Tuesday February 21. 1984 University. of Idaho 89th Year, No.,43 4FII I ll ll ~r ~4 k q I '4I ''hl I l F 4'» S I Ik> lI''",',:;,, I Ã :pi 4I- . ' '6k,i";" p iF: —. 4 ~ ;:.'::.(491),'.ie ~l 4 II +$ '-";44idlitr444FI44, ", '-'xlktI6 Robert Furgason ''''.toj' * I !,'rW~y$j ', -',:»I. 4I. -~'li-'.,.t'.:j'j@" Better offer lures Furgason from Idaho By Kathy Amidei not even bother to apply if the salary offered is He's leaving. The slight, balding man who not high enough. has been at the University of Idaho since 1957 "Monetary considerations are not the over- has received a better offer. whelming situation," says Furgason. "Ifthat Robert Furgason has been vice'-president of were true I would go into industry. Those are academic affairs and research here for the past where the big dollars are. "On seven years. On Saturday he announced his the other hand, it is a consideration ",.P~k8'- acceptance ofa position with the University of always," he said, in an interview before the Nebraska at Lincoln. official word was out. "And when salary dif- He will take over as Nebraska's vice ferentials become so large as you weigh all the ;:.'';j45.: chancellor for academic affairs on May 1 —a considerations in here, then that starts to tip the decision, he said, that he did not make on the scales." I, ' 'I spur of the moment. Furgason finds it interesting to contrast the "I'e put nearly 25 years of my professional attitudes of those in control who believe life here, so this is not the kind of thing that you administrators are the most important cog in do in the wheels of education with those who think a quick moment," Furgason said. !»'.4<'I. that administrative I Start-up salary for the new position is positions can be skimped i4». $69,500 —which is $13,000 more than he is upon. j presently earning at the UI. "Idon't think Chrysler would believe that," However, Furgason said salary was not the he said. "I think they look to their major officers major factor that influenced his decision. The in the corporation as being the ones to provide key reason was frustration. the leadership, and they'e willing to get the IRIIIR He said he has become frustrated trying to best and go after them and pay for them. maintain the quality of instruction without "They go after Lee Iacocca and expect him NIIIilinl~ adequate flnancial support from the state. And to do the job —and apparently he has done it." Furgason's position as academic vice presi- he has become disappointed by the unwil- I '.'- 'llli; lingness of dent here has enabled him to be involved in the IFI Idaho legislators to support higher Il @=-'':-" M I hDlg gQgg IIHlIIII education in tangible ways. interviewing and hiring processes. He has iIiiamiiiI> 5III » ...=. I FBgg "In found that few applicants for positions turn Il i III i == general, I think that the people in '8 4 4 ~ ~: IFIiimig: ': -- Nebraska — down offers purely for monetary considerations. ~Ila~gg ~~ =-..II support education least ~ I I higher at I 4FF4 ~ -— 4F "You don't see lots of that," 'lip visibly —more than do here in the state Furgason said. IFM%& I IW IIWIIIIIi they IIII N I of Idaho," Furgason said. "Although we do know it fs a consideration, )II II T~=-:: Furgason's announcement was not exactly because if you go back and ask them they say, 44 ~ 'Well gee, I can't afford the I 3 unexpected. He had been mulling the offer over job.'It's for the past week and was merely awaiting never a simple issue like that," he said. )Niger'4 ~ F 142" approval of his contract the Nebraska Board Ifit is simply the money the applicants are after. ]I)IiiI'( (Fill m aiM ~F II, by lliSIF I I 4 they know ahead of time and do not even I'4=- ~ of Regents before offlcially releasing the news apply. .= I r8 IR I cl IRRKIF44 4444444'" of his departure. Furgason stressed that salary per se is not the ~' I The Board approved the I ~ I $ %8F I I ~ Fll'4 FI Il '4 contract at its meeting on Saturday. primary motivation of most of the faculty. Most IF 4 4 44 I I I Fl F I I 4 ~ II II ~ At the University of Idaho, there has been of them would be able to find jobs in business ll~/4 what and industry that would generate greater some label as an exodus of teachers out 'f Ir:-= " salaries — ''ll ~ Idaho to states — taking into consideration their ~ which I more il 4444 4 pay an exodus 1% l I 414 +~ which hit the knowlege and degrees, he said. F II top-level here with Furgason's ~I% 4 llFSI4FII44~ l~ I+ IS~., announcement. "Most of them are motivated. They like gi4 4!I SI~ l SIIE 4 iL 44 I ~.