11 12 13 14 15 CAMPUS MAP KEY Avoiding Bike Theft AC Transit provides bus service between Alameda Selected City of Berkeley Resources Organizations PEDESTRIAN SAFETY University of Mediterranean/ Bicycle theft is a serious problem in Berkeley, but if and Contra Costa Counties with service to the San City of Berkeley Website transportation pages: . California European Advanced Light Source . .K-12 Bicycle Friendly Berkeley Coalition (BFBC) Garden of Campus Bikeways: This map shows the primary African American Theme House . .L-14 you follow this advice you’ll stand a much better Francisco Transbay Terminal. All AC Transit buses ● Human Botanical . .www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/transportation/ www.bfbc.org Use crosswalks. Don’t jaywalk. Garden Asian Old Roses campus bicycle network, as proposed in the March 2006 Alumni House . .N-13 Genome African Australian South chance of holding on to your bike: are equipped with bike racks. Racks hold only two Andersen Auditorium, Haas School . .M-12 Disabilities Services (510) 981-6342; (510) 981-6346 (510) 549-7433 ● 84 Laboratory American Administrative Draft of the Campus Bicycle Plan. Berkeley! Pay attention to pedestrian signals. New Chinese Anthony Hall . .N-13 BIKING & WALKING MAP bikes and you must wait for the next bus if they are World Campus bikeways may be on-street, dedicated paths or Archaeological Research Facility . .M-13 Rd Herbs ● Animal Control Information . .(510) 981-6600 vin O 74 Desert Architects & Engineers (A&E) . .N-13 Newer, high quality U-locks are still among the East Bay Bicycle Coalition (EBBC) ● al shared use paths. For the most up-to-date information, full. Call AC Transit for their “Bike & Ride” Don’t follow people who disregard pedestrian signals. C Western Athletic Ticket Office . .0-13 Bicycle Subcommittee of the Transportation www.ebbc.org/ 85B 83 Herbs and more details, go to http://pt.berkeley.edu/ Bike Paths most theft resistant. These locks are most secure pamphlet at (510) 817-1717 or look online: Palms & Bancroft Library . .N-12 (510) 433-7433 ● Look four ways: left, right, ahead and H Cycads Banway Bldg. (2111 Bancroft Way) . .P-13 Bike paths are separated from City roadways and are if you can fill the space within the U. Be sure not www.actransit.org/pdf/UserGuides_bikebrochure.pdf Commission . .(510) 981-7062 BearTransit is UC Berkeley’s Campus Shuttle system, Barker Hall . .O-11 behind before crossing intersections. 85 Meso- L Miocene Barrow Lane . N-13 closed to motor vehicles, but are almost always shared to use an older U-lock with a cylindrical key. Bicycle Safety and Education . .(510) 981-5347 Sequoia North American serving the campus and vicinity. Anyone can ride Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay ● P Barrows Hall . .M-13 Watch out for turning vehicles. Forest American Bay Bridge Bicycle Commuter Shuttle operates Strawberry a BearTransit shuttles, which provide convenient BART Station . .P-12 with pedestrians, strollers, wheelchairs, etc. For this Californian n ● www.btceastbay.org Entrance Mather o Parking Enforcement . .(bus. hours) (510) 981-5890 r transportation between points on campus, Downtown Bechtel Engineering Center . M-12 A good lock is worthless if you don’t use it during commute hours on weekdays only between ● Silver Redwood a Establish eye contact with drivers when crossing. J m J Berkeley Art Museum . .M-13 reason they are also known as multi-use or shared- . (after hours) (510) 981-5900 (510) 466-5123 Space Grove ic Berkeley BART, parking lots, Clark Kerr campus, the Hill properly. Always take a few extra seconds after the MacArthur BART station and the Transbay Sciences il P Berkeley City College . .P-12 a la area, residence halls, Richmond Field Station, and north use paths. Always watch out for other path users, ● Laboratory r c Bikestation . .P-12 California state law requires drivers to yield to T locking-up to make sure you didn’t make a silly Parks & Recreation General Assis. .(510) 981-6700 e Terminal. Bicyclists are taken over the bridge in a Bay Area Bicycle Coalition of the SF Bay Area e and south sides of campus. Phone: (510) 643-7701 L r Birge Hall . .M-12 operate at a safe speed, and yield to pedestrians. aus e i pedestrians in both marked and unmarked crosswalks. s F Mathematical e error, like not looping through the frame or not www.bayareabikes.org/ W r http://pt.berkeley.edu/transportation_alternatives/ Boalt Hall, School of Law . .M-13 14-passenger van towing a trailer equipped with 14 Road Hazards . .(510) 644-6620 a Sciences ial D R n y nn d 73 a California Hall . .N-12 ● te d beartransit/index.html Pedestrians should never assume that Research en r closing the lock all-the-way. These are common 415-246-8078 H C o California Memorial Stadium . .L-13 bike racks. Call (510) 286-0876. Institute L J Sewer Maintenance and Repair: . .