The Inventory of the Tom Glazer Collection #932 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Glazer, Tom #932 1982-1985 Preliminary Listing I. Correspondence. Box 1 A. Files may include printed materials, photographs .. 1. "1942-1961 Plus Scrapbook I." [F. 1] 2. "1962-1966 Plus Scrapbook II." [F. 2-3] 3. "July, 1966-1969." [F. 4-5] 4. "Mid., 1969-1972." [F. 6-7] 5. "1973-1974." [F. 8] 6. "1975-July, 1976," notables include: [F. 9] a. Peck, Gregory. TLS to Robert Snyder, 2/27/75; photocopy. 7. "June, 1976 - Aug. 1977." [F. 10] 8. "Nov., 1977 - Dec., 1978." [F. 11] 9. "1979." [F. 12] 10. "1980." [F. 13] Box2 11. "1981." [F. 1] 12. "1981-1982." [F. 2-3] 13. "Letters, 1983 - Received." [F. 4-5] 14. "Personal Letters and Carbons," sub-files include: a. "1947-1968." [F. 6] b. "June, 1974 - Sept., 1980." [F. 7] c. "Jan., 1970 - Dec., 1977 (Carbon From TG)." [F. 8] d. "Mostly 1977, 1980, 1981," includes one item each from 1976,1971. [F.9] 15. "Prominent People," notables include: [F. 10-1 l] a. Kazan, Elia. 10 TLS: 11/14/56, 7/16/57, 7/24/57, 2/11/58, 10/4/67, 4/22/68, 1/27 /70, 3/2/70, 9/25/80, 5/18/81. b. McGovern, George. Telegram, 10/9/72. c. Rockwell, Norman. TLS, 1/20/76. d. Gambling, John. TLS, 12/6/78. e. Ritchie, Jean. ALS, 6/15/73. f. Cheever, Mary. 2 TLS, n.d.; 7 postcards, 1957, 8/7/70, 1/29/77, 9/8/77, 1977, n.d. g. Cheever, John. 9 TLS: 4/28/57, 9/17/73, 8/30/73, 7/31/81, 6/2/80, 1/10/81, 2/24/n.y., 9/8/n.y., 10/7 /n.y. h. Laredo, Ruth. ALS, 8/5/78. 1. Morgenthau, Henry, Jr. TLS, 5/6/79. J. Alexander, Shana. 2 TLS, 7/14/75, 6/4/79. k. Roosevelt, Eleanor (First Lady, US). 2 TLS: 6/29/59, 9/9/61. I. Carter, Jimmy (President, US). Postcard, 10/28/76, pre­ Glazer, Tom (1982-1985) Page 1 of 16 printed. 16. "Auto Accident." [F. 12] 17. "Legal." [F. 13] 18. "Letters I Drawings from Children." [F. 14] 19. "Fan Mail." [F. 15] Box3 20. "Professional Correspondence." [F. 1] 21. "Business Letters, 1948-1963." [F. 2-3] 22. "July, 1976 - Dec., 1980." [F. 4-5] 23. "Contracts and Letters re: Contracts; Letters and Completed Contract (Unsigned) Aug. 1, 1970." [F. 6] 24. "Carbon Letters from TG, Jan., 1978 - Dec., 1980." [F. 7] 25. "Crystallography File, 1969 ." [F. 8] 26. "Carbons, '68- '72." [F. 9-10] 27. "Business Letters, Jan., 1973 - Sep., 1976." [F. 11-12] 28. "Greeting I Holiday Cards, 1969-1970." [F. 13] 29. "X-mas Cards From Friends oflnterest." [F. 14-15] 30. "Greeting I Holiday Cards, 1977-1983." [F. 16] Box4 31. "Xmas Cards Samples." [F. 1] 32. "Xmas Cards From Friends Of Musical Interest." [F. 2] IL Subject Files. A. Various topics, TS unless noted; may include manuscripts, sheet music, notes, printed materials, correspondence; titles taken from TG's folder labels. 