PAGE THREE ' EiGUT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1917. iiniiiniiiiuiinMMiuniiiiiHMniiiiiniunniiiMiHHiiiuniMiHnuMMMiMniiiinniir: HERIL1ISTQN CREAMERY IS BEING IMPROVED MONDAY. JUNK 4, 1017. Co. Whei war Is o'er, he's Dean Tatom fMiwnrd. MiHxUan KUUvrn. the troubled KI.FX.'-TItI- The no more. C KMKXT I1XKIK l I f AND "Thin wiuad march straight for l While I've four years to do this In, MOTOR IKT.I.Il-:- ward,' IX KACTOKV. FOR BUSINESS WEAR. 5 Sergeant Stelwer bellows, I'll tell you my lot in a short space 688 We find eay mo to do. of time Phone it By Mrs. II. Newell, IfOHtem at Two in one of the For we're tttralKhtforward fellows.!' relutiiig this dally prayer of I. H. Blue Sere mine. Attractive Fartira; Mr. and Mr. things never goes out M. Konunnrer Home from Wcddln that A Xature Fakci of style; it's always neat ' Now I lay me dowri to sleep, Trl. , "W. T. Rlesninjc of Her mist on la always appro- CHEESE I pray the I,ord my soul to keep, and dressy; laying the foundation of a fine dairy (Ka Oregon ian Special.) priate ; always satisfac- 3 aay cornrry correspond- Grant th 't no other sailor take Her-n-lst- Limburjrer in Bricks 30 herd," a My HERMI8TON, June 1. The is provided ent. He be some bird. shoes or socks before I wake. Creamery Company ia making tory. That mut my slum- Tins - 20 And, Lord, please protect some Improvement to a good piece of Blue In ber, much needed it's - Were You Ono of Them. ita butter and Ice cream factory thla Serge, properly tailored. Cream, pound 35 Keep my hammock upon Its num- Patriotic enthusiasm In alright and week. A cement floor Hi being laid, It's not always easy to get Pimento, Green Chili and Olive, pkg... 10t we wouldn't be the one to muffle ber. motor beine intalled May no loaning and an electric kind. Roquefort, tin 204 it, but we can hardly drina; ourselves clues or break which will furnish power for the e that to approve of th storm of applause An1 let me down before I wake. plant and will do away with the year, Camembert - 20 bac, Grant that Time may go on skates, in uae Particularly this which Kreetexi the ?ndleton steam power which Jiaa been high ; good Prepared Rarebit 20 in, the Memorinl ry parade when L'ntll I reach the dear old States. since the facU'ry'a establishment here. materials are playing- Oh. for the sight of h feather bed W. K. R. and F. ryes scarce; skilled labor it was the Funeral March. my Brock, Alexander Where I might rest wearj R. Judd of Pendleton, are visitors on get. Altogether head. hard to PICKLES Altogether, TVjr. the project today In the Interest of buyer has a lot of God protect me in my dreams, the Good Itoad Bondn. the Here is the war cry suies;eted by thl better than it things to look out for. It Henz's in Bulk. the pepper nnd Salt of the IMse male Mrs. H. D. Xewell cu hostess last seems. week for two attractive parties, on happens that we're in a Sweet, Sour, Dill and Chow. Spkpman-Keiew- : And in the morning when I wake po- Ah, you Kaiser! being an auction bridge affair and the particularly pleasant in glass ... 50 Breathe the scent of sirlofn steak. other a sewing party. having se- Sweet, 15, 25, Oh, me scenes. sition in Serges, Take far from all these Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hawthorne and old-ti- Oh. V. H. will half-bake- Away from smell or d Irrigon, cured a nice lot of the 35 Get your little daughter Louise, of ; Bulk Cookies, pound beans. were guests at the home of Mrs. Haw- dependable Serge In Packages, each 154 Take me hack unto that land thorne's brother, M. r. Scroggs, Tues- treated with old-tim- e They fan lie Spoeel. Where they don't scrub down decks day. in Tin 254, (Ah we Jus- dyes. The Suits are in a Peanut Butter, 50. f a patron of mnv fel with sand, K. S. Taylor of Portland, paid his tified in entertaining the hope thet Where no demon typhoon blows. week In variety of models for both by last- visit to the project this among the first to v .nnacripte.l Where the women wawh the the capacity of attorney for the Re- young men and older men.. BUY A LIBERTY LOAN BOND. Cnde Sam will be th members of clothes. clamation Service, having resigned to that carnival bnml. Oh, Lord, take me safely home. accept a position with a San Fran- And I never more wil Iroam. cisco firm. IV a IIar.1 I.lf