‘-rf! ’r t * — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1987 HOMES L0T8/LMID CARS CARS R M S M i FOR SALE FDR SALE FM 8 A LE Storms; Death toll across U S. at 73 / page 5 Weak?: Jkzz see MANCHESTER. New list­ MANCHESTER. Unique CHEVELLE 1972 for MAZDA 626 LX 19S5. ing. Immaculate 8 find. Lightly wooded ports. Coll between Mint, loaded, 5 speed. nothing wrong with room Cope that offers 4 building lot In one of 9am-Spm. 646-3084. 87700. 221-1101 after 5pm. ___ bedrooms, main floor Monchester's finest re- PONTIAC 1981. Very sldentlol orea. In­ Celtics /page 13 family room, formal SESSB9HBB9SBBSSU good condition. White, Korea: Election losers call for protests / page 13 dining room, eat In cludes swimming pool 4 door. Telephone 646- kitchen, 2 cor garage for Summer fun. COUNTOT 1355.__________________ CLYDE $83,900. Klernan CHBVROLET-BUICIC, INC. and above ground CADILLAC Sedan De- pool, all situated on a Reoltv. 649-1147. MAIDS ROUTE S3, VERNON AU Y o » Clmmlng Nrnid* Vllle 1983. Immaculate. nicely landscaped lot Must be seen. All op­ ra Bulck LaSabra •2995 In a deslreoble neigh­ Fisa Esiimstas ■ Rafatseoas BUMNE88 PlaassCaN tions Included. 649-5189 52 Century osaae •6196 borhood. Priced at evenings and $199,900. U ft R Reoltv as CavalHaratiaan •4496 PROPERTY 6 4 6 - 3 6 5 0 weekends.____________ Company. 443-2892.D I BSChayanat*. •4995 MANCHESTER. Just MANCHESTER- 537 53 Century 4 4r. *omiD What your looking for. square feet.(Main UM ram oaiM TAKE A LOOK SSnagal4*. tMMMK Street). Ideal for doc­ 7 room full dormered wMOVIMMBo ViMQM MUM a4 0tdaClara4 4r. •7796 Cope In move In condi­ tor, lawyer. Insurance. 84 Chev Caprice 84 Camero aeuat •8495 Immediate occupancy. tion. Istfloqrden, front Wsn. UsetS. Bds* *04U0 54 Pontiac Trane Am •10,795 to back living room 646-4412 to leave mes­ iMaudirslrr HrralJi sage. 649-4820. 82 Cemero s re o c SBChetv. AalrovHi •10,196 with fireplace, recrea­ AT, FS, Ak * 0 6 8 9 SB Chevy Caprice 4 4r. •8495 ) Maiuihii.'^lnr A City nl Villanc Chan tion room and work­ «Wi shop In basement, 1 car 742*5726 83R)(7ai»r.tiK *6795 •8496 ' '-'Uti^PbUMu • f-—WfrK ‘-.A.l^-eorelfl--- ■: ■ SSNova4dr. garage and lovely pa­ 83 Olds Cutlasa aSCamaroZ28 •13,995 tio off kitchen. $149,900. MORTBAREB Pdceftii^bll Nbrffi fwr'gsr « Floors like new '::^’';v4U'Varlii^8dWeMir'A Otoro46rMrouBhim teAAC a BpobiaNzMe m oMerfMwi' AT.Mt.AO * 0 0 9 0 . at Spaotrum 4 dr. •8495 Sentry Real Estate. 643- •5495 30 Cents 4060.D_________________ c!A • Naiumi ft stained floors put your ed In paint, S7 (>iavana a dr. Thursday, Dec. 17,1987 DO NOT GO a No watting anymore • ■ - , .... ................. — 87 Merc Cougar MANCHESTER. Attrac­ BANKRUPT! $AVE 872-9111 tive Ranch on fenced CMPfininr A jmB Virfuit • owwb 82 Olds Cutlass .enne corner lot boasts 4 stop Fortdotural Homoownort. luaivWA 4 44K * 0 ^ 0 bedrooms, 29x15 fam­ oonsolldM your bills, psy oft EMtMBJM SnVICii your crsdit cards, your osr or bu­ _mhMMm Imwig nmMImb sm9 f w r n m t o , 84 Merc. Topaz , Sell Your car ily room, cedar closet, siness loan, your