11P11111111111, 11111111111111111 uuumimoim kr . ummmnimn 111111111111111111 111111111111111111 :i1111 111111111111111111III k EHI111301111111111•111.1111=1 i I The YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR I wow.,..mm.i.,.amw+.•••44; ,..40.4mm polmo4 o.1,.40...•=40womwe.s....1.0•40••••4404m04.1mo<4.amt.b•••••• Vol. LXI September 23, 1913 No. 38 I 1;11111111111111111 .11111111,11111,111 [numummuumnk,-41 ummmunn unman mumulimmi mnuuuumu= 11111E111111111 Mill11111111 1j10,41, Ex-KING MANUEL of Portugal and Princess Au- size of a small monkey's head. The hair is left ',6n gustine Victoria of Hohenzollern were married in the the scalp. The features of the head and face retain early part of September. their original shape and expression. These Indians ADELINE LINCOLN, thirteen years of age, has been are savages of a low type. awarded a scholarship in the University of Kansas. —4-41/4-• She defeated a class of thirty-two applicants, all of Free for the Asking whom were several years her senior. The girl, a high- IT is designed that the new Thirteenth Sabbath Of- school graduate, is the youngest ever awarded a uni- fering Leaflet, and accompanying map of the world versity scholarship in the State. showing by lines where one hundred and fifty mis- THE Palace of Peace at The Hague, the gift of Mr. sionaries are going, shall be sent to each school and to Carnegie, was dedicated on August 28. Queen Wil- each isolated member. Those who have not received helmina, the Dowager Queen Emma, Prince Consort these should write for them. They are free for the Henry, and Mr. and Mrs. Carnegie were among the asking. Address your conference Sabbath-school sec- distinguished persons present at the ceremonies con- retary or Sabbath School Department, Takoma Park nected with the dedication of the edifice. Station, Washington, D. C. A CENTENNIAL celebration of Commodore Perry's Those who are not connected with any Sabbath- victory at the battle of Lake Erie, was celebrated in school, but desire to contribute to this fund, are cor- Buffalo, New York, September 2-6. Perry's flag-ship, dially invited to do so, stating, when the money is sent. the " Niagara," which was raised from its watery that it is for the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering fund. berth after one hundred years in the bottom of the lake, formed part of the naval parade in Buffalo Principal Contents waters. CONTRIBUTIONS IT costs $1,000 a day to furnish New York City The " Sons of God " Versus the Daughters of Men " telephone subscribers with a telephone directory. — No. 3 3 Three directories a year are published ; and the last Believe, and Be Saved From Sin 4 Fifteen Minutes a Day 5 . issue had a circulation of 540,000 copies. Though 40,- From America to India 000 complete copies were printed a day, it required My First Trip to Panwel 6 Saying, but Doing Not is more than ten days' work to print the issue. Four Farm Arithmetic 16 hundred men were required to circulate it. We do not SELECTIONS always think how much conveniences cost. Can You? (poetry) 3 • A Costly Claim 7 THE Jivaros Indians of northern Peru and Ecuador Mother Myra Entertains 8 preserve the heads of their enemies and of their chiefs The Charm of Personality 8 by artificially shrinking them. The brain and bones of Killing Off the Friends g In and Out Curves Io the head are removed, and the skin of the scalp and The Boy Who Thought He Was Strong II face is packed with hot stones until shrunken to the We Love Him I2 • ............ • • • • • * • v47044.04><X44 41. • • • • • #44 ..tt ✓,404440, ...Q4s0><>4.044... e • • • . • ..... • • • • • • • .... 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 SEPTEMBER NUMBER NOW READY! • • • 0 • 44 04. • • • 4 ‘511",_MANT • • • • "Infallibility," "Religious Liberty," and 0 0 4, • ANAO.AZINE • • "Papacy in Prophecy" Special • • • '4. • • ADVSCATING P12.3TESTINCe ••• • • • P0.1AAITIVE AGAINST Subscribe now ! If you have never read this valuable • e CM 0.1ST IANITY API2STASY • • • • magazine, send 10 cents in stamps for sample copy. ••• • • • • • SOME SEPTEMBER FEATURES • • INFALLIBILITY .. • • AND Striking Double Frontispiece "Roman Catholic Chaplains • • • • and Government Officials" — " The Luther of the • • • e INSPIRATION Nineteenth Century " •• • • The Roman Catholic Perversion of Religious Liberty • • • • CCORDING to this theory lof in- The Infallibility of the Pope • • • • A fallibility!. then. all the prerNan The Dogma of Infallibility a Menace to the State • • • • tines of Scripture are annulled: the What Becomes of the Peter's Pence Collection? • • • .4 dicta of Pius IX and Leo XIII are as truly in- The Papacy Foretold in Prophecy • • • spired by God's Spirit. and are to be received Reformation Teaching • • • • with as much reverente. as the utterances The Divine Origin of the Scriptures • • • • of Peter and Paul. is a very short Condoning Mob Violence • • • I way horn the doctnne that Pius IX and Leo Another Military Mass ••• XIII were as much inspired as Peter and Paul. A Catholic Event • • to the doctrine that Peter and Paul were no Demanding Pay for Valuable Services more inspired than Pius or Loo. omanizing America • I *.0 -Grow Salmon. D D "Tenants at Will" • • *0 A Catholic Germany • • Finding the Easiest Way to Heaven • • *0 IPE¢YEeo.