The FINITE STRING Newsletter Announcements Announcements (Carnegie-Mellon University), Howard Morgan (University of Pennsylvania), Emmanuel Schegloff (UCLA), and John C. Thomas (IBM Research). New ACL Officers Elected at 1979 Meeting The Annual Banquet will be held on Friday eve- The following people were elected to office at the ning, amongst the Egyptian mummies in the Rotunda 1979 Annual Business Meeting of the ACL, which was of the University Museum. held on August 11 in La Jolla, California: Local arrangements for the meeting are being han- President: dled by Kathleen McKeown of the University of Penn- Bonnie Webber, University of Pennsylvania sylvania. Vice President: Norm Sondheimer, Sperry Univac Secretary-Treasurer: Cognitive Science Conference at Yale Don Walker, SRI International The Cognitive Science Society will hold its second Executive Committee (1980-1982): annual conference at Yale University in New Haven, Wendy Lehnert, Yale University Connecticut, on June 16-19, 1980. There will be Nominating Committee (1980-1982): three major addresses, three panel discussions, and Ron Kaplan, Xerox PARC sessions of short papers sponsored by members of the These names had been placed into nomination by Society. (A Call for Abstracts has already gone out to the 1979 Nominating Committee, which consisted of members, with a deadline of March 1.) There will also Stan Petrick, Paul Chapin, and Jon Allen. be computer demonstrations and a banquet. Dormito- ry space at the University is being reserved, and a room plan and meal plan will be available for atten- 1980 ACL Meeting Date Changed dees. The 18th Annual Meeting of the Association for Arrangements will be made to minimize the impact Computational Linguistics will be held June 19-22, of the one-day overlap with the schedule of the ACL 1980, on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania meeting (see previous item). in Philadelphia. This is a change from the previously For further information, contact announced date of June 18-21, and was brought about by a desire to minimize the overlap in time with the Professor Wendy G. Lehnert Cognitive Science Society meeting, which will be held Department of Computer Science in New Haven earlier the same week (see next item). Box 2158 Yale Station Yale University The ACL meeting will be divided into two parts. New Haven, Connecticut 06520 During the first two days (Thursday and Friday), re- fereed, contributed papers will be presented, and the Annual Business Meeting will be held. Gary Hendrix COLING 80 to be Held in Tokyo of SRI International is the Chairman of the Program The 1980 International Conference on Computa- Committee, and a Call for Papers (with a February 15 tional Linguistics (COLING 80) will be held in Tokyo, deadline) went out to all ACL members in December. September 29 - October 4. Both artificial intelligence The other members of the Program Committee are and theoretical linguistics provide the underpinnings Charles Fillmore, University of California, Jane Robin- for studies to be reported at COLING 80, and applica- son, SRI International, Ivan Sag, Stanford University, tions including office automation will be presented Henry Thompson, Xerox PARC, and Rober Wilensky, together with pure scientific results. Voice recognition University of California. and the problem of Chinese character input-output are During the second two days of the meeting likely to have a large place in the final program, ac- (Saturday and Sunday), a parasession on "Topics in cording to David G. Hays, program chairman. Interactive Discourse" with invited papers and panels Computational linguistics is the study of interac- will be held. This part of the meeting is being organ- tions between human language and the computer. On ized by Bonnie Webber of the University of Pennsyl- the linguistic side, papers on discourse structure, se- vania, and will consist of three panels, Front-end De- mantics, syntax, and phonology are usually included in sign: Demands of Service Application, chaired by Bar- conferences; papers on the history of language, lexi- bara Grosz of SRI International, Front-end Design: cography, literary studies, and dialect variation are Demands of Convention and Channel, chaired by Jerry frequently offered. In artificial intelligence, natural- Hobbs of SRI International, and Natural Language language input for programming, data-base access, and Interactive Systems: Looking to the Future, chaired by data input are topics of high current interest. Readers Bonnie Webber. Among the panelists will be John for the blind and other voice input-output applications Carey (Alternate Media Center, NYU), Phil Hayes have appeared. American Journal of Computational Linguistics, Volume 6, Number 1, January*March 1980 51 The FINITE STRING Newsletter Announcements Office automation, including