This is a repository copy of "It'd Be Easier If She'd Died'': Researching and Reporting "Taboo'' Issues. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/129732/ Version: Published Version Proceedings Paper: Sikes, P. and Hall, M. (2018) "It'd Be Easier If She'd Died'': Researching and Reporting "Taboo'' Issues. In: International Journal of Qualitative Methods. Qualitative Health Research Conference, 2017, 17-19 Oct 2017, Quebec City, QC. Sage Publications , p. 50. https://doi.org/10.1177/1609406917748701 Reuse This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) licence. This licence allows you to remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, and any new works must also acknowledge the authors and be non-commercial. You don’t have to license any derivative works on the same terms. More information and the full terms of the licence here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing [email protected] including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request. [email protected] https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/ Abstracts International Journal of Qualitative Methods Volume 17: 1–59 ª The Author(s) 2018 Abstracts, Oral Presentations for Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Qualitative Health Research DOI: 10.1177/1609406917748701 Conference, 2017 journals.sagepub.com/home/ijq Qualitative Health Research Conference October 17–19, 2017 Quebec City - Quebec - Canada Implementation and Maintenance level, maintenance dimension. Three main categories Evaluation of the School Oral Health emerged related to chronological phases of the program Program in Kuwait journey: (a) initiation, (b) expansion, and (c) sustainabil- ity. At the initiation phase, the role of gatekeepers, advo- cate leadership, and employing evidence-based dentistry Aishah Alsumait, University of Alberta was the main facilitators for establishing the program. At Maryam Amin, University of Alberta the expansion phase, proactive organizational change led Kim Raine, University of Alberta to developing a solid infrastructure. This led to Rebecca Rgokiert, University of Alberta the sustainability phase, which was characterized by awareness by the policy makers of population dental Objectives: The purpose of this study was to (a) explore care need and sustained public funding. These elements the factors affecting the implementation of Kuwait School were the main facilitators to successful program mainte- Oral Health Program (SOHP) procedures and (b) identify nance. Yet, some program constructs showed weak sus- factors influencing program maintenance over the past tainability. For example, the expansion of school-based three decades. Methods: A qualitative focused ethnogra- fixed clinics was implemented due to a serious oral phy approach was employed. An interview guide inspired health-care need among schoolchildren as a reactive orga- by the ecological health framework and RE-AIM evalua- nizational change due to the Second Gulf War. However, tion model directed our data collection through in-depth numbers of school-based fixed clinics declined dramati- and focus group interviews with dental care providers, cally and were replaced by mobile prevention dental key informants in the Kuwait Capital Education Area, and clinics due to unsupported environment, power dynamics, decision policy makers in the SOHP. The interviews were and cost–benefit reasons. Conclusions: Kuwait SOHP suc- recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis of ceeded in implementing and maintaining school-based data was performed. Findings: Thirty participants contrib- prevention procedures over 30 years, yet many program uted to this study. There were 13 dental care providers, constructs showed poor sustainability. Revisiting program four team leaders, nine key informants, and four policy vision, theory, and recognition of elements related to suc- makers in four in-depth and four focus group interviews. cessful implementation and maintenance will allow deci- Data analysis revealed two main categories influencing sion and policy makers to focus on pursuing means to successful program implementation: (a) SOHP structure improve capacity for more efficient and successful imple- and characteristics including prevention protocol and mentation of the program. This study provides insights resources and (b) school environment characteristics that can be shared with wider national and international including schools’ engagement, however, at a policy settings. Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage). 2 International Journal of Qualitative Methods Engaging People Living With HIV and facilitators. G-ANC is a midwife-led model focused on sup- Health-Care Providers in the Design and porting women to learn from each other’s experiences in a Pilot of a User-Centered Strategy to supportive environment. To date, studies in diverse U.S. popu- lations have demonstrated improvements in self-efficacy for Improve ART Adherence Among MSM birth, high levels of satisfaction, and reductions in caesarean Living With HIV in Mexico deliveries and preterm births. It is not known whether the Zafiro Del Carmen Andrade-Romo, National Institute of Public G-ANC model will be feasible or acceptable in other settings. Health of Mexico The aim of this study was to adapt G-ANC to the context of the Laura Chavira-Razo, National Institute of Public Health of Mexico Mexican health system and assess feasibility and acceptability Luis Fernando Barraza-Araiza, National Institute of Public Health by women and health-care personnel. We first worked with of Mexico local health professionals to adapt the model, with attention Sergio Bautista-Arredondo, UC Berkeley School of Public Health to national clinical guidelines and cultural acceptability. We have trained 29 health professionals and implemented our High adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is essential to model Consulta Prenatal en Grupo in four clinics and have improve survival rates among people living with HIV and enrolled 78 of the 140 women to date. Our feasibility study reduce HIV transmission. Unfortunately, studies show that relies on qualitative (6 focus groups and 17 in-depth semistruc- adherence levels to ART are not optimal. In Mexico, men who tured interviews) and quantitative (measures of self-efficacy have sex with men (MSM) are one of the most affected popula- and satisfaction) data with women and providers. Preliminary tions by HIV; nevertheless, few studies have focused on under- results suggest a high level of satisfaction with the model standing the barriers and facilitators influencing their among women. Women with their first pregnancies mention adherence. This project’s first-stage objective was to develop feeling less stress for birth due to having heard other women’s a user-centered strategy to improve ART adherence among birth experiences in group. Findings from the project (antici- MSM starting ART in Mexico. To enhance participants’ invol- pated Spring 2018) will be used to inform decisions about vement and translate their perspectives into a strategy, we com- expanding the G-ANC model in Mexico. bined qualitative methods with ‘‘design thinking,’’ a marketing approach used to develop user-centered products. In 2016, 37 MSM living with HIV participated in six focus groups discus- Narratives of Living With Chronic sions, and nine semistructured interviews were conducted with Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): health-care providers. A team discourse analysis approach was Engaging the Voices of People Experiencing used to identify main themes. Design thinking was then used to Social Isolation identify patients’ journey after being diagnosed, their profiles according to their experience while taking ART, and the best Marcy G. Antonio, University of Victoria elements to design the strategy. We found that MSM’s barriers Laurene Sheilds, University of Victoria and facilitators to adherence are not static and might undergo Anne Bruce, University of Victoria changes throughout different stages of adjustment to ART. To have successful public engagement requires citizens who Based on these results, we designed a strategy that focuses are willing to share their experiences. However, people living on habit formation, with multiple levels of support mechanisms with the greatest burdens of illness may also be the most dif- including experienced MSM living with HIV as support peers. ficult to locate and engage. Chronic obstructive pulmonary Results from this stage were crucial to understand the motiva- disease (COPD) is an illness that exemplifies unique challenges tions that will engage both newly and previously diagnosed for public engagement. According to the literature, COPD is MSM in the strategy’s pilot stage. underdiagnosed and, compared to other fatal conditions, has fewer dedicated research, community, and palliative care resources. With smoking viewed as the most common risk Adapting the Group Antenatal Care
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