ITEM NO: 5 Application No. Ward: Date Registered: Target Decision Date: 09/00287/FUL Winkfield And 29 May 2009 24 July 2009 Cranbourne Site Address: Brockhill House Winkfield Row Bracknell Berkshire Proposal: Demolition of Brockhill House and erection of detached six bedroom house with detached triple garage with store above. Applicant: Mr Edward Cooper Agent: Chris Keen Case Officer: Margaret McEvit, 01344 352000 [email protected] Site Location Plan ( for identification purposes only, not to scale ) Planning & Highways Committee 17th September 2009 1 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY (If Any) 07/00450/OUT Validation Date: 04.05.2007 Outline application (including details of layout and access) for the erection of a detached dwellinghouse and a detached building comprising 5no. flats following the demolition of 5no. cottages and various non-residential buildings, the removal of a mobile home and the relocation of a clubhouse. Approved 09/00285/FUL Validation Date: 02.05.2009 Erection of detached four bedroomed house (forming manager's house) and 5 no. terraced cottages (3 no. three bedroom and 2 no. two bedroom) with associated parking and re-siting of clubhouse following the demolition of five no. cottages, various non-residential buildings and the removal of a mobile home. (No Decision – Application Currently Under Consideration) 2 RELEVANT PLANNING POLICIES Key to abbreviations SEP The South East Plan BFBCS Core Strategy Development Plan Document BFBLP Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan RMLP Replacement Minerals Local Plan WLP Waste Local Plan for Berkshire SPG Supplementary Planning Guidance SPD Supplementary Planning Document RSS Regional Spatial Strategy (also known as the South East Plan) PPG (No.) Planning Policy Guidance (Published by DCLG) PPS (No.) Planning Policy Statement (Published by DCLG) MPG Minerals Planning Guidance DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government Note: The SEP and the BFBLP contain some policies with the same title, e.g. H3. In such cases, the policy will be suffixed with an “SEP” for the SEP and an “L” for the BFBLP, e.g. H3SEP, H3L. Plan Policy Description (May be abbreviated) BFBLP EN1L Protecting Tree And Hedgerow Cover BFBLP EN2L Supplementing Tree And Hedgerow Cover BFBLP EN8L Dev On Land Outside Settlements BFBLP EN20 Design Considerations In New Development BFBLP H6L Existing Dwellings Outside Green Belt BFBLP M9 Vehicle And Cycle Parking BFBCS CS1 Sustainable Development Principles BFBCS CS7 Design BFBCS C9 Protect and Enhance Landscape Features BFBCS CS10 Sustainable Resources BFBCS CS12 Renewable Energy Planning & Highways Committee 17th September 2009 3 CONSULTATIONS (Comments may be abbreviated) Transportation Officer No objection subject to conditions. Tree Officer Tree protection scheme submitted is not acceptable. This can be overcome through conditions. Biodiversity Officer Ecological surveys received but further great crested newt surveys required in 2010 – to be conditioned. Development not directly affecting ponds on site and development will be further away from the pond than existing buildings on the site. The Environment Agency No Objection subject to condition. Winkfield Parish Observations: That if Bracknell Council were minded to allow this application the conditions should be in place that there can be no alienation of the triple garage from the main house and it cannot be converted into habitable accommodation in the future. 4 REPRESENTATIONS 4 letters have been received raising the following material considerations: Brockhill House is a very old property which formerly formed part of a larger estate in the village. It should be listed or at the very least photographed and researched before demolition. The garages should not be permitted to be converted to residential units or separated from the main house. 5 OFFICER REPORT SUMMARY OF KEY ASPECTS OF PROPOSAL Proposed site area (ha):35 Proposed number of residential units:1 Proposed density (residential): 0.02 dph i) PROPOSAL This full application proposes the demolition of the main house and its annex and the erection of a detached three storey house with a detached triple garage. The proposed house is positioned approximately 20m south of the existing main house, with the triple garage positioned immediately behind vegetation along the front boundary of the site with Winkfield Row. The house is 11 metres in height with the garage building approximately 6m in height. The access drive to the house is extended to the triple garage to allow for access and turning. Planning & Highways Committee 17th September 2009 ii) SITE The site forms part of Brock Hill House estate which comprises Brock Hill House, a large 2/3 storey house with a self contained annex and 5 self contained cottages attached, various sheds and a workshop, a clubhouse, stable blocks, dressage area, a mobile home and extensive areas of open land. The stable blocks house a large number of stables