Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-26-1967 The B-G News October 26, 1967 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News October 26, 1967" (1967). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2133. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2133 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The B-G News Wood County's Largest Daily Newspaper Thursday, October 26, 1967 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 52, No. 23 Educators End - Newsline - 3 Day Talks Questions moy be phoned in to the Newt office or moy be sub- mitted by moil. News office is located in 104 University Ho1! At University and can be reached on either extension 3344 or 3383. Student name and address must be included with all questions, but only initials will be used. "Improving the University Cli- • • * mate for Higher Learning" was the theme of a three-day con- I signed up for the gym suit service but find I don't need ference which ended yesterday. it now. Do I get my money bock? How? (J.A.) Learned educators, administra- Dr. Sam Cooper of the Physical Education department says tors and designers from across he is powerless to do anything for you, and suggests you write the nation attended and lectured the company and settle the matter with them. If that doesn't during the session. work, you'll be wearing a lot of T-shirts and shorts to class. Archie H. Jones, dean of the College of Liberal Arts, was the conference director. Highlighted speakers appeared Monday, Oct. 23, with Professor Why can't we park our motorcycles under Harshmon or H. Leland Varley, master of Or- Kreischer? (J.Y.) chard Hill Residence College, According to Patrolman R. E. Leady, there are three major Massachusetts, speaking on the reasons why you can't park there, J.Y. One, the buildings are so teacher's role; speaking Tues- closed In that the sound of the engines starting makes too much day was Mr. Charles W. Bru- of a noise and bothers residents. Two, Building and r-acllltles baker, noted contractor, speaking frowsn on the practice because the vehicles leak gas and oil on on the use of university facil- the bricks. Three, people ride on the grass and make a regular ities to improve learning. path going down the lawn. Mr. Varley made reference to the "hippie generation" when ex- plaining today's youth feels It has lost Its Integrity. He faulted Strangely enough, at Commons Dining Hall recently there overly-restrictive curricula with actually were: tablecloths on the tables, tender meat, and widening the gap between faculty a whole baked potato. What gives? (S.T.) and students treating each other as people. The professor further A. Mllllron, director of Auxiliary Services for the Univer- stressed the Importance of each sity, said the meal was served In style as a birthday party for ARE YOU WILLING TO GIVE? John Havrilek apparently is. Instructor slanting his own teach- anyone whose birthday may have been that day! (we didn't get It, either.) He said similar meals will also be served at Commons, Freshman in the College of Liberal Arts, Havrilek was one of ings to emphasize "human affairs and human dignity." but he prefers to keep the dates secret. Sort of a very merry 152 donors who stopped by at the Health Center yesterday to "In spite of dlssentlon within unblrthday for you, S.T. help fill the Red Cross blood bank. R. N. Mrs. Norma Ourbin of Its own ranks, the faculty re- the Red Cross stands by. (Photo by Pete Hess) mains the only coherent group cap- • • • able of relaying these messages to the student," he said. Could you please tell me if a drop-slip is required for one Accompanied by a slide presen- of the University choirs if the student wasn't accepted into tation, Mr. Brubaker discussed the group? (B.F.) Housing Heads some major construction problems In building today's universities, Sing out with Joy, B. F.I Your troubles are over. According and commented on what Is In store to the Choral Activities office, a drop-ad sUp Is not required for the college of tomorrow. for students who have not been accepted. Other speakers at the conven- tion Included Dr. Byron Stookey « • * Council Topics from the University of California at Santa Cruz and Professor Jos- Why has the University band quit playing "Ay Ziezie eph J. Schwab from the Univer- Zoomba Za? (P.S.) Student Council will consider In other business. Council will sity of Chicago. the establishment of a uniform vote on a proposed "Student Bill housing policy at Us third formal of Rights," which, If passed, will Well, P. S., if you had been at the Kent State football game you be Incorporated In a new student would have heard this selection played several times. Newsline meeting tonight. heard It at Kent, and It's willing to bet that you will hear It Proposed by the Commission on body constitution. The bill Is being | Blood Needed | Resident Student Affairs, the bill brought up to establish a declar- at future games. would permit students under 21 ation of common ground between ]:•: The blood bank wound up •:• » • • years of age to move off-campus, student and administration re- :■:■ its operations last night hav- :£ providing they have parental con- lations, according to Rick Helwlg, :>; ing taken in 152 pints of blood. $: The men in Conklin Hall are assigned to eat in Kreischer sent. student body president. The commitment made for '■'.'; A and B. But how can we get to breakfast if the doors are The commission feels that the A third bill, preventing long v this year was 300 pints and as :•: locked in the morning? Breakfast should start at 7:15, but orations and lengthly repetition ':•: of 5 p.m. yesterday there ■:•: bill will serve as an "Incentive I have noticed that they don't open the doors until 7:30. to the administration to re- In Members and Constituents' v were still 58 appointments y. evaluate present regulations, st- Time (the part In the agenda of :•: spots open for today. The University police are supposed to open the dormitory andards, and conditions of dorm- Council when both members of the >jj Anyone who wishes to give >• doors of Kreischer at 6:30 a.m. But with the present size of the itories for the student In an at- audience and student represent- v blood and has not yet made :'■; police force — or lack of It — it Is not always possible to get tempt to Imitate some of the priv- atives may speak on any subject) X an appointment, should call '■:■: the doors open In time. ileges of off-campus housing." will be presented by Allen Morgan, £ 3931, line 2 in the Health £ senior representative. §: Center. :•:■ The bill, If passed, win have to Got a question? The Newsline gets action.If you want to clear be submitted to the administra- Council will meet at 7 p.m. >•: The commitment must be 8 tion for approval. In 112 Life Science Building. % fulfilled by 4 p.m. tonight. •$ up disputes and solve those endless bull session arguments call or write the B-G News. Woman Wanted t Coeds Answer Student's Plea By JOAN DUNCAN want ad. He claims that he Is rest of the women are sophomores. age," and being a pre-law stu- Staff Writer too lazy to go downtown or to If Steinberg finds the right wom- dent, he has probably made It One day Paul H. Steinberg, soph- the dances. Besides, It's much an, they will be dating for the whole quite legal, said his roommate. omore in the College of Liberal easier to pick up the phone and school year. A contract will be Arts, sat down and wrote a letter talk. drawn up by Steinberg that says he So far Steinberg has tested three The only way a woman can come and the woman will agree to date different applicants over last to the News asking any Interested weekend. He and his dates have females to meet him In the Mid- through In this situation Is her for the whole year, and if the telephone voice and personality 'Oman violates the contract, he gone to shows downtown, parties American room of Harshman or simply for walks around the Quadrangle. Steinberg Is not sure how to weed n take her to court. Neither out the potential dates, and he may - party has to sign if they do not campus. But with a total of 83 This the News wouldn't print, caUs Stelnberg Just may run out so Paul Steinberg, being a very end up throwing all the notes be get along. And clause three will / determined college male, did the has taken while talking to the permit Steinberg to get out of the of places to go. next best thing. He placed an ad women into the wastebasket. contract by not signing It. Perhaps the happiest person on In the classified asking for a girl Her description of herself, her Since the woman signs the con- campus, besides Steinberg, is his philosophy, and how serious she tract and accepts the agreement, roommate, Kent Springer.
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