E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1998 No. 124 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. WELCOMING FATHER TOM ment which has lasted longer than any The Reverend Thomas Pappalas, Sts. PAPPALAS other Constitution in the modern Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox (Mr. HOLDEN asked and was given world. Church, Reading, Pennsylvania, offered permission to address the House for 1 They created a framework of self- the following prayer: minute and to revise and extend his re- government with balanced rules, and Let us pray. Almighty God and Cre- marks.) they determined once and for all that ator, guide, I pray, all the nations and Mr. HOLDEN. Mr. Speaker, I would the age of kings was over; that all men their leaders in the ways of justice and like to thank you and Reverend Ford and women are under the law. None is peace. Protect us all from the evils of for allowing my constituent, Father above it and none is below it, and all injustice, prejudice, hatred, terrorism, Tom Pappalas, the pastor of Sts. Con- deserve the protection of a free judici- conflict and war. Father, bless this Na- stantine & Helen Greek Orthodox ary within the rule of law which is es- tion and this Nation's people and unite Church in Reading, Pennsylvania, to tablished through a pattern of free us in the making and sharing of weap- offer the opening prayer this morning. speech and free elections. ons of peace, helping us to combat ig- My predecessor, who served in this I just thought today was a good day norance, poverty, disease and oppres- body with honor and distinction for 24 for all of us to remember that we are sion. Bless our President, William Jef- years, Gus Yatron, is one of Father the heirs to a great tradition, and it is ferson Clinton, our national leaders, Tom's parishioners. our job to safeguard that tradition to and most especially the men and Father Tom is truly a spiritual lead- give our children the constitutional women gathered this day. Heavenly Fa- er in Berks County. He has twice liberties we have known. ther, guide them and fill them with served as president of the Berks Coun- f Your Holy Spirit. Help them to be wise, ty Clergy Association. Father Tom was ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER just and compassionate in the fulfilling born in Chicago, Illinois and served in PRO TEMPORE of their responsibilities. And, Lord, the United States Navy from 1969 to bless us all, forgive us our sins, and 1971. He graduated from Hellenic Col- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. have mercy on our souls. Dear Lord, we lege in 1978 and Holy Cross School of LAHOOD). The Chair announces there give thanks and glory to You, forever Theology in 1981. He and his wife Ann will be 15 1-minutes per side. and ever, to the ages of ages. Amen. are the proud parents of three children, f and I thank Father Tom for his spir- f DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN COMMIT- itual guidance this morning. TEE WILL FUND NO CANDIDATE f THE JOURNAL WHO INITIATES PERSONAL AT- TACKS ON OPPONENTS The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- REMEMBERING THE 211TH ANNI- ined the Journal of the last day's pro- VERSARY OF THE SIGNING OF (Mr. FROST asked and was given per- ceedings and announces to the House THE CONSTITUTION OF THE mission to address the House for 1 his approval thereof. UNITED STATES minute and to revise and extend his re- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- (Mr. GINGRICH asked and was given marks.) nal stands approved. permission to address the House for 1 Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, this morn- minute and to revise and extend his re- ing I am joining with my colleague, the f marks.) gentleman from Georgia (Mr. JOHN LIN- Mr. GINGRICH. I wanted to share DER), the chairman of the Republican PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE with my colleagues that this is the Campaign Committee. I serve as chair- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman 211th anniversary of the signing of the man of the Democratic Campaign Com- from Minnesota (Mr. GUTKNECHT) come Constitution of the United States. I mittee. We are announcing a policy of forward and lead the House in the think all of us should pause and reflect the two committees. Pledge of Allegiance. on that. The level of public discourse in this Mr. GUTKNECHT led the Pledge of Over 200 years ago, a relatively small country right now cannot continue at Allegiance as follows: group of the Founding Fathers, led by the depth that it has fallen to. While I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the George Washington, whose portrait we cannot control what goes on outside United States of America, and to the Repub- hangs here, by Jefferson, Adams, Madi- this Chamber, the Democratic Congres- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, son, Hamilton, Franklin, 55 people met sional Campaign Committee and our indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. in Philadelphia. They drafted a docu- Republican counterpart will not fund b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7925 . H7926 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 17, 1998 any Democratic candidate who initi- minute and to revise and extend his re- are suffering from extremely low ates an attack on the personal private marks.) prices. life of an opponent in the coming elec- Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, in these And I would like to inform the Con- tion. The Democratic Congressional troubled times, many good things by gress as to what the response from this Campaign Committee will fire any em- good people are still being done. As a administration has been. It is a typical ployee who initiates an attack on the Cardinals' fan and an Illinoisan, I sa- liberal Democrat response. Secretary personal private life of an opponent in lute the exploits of Mark McGwire and Glickman gets together with the Presi- this election. Sammy Sosa. They have raced up the dent and decides the answer is to raise f hill of baseball history with honor and taxes on farmers. REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN COMMIT- dignity. They are to be commended. All we have to do is look at the budg- TEE WILL FUND NO CANDIDATE My hometown hero, Tim Farneris, re- et and there are $573 million of new WHO INITIATES PERSONAL AT- trieved Big Mac's 62nd home run. Giv- taxes on livestock farmers in the Presi- TACKS ON OPPONENTS ing up a $1 million bonanza, he re- dent's budget. This is the kind of re- turned the ball to McGwire. For Tim sponse this administration has to a (Mr. LINDER asked and was given and his older brother Tino, the game is farm crisis, is to raise taxes on farm- permission to address the House for 1 a moment in their lives that they will ers? When will this Congress wake up minute and to revise and extend his re- never forget. Tim's mother Rita says and find out that we have got to help marks.) she believes her son could one day be a these people, not bring the normal an- Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, I want to millionaire, but not without earning it. swer from the liberal Democrats and join with my colleague from Texas (Mr. I agree with her 100 percent, and want tax and tax more. FROST) in saying that the despicable The well is dry. Our farmers are act yesterday against the gentleman her to know that he is well on his way by earning our respect and admiration broke. Let us try to help them, not de- from Illinois (Mr. HENRY HYDE), one of the most decent men who has ever by simply doing the right thing. Thank stroy them. served in this body, has brought this you, Tim. f entire discussion of public discourse to f MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ARE NOT a new low. CONGRESS SHOULD HONOR SOCIAL ON TRIAL Private lives, unrelated to policy or SECURITY COMMITMENTS AL- unrelated to public involvement in pol- (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was READY MADE BEFORE MAKING given permission to address the House itics, is simply off limits, and the Re- NEW PROMISES publican Campaign Committee will not for 1 minute and to revise and extend fund any candidate in America who en- (Mr. MENENDEZ asked and was his remarks.) gages in bringing personal aspects, un- given permission to address the House Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, first related to policy, of any opponent's life for 1 minute and to revise and extend there was the gentleman from Indiana out in the open. his remarks.) (Mr. DAN BURTON), then the gentleman We both have agreed that responding Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, all from Pennsylvania (Mr. PAUL is acceptable, but initiating a personal year Democrats have been trying to MCHALE), now our great chairman, the attack on anybody running for office is save Social Security, and all year Re- gentleman from Illinois (Mr. HENRY simply off limits. We are going to soon publicans have been trying to raid it. HYDE). have no one of any stature willing to The proof is in our budgets. The Re- Let us tell it like it is. The same put themselves through this wringer, publican-passed budget did not include White House that destroyed Billy Dale, and it is sad for America.
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