Mr. President, here are your mixed nuts, buttermilk By RICHARD E. MEVEI If they were, they aren't now. least likely room as the safest for the president to sleep cheek. At the Ceopers, Ike president shacked his rut. AsMdated Prew Writer They're celebrities. That's one of the things that hip- in relied ip hfi sleeves aid toek »lf kh tie. II was leaked Get tome mixed nuu. He likes them for a snack. And pens when the president spends the night "It was a room upstairs that hadn't had anything with sweat. aome buttermilk. He likesa glass before bedtime. Here ire other things that happen — courtesy of Ed done wlthit for years," mutters Elizabeth Cooper. "The Elizabeth Cooper forgot and called him Jimmy. He Wake up at « a.m. He does. And he makes his own and Kay Thompson of Clinton, Mass ; Owen and Eliza carpet was wom. It was where the girls had stayed apologized. "Oh. call me Jimmy." he said. bad. beth Cooper of Yazoo City, Hiss., and Woody and Mary when they were little." But she couldn't. The whole family called him Mr. Be prepared to hear a lot about Amy. Like any other Diehl of Indlanola, Iowa They have given Jimmy Carter At the Dtehls, Carter got (He master bedroom. Woody President. father, the president of the United States dotes on his bed and board, and they know what it's like. and Mary moved out "a few personal things." Woody He sat at one end of Mary Diehl's sofa. She shud- blonde. 10-year-old daughter. He'll tell you all about her If you're picked, you'll get the word a few days look seme clothes out of the clpsel to make room. Mary dered. It's the worst seat in her living room. tree house and her dog, Grits. ahead of time. But the White House staff will'ask you to put new linen on the bed. <f "He was a lot more at ^ase than I was," she says. And nil wife. You'll hear about Rosalynn and herf keep the visit secret until Press Secretary Jody Powell Woody and Mary moved into the guest room "He has so many interests, he makes you feel at home. trip to South America. announces it. Aides put a special phone by the president's bed It Our oldest granddaughter has a record collection. He Don't panic. He'll only stay a night. The Secret Service will seal off your block. was connected to the White House. Two other such liked that. Our youngest granddaughter is the same age Aid afterward yM'll be able 10 ergaaltr tours for Ike Agesls will put lights aid delecters I* yew yard u> phones were installed for his stiff. as Amy. I'm interested in Indian artifacts. So's he." aetjhkan a»d Dalit I* Ike sheets •• year bed aid say step lilradm. They will pat blacken bliadt «a yesr wla- Expect about 400 calls, says Elizabeth Cooper. The Coopers invited their grandchildren to spend the ,"ThepmMeilsJes*hert' dews U eliminate silheaetlei. If yea've get a meter You'll see the president arrive at trbe head of a mo- night . Jimmy Carter his a penchant for visiting. kerne, Ike ageiu will suke II their keadqisrters. torcade. He's likely to carry his sultbag into 4he house Carter lifted oar graidsea late kls arms. The II- On three tripe so far, to New England, to the South If your laundry room is handy, like Woody Dlehl's over his shoulder. • - moalk »td boy looked at him sleepily. Tkea ke percked a and U> the Midwest, he has scorned hotels and motels, was, some of the Wblte House staff will Uke It over for "Once we got Inside, he carried it down the hall by 4 year-old graaddaagkter li kls lap aid fed ker same of where presidents usually stay. Instead, he bunked with their base of operation.' himself and put it away," says Woody Diehl. Ms lee cream. peqto be considers plain forks. Vou can (tapefxi < Carter tagged Kay Tkemisei iad kissed her w ike 8eeMr.FresMeM.a*gei The Daily Register VOL. 100 NO. 107 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1977 15 CENTS mDiMiiitxna MISS MARDI GRAS - Miss Mardi Gras. Mary Jo Mazzacco of Lenox Ave., Long Branch, is crowned by the unmasked Grand Mystery Marshal, Gerry ••fllMr H»H »r Larrr rim YOU DESERVE A BREAK TODAY - Looking WHAT IS IT? - We give up. Whatever It Is, It Is Matthews. Mr. Matthews is the bosketball coach at MR. AND MRS. HALLOWEEN - That's the name rather glum despite the festivities at yesterday's really 10-year-old Cindy Duzino of Long Branch. Long Branch High School. The two participated in of this lovely couple at yesterday's Halloween pa- Halloween parade in Red Bank I^IHnlel Cav- The youngster was one of many who participated the 36th annual Mardl Gras parade sponsored by rade in Red Bank. They ore olso known as Robin