.. * Workers will strike on Monday and Tuesday if bases are not moved · inside today * POLICE. UPROAR. OVER DOCUMENT Swoop ~noffices of The Namibian .to· confiscate copies STAFF REPORTER P.OLICE are in uproar about a document apparently 'leaked' from their offices. Colonel Willem Nel of the Security Police, and Colonel Harry Homann, the police legal affairs officer, swooped on the offices of The Nami­ bian yesterday midday, to confiscate the document in . order to investigate the niatter. Although neither the document, nor copies of it, are presently in our posses­ sion, it sets out·a draft law for the maintenance of law and order in Namibia, and allocates sweeping powers to the Police Commissioner. Colonels Nel and Homann said they Namibia, the document provides for had been informed that the sweeping powers to prohibit meetings, newspaper's editor, Gwen Lister, had' prohibit people from attending a copy of the document, and demand­ meetings, and to declare certain peo­ ed the said papers for the purposes of ple as affected persons. investigation. They said that although Wide indemnity is provided in the they wou~d not like to do so, they could police document for any civil servant invoke thl\ prQvi.aiMs of A.G 9 and . (whether they be polka. ~lllY. -'ll:... ....-:- _~..,.,..~ . search both the offices of The Nami­ terim government member), and bian as well as Lister's home, if the members ofthe public are prevented document was not handed over. from taking legal action against any The only copy in the newspaper's ofthe above .. po'ssession was then handed to the The proposed draft law provided that police, and Lister declined to answer ' offences in terms of this draft are questions as to how or when it had punishable by a fine ofR20 000 or ten come into her possession. years imprisonment. Various things Lister in turn inquired about the are determined as 'offences'; one con­ status of the document in question, cerns the disruption ofeducational in­ and was informed that it had· been stitutions. In terms of this document "confidential at the time ofthe leak", it would also be an offence to under­ but that the police officers would mine or discredit conscription. return later to inform her of further ' The police also expressed cOJ?cern developments. about the fact that people were able to At the time of going to press, the of­ hold meetings and mobilise others in ficers had not yet returned. the manner that they chose. The police As far as c'an be recalled, the docu­ further 'motivated' the draft law by ment itseifis presumably a draft law saying radicals were even using the prepared for the National Assembly, courts and the press to try and apparently by the police, for the capitalise on the watering-down of cer­ maintenance oflaw and order in this tain legislation. country, and makes provision for ex­ A legal source, when told about the tensive and sweeping powers to the proposed draft law, said it was in com­ Commissioner of the SWA Police. plete conflict with most of the basic It further provides for orders pro­ rights contained in the Bill of Rights THE NAMIBIA National Students Organisation (Nanso) held a public rally in Katutura last hibiting freedom of movement and the and therefore would probably be declaration of certain areas all no-go struck down by the courts if ever ap­ weekend to announce a campaign of 'positive action' in view of the present Widespread school zones. The document even makes pro­ plied. He further expressed surprise at boycott situa.tion. Pictured at the rally, a woman holding -aloft a Nanso banner. vision for the temporary closure of any the 'arrogance' of those who would business or enterprise without giving legislate against people trying to any person effected by such an order, change existing security legislation, the opportunity to be heard. because these people includedjudges, I COMPANIES REACT TO BOYCOTT CALL INSIDE In addition, in what would seem to many of the legal profession and even I be a virtual 'state of emergency' for members of the National Assembly. Cahinet reeords its 'aehievements' 'OUR TERRITORY FORCE CAN DEAL WITH ANYBODY'· MATJILA THE interim -government said in a statement released late are coming to understand that they and local elections before the end of return home, and everybody comes to yester day that its single most important priority was the pro­ have been misled:' said the Cabinet this year:' . recognise that the independence of motion of national reconciliation in Namibia. In the five-page statement. On the agreement between the USA SWAlNamibia can only be achieved statement , which recorded the interim government's Mr Matjila went on to &llythat the in­ and Soviet Union on a formula leading through peaceful reconciliation bet­ terim government had "made progress to independence,. Mr Matjila said the ween all the