Evolving a Dream Cherishing Culture –Since 1982 Vol. 26 #’s ! &2 $7.00 USA/$8.50 Canada A Tribute to Stanley Krippner, Ph. D. Honoring Stan the Man ~ Rita Dwyer & Bob Van De Castle A Man Beyond the Seasons ~ Sandy Sela Smith, Vol. 26 #s Ph. !&2/Dream D. Network 1 ALSO... Precognitive For Sure! ~ Janice Baylis Wilda Tanner, Madame Blavatsky, Charles de Beer & Me ~~~ Noreen Wessling 2 Dream Network/Vol. 26 #’s 1&2 DrumDrumDrum DanceDance && Dream:Dream: A Different Road to Peace by Jean Campbell A few days ago, someone sent On June 25 this year, the World of Dreams’ annual conference at me a recent AlterNet interview with Dreams Peace Bridge and the Rainbow Bridgewater State College in author/activist Barbara Ehrenreich, Medicine Blanket Council will be giving Massachusetts, Mary Whitefeather whose book Dancing in the Streets: us all an opportunity for dancing in Joyce of Boston had the following A History of Collective Joy is fast the streets: an opportunity to drum dream: becoming a best seller. In the and dream together. We are all (many people for miles) interview, Ehrenreich talks about the “Drum Dance and Dream for Peace” are standing outside, not sure widespread depression that has will be the opening ceremony for where, a place where I’ve never plagued citizens of the United States Peace and Leadership Day at the been. We are all holding hands in and many other countries in the past World Children’s Festival on the a prayer for PEACE. We are all forty or fifty years, and gives her National Mall at 4th Street in dressed very colorfully, wearing prescription for a cure. Washington, D.C. The drumming circle colors of the rainbow. There are “I concluded,” Ehrenreich tells her will begin at noon with a Native children everywhere as far as I can interviewer, ”that ecstatic rituals were American ceremony, led by the Clan see. There are many with drums. a cure for depression—you can see Mothers from the Four Directions. This There are four large pow-wow size that in many cultures. An example of event is free and open to all who can 24"-28" drums in a circle and within a culture that uses it as a cure is some come—especially the children. four corners, as though they represent the four directions. North Africans; if a woman were to Beyond that, with your assistance, As soon as I hear the drum beats take to her bed and become there will be a rolling wave of I wake up! EOD depressed, family would call in a zar drumbeats and dancing from the healer who would bring in musicians moment that Monday, June 25, begins For Mary, who regularly records her and healers to engage in days and (which is 24 hours earlier than dreams, this was just another dream nights of ecstatic dancing, and soon Washington in some parts of the until on February 14, 2007—nine the woman would get up and join. world). So if you have a drum, or months to the day after her dream— Some cultures would see this as a something to make into a drum, and she spoke with Dr. Ashfaq Ishaq, cure for melancholy. We do drugs a willingness toward creating joy, you director of the International Child Art instead, both antidepressants and are asked to join in wherever you are: Foundation (ICAF), and creator of the illegal drugs.” at home, at the office, in the streets, World Children’s Festival which brings “We have never lost the capacity for or at the National Mall, asking that— together children from all over the collective joy,” she continues. ”It’s for the children of the world—peace world. In their first conversation, Dr. part of our nature. But if you look at will no longer be just a dream. Ishaq asked Mary to create “the world’s largest-ever drumming circle.” how little we get to exercise it—if we “Drum Dance and Dream for Peace” Mary, remembering her dream, compare ourselves to the French in began with a dream. On May 14, readily agreed, asking that The World the 14th century, with Saint’s Days 2006, a month before she led the Dreams Peace Bridge cosponsor the and this huge calendar of festivities— Solstice Drumming Ceremony for the event. we just don’t do it much, if at all.” International Association for the Study (Continued on page 43) Vol. 26 #s !&2/Dream Network 3 Statement of Purpose ©2006 Evolving a Dream Cherishing Culture ~ Since 1982 Dream Network Our purpose is to raise individual and cultural appreciation ISSN #1054-6707 for the value of dreams by making available information that Spring/Summer 2007 Vol. 26 #s 1&2 will assist and empower you in taking responsibility for your 1337 Powerhouse Lane, Ste 22 personal/physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well- PO Box 1026 being, with the help of dreams. Moab, UT 84532-1026 Our goals are to unite and serve individuals who respect Phone: 435/259-5936 dreams, to empower dreamers in demystifying dreamwork and to assist with the integration of dreamsharing into our everyday www.DreamNetwork.net lives and culture...in whatever ways of