(510) 644-6620 r Bike Lanes drivers will obey the law. O O Lo re Tra e Calvin Lab. (Chemical Biodynamics) . .M-13 w Fi il p mistakes! 66 er Jo n 67 rda p Campanile (Sather Tower) . .M-12 Sidewalk Repair . .(510) 981-6444 California Bicycle Coalition U Bike lanes are on-road facilities desig- Amtrak California/Capital Corridor provides ● 72 Campbell Hall . .M-12 www.calbike.org/ Wear brightly colored clothing, especially at night. 62 Career Center (2111 Bancroft Way) . .P-13 nated with striping, pavement marking ● Always lock your frame to something that service from the Berkeley (University Ave. & 4th Stolen Bikes . .(510) 644-6744 National Casa Zimbabwe . .N-11 (916) 446-7558 ● On roads without sidewalks, walk facing Center for Central Heating Plant . .O-12 and signage. Cars are permitted to use cannot be moved or disassembled. Street) and Emeryville (Horton St. & 59th St.) Rail Street Lighting Repair . .(510) 644-6620 Grizzly 77A Electron Chan Shun Auditorium . .N-12 oncoming traffic. Peak Microscopy the bike lane for turning and entering and exiting Cheit Hall . .M-12 Stops to Sacramento and Gilroy. No reservation or Traffic Engineering . .(510) 981-7010 Berkeley Bicycle Club Entrance ● Hill y Chemistry, College of, Latimer Hall . .M-12 parking. Bicyclists may leave the bike lane to avoid Many people have their quick-release wheels and H Terrace 77 31 a box is necessary for bicycles. www.berkeleybike.org/ W CITRIS Headquarters Building . .M-11 Tree Services . .(510) 644-6566 Parking c seats stolen. Wheels are most secure when Walk 69 i Clark Kerr Campus . .L-15 obstacles, turn left, pass other cyclists, or when (510) 527-3222 Lots m V a email . [email protected] Start crossing. O O r Cloyne Court Co-op . .M-11 o going the speed of vehicle traffic. locked with a U-Lock, but a cable will also help City CarShare offers members shared access to n CNMAT (McEnerney Hall, 1750 Arch St.) .O-11 Look in four directions. Lawrence a P Communication & Network Services . .P-14 deter theft. For a commuter bike, consider cars for short-term use at over 15 locations in the Telecommunications Device for the Deaf Grizzly Peak Cyclists Watch for turning cars that do not stop. Berkeley Conference Services (Clark Kerr Campus) L-15 H 75A 75 Claremont . .(510) 644-6915 www.grizzlypeakcyclists.org 75B Cory Hall . M-11 replacing your quick releases with “slow-release” East Bay. Membership info: National D Canyon Bike Routes w G Regional Cyclotron Rd. .L-12 Caution H i nuts and bolts that require a wrench to remove. Laboratory y g www.citycarshare.org (510) 352-0323 la Strawberry a h Preserve Dance Studio (2401 Bancroft Way) . .N-13 Bike routes are on-road facilities that The Oakland Yellowjackets Bicycle Club s t e Canyon W Selected UC Berkeley Resources Do not start crossing. P 79 r t Davis Hall . .M-11 R Center la d Haas h ce are marked with green bike route signs ● www.oaklandyellowjackets.org/ If you’re already in the crosswalk, Lawrence 78 ig Disabled Students’ Office 76 C Clubhouse Secure your bike at home. Many bikes are stolen Note: Folding bicycles are allowed on ALL transit w UC Berkeley Parking & Transportation Hall of e (Chávez Student Center) . .N-13 (510) 986-9011 finish crossing to the curb. Science n D only. t e Doe (Main) Library & David Gardner Stacks . .N-12 from houses, garages, & back yards. systems during ALL operating hours. 2150 Kittredge, 1st floor n Strawberry n Canyon Donner Lab . .M-11 i . .http://www.berkeley.edu/transportation a Durant Hall . .N-12 Berkeley Path Wanderers l Recreational D ● Stop 26 Area Durham Studio Theatre (Dwinelle Hall) . .N-13 Old & ugly bikes are less likely to be stolen than Vista r Bicycle Boulevards http://www.berkeleypaths.org/index.htm Parking O Dwinelle Annex . .N-13 Report Road Hazards . .(510) 642-3073 Remain on the sidewalk. Lot Sand Dwinelle Hall . .N-13 flashy expensive bikes. Consider buying a cheap, Volleyball A fourth, more innovative type of bike- Do not cross the street. Education, Grad. School of, Tolman Hall . .O-11 Bicycle Registration . .(510) 642-2987 25 3024 Court #1Tanglewood Rd used bike for shorter trips around town. Cal Cycling (UC Berkeley racing team) K J K Edwards Stadium/Goldman Field . .O-13 way called a Bicycle Boulevard is also Other Maps & Guides H Engineering, College of, McLaughlin Hall .N-12 Report Stolen Bikes . .(510) 642-6760 http://www.calcycling.org/ 48 H 20 found in Berkeley. G Track/ Environmental Design, College of, Wurster Hall M-13 ● Record your bike’s serial number (printed on the A Wheelchair Rider's Guide: San Francisco Bay 4 O Soccer Faculty Eshleman Hall .
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