111 Sports An Associated Collegiate Press Five-Star All-American Newspaper l11 Sectio11 2 Friday home and a National Pacemaker Sex for sale on opener for the streets of Blue Rocks New York City page 85 page 81 FREE TUESDAY State commission issues report on Towers incident Independent study says police used excessive cap-stun, advises training :L~J.,Donovan After relations between black students and the administration erupted last semester over an incident at the Onistiana Towcn, a state report examining the incident criticized police behavior and offered ideas to avoid similar future situations. the THE REVIEW IJ. Hollada The report examined Sept. 20, Newark firefighters assess the damage outside the Dickinson Residence Halls after a 1992 confrootation between students motoc:yde collided with a car Thursday evening leaving two men seriously injured. and police which began when police responded to a domestic dispute involving Keita Malloy (AS JR), a fonner university football player. Collision of car, motorcycle The situation snowballed, leaving four university students arrested and aeating an aftershock of allegations from students present at the incident near Rodney leaves 3 injured that police used excessive force in controlling the police-estimated crowd of 200 that gathered outside the By Greg Orlando Towers. &mtainment fila'Jr 'Excessiw force used' A IOOWrcycle collided with a cc.- oo Hillside ROIKS Tbursday night, inuring three people, ooe President David P. Roselle, flanked wry seriously, Newark Police said by Vice Presidents John Brook and Police said Raymond Matthew Mancini (AS Maxine Colm at a Friday press conference, said, "'t was apparent that FR), the mver c:l the ~e. suffered severe damage to his bands and legs and was flown by excessive Cap Stun (a weaker form of belicopter to OlristianaHospilal. mace) was used [by the police off~Ce~S on the scene]." He added, "Any 0Jristop1er Trent (AG FR), ~ eyewitness at tbe scene, gave the following account of the aash: Jitysical force is excessive." Trent said at about 9:10 p.m.• he heard a Although lhe report said !here was no "mutual respect" among students ~ traveling from tbe Rodney Complex · and police present at the incident, it 10ward the Dickinsoo Colqllex. stated "the authority and role of The~ rmde skidding ooises, he said. and collided with a Ca' blcking out c:l tbe fire lane see TOWERS page Ah between I>iddnul D and E. The motm:ycle bit tbe car, an Oldslmbile 88. oo the driver's side doer, smashing the window and saxling the passengers flying, he said Trat said the Cll' bad yet to COO!plete i~ tum RAs victim of more assaults ooto the road w'tm the motacycle hit iL "(The motorcycle] nu;t have been going rrettY fist,.. he said. National suNey finds resident assistants at higher risk After the crash, the motorcycle's passengC'J' A large aowd ""''--"lll'Olni the in"-t ....m- Trent By Stacey Hirsh face by a resident. Palmer said. Lane Hall director, said, "It's beglll to lliq) towad the car, he said, and the man 6""'......... ~ ........ -- ydlal at the driver: "Don't leave. Doo't you dare said he and a frieDd diverted traffic until tbe police anived SUiffRepon"' A university RA, who wished to realistic to say that crime does Resident Assistants (RAs) are remain unidentified, said a student occur when alcohol is abused." leave." see DICKINSON ACODENT page A4 frequently the victims of crimes in went so far as to threaten to kill However, Pawlikowski added, residence halls, according to a another RA. · "I think that's generalizing to say study by an assistant professor of Because there are so many it's all alcohol related." higher education at Bowling Green applicants, students applying for According to Jim Flatley, State University in Ohio. RA positions may be reluctant to assistant director of Public Safety, Carolyn J . Palmer surveyed ask questions concerning the at this university alone' there were housing officials at 28 public and violence issue. 164 reported alcohol violations in Jury requests death for ax murderer 21 private colleges and universities However, Palmer said, the residence balls between Sept. ranging in size from 600 to 38,000 applicants should be encouraaed to 1992 and Feb. 1993. By Usa Goodman Biffetato is expected to announce his sentenced May 19, Barron said students. express their concerns during On another campus in the study, till)!parll!r decisioo A¢.128. Barron said Lachette fled wben he beard Girardi While RAs represent only 2 interviews and should be trained an RA's hand was slammed in ·a A · Superior Court jury Jackson, 19, was convicted last enter the bouse and said he was percent of students living in to detect and back away from door upon entering a student's m-••••w:nded 'lbiJ&day that convidtJd week d first-degree ltlllder fer ldl.lin& unaware of her murder until