. 99–9, 64 FR 7502, Feb. Decatur, Illinois ...... Decatur Airport. 16, 1999; T.D. 00–34, 65 FR 31265, May 17, 2000; Egg Harbor Town- Atlantic City International Airport. T.D. 01–69, 66 FR 49275, Sept. 27, 2001; T.D. 01– ship, New Jersey. 70, 66 FR 50104, Oct. 2, 2001; T.D. 02–27, 67 FR Englewood, Colo- Centennial Airport. 35723, May 21, 2002; CBP Dec. 03–09, 68 FR rado. 42589, July 18, 2003; CBP Dec. 03–22, 68 FR Fort Worth, Texas .. Fort Worth Alliance Airport. Fresno, California ... Fresno Yosemite International Airport. 50698, Aug. 22, 2003; CBP Dec. 05–16, 70 FR Gypsum, Colorado Eagle County Regional Airport. 22783, May 3, 2005; CBP Dec. 05–15, 70 FR Hillsboro, Oregon ... Hillsboro Airport. 22784, May 3, 2005; 71 FR 20006, Apr. 19, 2006; Johnson City, New Binghamton Regional Airport. 71 FR 28262, May 16, 2006; CBP Dec. 07–83, 72 York. FR 59943, Oct. 23, 2007] Leesburg, Florida ... Leesburg Regional Airport. Lexington, Kentucky Blue Grass Airport. Manchester, New Manchester Airport. Subpart C—Private Aircraft Hampshire. Mascoutah, Illinois MidAmerica St. Louis Airport. McKinney, Texas ... Collin County Regional Airport. § 122.21 Application. Melbourne, Florida Melbourne Airport. This subpart applies to all private Mesa, Arizona ........ Williams Gateway Airport. Midland, Texas ....... Midland International Airport. aircraft as defined in § 122.1(h). No Morristown, New Morristown Municipal Airport. other provisions of this part apply to Jersey. private aircraft, except where stated in Moses Lake, Wash- Grant County International Airport. this subpart. ington. Myrtle Beach, South Myrtle Beach International Airport. Carolina. § 122.22 Notice of arrival. Orlando, Florida ..... Orlando Executive Airport. When arriving in the U.S. from a for- Palm Springs, Cali- Palm Springs International Airport. fornia. eign area, all private aircraft not cov- Riverside, California March Inland Port Airport. ered by § 122.23 shall give advance no- Rochester, Min- Rochester International Airport. tice of arrival as required in § 122.31. nesota. Rogers, Arkansas .. Rogers Municipal Airport. Roswell, New Mex- Roswell Industrial Center. § 122.23 Private aircraft arriving from ico. areas south of the U.S. San Bernardino, San Bernardino International Airport. (a) Definitions. (1) For the purpose of California. Santa Maria, Cali- Santa Maria Public Airport. this section, ‘‘private aircraft’’ means fornia. all aircraft except: Sarasota, Florida.... Sarasota/Bradenton International Air- (i) Public aircraft; port. Scottsdale, Arizona Scottsdale Airport. (ii) Those aircraft operated on a regu- Sugar Land, Texas Sugar Land Regional Airport. larly published schedule, pursuant to a 646 VerDate Aug<31>2005 09:14 Apr 28, 2008 Jkt 214059 PO 00000 Frm 00656 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214059.XXX 214059 yshivers on PROD1PC62 with CFR Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, DHS, Treasury § 122.24 certificate of public convenience and (c) Contents of notice. The advance no- necessity or foreign aircraft permit tice of arrival shall include the fol- issued by the Department of Transpor- lowing: tation, authorizing interstate, overseas (1) Aircraft registration number; air transportation; and (2) Name of aircraft commander; (iii) Those aircraft with a seating ca- (3) Number of U.S. citizen passengers; pacity of more than 30 passenges or a (4) Number of alien passengers; maximum payload capacity of more (5) Place of last departure; (6) Estimated time and location of than 7,500 pounds which are engaged in crossing U.S. border/coastline; air transportation for compensation or (7) Estimated time of arrival; hire on demand. (See 49 U.S.C. App. (8) Name of intended U.S. airport of 1372 and 14 CFR part 298). first landing, as listed in § 122.24, unless (2) The term ‘‘place’’ as used in this an exemption has been granted under section means anywhere outside of the § 122.25, or the aircraft has not landed inner boundary of the Atlantic (Coast- in foreign territory or is arriving di- al) Air Defense Identification Zone rectly from Puerto Rico, or the