as commercial livery/stables. The site has 2 vehicular access points onto Winkfield Road. The site measures approximately 35ha. Planning permission was granted in 2007 (07/00450/OUT) for an outline application (including details of layout and access) for the erection of a detached dwelling house and a detached building comprising 5no. flats following the demolition of 5no. cottages and various non-residential buildings, the removal of a mobile home and the relocation of a clubhouse. A full application has also recently been submitted to provide 5 cottages in place of the flats and to erect a manager’s house and relocate the clubhouse (09/00285/FUL). The footprints of these buildings are as approved under the outline planning permission 07/00450/OUT. iii) PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS (1) Principle of Development The site is on land outside the settlement area as defined in the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan BFBLP. Policy EN8 of the BFBLP states that the countryside will be protected for its own sake and development will be permitted "only where it would not adversely affect the character, appearance or function of the land, would not damage its landscape quality and, where conspicuous from the Green Belt, would not injure the visual amenities of the Green Belt." Development which may be permitted in the countryside under policy EN8 includes (iii) minor extensions to, replacement of, or subdivision of, existing buildings, subject to criteria defined in policies EN16, EN17, EN22, and H6. Policy H6 of the BFBLP permits the replacement of existing dwellings on a one for one basis provided that development would not adversely affect the character of the area, cause highway problems or environmental or other harm. Policy CS9 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document (CSDPD) seeks to protect land outside settlements for its own sake particularly from development that would adversely affect the character, appearance or function of the land. Land immediately to the north of the site is within the Green Belt with land immediately south and adjoining the site being within a settlement area. The proposed house is to be positioned approximately 20m to the south of the existing Brock Hill House, within the garden area of the existing house. Although the footprint of the house is being moved, it is not considered that this will have an adverse effect on the character of this countryside area. The boundary is well treed and includes extensive areas of vegetation which act to screen buildings on the site. The proposed house will be within the curtilage of the existing house and is positioned to relate well to the 5 flats and the manager’s house which were permitted under application 07/00450/OUT. By moving the position of the main house, the house retains a larger area of private garden area around it. In its original position the main house would be very close to the permitted 5 flats with all garden areas to the rear of the house. The Planning & Highways Committee 17th September 2009 garden area in this current application is now on 3 sides of the property, which is considered to be more appropriate to a large house in a rural area. Policy H6 seeks to ensure that if replacement dwellings are larger than the existing they do not harm the rural character of the countryside. The proposed house has an increase in floor space of approximately 27% over the existing house. Both the original and the proposed replacement house are 3 storeys in height, with the second floor within the roofspace. The increase in floorspace is not considered to result in a property that will harm the rural character of the area. The existing house is a substantial property, and its replacement will be of a similar scale. Given the size of the site, the scale of other buildings currently on the site, and the size of the 6 replacement units adjacent to the house which have been granted planning permission, the resulting house is considered to be appropriate as the main building on the estate as a whole. The site adjoins the Green Belt to the north of the site approximately 160 metres from the proposed buildings with intervening buildings permitted under application 07/00450/OUT. Land to the east of the site is within the ownership of the applicants, but forms part of the stables which are to form an independent planning unit. This land is open and a public footpath to the east forms part of the eastern boundary. The new buildings are not considered likely to be visible from land outside the site. The distance to the public footpath is some 300 metres. (2) Transport Considerations a) Access and Visibility The site is located on Winkfield Row which has a 40mph speed limit. Access to the site already exists. b) Parking Requirements A new garage and parking in front are to be provided. The new garage must comply with current standards (9m x 6m) internal.
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