„ The 48 year-old father of two has received s Lj l numerous invitations to apply for jobs, but does See FURGASON, page 16 4 2 Argonaut —Tuesday, February 21, 1984 1 P ~ ~~'lfS ~: .'row I:earn wins regiona 1:i1:.e Ii.ilC.S TACOMA —The University of Idaho College Bowl Team captured the Region 14 Championship by defeating teams from five other Feb, 22 last day schools at the University of Puget Sound over the weekend. to file incornpletes The UI team defeated Boise State, ,I~A '@JAN 385-75; Whitman College, 295-60; +~T , Wednesday, Feb. 22. fs the last day Puget Sound, 205-120; Alaska- : . to:remove.fncoinplete grades; Fairbanks, 170-130;and the Univer- j$,": -.All. sity ofOregon, 205-170and 270-195. Removal of Incomplete, or In the second round match, the '.Extension. of Time cards, must be . flie fn the Registrar's aNce by then. team suffered a 115-200 loss to ) | ,f. ',~M4 454k, '. J Alaska-Fairbanks, which according to Team Captain Lewis Day, placed . the team in the loser's bracket. Experhnent station However, by winning the next five matches, the team earned the title. ,-.gets net supervisor In addition to Day, Melynda Huskey, Keith Stutler and Paul Maury Wiese, University of Idaho Thompson make up the UI squad. , pathologist, has been named assis- "We are certain we couldn't have .,;:tant:. director of:; the'daho done it without the fine cooperation . '''Agrfculturai Experiment Statfon.- of Sue Hovey. our coach, Esther Louie. Terry Armstrong, Dean ...~:The.',appofnjfment was,fmnofince4 -, Lee'Bulla; Vettrus and the ASUI," Day said. Regional winners by Jj.',expert( station The UI team received a plaque and rrr<~~er and aiiocfaQ gaea'ri'of the UI . earned the right to represent the College Bowl team members Lewis Day, Melynda Huskey, Keith Stutler and Paul ,;CoIlege" of':Agrfciilture;::, western region at the national Thompson ponder a question. The team captured the regional championship over -:-'.''Wfese. playoffs. the weekend in Tacoma. (Photo by Julia Yost) mill": sttperyise, .'the. rnafntjnance and Mproveinent of College,'of Agrfculbeii 'faeflftfes:for . xesearch,'eachfng: 'arid:ex'tenifon'iograms.'He Lobbyist, aides mill-revfew grantyro- top senate agenda posali; and'".r'epoi?i 'of College 'f Agriculture iesearcher.,'-';,' ., By [on Ott The.', ASUI'enate may debate Grad school office several topics this week, including the merits of ASUI Lobbyist Doug offers fellowships Jones, the appointment of two If you'mere presidential aides, and a bill to per- to explore'the Ifst of mit President Tom LeClaire to actfve experts frr any of a wide vari- , ety of conduct a telephone vote during a education and research-related time of "emergency." occupations, the chances are that you will find Jones was criticized last week by a Unfversity of Idaho Whittenberger Fellom. Idaho Senator John Barker, R-Buhl — and several other senators following Since the Whfttenberger a report he made before the Housing, Felfowsfrfp program .began in Education and Welfare Committee in 1974, 18 UI students have been Boise. Barker is the chairman of that . helped ffnancfaliy while working for committee. doctoral degrees. University of Idaho President. Again this year, two Whittenberger Richard Gibb, responding to a phone 'fellowships an: being offered with call from Barker, said the chairman application for the prestfgfous "interpreted Jones'emarks to the ljl6,000 grants due in the Graduate - School. omce committee as personal attacks ak'<'it'7+ by March.4. The against him." .1984-85 recipients-will be selected The ASUI Senate, following April 8.- Barker's criticism of Jones last week, discussed other criticism that some Council rewords of the members had heard from Boise. The discussion took place in evaluation proposal an informal meeting following the regularly scheduled senate meeting The last faculty cou'ncf1 has recom- Wednesday. mended that In a phone interview student evaluations Monday, 'g should be made Senator Chris Berg said, "Barker has available to students unless restricted by the instructor a personal problem with Jones. As concerned. far as I am concerned there never The original recommendation had was a problem." been Idaho State worded sich that evaluations Senator Norma Dobler would be from Moscow also defended Jones, made available only'f Ole "In instructor took aetio'n to make them saying, my opinion, Jones is very :avaOable. effective, and because of that At the faculty council the meeting on opposition is.seeking to quiet him. Feb. 14 .the council.'- They are remorded fts recommendation trying to discredit him so order his efforts will be less successful. to make the procedure'ore. "Senator Barker clear. has made some This complaints that I think are com- recommendation must now pletely unfounded.
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