1. "America's Musical Heritage, Jun., 1973; Records, Music, Lyrics, Lyrics, Scripts, List of Songs." [F. 3] 2. "Score - Cowboy Legend." [F. 4] 3. "Music/Lyrics, 'The West'." [F. 5] 4. "Presidential Suite, Deschons Uncorrected Copy." [F. 6-7] 5. "Chosen Child," score. [F. 8-9] 6. "SONGS OF PEACE, FREEDOM, AND PROTEST," includes lead sheets; correspondence; sheet music. [F. 10-11] 7. "The Small World." [F. 12-15] 8. "President Suite," score. [F. 16-1 7] 9. "M. Jones 3a- Name Bks- Music, MSS, and Decons." [F. 18] Box5 10. "Famous American R[ail]. R[oad]. Songs; Birthday Material; Fingerplay Songs and Odd DVP Songs; Pram Script and Music MSS; Music from Morning 'Til Night and a Bagful of Poems." [F. 1] 11. "Scripts, John and Mary." [F. 2] 12. "Session #L Poetry Album." [F. 3] 13. "ALL ABOUT YOUR NAME: ELIZABETH - Foundry Proof." [F. 4] 14. "Misc. Arrangements." Glazer, Tom (1982-1985) Page 2 of 16 15. "Noisy and Quiet/ Big And Little - Latin American Children's Songs." [F. 5] 16. "Music: Happy Rhythms and Rhymes -American E. D. Scores, Jan. 28, 1971." [F. 6] 17. "Music for 1'sand 2's." [F. 7] 18. "Israel: Children's Songs." [F. 8] 19. "Music and Words - Happy Sounds and Rhythms." [F. 9] 20. "Children's Songs Book - Notecards." [F. 10] 21. "Children's Song Book - Misc." [F. 11] 22. "TBC Graphics MSS Proofs, Jan., 1974." [F. 12] 23. "There! You're a Bear - MSS And Music." [F. 13] 24. "MSS II, TG's TREASURY OF FOLK SONGS FOR THE FAMILY II." [F. 14-15] 25. "Esso - Time Film - Mission of Mercy Laes." [F. 16] 26. "MSS and Card File." [F. 17] 27. "Westinghouse." [F. 18] 28. "Dr. Doolittle." [F. 19] Box6 29. "Arrangements To Parts." [F. 1] 30. "Info Re: DO YOUR EARS HANG LOW." [F. 2] 31. "E-Z-EST GUITAR METHOD - MSS Carbon Copy." [F. 3] 32. "Grear." 33. "Dr. Doolittle." [F. 4] 34. "Around the Block, Around the World (I), Sing Along Around the World (II)." [F. 5] 35. "Holiday and Music and Script, On Top of Spaghetti; Album." [F. 6] 36. "Folk Scene, USA - Notes, Photos, MSS, Etc. - 1966." [F. 7-8] 37. "A Face in the Crowd." [F. 9] 38. "MSS (By Peter Phillips Transcriber) ofM. De Plata Folio (US) Material - Hanukka Misc. Songs, Etc.- Copies ofM. De Plata Material Not In 1st Hansen Folio." [F. 10] 39. "Gayle Hauss, Research." [F. 11] 40. "Name Book, MS." [F. 12-13] 41. "Face Scores," re: "A Face in the Crowd." [F. 14-15] 42. "Misc. Music." [F. 16] 43. "Songs From Children's Hootenanny." [F. 17] 44. "Namebook." Box7 45. "Scripts from Accordion File - Part 1-2." [F. 1] 46. "3 Children's Song Book Alphabetized." [F. 2] 47. "Songs (2c.) Near and Far In the Family Car; Ain't It Great to Be Kooky; Deschons for Above." [F. 3] 48. "Col. Sanders Score." 49. "Children's Song Book Alphabetized." [F. 4] 50. "Score Matisse." Glazer, Tom (1982-1985) Page 3 of 16 51. "Namebooks." [F. 6-8] 52. "Scripts from Accordion, File Part 1." [F. 9-10] Box 8 53. "Face Scores,"re: "A Face in the Crowd.'' [F. 1-2] 54. "Scores - Face," re: "A Face in the Crowd." [F. 3] 55. "Score: Filmstrip - 'How Shall We Ride Away'." 56. "The White House Story - Score and Cue Sheets." 