mortgaga and OkistsiOi i d gusmy work.' Need repoirs around the 4 Dr, AT, PS. AC 'OwSd oversized deck leading savs, save your homall NO PAY­ * ^DnwwnnvOTi iQf vmpmiv 2 are killed nWMnPf^MMa rlW CMPmSIMMe ' '-a . to brick patio and In- MENTS UP TO 2 VEARSI Bad home? Cqll on expert. Nwfw nBTNMR^^MPwe 87Sabla'QS' h o o q q ground gunlte pool for credit, lets payments or urwm- Ininpehsiye. Call Obug ^ You'll find the help voti 4 0r.,Le«tf9d *13,399 very comfortable fam­ ploymsnl Is not s probtsm. Fora- heed In Clossiflad. 643- 4 Lines — 10 Days closurs assManca avallaWs lor l 4 » t t W H l - W i Bate a • e 84 Ch0 v Caprice ily living. $172,900. Sen­ tba sslf-smployad and nswiy dl- 2711, Wan.,VI.Ak *D490 508 charge each addi­ try Real Estate. 643- vorcadl Kindly call 4060.0 ________________ 87 Line Continental^ Aftip tional line, par day. You Swiss Conservative LowMNM $AV C can cancel at any time. quake ^WEET as sugar I Adora- E ble 6 room Colonial on Group 85 NIaaan stanza SORRY, S9IAPARTMENT8 FUEL OIL/COAL/ MISCELLANEOUS 4 Dr. *o49D Gardener Street. Cozy a t 203-454-1336 o r Automotive NO REFUNDS OR atmosphere with taste­ 203-454-4404 i ^ I fo r r e n t RREWOOD FOR SALE 88 Line. Town Car ADJUSTMENTS ful decor, fireplace, 1st $Ave floor den, dining room 7 Room aportment,fur- TEE Shirt transfers. Ap­ 86 Mazda SE5 CAU HERALD with built In Chino ca­ MISCELLANEOUS nlshed. 2 rooms tor fir M o o d s a l e proximately 3000, also CARS rocks Tokyo oipATooisoN *7295 binet, hardwood floors FOR RENT rent. Male or Female. *48 par cord, S ft. lengths, 50 to 100k numerals and FOR SALE CLASSIFIED and carpet. Martin 649-7911. green, dalivsiad, 4 cord letters tor shirts, cops, 84 Mazda GLC School District. Offer­ minimum. MC/VISA etc. Best otter. 649-3642 4*, Auto *5495 MANCHESTER. 2,000- 643-2711 ing prlce-$139,900. Nsrthsrn FIrswood otter 5:30pm.D IROC Z281987.4,000mlles. 87 Sable 'Q8' . _ _ _ By TerrII Jones severe damage, while a quake of 7 Jackson ft Jackson 2,400 square foot office. eiHOMES Dmrlbutsre T-top, phone hook-up, wpae«.LM4M *14^299 The Associated Press is capable of eausing widespread, C Industrial, commercial Real Estate. 647-8400. E^■FORRENT l 030-0050 RCA Console T.V. $150. loaded I Factory wor- 85 Olds Calais MISCELLANEOUS heavy damage. Ab _____________ space. Woodland In­ rentv. Pristine condi­ dustrial Park, Inc. 643- Queen size water bed ACAjaaw *0003 lAUTOMOnVE TOKYO - Buildings swayed The Central Meteorological BRAND New listing! HOUSE tor rent. Elling­ with or without mat­ tion. $14,500 or best violently today as a strong earth­ Agency reported 99 aftershocks In 2121. offer. Phone John 526- Houses this perfect ton. 3 bedroom Ranch, tress. $100. Coll 646- quake jolted the Tokyo area, killing the three hours after the main o ffic e/r e t a il 0423.__________________ 3072 onvtlme.n 8x16 Cor hauler. Heavy don't come along every garage. $80Q plus utili­ M ORIARTY duty, dual wheel with at least two people and injuring ll, quake, nearly all very minor. ties. 2 month security. day 1 Incredible 5 room EDEQUIPMENT TWO large doll beds. One OLDS Sedan 1939. Origi­ broke set up available. authorities said. Longtime residents in Tokyo, a Cope In the Bower's Coll evenings. 