Official Export Credit Agencies – Organismes de credit à l’exportation Below are the internet links to the ECAs involved in the work of the Export Credit Group (ECG) / Ci-dessous les liens aux OCE impliqués dans les travaux du Groupe sur les credits à l’exportation (GCE) Country / Name of the agency / Nom de l’agence Internet link / lien internet Pays Australia / Export Finance Australia https://www.exportfinance.gov.au/ Australie Austria / Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (OeKB) http://www.oekb.at Autriche Belgium / Credendo https://www.credendo.com/ Belgique Canada/ Export Development Canada (EDC) http://www.edc.ca Canada Colombia / Colombian foreign trade promotion bank https://www.bancoldex.com/en/ Colombie (Bancoldex) Czech Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation http://www.egap.cz Republic / (EGAP) République tchèque Czech Export Bank http://www.ceb.cz Denmark / Eksport Kredit Fonden (EKF) http://www.ekf.dk Danemark Estonia / KredEx http://kredex.ee/en/ Estonie Finland / Finnvera http://www.finnvera.fi Finlande France / http://www.bpifrance.fr/Qui-sommes-nous/Nos- Bpifrance Assurance Export France metiers/International2/Assurance-Export Germany / Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft https://www.agaportal.de/en Allemagne Greece / Export Credit Insurance Organisation (ECIO) http://www.oaep.gr Grèce Hungarian Export-Import Bank Plc. (Eximbank) Hungary / and http://www.exim.hu/en/ Hongrie Hungarian Export Credit Insurance Plc. (MEHIB) Israel / The Israel Export Insurance Corp. Ltd. (ASHRA) http://www.ashra.gov.il/eng Israël Italy / SACE and https://www.sacesimest.it/homepage Italie SIMEST Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI) https://www.nexi.go.jp/en/ Japan / Japon Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) http://www.jbic.go.jp Korea Trade Insurance Corporation (K-SURE) https://www.ksure.or.kr/en/index.do Korea / Corée The Export-Import Bank of Korea (KEXIM) http://www.koreaexim.go.kr Official Export Credit Agencies – Organismes de credit à l’exportation Page | 1 https://www.oecd.org/trade/topics/export-credits/documents/links-of-official-export-credit-agencies.pdf Official Export Credit Agencies – Organismes de credit à l’exportation Country / Name of the agency / Nom de l’agence Internet link / lien internet Pays Latvia / Development Finance Institution Altum (JSC) https://www.altum.lv/en/ Lettonie Lithunia / Investicijų ir veslo garantijos“ (INVEGA) https://invega.lt/en Lituanie Luxembourg/ Office du Ducroire (ODL) http://odl.lu/ Luxembourg Mexico / Banco National de Comercio Exterior https://www.bancomext.com/ Mexique Netherlands / Atradius Dutch State Business (Atradius) https://atradiusdutchstatebusiness.nl/en/ Pays Bas New Zealand/ Nouvelle- Export Credit Office (ECO) https://exportcredit.treasury.govt.nz/ Zélande Norway / Export Finance Norway (Eksfin) http://www.eksfin.no/en/ Norvège Poland / Korporacja Ubezpieczén Kredytów Eksportowych http://www.kuke.com.pl Pologne (KUKE) Portugal / Companhia de Seguro de Créditos http://www.cosec.pt Portugal Slovak Republic / Export-Import Bank of the Slovak Republic http://www.eximbanka.sk République (Eximbanka SR) slovaque Slovenia / Slovenska izvozna in razvojna banka, d.d. (SID) http://www.sid.si/home Slovénie Spain / Compañía Española de Seguros de Crédito a la http://www.cesce.es Espagne Exportación (CESCE) Exportkreditnämnden (EKN) http://www.ekn.se Sweden / Suède AB Svensk Exportkredit (SEK) http://www.sek.se/en Switzerland / Swiss Export Risk Insurance (SERV) http://www.serv-ch.com Suisse Turkey / Export Credit Bank of Turkey (Türk Eximbank) http://www.eximbank.gov.tr Turquie United https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/uk- Kingdom / UK Export Finance (UKEF) export-finance Royaume-Uni United States/ Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM http://www.exim.gov Etats-Unis Bank) Last updated 6 July 2021 / Dernière mise à jour le 6 juillet 2021 Official Export Credit Agencies – Organismes de credit à l’exportation Page | 2 https://www.oecd.org/trade/topics/export-credits/documents/links-of-official-export-credit-agencies.pdf .
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