CopyriCht, 1914, by Kanaaa Farmer Co. Septe!Dber 12, 1014 KANSAS FARME'P 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"1,,.1111,111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� OIIIII1II1II1IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,IIIIIIIIIIII(llll1�"111I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I1IIIIIIIII,... iii .'1111111 Brothers .soua if son' , \ il;;;; Apper iii Home:-'Ma'de Automo.bil es IIiii �ii iii iii == 'know what to in a "home-made" pie. �� You expect -- ii new a ii Let us tell what we mean when we call the Apperson iii you ii 41home-mad� automobile." ii • ii lir.t I • car, "anel Apper.ota, Americd. , ,�� A bjt',:':Etnl��" Edgar -- ·de.igned: ii / own our motor car builder.-+95%···of tlie part. made in our factory, by �� -- of ii own men-the entire car con.tructed under the per.onal mpervi.ion �i ii Brother•• ii the Apper.on == �! -- because , what into the· finished car, ii Thus we know just exactly goes �! -- we make the- ii ii ii Fenders ii Motors Steering Gears Drop Forgings �� Brake Rods and Cushions -- Transmissions Famous Apperson ii Sweet-Metal iii Axles Clutch Control Rods All ii Rear ii Parts == Radiators '. Froitt Axles �� Bra�es -- ;j, Beauty and Refinements !!!! 22 Years Low First Cost-Low Upkeep ------ Supremacy - !!!! -------- ------------ - - ... !!!! within the few have the Apperson The beauty of the full stream !!!! Because of this policy the Only past years graceful !!!! consented to build cars. They hood and the • iii Brothers popular priced line body-the tapering has been supreme for �� Apperson have built for the selectfew, and now for 1915 always . new V radiator-is something !!!! 22 have been -shaped always . !!!! years. They they offer a when iii iii you can be proud �f your . cars-automobiles that !!!! honest "Four 40"� 5-Passenger Touring car. '! iiiiii is lined with other •• Apperson up any ". reflected. in long and satisfactory or Roadster for $1485 Tour- 22 coats of .are used. Over this is service. the care and thorough­ "Six 45"-a 5- or 7-Pauenger paint - finish or Roadster for ,$1785 placed an imported English coach Ii ness taken in their building. We ing !! that mirror-like will not !! have never hurried our men­ Also a larg�r Four and larger Six for those who want gives gloss-that !! backs more and dull. The seats are wide-the !! rushed our Ours a power striking individuality. !! shops. is. The Four and Light Six are the lighteat utmost comfort. cushions !! not a Light give Special' !! quality quanity product. cars horae power in their classes, weight per further enhance riding ease. The electric !! This 'has been our policy because � This weight is eccuratelybalanced-e-pleced only as and system are of the the of a motor car is lighting starting !!!�!! purchase know how from their un­ these two great engineers unit No complications are !! to It is one of the Brothers separate type. !! important you. experience. Thus. the Apperson equaled All instruments are on the !! deals of lifetime and offer the most economical car in upkeep possible. !! big your you beleive they instrument board- handy to the driver. !! dollar for dollar value. for 1915. !! }Vant !! ;; !! make a selection until !! Write for Advance Catalog J today. Don't !! value. are offered in the new Apper.ons � you know what remarkable !! ! Apperson Bros. Automobi�e Company, Kokomo,' Indiana Apperson "4-40"- $1485 , I' The Standard Farm Paper of Kansas A,J,BERT' T.' Preafdent B 0 R J( d REID, - ,T "',,, ;: A"!,,. ,. � t'o;r, I�, O'h,! e.:,l, S. H. P�TCHE"", Sec-r�tar':v G" 0 WHEELER, Live Stock Editor Editorial, AdvertlBlng and Bualnesa Offices - Topeka, KBDB118 Ohlcago Office, Advertising Bulldlnll', Goo W. Herbert, Inc� Hanager New York Wallace O. Inc., �r Office, 41'�l¥:k R"w. Rlchardso� _,. ) ; " , , office aecond;�laaa matter Entered a� th,e TO� post � SERUM EXPERTS. state in pure IItrains each' state, returns the �aximum of profit in 'iL���D �CIA.L (:OBJ)lTIORS. �EED FOR establishing 'o,f addition to the cl08e' 'lt18often said that clowl ha. � of the handicaps to the of these varieties. This statioi11Jispecta buildqlg '!lP soil, "Eyery OI\.e greatest ita silver One of' the most· " be of sed· general ' and successful introduct�()n ,of "hundreds of fields before harv,�sting ti,me. ,check � ,kep� ,�n. ,eveey; ,ltem lining." the ous of the i. tll!) �mDJ.uniza:tion of hogs,against 1):og'; and.ireeerda the'i1amea.of,'fafinel'8.r'\f,hO; ���e, and'on:t"e,gath,ma�e,by complaints average'faRDer. and :will ,tJlele" ammaIB" on the differl'nt feeds., of Kansas, has been ,regarding,.the iOar9·' eholei'a ,ha,',s been the:'lack' 9,� t,4,oroug:!Jl;v �haNe .good: seed .sup.plY ,forage, names 'to'lhose who want 'better' �sieCl' The \"'0 'dein()Jistrir.