citizens ofthe country, the 'achievements' over the past three years, it was also said that with the constitutional debate, despite interim government regretted "the at­ better:' he said. the "programme s" initiated by the Oabinet were "all steps on t he frustrations and setbacks tempt by Cuba and Fapla to exploit this the road to independence and n ational self-determmation". He stressed that the interiIn gove.rn- . associated with aJ.l attempt to reach situation -and possibly sabotage the ment had "no intention of allowing "The Cabinet is determined that this couraging students and workers to consensus". prospect of agreement a nd in­ events to slip out of our control". country will achieve independence in strike because of events in South "Great strides have been made in the dependence -by rnoving forces into the "The TGNU is unanimous that law a position to derive real benefit from its Africa." past several weeks, however, and a Cunene province of Angola". and order will be maintained. The political freedom:' said the statement. "The good sense of the great majori­ comprehensive set of proposals ... will . "We can assure all SWAINamibians, government will not hesitate to deploy Signed by Cabinet chairman, Mr An­ ty of the citizens of this country has be made known within the nexfseveral however, that the '.I'erritory Force is its security forces against instigators drew Mutjila, the statement added: meant that these attempts have met weeks_" . more than capable of dealing with any and intimidators in order to protect . "There are some who have tried to pre­ with little support, and even those who Mr Matjila said: "We trust that we threat which may possibly bepos~d by law-abiding citizens:'. vent our success in these areas, by en- have been tricked into participating shall be in a position to hold regional these forces. The sooner the Cubans - { , " ' , .. , 2 Friday June 17 1988 THE NAMIBIAN Mystery surrounds death of gunman ------------------------BYCHRISSHIPANGA-----------------------­ MYSTERY SURROUNDS the bined School. Both were reported- went to the village and found the reported death in detention of 1y shot and killed in cold blood at "suspect" being held by residents. a gunman believed to be an their home, after which the killer . He said N gholondjo also admi t­ agent of the police counter~ made off with an unspecified ted to him that he had killed the insurgency unit (Koevoet) in a amount of money. couple, but refused to divulge any police cell at Ondangwa this Confirming the death of information as to where he had week. Ngholondjo in detention, Detec­ hidden the rifle and camouflage While the death of the man, tive Mathews said that N gholon­ uniform used during the incident. Teofelus N gholondjo, was on Tues­ djo had "cut or torn a piece of his Mr Shivute said that while still day confirmed by detective blanket, and hanged himself in questioning the gunman, a Silvanus Mathews from On­ his ceW' policeman, by the name ofInspec­ dangwa to a spokesman from the The policeman also said that he tor Blaauw, suddenly arrived and office of the Ovambo Administra­ was conducting the interrogation took the man away, apparently to tion' in the presence of this of the "suspect;' and that he (the the police cells at Ondangwa. reporter, SWA Police head­ suspect), had admitted killing the It was at the police station dur­ quarters in Windhoek flatly couple. ing the following day that Detec­ denied the report. Several residents ofthe far north tive Mathews informed Mr Residents of the Omundundu also confirmed the ·news about the· Shivute about the death in deten­ village in northern Namibia have death in detention, while one com­ tion ofNgholondjo. accused Ngholondjo of mas­ munity leader said that he had Inspector Blaauw refused to querading as a Swapo fighter, and seen Ngholondjo's corpse "with comment or to confirm the inci­ of murdering a young couple from his own eyes" on Tuesday. dent, referring this newspaper to the village on June 8, this year. Police in Windhoek earlier con­ the SWA Police headquarters in The slain couple, Mr Issai firmed that the couple were shot Windhoek, saying: "Our liaison Kuliwoye, 34, and his wife Mrs An­ and killed, but added that "Swapo division can decide whether this nah Kuliwoye, 29, were both terrorists were responsible". matter can be given to the media. teachers at the Omundundu Com- According to the police at that I have already sent down my NGHOLONDJO pictured when he was held by residents of Omundun· time, two armed men in reports to Windhoek, and have no du after the shooting of a couple. camouflaged uniforms suddenly comment at this stage." arrived in the village and opened A 16-year-old pupil, Hilia fire on inhabitants before fleeing Haifene, who lived in the house across the Angolan border.
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