WhatCanBeFoundInWater? For Those with Special Health Concerns Charter Township of Northville Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants beexpectedtocontainatleastsmallamountsofsome in drinking water than the general population. Immuno- 2020 Consumer Annual Report On Water Quality contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not compromised persons such as persons with cancer necessarilyindicatethatwaterposesahealthrisk.More undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone information about contaminants and potential health effects organtransplants,peoplewithHIV/AIDSorotherimmune canbeobtainedbycallingtheEnvironmentalProtection system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426-4791. particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. Thesourcesofdrinkingwater(bothtapandbottledwater) EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the WheredoesourWaterComeFrom? includerivers,lakes,streams,ponds,reservoirs,springsand risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through contaminantsareavailablefromtheSafeDrinkingWater Your source water comes from the Detroit River, situated the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and, in Hotline (800) 426-4791. If present, elevated levels of lead within the Lake St. Clair, Clinton River, Detroit River, Rouge some cases, radioactive material and can pick up substances can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant River, Ecorse River, watersheds in the U.S. and parts of the resultingfromthepresenceofanimalsorfromhumanactivity. women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily Thames River, Little River, Turkey Creek and Sydenham frommaterialsandcomponentsassociatedwithservicelines watersheds in Canada. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality in partnership with the U.S. Geological Contaminants that may be present in source water include: and home plumbing. Northville Township is responsible for Survey, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, and providing high quality drinking water, but cannot control The Northville Township Water and Sewer Department the Michigan Public Health Institute performed a source • Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, the variety of materials used in plumbing components. distributes approximately 1.0 billion gallons of water water assessment in 2004 to determine the susceptibility of which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic Whenyourwaterhasbeensittingforseveralhours,youcan every year to over 12,300 households with 160 miles of GLWA’s Detroit River source water for potential systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. minimizethepotentialforleadexposurebyflushingyourtap water main. Drinking water quality is important to our contamination. The susceptibility rating is based on a seven- • Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, for30secondsto2minutesbeforeusingwaterfordrinking community and the region. Northville Township and the tiered scale and ranges from very low to very high whichcanbenaturallyoccurringorresultfromurban orcooking.Ifyouareconcernedaboutleadinyourwater, Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) are committed to determined primarily using geologic sensitivity, water storm water runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater youmaywishtohaveyourwatertested.Informationonlead meeting state and federal water quality standards chemistry, and potential contaminant sources. The report discharges,oilandgasproduction,miningorfarming. indrinkingwater,testingmethods,andstepsyoucantaketo including the Lead and Copper Rule. With the Great described GLWA’s Detroit River intakes as highly susceptible minimizeexposureisavailablefromtheSafeDrinkingWater Lakes as our water source and proven treatment to potential contamination. However, all four GLWA water • Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a Hotline or at http://www.epa.gov/safewater/lead. technologies, the GLWA consistently delivers safe treatment plants service the city of Detroit and draw water varietyofsourcessuchasagriculture,urbanstorm drinking water to our community. Northville Township from the Detroit River have historically provided satisfactory water runoff, and residential uses. operates the system of water mains that carry this water treatment and meet drinking water standards. GLWA has • Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally to your home’s service line. This year’s Water Quality initiated source-water protection activities that include Cryptosporidium chemical containment, spill response, and a mercury occurringorbetheresultofoilandgasproductionand Report highlights the performance of GLWA and reduction program. GLWA participates in the National mining activities. Northville Township's water professionals in delivering GLWAvoluntarilymonitorsforCryptosporidiumandGiardiain some of the nation’s best drinking water. Together, we Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit discharge • Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and our untreated source water monthly. The March 2018 untreated remain committed to protecting public health and program and has an emergency response management plan. volatileorganics,whichareby-productsofindustrial water samples collected from the Belle Isle intake indicated maintaining open communication with the public about In 2016, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality processes and petroleum production, and can also come the presence of one Giardia cyst. All other samples collected our drinking water. approved the GLWA Surface Water Intake Protection fromgasstations,urbanstormwaterrunoffandseptic fromtheBelleIsleintakeintheyear2018wereabsentfor Northville Township and the Great Lakes Water Program plan. The programs include seven elements that systems. thepresenceofCryptosporidiumandGiardia.Systemsusing Authority are committed to safeguarding our water include the following: roles and duties of government units surfacewaterlikeGLWAmustprovidetreatmentsothat99.9 supply and delivering the highest quality drinking water and water supply agencies, delineation of a source water to protect public health. For a paper copy of this report protection areas, identification of potential sources of Inordertoensurethattapwaterissafetodrink,EPA percent of Giardia lamblia is removed or inactivated. or if you have any questions or concerns about your contamination, management approaches for protection, prescribesregulationswhichlimittheamountofcertain water please contact us at (248)348-5800. contingency plans, siting of new water sources, public contaminantsinwaterprovidedbypublicwatersystems. Cryptosporidium is a microbial pathogen found in surface participation and public education activities. If you would like TheFoodandDrugAdministration(FDA)regulationsestablish water throughout the U.S. Although filtration removes to know more information about the Source Water limitsforcontaminantsinbottledwater,whichmustprovide Cryptosporidium, the most commonly used filtration methods Assessment please contact GLWA at 313-926-8102. thesameprotectionforpublichealth. cannotguarantee100percentremoval.Ourmonitoring indicatesthepresenceoftheseorganismsinoursource water. Current test methods do not allow us to determine if the Household Hazardous Waste Program Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring organismsaredeadoriftheyarecapableofcausingdisease. Ingestion of Cryptosporidium may cause cryptosporidiosis, an Wayne County has a number of Household Hazardous Waste drop-off events in 2021. For information on how to dispose of UnregulatedcontaminantsarethoseforwhichtheEPAhas abdominal infection. Symptoms of infection include nausea, these hazardous materials, please check our website at www.twp.northville.mi.us not established drinking water standards. Monitoring helps diarrhea,andabdominalcramps.Mosthealthyindividualscan theEPAtodeterminewherecertaincontaminantsoccurand overcome thediseasewithinafewweeks.However,immuno- 2021 Shred It Event At this time, the 2021 Shred It Event date has not been determined. For updates on these and other event, visit our website whether it needs to regulate those contaminants. Beginning compromisedpeople,infantsandsmallchildren,andthe at www.twp.northville.mi.us for more information. inJulyof2008,theDetroitWaterandSewerageDepartment elderly are at greater risk of developing life-threatening illness. (DWSD)beganmonitoringquarterlyforunregulated We encourage immuno-compromised individuals to consult contaminants under the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring theirdoctorregardingappropriateprecautionstotaketoavoid Rule2(UCMR2.)AlltheUCMR2contaminantsmonitoredon infection. Cryptosporidium must be ingested to cause disease, List 1 and List 2 in 2010 were undetected. and it may be spread through means other than drinking water. 4 Northvillle Spring 19 newsletter.indd 1 3/28/19 9:52 AM Springwells Water Treatment Plant 2020 Regulated Detected Contaminants Table 2020 Inorganic Chemicals - Monitoring at Plant Finished Water Tap Health Allowed Highest Regulated Test Range of Major Sources in Drinking Unit Goal Level Level Violation Contaminant Date Detection Water MCLG MCL Detected Erosion of natural deposit; Water additive, which promotes strong Fluoride 3-10-2020 ppm 4 4 0.63 n/a no teeth; Discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories. Runoff from fertilizer use; Leaching Nitrate 3-10-2020 ppm
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