integrity are shown and [email protected] given us. We believe that dreams are agents for change and often reveal important new insights about the life of the dreamer on many levels: personal, cultural and global. Recalling a dream is a signal that we are ready to understand Founder the information that has been presented. Helping you to learn to understand the meaning of your dream—by journaling, study- William R. Stimson, Ph.D. ing, sharing your dreams with others one-on-one or in groups— Council of Advisors is our primary mission and the purpose of membership in our Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. esoteric organization. Enacting or manifesting the dream's hint Russell A. Lockhart, Ph. D. can bring healing and personal empowerment. Robert Moss, M. A. We seek to provide a balance and to give all cultures/nations, Rosemary Watts voices and schools of thought an opportunity to be heard. There Noreen Wessling will be times when a particular area of interest will be given greater emphasis than another because of that which is surfac- Editor/Publisher ing and given the limited space in the print and Online Journal. H. Roberta Ossana, M.A. The emphasis will change over time to allow for a wide range of Front Cover: Stan drumming in Haiti ideas and opinions to be explored and expressed. We invite you Paul Schneck Photographer to indicate areas of interest and questions you would like to see 4 Stuyvesant Oval #3G NY, NY 10009 explored on our website and in future issues. (212) 505-6443 Review Editors Kim Birdsong email: [email protected] Dream Network Bambi Corso email: [email protected] SUBSCRIPTION IN(FORM)ATION Copy Editors & Proofreaders DN Spring/Summer ©2007~ Vol. 26 #s 1&2 Lorraine Grassano & Victoria Vlach One Year: 4 Issues Two Years: 8 Issues Advertising $25 Regular U.S. $46 Regular U.S. $32 Canada/Mexico $56 Canada or Mexico Phone: 435/259-5936 $52 Foreign/Air $95 Foreign/Air Email: [email protected] $22 ONLINE Worldwide $44 ONLINE Worldwide PO Box 1026, Moab, UT 84532 Contributing Artists, Authors & Poets Charles De Beer Order on our Website: http://DreamNetwork.net All Canadian & Foreign orders, U.S. funds please. Jeanne M. Schul Subscriptions start with the issue following receipt of order. Brenda Ferrimani 2 & 3 year price reductions apply to gift subscriptions, as well. Deborah Koff-Chapin, M.A. Chris & Lorraine Grassano Name_________________________ Marlene King, M.A. Address____________________Email___________ Russell A. Lockhart, Ph. D. Tony Macelli City_______________St.____Zip_______ Shari O’Brien Please Xerox David Sparenberg Make checks payable to: Dream Network Noreen Wessling 1337 Powerhouse Lane, Suite #22, PO Box 1026, Moab, UT 84532 Victoria Vlach or phone 1-435-259-5936 We Accept Visa & MC 4 Dream Network/Vol. 26 #’s 1&2 Table of Contents Event Par Excellance Upcoming Focus 3 Drum, Dance and Dream by Jean Campbell for AUTUMN Vol. 26#3 A Tribute to Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. 10 A Psychologist in the Tradition Visionary Activism of William James and Gardner Murphy How have your dreams compelled by Montague Ullman, M.D. you to take action, 12 Observing the Remarkable Stanley Krippner personally or politically? by Ruth Richards, M.D., Ph. D. 14 Very poetic, but where’s the beef!? Lifeline: 4 Weeks by Allan Combs after you receive 15 Honoring Stan the Man by Rita Dwyer this issue. 16 More... Honoring Stan the Man by Robert Van De Castle 17 Stanley As I Know Him... *NOTE Regarding Submissions: by Justina Lasley Individuals from all cultures and 19 A Man Beyond the Seasons walks of life who desire to share are by Sandy Sela-Smith, Ph. D. encouraged to submit dream & myth- 22 A precognitive dream and meeting an related manuscript, poetry and Extraordinary Being artwork for consideration... even if it by Fariba Bogzaran falls outside the scope of the current Most Important Precognitive Dreams focus or theme. We also invite your 25 Wilda Tanner, Madame Blavatsky, dreamsharing, transformational Charles de Beer & Me dream experiences and insights by Noreen Wessling regarding effective dreamwork and 27 “The Oak Is Felled in the Acorn” dreamplay techniques. by Paco Mitchell Given the overall synchronicity 29 Precognitive For Sure that shapes the Dream Network, your by Janice Baylis, Ph. D. submission is likely to ‘fit’ perfectly 31 Precognitive Dreaming & Creativity in an upcoming issue. by Marie Otte Your article may also be appro- priate for one of our two regular 32 The Kiss & the Crystal Heart features, The Art of Dreamsharing by Elizabeth Howard (which includes a broad range of The Art of DreamSharing and Dream Education articles on Dream Education), or The 37 Bush: Planetary Pirate by Paul Levy Mythic Dimension (exploring the 39 Wounded Animals as Healers by Frances Ring relationship between dreams and 41 Emanuel Swedenborg & Dreamwork mythology).
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