Mate. I Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sommerer (Miss 15 James Alger Fee was getting Ma HcfHmi Men. Katherine Carson) have returned Priced firnt workout as m banv tamer. The Only thoroughbred animals are from a short wedding trip to Coeur hour was 1:30 a. m. The infant had rrg.'Mered but any man, be he maim- d'Alene. Idaho, and are now at home not yet learned thrt th night are ed ht It or blind, can attain that to their friends at their lonely farm up to $25 iJIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllimilllllllllllll IllllllllllfllU made for sleep. Karher Fee, in his ii tomorrow. home three miles northeast of this ' nightie arrayed, .v.ia tryli.a; to soMh city. NEW SUMMER HATS hi offrnrtnjr to '.lumber, it would Arte Any Married Man? Mr. and Mrs. F. n. Reeves and son Just received by this morning's express two very classy hot sooth. In Alter If Liberty and t'nlon is one and Francis, drove up to Pendleton yes., shapes, in Italian straws, fancy bands; nothing newer on decided to slnff. - Klf vtke wns ruty inseparable as Daniel Webster said, terday and spent the day. the market. Priced .j... $3.50 and SI.SO For Young Men and Men from disuse and t a Ml t why isn't a Liberty pond and the Dr. J. A, Campbell, popular dentist, first but finally oUre-- i forth Ufcf a bond of m.ttrimony one and went to Pendleton today on a brie( SERGE TROUSERS Who Stay Young concert of horse fldt.b'H. From an thins? business visit. We can supply you with either plain white serge or Inner room came a prelecting velwv Carl & McXaught Is spending a few fancy stripe serge pants, properly styled SS.OO, SG.SO "Alger," it FalU, ''yau'r maKlrg The Horror of War. das in Portland thia week. a now showing here are dead.- . C. The new clothes enough noise to raiV th "Ain't war hell?" said the sweet Mrs. R, Todd has returned from NEW SILK SHIRTS a pictures of cool comfort and ease. They The master of ttie house cva young think when she saw the Pen- a short visit with her daughter. Miss you more 3 are brayintr long enough to rort, dleton lleserve. in their new uni- Virginia. Todd, of Pendleton. Never before have we been able to show "Would that I co;i!1 nie the !I n forms for the first time. Miss Isabel!? Dodd accompa- pretty classy Silk Shirts than we are showing this season. as easily." nied her grandfather. R. Alexander, All sizes. Priced S3.50 and 85. OO TUTS 8AFKLY HEMOVKA WORM heme today for a few days visit In Bond Clothes Worms are a common disease of Pendleton. BOYS' SOLDIER AND SAILOR SUITS Iloncik ami Rnvhk. every A. IxWell. Rev. R. E. Oor-na- ll ITuvinif read the lament of Si! children and mother should Judee !. Get your boy dressed up to his own liking in one of .115 to 135 know their symptoms. Hallow com- and I U Mann of Pehdleton were Parnes of Weston over his diet at eyes, In city today In these Soldier or Sailor suits. Soldjer Suit, 4 yrs. to 16 in Lea Gibhs, plexion with dark circles under the the Interest of Yet their military suggestion gives the the barracks Poise, army Y. M. C. A. Priced $3.00. Sailor Suit . SI.SO Who ts learning to be a sealog at th irregular bowel movement with the - wearer the courageous look that keeps stomach hard or swollen. grinding Mrs. W. 3. Warner entertained 'naval tra'ning station in Won Fran- itching may mean Monday and Tuesday of this week at WE ARE SHOWING NIFTY, NEW NECKWEAR men attune to the spirit of the times. Tho cisco, PuHdoggc-- r at fol-- , teeth or that writes the Kickapoo Worm Killer is needed at two charming auction bridge 'affairs Men's Hose, Underwear of every kind, B. V. D. Union belt type of coat, with : new unattached lows once. mildly remedy t her home northeast of the largely displaced Lucky is parnes if all his harms It is a laxative farm Suits Sl.OO. Others up to S3.SO." slightly flaring skirt, has In candy tablet form that children city. "pinch-back- merely prunes nnd beans. the stiff-s- t itched down " coat Are like. Kills and removes the worm! If. X. Dryer of Sunnyside, Wash., FOR NIFTY NEW WEARING APPAREL VISIT .What trouble has he compared to grow strong was Saturday. of other seasons. The sleeves are made me. and lets the child and a visitor here to and turn up a feature you healthy. At druggists, 25c. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
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