City of San Mateo–San Mateo Central Park Master Plan Update Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Appendix B: CDFW, CNPS, and USFWS Database Searches FirstCarbon Solutions Y:\Publications\Client (PN-JN)\3611\36110010\ISMND\36110010 Central Park ISMND.docx THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 10/10/2016 Print View Query Summary: County IS (San Mateo) AND Quad IS (San Mateo (3712253)) Print Close CNDDB Element Query Results CA Scientific Common Taxonomic Element Total Returned Federal State Global State Rare Other Habitats Name Name Group Code Occs Occs Status Status Rank Rank Plant Status Rank Acanthomintha San Mateo SB_UCBBG­UC duttonii thorn­mint Dicots PDLAM01040 5 2 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 1B.1 Berkeley Botanical Chaparral, Ultramafic, Valley & foothill grassland Garden Allium Franciscan Cismontane woodland, Ultramafic, Valley & peninsulare var. onion Monocots PMLIL021R1 21 5 None None G5T1 S1 1B.2 null foothill grassland franciscanum Amsinckia lunaris bent­flowered Dicots PDBOR01070 64 2 None None G2G3 S2S3 1B.2 BLM_S­Sensitive Cismontane woodland, Coastal bluff scrub, fiddleneck Valley & foothill grassland BLM_S­Sensitive, CDFW_SSC­Species of Chaparral, Coastal scrub, Desert wash, Great Antrozous Special Concern, Basin grassland, Great Basin scrub, Mojavean pallidus pallid bat Mammals AMACC10010 405 2 None None G5 S3 null IUCN_LC­Least desert scrub, Riparian woodland, Sonoran desert Concern, USFS_S­ scrub, Upper montane coniferous forest, Valley & Sensitive, WBWG_H­ foothill grassland High Priority Astragalus BLM_S­Sensitive, pycnostachyus coastal marsh Dicots PDFAB0F7B2 25 1 None None G2T2 S2 1B.2 SB_SBBG­Santa Coastal dunes, Coastal scrub, Marsh & swamp, var. milk­vetch Barbara Botanic Wetland pycnostachyus Garden BLM_S­Sensitive, CDFW_SSC­Species of Special Concern, Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub, Great Basin Athene IUCN_LC­Least grassland, Great Basin scrub, Mojavean desert burrowing owl Birds ABNSB10010 1904 1 None None G4 S3 null cunicularia Concern, USFWS_BCC­ scrub, Sonoran desert scrub, Valley & foothill Birds of Conservation grassland Concern Bombus obscure Insects IIHYM24380 181 1 None None G4? S1S2 null IUCN_VU­Vulnerable null caliginosus bumble bee Bombus western Insects IIHYM24250 282 2 None None G2G3 S1 null USFS_S­Sensitive, null occidentalis bumble bee XERCES_IM­Imperiled Edgewood Calicina minor blind Arachnids ILARA13020 2 1 None None G1 S1 null null Ultramafic, Valley & foothill grassland harvestman CDFW_SSC­Species of Charadrius Special Concern, western NABCI_RWL­Red Great Basin standing waters, Sand shore, alexandrinus Birds ABNNB03031 124 1 Threatened None G3T3 S2S3 null snowy plover Watch List, Wetland nivosus USFWS_BCC­Birds of Conservation Concern Chloropyron Point Reyes maritimum ssp. salty bird's­ Dicots PDSCR0J0C3 68 1 None None G4?T2 S2 1B.2 BLM_S­Sensitive Marsh & swamp, Salt marsh, Wetland https://map.dfg.ca.gov/rarefind/view/QuickElementListView.html 1/3 10/10/2016 Print View palustre beak Crystal SB_RSABG­Rancho Chaparral, Cismontane woodland, Meadow & Cirsium fontinale Springs Dicots PDAST2E161 5 1 Endangered Endangered G2T1 S1 1B.1 Santa Ana Botanic seep, Ultramafic, Valley & foothill grassland, var. fontinale fountain Garden Wetland thistle San SB_RSABG­Rancho Collinsia multicolor Francisco Dicots PDSCR0H0B0 25 1 None None G2 S2 1B.2 Santa Ana Botanic Closed­cone coniferous forest, Coastal scrub collinsia Garden Dipodomys Santa Cruz venustus kangaroo rat Mammals AMAFD03042 14 1 None None G4T1 S1 null null Chaparral venustus SB_RSABG­Rancho Broadleaved upland forest, Chaparral, Dirca western Dicots PDTHY03010 65 3 None None G2 S2 1B.2 Santa Ana Botanic Cismontane woodland, Closed­cone coniferous occidentalis leatherwood Garden forest, North coast coniferous forest, Riparian forest, Riparian woodland Aquatic, Artificial flowing waters, Klamath/North BLM_S­Sensitive, coast flowing waters, Klamath/North coast CDFW_SSC­Species of standing waters, Marsh & swamp, Emys marmorata western pond Reptiles ARAAD02030 1188 5 None None G3G4 S3 null Special Concern, Sacramento/San Joaquin flowing waters, turtle IUCN_VU­Vulnerable, Sacramento/San Joaquin standing waters, South USFS_S­Sensitive coast flowing waters, South coast standing waters, Wetland Eriophyllum San Mateo SB_RSABG­Rancho latilobum woolly Dicots PDAST3N060 5 1 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 1B.1 Santa Ana Botanic Cismontane woodland, Ultramafic sunflower Garden Euphydryas Bay XERCES_CI­Critically Coastal dunes, Ultramafic, Valley & foothill editha bayensis checkerspot Insects IILEPK4055 24 2 Threatened None G5T1 S1 null Imperiled grassland butterfly CDF_S­Sensitive, Falco peregrinus American CDFW_FP­Fully anatum peregrine Birds ABNKD06071 54 1 Delisted Delisted G4T4 S3S4 null Protected, null falcon USFWS_BCC­Birds of Conservation Concern SB_RSABG­Rancho Fritillaria biflora Hillsborough Monocots PMLIL0V031 2 2 None None G3G4T1 S1 1B.1 Santa Ana Botanic Cismontane woodland, Ultramafic, Valley & var. ineziana chocolate lily Garden, SB_USDA­US foothill grassland Dept of Agriculture fragrant Cismontane woodland, Coastal prairie, Coastal Fritillaria liliacea Monocots PMLIL0V0C0 81 3 None None G2 S2 1B.2 USFS_S­Sensitive fritillary scrub, Ultramafic, Valley & foothill grassland Hesperevax short­leaved Coastal bluff scrub, Coastal dunes, Coastal sparsiflora var. Dicots PDASTE5011 36 1 None None G4T3 S2 1B.2 BLM_S­Sensitive evax prairie brevifolia SB_RSABG­Rancho Hesperolinon Marin western Dicots PDLIN01060 26 6 Threatened Threatened G1 S1 1B.1 Santa Ana Botanic Chaparral, Ultramafic, Valley & foothill grassland congestum flax Garden Ricksecker's Aquatic, Sacramento/San Joaquin flowing Hydrochara water Insects IICOL5V010 13 1 None None G2? S2? null null waters, Sacramento/San Joaquin standing rickseckeri scavenger waters beetle San Ischnura gemina Francisco Insects IIODO72010 7 1 None None G2 S2 null IUCN_VU­Vulnerable null forktail damselfly Lasiurus IUCN_LC­Least Broadleaved upland forest, Cismontane hoary bat Mammals AMACC05030 235 2 None None G5 S4 null Concern, WBWG_M­ woodland, Lower montane coniferous forest, cinereus Medium Priority North coast coniferous forest BLM_S­Sensitive, CDFW_FP­Fully Protected, IUCN_NT­ Laterallus jamaicensis California Birds ABNME03041 243 1 None Threatened G3G4T1 S1 null Near Threatened, Brackish marsh, Freshwater marsh, Marsh & https://map.dfg.ca.gov/rarefind/view/QuickElementListView.html 