�ioD8 'a'601t'�,,::'DaDlI!,a: hIgh"price of"fii'iil faoor. trah\ed men, N:umbers of graduate vet· iti'and iNaw are the comes N. Cl!orver" are jhe than ,that '����. ot ��r�t ,�I¥l1i 'Dr:, t:'., pr�feJI. '-�, I' �J!. ,a,pp'lic�� " �o�hy ,�pr�.; e1-'in�rianl! failur�s ,§I'��by �h��selves;- at tion of tliis method of preventing'cholera t�e 'f�rm.ers ,lDwrest In"wheat. Ifo� '. "R�' �jJ.;' �"'m' t1lii';:,co�ml!n:d«� �} 'eco��ica Harvard; and;,s�ya. to tun for whOM iii one of hiS addresses at the because are not' 'trained reviv!ld a, greaier' degree tlon� aD�'l��""'a'tte�&� ot'!ih�' s��� they thoroughly em· a 'be, i eondi- ,no�' t1,leul, perm!l-· , .cli�l, �t, ,¥�att�n, ,m!!�hods . to, diagnose correctly thl" actual .n,u�ber '1(. year�, past, ther�,s�0,,14 �ave. ' "�e ''Wher!'ver are scarce and hard to IOCl&!' reVival the lDterest for seed. flDd, ' tion of the -hogs under eonslderation, a fu nently prosperous. ptp;tes \ the bes 31 conditions are where are While general directions 'are gi'Ven' on It will pay to prepare foodI!e,!!d be4 ',31 ,,31 ,,' ,good; employee not have been conditions are bad?' the paekeges in which the serum and possible, but tlie job will TO IMPROvE CREAltJ.·, ,', abtm,dant, soci�l, �t can ,J•• .. W,llw'i! i "_�'" .', ; virus are recei ved;: these' ,on}y�s�rve .. c!)l!\pl�t��" vn�1L��!l ,�s�) se�1,), "po�s\"I!t, ,�¥�a.p. AA�,,,a,fter.J l!'l has been sown. "Ther.creamtigrli;ding,!pltm"oM!lta.te,,]i)airy!'''''·�'''tll.i�,,�h,.tno be umn�ed as a Hine at the close of ,two ,an entotrely bless�. .general guide. Commissioner to the rural , 31 leadets Doctor Schoenleber of the � ·IJ ,_,. I::> months hail met 'with 'the favOr � �IS �ddress �icu1tural', of"many their, a. in diseuasing this before Work has begun on the buildiJuza and those who, qurlDg ten·da!' confere�ce t4e: College, {,OlDt creamerymen'. dairymen. would Carver deveJpP!4 a' group of breeders, said he which will house the exhibits of ,tiie h th Ian a tr'la1 are so mucih 8um�el �hool,r�tor, • ave. gIven , t; -P the Idea that ,the· phIlanthropists, who' rather underhOlta e the task 0f teaching a ninth annua1 InternatlonaI Dr�y. F'armlDg of, ItS that have they are such ",� ,.. of International Prod- conVlI?ced v,al�e makl'ng great effo""s to t';,ans. thoroughly practical hog man long Congress and Soil n Iz d n assoc at10n the of rg " purpose 0!l � ',a I, . fer the Iabor iii the of success-' held at surplus ot cheap years of experience the art uets Exposition to be Wichita, to eo-operate With he to which. I� � citles to the farms have overlooke"; this ful immunization, than to attempt October 7 to 17. In this exposition ",ill, ' d��_ry commIssIoner.. .;. of the entl·rel;,.J, He'" be. a successfuI serum t·t·I loner 0f shown IturaI d' I • ,��bject niake prac be county agricu ISP ays; Tbat qualIty can b Improved by buy . �. ., fihaseieves that ,'" great influx of cheap labor some of the young graduate veterina. individual agricultural exhibits, machin. ,the baSIS 'f it8 IS mg -:ream grade through the sections �uld most rjans� II err, implements and vehicles, and the, Wi!en the °ducel' gets a farmintr c�rtalD. SOCIlI,} conditions in those . veterinarians United States De. �ro cl!r,tainly bljure of these ,20,000 exhibit of the for I1ream than for - Many young higher good districts. It would vac· pn�e 'give the big farmer have made succe8ses in the of The' editor he cream. signal . partment Agriculture. poor, ,wdl produce , When, with abundant at f f federal goo� capital his dispos.al carefully looked the de· the a prIce for creamery: par.s plenty; ,of cheap labor and,' as a result, h���8eo:;'e��a��e:::�o:heir It Will see t at ItS h�:��!ie�!. thro� good cr�am, hlfher, buyl�g the man with moderate would succeS8es becau8e took up the study �� care as capital.' they t':t'fe�lt j��i:�l:d0.10 s:�J;stt::tt agent .gIves tot be crowded from the field. If the time 8U�h crea� ,,!dl - of. the hog and his disea8es as thor- exhibit alone deserves the attention of It to at the �use al'!lye churmng, pomt ever comes when laJK,r will be as a8 the aver· cheap ou,ghly and systematically Ie from a11 parts 0f Kansas. This 1n The creameries peop' good condltlo!l' ,of plentiful in the country as it now. is in iA)terinari'an i8 trained in the anat· with those above mentioned, to· Kansas are a commerCIal age exhibit, maklDg the Doctor Carver of the hor8e, A vet· goo� city, insists that two omy and di8eases gether with the displays of farm prod· grade of butter of a per· con!,lderable large cillasses are mos"-Ii sure to be devel.
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