anaugh, 5, of East Brunswick dretfWas a "Big In the Long Branch Exchange Club's 36th Annual the Long Branch Exchange Club. Rose of Oakhurst and Tom Hicks of Long Branch. Mac" with a pickle on his head. Mardi Gras parade yesterday. It was a nice day for the good goblins. By ANN Hid Mil K and DAVID TURNER rant (actually the Steven Vawter family of Highlands) and The Long Branch festivities got under way at 2:30 p.m. Long Branch High School. Goblins, witches and ghosts tnuk In the streets yesterday. Farmingdale's Michael Galanter. dressed as a very con- Children delighted as parading firemen, perched atop their Mary Jo Mazzacco, daughter of Robert and Florence Maz- Halloween parades in Ri'd Hank and Long Brunch yes- vincing Pinocchio firetrucks. threw wrapped candy into the crowd. zacco, Lenox Ave. took top honors in the pageant. terday drew large crowds of spectators, lured out-of-doors by Other winners were Barbara Ann Karanson of Highlands Floats with waving beauty queens, surrounded by a few Miss Mardi Gras is captain of the school's color guard the brisk autumn sunshine and the chance to see marching in the 8 to 10 age group. Michele Wilson of Keansburg in the Draculas. Frankensteins and a Snow White (or was she a Cin- and is treasurer of the student council. bands, floats and scary skeletons 11 and up age group. Dwight and Heron Line of Red Bam in The other contestants were Sharon Johnson, Carmen Or- The creepy critters and ghoulish ghosts separated these the family group, and the St Anthony's CYO of Red Bank in tiz, Alicia Elmore and Lynne Keenan. parades from the traditional ones and in the words of a de- the large float division The Fort Monmoulh Band, the Ked Hmr the holiday came about, page 2 The Grand Mystery Marshal was also unmasked, reveal- lighted seven year-old "I don't want to be a princess (for Hal- Bank Regional High School Band and cheerleaders, the Roy- ing Gerry Matthews — a basketball coach at the high school. Marching units participated from Long Branch High loween). I wanna' be a monster " ale Drum and Bugle Corps nf Ealontown and the Rumson- derella'1). passed by the reviewing stand to the oohes and School, Shore Regional High School, Red Bank Catholic High An enthusiastic crowd ol more than 10M children and Fair Haven Regional High School drill team all marched aahes of the crowd. adults lined Broad Street at 2 p.m- for the borough's 30th an- along with the contestants School, Ocean Township High School, and the Joshua Huddy nual Halloween parade At the conclusion of the parade there was a festive Parade organizers from the Long Branch Exchange Club Fife and Drum Corp, Colts Neck, and the Battle of Monmoulh Gorillas, monsters, vampires, martians. and even a train awards presentation in the White Street parking lot where the attributed the Indian Summer weather (along with their own Ancient Fife and Drum Corp., Tennent. and a McDonald's restaurant marched along with bands, fire Ladies' Auxiliary of the Red Bank Fire Department served a good reputation for having a great Halloween Mardi Gras pa- An all-girl 60-member drill team, the Hiirricaines, from engines and floats to the delight nf the crowd while competing variety of refreshments rade) with the exceptional turnout. This was the Exchange Asbury Park, debuted in their new uniforms, causing quite a for more than $1000 worth of prizes donated by area mer- The parade was sponsored by the Red Bank Department Club's 36th Halloween pa'rade. stir in the crowd. chants and community groups of Parks and Recreation and organized under the volunteer Miss Mardi Gras was named and crowned at the parade, Parade organizers broke from tradition and awarded ap- Grand prize winners were the walking McDonald's restau- leadership of J. William "Skip" Rice of Middlelown. citing the results of general secret ballot vote held Friday at See Good goblins, page 2 but a not-so-nice night by the not-so- good ones few curfew violations were reported s from eggs, shaving cream and soap, according to police There were a few windows broken at the River Street It was a night for soaping car windows, throwing eggs at Mischief ran the gamut from throwing eggs, soaping win- In Little Silver there was no curfew and some juveniles School in Red Bank but few other problems, according to po- passing cars, dumping garbage in the street and setting leaf dows, garbage in the streets, and shooting out strek lights were reportedly out but they apparently did little damage.
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