2/3 10/10/2016 Print View coturniculus black rail NABCI_RWL­Red swamp, Salt marsh, Wetland Watch List, USFWS_BCC­Birds of Conservation Concern Crystal SB_RSABG­Rancho Lessingia Cismontane woodland, Coastal scrub, Ultramafic, arachnoidea Springs Dicots PDAST5S0C0 11 4 None None G2 S2 1B.2 Santa Ana Botanic Valley & foothill grassland lessingia Garden Malacothamnus arcuate bush­ Dicots PDMAL0Q0E0 30 3 None None G2Q S2 1B.2 null Chaparral, Cismontane woodland arcuatus mallow CDFW_SSC­Species of Melospiza Alameda Birds ABPBXA301S 38 2 None None G5T2? S2S3 null Special Concern, Salt marsh melodia pusillula song sparrow USFWS_BCC­Birds of Conservation Concern Monolopia woodland Broadleaved upland forest, Chaparral, Dicots PDAST6G010 51 1 None None G3 S3 1B.2 null Cismontane woodland, North coast coniferous gracilens woollythreads forest, Ultramafic, Valley & foothill grassland Northern Coastal Northern Salt Marsh Coastal Salt Marsh CTT52110CA 53 2 None None G3 S3.2 null null Marsh & swamp, Wetland Marsh SB_UCBBG­UC Pentachaeta white­rayed bellidiflora pentachaeta Dicots PDAST6X030 14 1 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 1B.1 Berkeley Botanical Ultramafic, Valley & foothill grassland Garden Phalacrocorax double­ CDFW_WL­Watch List, Riparian forest, Riparian scrub, Riparian auritus crested Birds ABNFD01020 38 1 None None G5 S4 null IUCN_LC­Least woodland cormorant Concern CDFW_FP­Fully Rallus longirostris California Birds ABNME05016 98 4 Endangered Endangered G5T1 S1 null Protected, Brackish marsh, Marsh & swamp, Salt marsh, obsoletus clapper rail NABCI_RWL­Red Wetland Watch List Aquatic, Artificial flowing waters, Artificial standing waters, Freshwater marsh, Marsh & swamp, California red­ CDFW_SSC­Species of Riparian forest, Riparian scrub, Riparian Rana draytonii legged frog Amphibians AAABH01022 1393 8 Threatened None G2G3 S2S3 null Special Concern, woodland, Sacramento/San Joaquin flowing IUCN_VU­Vulnerable waters, Sacramento/San Joaquin standing waters, South coast flowing waters, South coast standing waters, Wetland Reithrodontomys salt­marsh CDFW_FP­Fully harvest Mammals AMAFF02040 144 1 Endangered Endangered G1G2 S1S2 null Protected, IUCN_EN­ Marsh & swamp, Wetland raviventris mouse Endangered Serpentine Serpentine Herbaceous CTT42130CA 22 2 None None G2 S2.2 null null Valley & foothill grassland Bunchgrass Bunchgrass Speyeria zerene Myrtle's XERCES_CI­Critically myrtleae silverspot Insects IILEPJ608C 17 1 Endangered None G5T1 S1 null Imperiled Coastal dunes butterfly Spirinchus CDFW_SSC­Species of longfin smelt Fish AFCHB03010 45 1 Candidate Threatened G5 S1 null Aquatic, Estuary thaleichthys Special Concern Thamnophis San CDFW_FP­Fully Artificial standing waters, Marsh & swamp, sirtalis Francisco Reptiles ARADB3613B 67 2 Endangered Endangered G5T2Q S2 null Protected Sacramento/San Joaquin standing waters, tetrataenia gartersnake Wetland Trifolium Marsh & swamp, Valley & foothill grassland, saline clover Dicots PDFAB400R5 49 1 None None G2 S2 1B.2 null hydrophilum Vernal pool, Wetland Triphysaria San Coastal prairie, Coastal scrub, Ultramafic, Valley floribunda Francisco Dicots PDSCR2T010 50 2 None None G2 S2 1B.2
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