PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., Oct. 17, 1974 Outing Club To Form Plans for organizing a Others attending the meeting Juan Sanchez, director of the ila n rlff tfr lEumha Heralb Manchester Outing Club will be 0 will be Tim Badger, assistant E d U jg jJ" '' Environm ental discussed tonight at 7 p.m. at the Center for Environmental town recreational director, and Refreshments will be served. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1974 - VOL. XCIV, No. 16 Education (Oak Grove Nature lOURS (|»% a Manchester—A City of Village Charm t w e n t y -f o u r p a g e s - t w o s e c t i o n s Center). PRICEi f if t e e n c e n t s Anyone from 14 years of age on up is invited to attend. TRADl tN YOUR OLD SET Steven Fish, specialist in out­ door recreation and education FOR A BRAND NEW J975 Coloiful (p® with the town recreation 100% SOLID STATE COLOR TV department, said adults are specially urged to attend. Watergate Narrative Continues Fish describes tonight’s SPECIAL MUM room rigged with earphones so all could wouldn’t go to jail for the rest of his life.’’ voice talked to Dean on the day of the meeting as a “talk-up” where TRADE NOW! WASHINGTON (UPI) - John W. Dean such items as finances, what CHOOSE FROM III testified today that Charles W. Colson hear. ’Then Dean told of a Jan. 5, 1973 White original Watergate indictments. He said “Jerry has got to lead” — meaning that the club can offer, what people CONSOLES told him he had discussed clemency for During the March 21 meeting, Dean House corridor conversation with Colson, gave Nixon the details of the Watergate who had hired Hunt. then House Republican Leader Gerald R. want to do, the possibility of PORTABLES the original Watergate defendants with President Richard M. Nixon in January, cover-up and warned, “We have a cancer Dean quoted Colson as saying, “John, I Ford should try to head off a House in­ President clinics on backpacking and COMBINATIONS climbing, and trips can be dis­ 1973. — within — close to the presidency....” felt this matter was so serious... ’This was vestigation. Mrs. Louise Spiro of 44 IN PINE, OAK, 4.19 Reg. $1.59 • $1.89 Dean, former White House counsel and a matter I felt I had to take up with the cussed. In his third day on the stand at the Marshall Rd. recently was MAPLE, PECAN, 10 for $9.99 Beautiful, Colorfid. Nixon’s chief accuser, testified today President himself.” Watergate cover-up trial of five former As the tape of Nixon’s Sept. 15,1972 con­ elected president of Ben Ezra WALNUT FINISHES Nixon associates. Dean continued his about the problems White House aides had Chief trial prosecutor James F. Neal Chapter of B’nai B’rith. She with original Watergate defendants E. asked Dean if Colson told him he actually versation with Dean and White House narrative of alleg^ cover-up activities in chief of staff H.R. Haldeman was played succeeds Mrs. Michelle MANCHESTER CURTIS MATHES late 1972 and early 1973. Howard Hunt Jr. and James W. McCord took it up with the President. every person in the silent courtroom — the Leverant. HOSPITAL ^ Tapes To Be Played Jr. “Yes, he did,” Dean said. Other elected officers are Hunt Distraught Dean’s testimony was identical to that jury, presiding Judge John J. Sirica, the It was believed tapes of Dean’s conver­ five defendants, their lawyers, reporters Gladys Nadel, vice president of NOTES sations with Nixon on March 17 and March Dean said Hunt was distraught over the he gave at the Senate Watergate hearings events; Gayle Rappaport, vice June 25, 1973. and the 100 persons in the audience — wore 21,1973, would be played at the trial later death of his wife in an airplane crash and large earphones. * president of membership; wanted to plead guilty if he could get YEAR in the day. The first secret White House ’The jury and audience at Thursday’s The jury and reporters had transcripts Laura Gardnier, vice president Discharged Tuesday; Arleen “some assurance from the White House he GUARANTEE tapes were played Thursday in a court­ session listened as Nixon’s tape-recorded to follow the conversation more easily. of fund raising; Nina Kay, Welesky, Warehouse Point; TULIP BULBS CROCUS BULBS 100% PARTS Extra Larga ASSORTS financial secretary; Fran Diana Bray, East Hartford; ■ 25 Pof Only , DAFFODILS’ , Alan: Hyacinth, Madonna, Ullaa, Goldstein, recording secretary; Mary Jones, 16 Oliver Rd.; OMIT * each Sclllaa, Dutch Ida, ate. 1 0 * 1.59 Paula Weinreb, corresponding Catherine Allen, 25C Forest St.; ONLY 1S‘ aach secretary; Arlene Hoffman, Michelle Rossomangno, 71 PANSY SPECIAL Steele Aecuses Opponent Of Using Hysteria P M Howl HANSINB POTS, reg. $9,95, Indorrs or Out treasurer. Regan St., Rockville; Albert YEAR For color this fall, and iraxt