DaB Of The Year Named At Rally, Is '32 Alumnus A Uutferaity of Iowa graduate was named Dad of the Year FridaY niabt Lake City attorney, Lester E. Swanson, father of LanDe Swanson, A4, and Joel Swaoson, 1..2, was introduced to the lui at the pep rally laat night. They greeted his pep taIt with ~ ,eIllnC ud applause. Juat prior to his being named Dad of the Year, the microphone UIed for addressing several thousand students went dead. AI be Jooked over the crowd, Swanson said, "Oh man, this is really come to be something." SWANSON WILL appear several more times during the Dads' Da,. weekend. Today, at the Iowa·Michigan Slate game, he will be lDtroduced to the spectators during the half·time ceremonies. WillI University of Iowa, Mlss Sheila Bauer, AS, Livingston. N.J .. es· corted him at the pep rally and wID escort him again this after· JIOCIII. Toni&ht be will be presented at the Dave Brubeck concerts in tile Union. Tickets are available fOr the concerts, Which will be at THE DAD OF THE YEAR was NmM yHtenlay during a pep rally fw .... Mlch"_ It.... _ 7:. IIId 10 p.m., at the Union East Lobby desk, Whetstone's, and A WELL·DECORATED car, OM of 7S In a special canvan, I. driven up Iowa Avenue with a car­ tomorrow. He Is L...... Sw_. Lake City, pictured he ... with hi. _ ..... (left), U. ..... Campua Record Store. load of fan. on their way a Unlv.rtlty pep rally. The rally, attendecI by an estimated .. perMfta. daug,,"r Lerena, A4. SW8JI8OIl '1'88 graduated from the Unlversity in 1932 "ith his wa. highlighted by pl ....tl'" and netdle-llt-tha-Joeaystack contesta. - Photo by Marlin Levl_ BadIelor of Science and received his Juris Doctorate in 1935. He was admitted to the Iowa Bar in 1935 and has lived in Lake City aiDce 1940. He is a member of the American Bar Association and the Judicial Administration Committee oC the Iowa Bar Association. Cloudy, Cooler IN THIIR LETTER of nomination, his children said Swan· I0Il is known as "Mr. Hawkeye" in Lake City, and the people there Partly cloudy to cloudy alld a can set their watches when they see him heading east for a Coot ball little cool.r today; high. • northwest to 60s .I.. where. Part. game 00 Saturday. Since his freshman year in 1927, the Swanson Iy cloudy and cooler and said, their falher has attended approximately 175 Iowa tonltht cblIdren Iowan Sunday. CootbaJl games. Serving the State Univemty of Iowa and the Pp-ople of iowa City His wile, Esther Schwidder Swanson, a 1933 graduate of the University ,also shares his enthusiasm for all aspects of Uni· 10 cents per copy Established ill 1868 Auociated Preas Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa-Saturday, November 6, 1965 venity life. Swanson'lI brother, sister, three nephews, and a broth· er-in·law are all University alumni. The letter, lIubmitted to the Dads' Day ComrrUttee and Om!· c:raI Delta Kappa. meD'S leadership honor society, outlined Swan· lOll'. record of professional and pUblic leadership and described bIs I!IIthusiastic support of the Unlversity. Swanson was guest of honor at a supper in the Union Colonial Room with executive members of ODK, faculty advisers, Mortar Board (women's leadership honorary society) and staff. A reception u.s. Opens Power"Struggle was beld In his honor at the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, wbere his daughter is a member. SWANSON WILL introduce his Camily during the annual Dads' AJaociation luncheon at 11 a.m. today, in the North Gym of the Field House. Gene R. Krekel, 1.3, Burlington, will introduce Swan· I0Il at the events. A NaV)' veteran of World War II, Swanson served as a senior lieutenant aboard the aircraft carrier "Swanee," and was among ith DeGaulle Over"NATO tile officers and men who received a presidential unit citation after 86 days at sea during the battle of Okinawa. I============--------~--------------------.....,..------ SW8lllOll is currently the Lake City attorney. He was elected to three terms as Calhoun County attorney following World War Morrissey Ends Princess Rides Coble Cor Rusk Takes 'Slap' 11. Judge Denies He is also director of civil defense in Lake City and a tormer SAN FRANCISCO fA'! - Prin·about eight blocks up steep Rus· director of the Lake City community schools. Judgeship Bid cess Margaret of Great Britain ' sian Hill as photographers ran overruled her security men Fri· after the car and their own mot· At French Leader When Introduced as Dad of the Year at the pep rally, Swanson JOHNSON CITY, T.x. WI - Subdistricting said, "I haven't been so excited since the day I was married 30 day and took a ride on one of orcade trailed