word processing, is a Social events are being planned, as well, including a rapidly growing application area that can use the re- cocktail party, a farewell banquet, an opera perform- sults of 20 years' work in computational linguistics, ance, local excursions, and post-conference trips. Hays says, and machine translation is coming to the Further information can be obtained from the fore again. Workshop Secretariat: The first conference in the COLING series was Miss Ludmila R6zafiska held in New York in 1965. Since then conferences Institute of Informatics have been held in Canada, France, Hungary, Italy, Warsaw University Norway, and Sweden. The Tokyo conference will be PKiN pok. 850 held during the week preceding the IFIP conference on 00-950 Warsaw, POLAND computing. COLING meetings are sponsored by the International Committee on Computational Linguistics, Sixth International ALLC Symposium of which Bernard Vauquois, professor at Grenoble, to be Held in Cambridge France, is chairman. Professor Hiroshi Wada is honor- The Sixth International ALLC Symposium on Com- ary president of COLING 80. Professor Makoto Na- puters in Literary and Linguistic Research will be held gao is local arrangements chairman. at the University of Cambridge, England, from March Information about COLING 80 can be obtained 28 to April 3, 1980, co-sponsored by the Association from: for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the Associ- David G. Hays ation for Computers and the Humanities. Papers are Program Chairman anticipated in the following categories: authorship 5048 Lake Shore Road studies, concordances, data bases, education, input- Hamburg, New York 14075 output, language-oriented studies, lexicography, liter- ary statistics, metrics, quantitative linguistics, software, A dollar bill makes the inquirer a member of the U. S. stylistic analysis, and textual criticism. The program Committee for COLING 80. will include sight-seeing, an Elizabethan Feast: and Sra. Nicoletta Calzolari, C.N.U.C.E., 36 via Santa demonstrations of text processing. Maria, 56100 Pisa, Italy, is European secretary. Pro- For further information contact: fessor Nagao's address is Department of Electrical Dr. J.L. Dawson Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Secretary, 1980 Symposium Literary and Linguistic Computing Centre First International Workshop on Natural Sidgwick Site Communication with Computers to be Cambridge CB3 9DA, ENGLAND Held in Warsaw The Institute of Informatics of Warsaw University Introduction to Computing in the Humanities is organizing the First International Workshop on Nat- The next ALLC Summer School, in the series or- ural Communication with Computers, to take place ganized by Mrs. Susan Hockey, has been scheduled to September 9-12, 1980, in Warsaw, Poland. The aim take place at the University College of Wales, Abery- of the Workshop is to present recent advances in stwyth, April 14-19, 1980. The subject of the Summer man/computer natural communication, with three main School will be "Introduction to Computing in the Hu- topic areas: Man/computer Communication Systems in manities." The major element in the course is pro- Natural Written Text (question answering systems, gramming in SNOBOL4, together with the use of con- natural language data base access, etc.), Speech Com- cordance and information retrieval packages. Informa- munication with Computers (speech understanding tion may be obtained from: systems, digital synthesis of speech, speaker recogni- Mr. G.V. Appleton tion, etc.), and Digital Image Processing Systems. Computer Unit There will be invited papers suitable for 60-minute Llandinam Building presentation, regular papers suitable for 35-minute University College of Wales presentation (with acceptance based on a 3-page, de- Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 2AX, Wales, UK tailed summary due February 15), and short communi- cations suitable for 10-15 minute presentation (with Third National Conference of Canadian Society acceptance based on a 1 or 2-page summary, possible for Computational Studies of Intelligence in the course of the Workshop). All accepted papers The Third National Conference of the Canadian will be published in the Proceedings. The official lan- Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence will guage of the Workshop is English. 52 American Journal of Computational Linguistics, Volume 6, Number 1, January-March 1980 The FINITE STRING Newsletter Announcements be held in Victoria, British Columbia, on May 14-16, Sten-Ake T~rnlund 1980, in cooperation with the Canadian Man- Department of Computer Science Computer Communications Society, the Canadian University of Stockholm Image Processing and Recognition Society, the Canadi- 106 91 Stockholm, SWEDEN an
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