aircraft (ADIZ) south of 30 degrees north lati- was inspected by Customs officers in tude, anywhere outside of the inner the U.S. Virgin Islands. boundary of the Gulf of Mexico (Coast- al) ADIZ, or anywhere outside of the § 122.24 Landing requirements. inner boundary of the Pacific (Coastal) (a) In general. Private aircraft arriv- ADIZ south of 33 degrees north lati- ing in the U.S. from a foreign area tude. shall follow the landing requirements (b) Advance report of penetration of set out in §§ 122.23 and 122.36. U.S. airspace. All private aircraft arriv- (b) Special requirements. Private air- ing in the Continental U.S. via the craft required to furnish a notice of in- U.S./Mexican border or the Pacific tended arrival in compliance with Coast from a foreign place in the West- § 122.23 shall land for Customs proc- ern Hemisphere south of 33 degrees essing at the nearest designated air- north latitude, or from the Gulf of port to the border or coastline crossing Mexico and Atlantic Coasts from a point as listed in this paragraph unless place in the Western Hemisphere south exempted from this requirement in ac- of 30 degrees north latitude, from any cordance with § 122.25. In addition to the requirements of this section, pri- place in Mexico, from the U.S. Virgin vate aircraft commanders must comply Islands, or (notwithstanding the defini- with all other landing and notice of ar- tion of ‘‘United States’’ in § 122.1(1)) rival requirements. This requirement from Puerto Rico, (which if from Puer- shall not apply to private aircraft to Rico, are conducting flight under which have not landed in foreign terri- visual flight rules (VFR)), shall furnish tory or are arriving directly from Puer- a notice of intended arrival to Customs to Rico or if the aircraft was inspected at the nearest designated airport to by Customs officers in the U.S. Virgin point of crossing listed in § 122.24(b), for Islands. the first landing in the U.S. The notice must be furnished at least 1 hour be- Location Name fore crossing the U.S. coastline or bor- Beaumont, Tex .... Jefferson County Airport. der. The notice may be furnished di- Brownsville, Tex .. Brownsville International Airport. rectly to Customs by telephone, radio, Calexico, Calif ...... Calexico International Airport. Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi International Airport. or other means, or may be furnishd Tex. through the Federal Aviation Adminis- Del Rio, Tex ......... Del Rio International Airport. Douglas, Ariz ....... Bisbee-Douglas International Airport. tration to Customs. The requirement Douglas, Ariz ....... Douglas Municipal Airport. to furnish a notice of intended arrival Eagle Pass, Tex .. Eagle Pass Municipal Airport. shall not apply to private aircraft de- El Paso, Tex ........ El Paso International Airport. Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport. parting from Puerto Rico and con- Fla. ducting flight under instrument flight Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International rules (IFR) until crossing the U.S. Fla. Airport. Fort Pierce, Fla .... St. Lucie County Airport. coastline or proceeding north of 30 de- Houston, Tex ....... William P. Hobby Airport. grees north latitude. Key West, Fla ...... Key West International Airport. 647 VerDate Aug<31>2005 09:14 Apr 28, 2008 Jkt 214059 PO 00000 Frm 00657 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214059.XXX 214059 yshivers on PROD1PC62 with CFR § 122.25 19 CFR Ch. I (4–1–08 Edition) Location Name Customs overflight processing is de- sired by the applicant. Except for air Laredo, Tex ......... Laredo International Airport. McAllen, Tex ........ Miller International Airport. ambulance operations and other flights Miami, Fla ............ Miami International Airport. involving the non-emergency transport Miami, Fla ............ Opa-Locka Airport. of persons seeking medical treatment Miami, Fla ............ Tamiami Airport. Midland, Tex ........ Midland International Airport. in the U.S., the requests shall be signed New Orleans, La.
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