57. "ALL ABOUT YOUR NAME," includes MARY AND ANNE galley proof; readers set; book set; cover illustration. [F. 4] 58. "M. Jones 39, [ALL ABOUT YOUR] NAME Book - SUSAN - MSS and Music Proofs and Layout." [F. 5] 59. "M. Jones 39 - [ALL ABOUT YOUR] NAME book - MARY Proofs and Layout." [F. 6] 60. "ALL ABOUT YOUR NAME- KATHERINE." [F. 7] 61. "MS Jones 39 - [ALL ABOUT YOUR] NAME book WILLIAM- Artwork and Proofs.'' [F. 8] 62. "MS Jones 39- Paste Up Boards - ALL ABOUT YOUR NAME - JAMES." [F. 9] 63. "NAME Book Cover Proofs." [F. 10] Box9 64. "ALL ABOUT YOUR NAME - JOSEPH." [F. 1] 65. "ALL ABOUT YOUR NAME - DAVID." [F. 2] 66. "Galley for EYE WINKER, TOM TINKER, CHIN CHOPPER- 50 MUSICAL FINGER PLAYS." [F. 3] 67. "M. Jones 39 - [ALL ABOUT YOUR] NAME book - JOHN Artwork and Proofs." [F. 4] 68. "Midstream, Apr. 1982." [F. 5] 69. "Tom Glazer Brochures From 1944-45." [F. 6] 70. "Scrapbook - TG, 1977-82 (W/A Couple of Exceptions Earlier)." [F. 7-8] 71. "Jingles - Misc. From Oct., 1957 - Sept., 1976." [F. 9] Box 10 72. "Songbooks." [F. 1] 73. "Assorted and Misc. Clippings, Programs, Etc." 74. "The Little Red Train to the Zoo." [F. 2] 75. "X-Mas Songs." 76. "On the Ranch." 77. "On the Ranch, Misc." 78. "Hardtack." 79. "Tall Fireman, Paul." Box 11 80. "PR Songs." [F. 1] 81. "Castro." 82. "Hardtack." 83. "Civil War Album Scripts/Lyrics, Oct. 1973." [F. 2] 84. "Misc. Music: Just Plain Folks- An Old Fashioned Marriage." [F. 3] 85. "John and Peter Glazer Memorabilia - CPWS (Some of Mimi) - Glazer, Tom (1982-1985) Page 4 of 16 (March, '82)." 86. "Civil War Record #1-4." [F. 4] 87. "Control to Religious." [F. 5-6] III. Financial and Legal Materials. A. Files, may include correspondence, notes, printed materials, contracts, bank and royalty statements. 1. "Songs Music - Fox." [F. 7-13] Box 12 2. "Soremy Music Letters Carbons, 1975- Oct. 1980." [F. 1] 3. "Royalty Statements." 4. "From Accountant: Soremy Statement, 1974-79, Soremy Cancelled Checks, 1979, Songs Music Cancelled Checks, 1979." [F. 2] 5. "From Accountant: Soremy Statements / Checks; Songs; Music; Cancelled Checks." [F. 3] 6. "Royalties Statements - Warner Brother's Music, November, 1977." [F. 4] 7. "Checks: Multifund, Tom Glazer." [F. 5] 8. "AFTRA (1971 - Sept., 1976)." [F. 6] 9. "ASCAP (1952-1975). 10. "Misc.: Returns, Cancelled Checks, Statements." [F. 7] 11. "Glazer vs. NBC." [F. 8] 12. "Concert Contracts, 1965 - Spring, '71." [F. 9] 13. "Old Kid Concert Contract, 1965-1968." 14. "Song Music Letters, Jan. 1976- July, 1980." [F. 10-11] 15. "Song Music ASCAP, 1975-bec., 1980." [F. 11] Box 13 16. "Songs Music, Inc: Cantor - Fitzgerald Statements." [F. 1] 17. "Songs Music, Inc.: Deposit Slips And Statements." 18. "Old Contracts." [F. 2] 19. "National Bank ofN. America, Song Music Inc., 3/2/73-12/5/76." [F. 3] 20. "Check Book: Chase: Soremy Music." [F. 4] 21. "Songs Music Inc. Statements, Checks, Deposit Slip, 1976-1977." [F. 5-6] 22. "Songs/ Soremy 1978: Cancelled Checks." [F. 7] IV. Audio Materials. Box 14 A.
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