875-7357. M nal 6 cylinder f lotheod, Rontais bunk, one regular with BROTHERS $900. 742-8758 Scott. Kyodo News Service reported at city of 11.0 million people, dee- School area complete HOUSE tor rent. Small white and yellow satin 60,000 original miles, ALDER 212 office copier. least 19 people were hurt, including cribed the quake as the strongest with a new furnace, hot Colonial. Three bed­ Letter and legal size, a ccesso ries. $50.00 runs good, recent 301 Cgnter 8t. water heater, 100 amp rooms. 1'/j baths. Close plain paper copier. each. Walnut piano point, chrome, uphols­ Manchtsltr, CT |CAR8 several at Narita airport in Chiba they had ever felt. service, 2 new full 2 1 APARTMENTS to everything. Large Multiple copies. Good bench, excellent condi­ tery. A Cleon cor. $5000. FOR SALE prefecture when about 120 plate- Objects tumbled off desks In baths, aluminum sld- FOR RENT yard. $800.00 a month. condition. $475. Coll tion $50.00. 649-9919. 742-8758 Scott. 643-5135 glass windows shattered in the high-rise office towers, wbricers lng,a fireplace and ex­ Coll Ed. 645-8201. 649-2796. main lobby, spewing shards of dove under desks and Christmas EAST Hartford. 1 bed­ tra Insulation too! Call MANCHESTER tor rent. glass onto the floor. shoppers in downtown stores ran to see for yourself! room. $435 monthly Available January 1. 2 It was not immediately possible screaming for safety. $140,900. Jackson ft plus utilities. On bus RECREATIONAL to reconcile the two iqjury reports. line. 568-1054,_________ bedroom, I'/a both, Telephone service was disrupted Jackson Real Estate. newly remodeled, 1st EQUIPMENT 647-8400.O_____________ There were no immeiliate reports in some parts of Tokyo and train NOW Accepting applica­ tllor apartment. Easy of widespread damage from the tions tor 1 or2bedroom service was halted briefly, said the DON'T be bashful! Owner 1-384 access. Heat, hot FOR Sole. 2 Pair Cross quake, which struck at 11:08 a.m. has taken a new lob and handicapped apart­ the National Police Agency. water, appliances In­ Country skis. 200cm (9:08 p.m. EST Wednesday) and needs to sell this Im- ments for Oakland cluded. No pets. Non- ond 205cm, both with David Kool/Martchaatar Hareld The quake was strongest in Chiba moculote 5 plus room Heights Apartments. smokers preferred. Se­ size 8 boots. Coll 568- forced trains, airplanes and cars to pefecture, just east of Tokyo. Cope near Waddell Please call Monday curity deposit and 1 1903 after 5pm. Mary Stevenson, 104-year8-old, and Judge Peter C. home In Manchester on Wednesday. a halt. An unconfirmed report said Susumu Mochihara, Chiba police School. A flexible floor through Friday, 8:30- year lease required. Dorsey review her certificate of naturalization at her an apartment building had spokesman, said a woman, Mami plan adds a unlaue 5pm. 528-6521. $700 per month.
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