behind. Francl. X. MorrI ••ey of 80s­ San Francisco's famed cable The Snowdons sat on the out· WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State D ean Rusk, JeIrI ago." ton, whOi. nomination tw be cars. side of the open cable car, their clashing with French President Charles d e Ga ulle, declared SWIJISOD watched the pep rally from the slfps of Old Capitol. a U.S. District Court judge The 5 foot 1 Inch princess and feet planted firmly an the run· Of Legislature Friday that integration of and allied forces in Two events were going on before he was introdUCed. A pie-eating stirred a storm In the Sena", her 5 foot 5 inch husband, the ning board. U.S. Europe cootest involving representatives from each ~ the housing units asked Pre.ldent Johnson Fri. Earl of Snowdon, were nearly As they boarded the little car DES MOIN~S "" - Notice of is an operational necessity to avoid "complete confusion at d.y to wlthdr.w hi. nomina. I was held prior to the rally. Winners from Kap a Alpha Theta and trampled by the crush of spec· and the crowd swallowed them appeal was filed Friday, only a moment of a-isi ." PIll Epallon Pi were sufficiently pie·covered t they sent repre· tlon. Johnson ..lei /18 would tators and newsmen trying to uP. the princess appeared a bit comply. hou r after Polk County District sentatives to. accept the congratulations from ep Club president rid& with them. nnnoyed by the crush But she Court reCu ed to Order subdi· U N U "We have a very SUbstantial Morrl... y. a 1000.. tlme friend rges Dave Kyner, A4, Waterloo. BUT LORD SNOWDON found quickly recovered and smiled tric tihg of the Iowa Leg! lature. • • !orce In the he~rt of EUrope - and political .lIy of the Ken. time to talk with passengers who after they had settled down on PI BETA PHI won the needle.in·the·hayst8fk search. No fra· nedy family, told Johnson In Judge Harry Perkins said, in C F' If my friends m Euro~ would crowded llround him. He told the car. essence, that the question of forgive me :- in . a ternity was ahle to find its needle in the time . Uotted. a letter received Frldey: ease- I re sur~ouJ:ll1ed John Simpson , a bearded youth wh ether to divide Iowa legisla. ~~a of C~el~e.rs , Rusk said. Kyner estimated that 75 cars participated in the caravan that "To prev.nt furtMr .ngulsh tive disLricts into subdistricts is Integration 1S upon us to my family and fUrth.r h.r· carrying a guitar; C I. lmpos~ drove from the field house to all the housing , nits. Winners for one for the political arena, rath· by the de facto situation. allm.nt to you and to tho .. "This is something we have Official Asks 0 m p I a n ce .... belt-decorated cars were: first prize, Kappa Alpha Theta; sec· reaUy been looking forward to." er than for the courts. "Our responsibility Cor the d· who have .upported me 10 GIld prize, Alpha Gamma Delta and Lambda Chi Alpha; and third Simpson said Lord Snowdown As he put it: "To have or not UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. "" _ fectiveness and the security and prize, Zeta Tau Alpha . loyally, I respectfully request Urban Plan th.t my nomln.tion to the fed· even had time to ask him a to have multi.member districts The United Nations Security the future of those forces In The pep raUy was photographed by a camera team from the little bit about himself. .ra' bench be withdrawn. is a matter of civic taste to be Council approved a strong new Europe is such that we need to Children clung to upright hand American Broadcasting Co. It will be shown on ABC·TV in a fea· "I shall always be grateful Coordination determined in each state by the resolution on the Indla.Pakistan know who is gOing to do what, ture on Midwestern colleges, featuring Iowa and Wisconsin, later rails. Women teetered on high political majority in controL " cris is Friday, but a Soviet abo when and where. If there iJ for' the confidence you showed Coordination of federal urban fall . heels. And the rest of the pas· trouble." IbIa in nominating me, but, not· development programs with city HOLDING a reapportionment s len~on. broke the big:power sengers looked pleasantly SUr· plan adopted by the 1965 Le gis· unaDlmlty that had prevalled on HIS STRONG defense of the al· wlth.tandlng the m.rh. of prlsed as the cable car, divested programs was stressed by Dr. th.t nomlutlon, I do not want George Belknap of the U.S. De­ lature constitutional. Perkins dis. the Issue. lied integration system at a newl of some oC its overload of pas· missed a suit brought in an at· The resolution insisted that conference immediately raised a to be the cau.
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