Jackson residence halls, they are victims of dangerous situations. room to confront a violation of the DUdcrer Rotat w. Jacbon be put to 47-year-old Elizabeth Girardi last showed him tbe blood on his clothing, 26 percent of violent crimes, 4S RAs should not, however, be school's alcohol policy. The RA death, State Prosecutor Timothy A(Dl. he said. percent of vandalism and 60 expected to learn self defense or to bad to have reconstructive surgery, Banoosald. Barron said that Jackson struck The two were arrested after police percent of the incidences of verbal learn bow to disarm people with Palmer said. Tbe jwy d six rrm and sb: WOI1lC'n Girardi seven times with an ax after di.scovmd a piece of Girardi's jewelry harassment within residence balls, weapons. This is the job of the Pawlikowski said RAs may be deliberated for four hours bef ore she di!ICOvued Jackson and another was pawned at an Elsmere shop sooo Palmer said. police, not of the RAs, Palmer the victims of excessive reported bringing back an 11·1 vote for man, Anthony E. Lachette, afla' her Dlllder, Bamn said. "There are more and more cases said. crimes because they are in the CUICUtion. Barron said. burglarizing her home. However, Barron said, Lachette of RAs really being burt," she said. Douglas Tuttle, director of public eye and they have higher Due to a 199llaw, the jury's vote Is Lachette, who pleaded guilty to gave a full coofession of the incident "This problem is everywhere." Public Safety, said, "I suspect chances of meeting people who used u a recommendation by the second-degree burglary and second­ IS minutes after be was brought in. One incident included in the most crime in the residence balls ls disagree with them. Jud&e, who makes the final decisioo. degree conspiracy, testified against "LacheUe could get up to 10 years survey involved an RA's needing related to alcohol abuse." Superior Court Judge Vincent A. Jackson and is scheduled to be see EXEOJTION page A7 stitches after being punched in the Debbie Pawlikowski (ED GR), see REPORT page AfJ .----INDEX------. D USC pr~sidential candidates to debate WNRKin Step Show ........................ .A2 Campus Briefs .................. .A2 Newark Classified& ......................... 88 Spectrum party Greek party Cornics .............................. B9 Police Report .................... .A2 promotes unity candidate aims Review and Opinion ......... .liB changes Sports ................................ BS among student to decrease format Weekly World News ......... .A3 organizations student apathy --Also U.SiM:-- By Laura Jefferson By Susan Mazo By Karen llM'e Topjobs ........................... .A3 SWflilpnt SIUdMt Malrr Edltot WllpofW John Burke (AS JR}, Greek "You are live, oo the air. Caller Best job markets ............... .A3 Quang Le (BE FR), heading the Students win feli0Wihips •. .A3 Spectrum Party of the Delaware Party candidate for the Delaware bow zmx:b money do you think is in Undergraduate Student Congress tbe abopping cart today?" the Undergraduate Student Congress (DUSC) }nSidential electioo. said be (DUSC) presidential election, said mornin& DJ asked. he is willing to knock on doors to "$100," the caller answered. Is running due to his sense of commitment to carqms issues. find out wbat students really want •Sorry," the DJ explained, "the from the university. correct answer is $22.60." Le, current DUSC secretary, said the Specttwn Party ticket represents a "You can't just bave a box in a "Are you crazy?" the caller dinin& hall for people to drop their uked. "I spend over $100 a week cross section of students from different political ideologies and concerns in." be said. "You've got on aroceries. How can 1 feed my to actually ao out and actively see family with $22.60?" THE REVIEW I Wlllllr M. Eben THIR.EVIEW I Mulmlllln CrWdl presidential debate will wbat students are thinkina." Bvery mornlna. listeners of ~c Quan le John Burke be open to the public in the Ewing ... Spectrum party candidate The DUSC presidential debate ••• Creek party candidate •oood Mornina Newark" on will be open to the public April 15 WNRIC, the city's only AM radio Room of the Student CentC'J' Thursday at S p.m. Elections will be April 21 like what is taking place. at S p.m. In the Ewing Room and Burke, whose vice presidential IWion. have the cbance to win free "It looks like we are headina elections will be held April 21 and Greek running mate is Andy Huber poceries by correctly guessing the and Apil 22. The candidate, whose Spectrum toward chaos," Le said. wrhere is so April22. (BE SO), said because "people amount of money in the station's much bickering and animosity As president, Burke said be care a lot more about thinas tbey "'boppiDa cart... vice-presidential running mate is Brlat Reiss {BE JR).
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