$1.00.-.0.- Pea COPY 't *0 WA51.1INGT-e.No D.C. The Influence of Protestantism in Italy • 0 • +, Twenty Editorial Briefs • 4 • • SEPTEMBER, 1911 • • Liberal terms to agents. Write for particulars. • #-+ PRICES, POST-PAID • • 4*. Yearly subscription - - - st.00 TO TEN FRIENDS: You can send $3.00 for 10 six months' (or 5 .. *4 Six months .so yearly) subscriptions, in behalf of friends. Five or more copies, mailed (Subscriptions for less than six months • not accepted) by the publishers to five addresses, or to one address, post-paid, each, e Three years (or 3 subs. 1 year) 2.00 44 o • Five years (or 5 subs. 1 year) - 3.00 5 cents. .3 4 4/ 20 copies ordered at one time 1.00 • • • •• 50 copies ordered at one time 2.00 • • • 100 copies ordered at one time 4.00 • • • ORDER THROUGH OUR NEAREST AGENCY • • or NO EXTRA CHARGE ON FOREIGN 4 • • • SUBSCRIPTIONS (If you do not know the address of our ,Agenry, ask " Protestant Magaiine," Washington, D. C.) • c, • • s• • • • • • • 0 • • • 0 c .. • ............. • • • •41444•414'44.4,4 • 0 • • • • . • • .... 4 4 •.• • 4 • 4 . • • • • • .... • 4.-_G 4 • • • • • * e • • AlA4`4,4-1 • • • • • ..... • • • • • • • 1 • .• • • • • • • • • • • • •• The Youth's Instructor Vat,. LXI TAKOMA PARK STATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. SEPTEMBER 23, 1913 No. 38 Can You ? CAN you put the spider's web back in place Can you put the flour again in the husk That once has been swept away? And show me the ripened wheat? Can you put the apple again on the bough Can you put the kernel again in the nut, Which fell at our feet today? Or the broken egg in the shell? Can you put the lily cup back on the stem Can you put the honey back in the comb And cause it to live and grow ? And cover with wax each cell? Can you mend the butterfly's broken wing Can you put the perfume back in the vase That you crush with a hasty blow? When once it has sped away? Can you put the bloom again on the grape Can you put the corn silk back on the corn, And the grape again on the vine? Or down on the catkins, say? Can you put the dewdrops back on the flowers You think my questions are trifling, dear, And make them sparkle and shine? Let me ask you another one: Can you put the petals back on the rose? Can a hasty word be ever unsaid, If you could, would it smell as sweet? Or a deed unkind undone? — Selected. The "Sons of God" Versus the "Daughters of Men" No. 3 J. D. MONTGOMERY HER QUALIFICATIONS.—" Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." Prov. 31 : 3o. HE qualifications of a good wife begin with affects the after-life both in this world and in the her attitude toward God. Her favor is de- world to come. A sincere Christian will make no ceitful else, and her beauty vanity; but if plans that God cannot approve." she fears the Lord, she is worthy of con- Seek counsel of your Christian parents. " Open to sideration for the marriage vows. If she them your hopes and plans, learn the lessons which is a Christian, she will add the other neces- their life experiences have taught, and you will be sary qualifications, and you can well afford to wait saved many a heartache. Above all, make Christ your till she does acquire them. The same things are true counselor. Study his Word with prayer." regarding the qualifications of the prospective hus- To THE YOUNG WOMAN : " Under such guidance let band : Christianity first, and other things after that. a young woman accept as a life companion only one So young gentlemen, young ladies, are you con- who possesses pure, manly traits of character; one templating marriage with one whose character has not who is diligent, aspiring, and honest ; one who loves been transformed by God's saving grace? If you are, and fears God." it will richly repay you to read again the quotations To THE YOUNG MAN : " Let a young man seek one used in these articles, and then, on your knees alone, to stand by his side who is fitted to bear her share of before your Maker, settle it once for all that you will life's burdens, one whose influence will ennoble and not " increase the trespass of Israel " by taking into refine him, and who will make him happy in her love." your bosom a strange, or unbelieving, companion.
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