aummar; j Thi$ tf'eelt'g Speciah Extra Large Size NOW ONLY S8.48 Committee chairmen are Harrison, 48 McKinley St.; GUARANTEE all coloral SREENFIELO UWN FOOD JENNin J-16 DRIVEWAY SEAUR 10,000 sq.ft............... * 9.95 Phyllis Goldblatt, donor; Bea Bennett Warburton, East Hart­ 80 plaiU. Mlj S1.89 Praaarva Your Driveway HARTFORD (UPI) — Republican “What started as a political gambit by $47.7 million rate hike for its two Connec­ effect, and as much as $5 a barrel more 100% PICTURE TUBE Wa ORTHO SHOW UWN FOOD Snyder, Hillel; Richy Kahan, ford; Phyllis Kennedy, 256 E. Faatura Tha FInaal In 8 gallons S8.30 Mrs. Grasso to win votes by screaming at ticut subsidiaries last week, has disclosed UNDSCAPE MATERIALS Covers 12,000 sq. ft. gubernatorial contender Robert H. Steele than utilities in such states as Mississippi Anti-Defamation League; Middle Tpke.; Beverly Walsh, Gyptum, LInw A Qrandutar Lima Reg. $10,95 _ _ said today his opponent, Democrat Ella T. the public utilities has now taken an ugly it is laying off several hundred workers pay. 88 Hilltop Dr. • Cotnosttr Special 3 ft. high NOW O N L Y ......... , 9 . 9 5 turn for the economy,’’ he said. and is delaying construction projects to Rachel Singer, community af­ • JifimM M; • lepaiese Ten FORSYTHIA $3.38 (3 lor $9.98) Grasso is using fear and hysteria over Mrs. Grasso backed a legal challenge to • Mpen HOBSARD-HAU UWN A special legislative session to consider build more plants. fairs; Marcia Weinstein, Also, Carol Farnham, 1488 • Emtdi ad SPECIAL ON and PLANT FOOD utility rate hikes to win votes. the Northeast Utilities rate hike which remembrances; Caroline Sullivan Ave., South Windsor; YEAR M e a i M y HARDY PERENNIALS Steele told newsmen that Mrs. Grasso’s his package of 11 bills to deal wjth utility Fuel Price Suit resulted in a temporary injunction rolling For flowers, vegetables, Cloutier, sunshine; and Linda Ervin Graham, Box 528, RFD 4, GUARANTEE •NdaPtat Z O p ta n ts ............................$1.89 shrubs; feed them now - approach of getting court action to block rates doesn’t appear to be realistic before Steele said his lawsuit filed in U.S. back most of the increase pending further • SW i mi • tzileis munnexs. Goodstein, publicity. Bolton; Angelina Natalie, W. onusii musss, cmlimm the last time _ - _ _ rate hikes not only fails to get at the root the elections, Steele said, but he believes District Court Sept. 23 is challenging the litigation. 100% SHOP LABOR flan t im Trees • HI Larel n * CMMTNIB. SNEn HILIWS, ETC M«»..............................*4.88 Mrs. Gloria Schaefer, Center St.; Colleen Culleton, NOMINAL TRIP CHARGE AFTER M DAYS • freead Cerer • neaerini SlnAi of the problem but threatens thousands of it can be held immediately afterwards. Federal Energy Administration’s failure Steele said despite his $100 contribution secretary of state, will speak at 185 Green Rd.; Vivian jobs. Mrs. Grasso has failed to get at the to establish a nationwide average fuel limit for his campaign, he has raised a the next meeting of the chapter Brousseau, 92 Merline Rd., Ver­ The Republican candidate said Mrs. basic problem affecting utility rates — the price. total of $242,000 from 8,200 contributors, on Oct. 23 at Temple Beth non; Diane Gorneau, East TRADE NOW! FEED TOUR UWNI Grasso’s belter skelter approach will have high cost of fuel oil Connecticut utilities Connecticut utilities must pay $3.14 an all time record and more than twice as Sholom. This meeting is open to Hartford. NOW’S THE REST TIME , what he called “enormous consequences must pay, Steele said. more per barrel of fuel oil than they would many who contributed to the Democratic (i)ioodlDUuL GARDENS Sava on SeotP Products the public. Also: Qraanllald, Ortho,; that were never dreamed of.” Northeast Utilities, which was granted a if the national average price were in campaign. Some of the chapter’s future FKEE DELIVERY Hubbtrd-Htll and Disputes Weicker' In Septem ber, 1963, the Mllorganlta activities under discussion are FREE IHSTALtATlOH Let Us Help You With Your Lawn and Plant Problems Steele disputed a claim by Sen. Lowell a Tay-Sachs disease testing Port Authority began work SEE LEON, PHIL or JOHN P. Weicker, R-Conn., Thursday night that center, a forum discussion by on a $400 million project to vmi FREE SERVICE TO rvi^ioN M Am iAsm 273 WEST MIDDLE the Republican party is broke. But he said three rabbis representing make Newark Airport the ^ 6 9 W O O D L A N D ST.. M A N C H EST ER _______ 643-8474 Group Projects Revenue Gap it is an extremely difficult year to raise Miss Keller Recognized orthodox, conservative and newest, most improved air NEXT 70 STOP t SHOP MANCHESTER EXIT 92 1-86 funds.
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