Seventh World Congress on Polish Studies Gdańsk, Poland June 14-16, 2019 Welcome to the Seventh World Congress on Polish Studies Under the Honorary Patronage of Rector of the University of Gdańsk Jerzy Piotr Gwizdała Mayor of Gdańsk Aleksandra Dulkiewicz Mayor of Gdynia Wojciech Szczurek __________ Congress Organizing Committee Robert Blobaum, President Polish Institute of Arts & Sciences of America Program Chair Local Arrangements Chair James S. Pula Anna Mazurkiewicz Purdue University Northwest University of Gdańsk Committee Members Arkadiusz Janicki (University of Gdańsk) ─ Bożena Leven (The College of New Jersey) ─ Beata Możejko (University of Gdańsk) ─ Magdalena Nowak (University of Gdańsk) ─ Neal Pease (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) ─ Przemysław Różański ─ (University of Gdańsk) ─ Renata Vickrey (Central Connecticut State University) Organizers PIASA Co-Organizers Supported by a Grant from ... Partners Gdańsk Przymorze – Uniwersytet Train Station Faculty of History Building Faculty of History Building ─ ul. Wita Stwosza 55 Go to Room 2.8 for the following ― Conference Information / Sign In Conference Secretary Internet Access Lost and Found The Conference at a Glance — numbers refer to the session numbers in the program. _____ 4 _____ 5 THURSDAY, June 13 9:00-17:00 (9:00 am-5:00 pm) – Optional Malbork Trip. Bus 19:00 (7:00 pm): Board of Directors Meeting of the Polish leaves promptly at 9:00 from the front of the Faculty of Institute of Arts & Sciences of America (Open to Board History building, University of Gdańsk, ul. Wita members only — University of Gdańsk, Faculty of His- tory, Room 1.48, ul. Wita Stwosza 55). Stwosza 55. (Prior Reservation Required) FRIDAY, June 14 Faculty of History building, University of Gdańsk, ul. Wita Stwosza 55 8:00-9:00: Polish Institute of Arts & Sciences Business Meeting the Cold War”; Frederick J. Augustyn, Jr. (U.S. Library — Chair: Robert Blobaum (West Virginia University) of Congress), “Cold War Colloquy—the ‘Kitchen Debate’ of July 1959—Regional Perspectives and International 9:00-9:30: Conference Opening Welcome (Room 1.43) Implications” Co-Chairs: Anna Mazurkiewicz (University of Gdańsk); 4. NOTE: Because of a scheduling conflict, Session 4 was James S. Pula (Purdue University Northwest) moved to 9:00 Sunday, June 16. Please see Session 63A on page 12 for information. Speakers: Piotr Stepnowski (Vice-Rector for Research and Foreign Cooperation, University of Gdańsk); Wiesław 5. Literary Migrations: From Poland to Polonia (Room 1.48) Długokęcki (Dean of the Faculty of History, University — Chair: Grażyna J. Kozaczka (Cazenovia College) — of Gdańsk); Robert Blobaum (President, Polish Insti- Presenters: Jolanta Wrobel-Best (University of Houston), tute of Arts & Sciences of America, University of West “Why Did Plato Exclude Poets from the State? Invisible Virginia) Cities, Philosophy, and the Hidden Metaphysics in the Writings of Adam Zagajewski”; Thomas Napierkowski 9:30-10:30: Plenary Session (Room 1.43) — The Importance (University of Colorado-Colorado Springs), “Then Came of Anniversaries and Commemorations — Chair: Robert Heaven: LaVyrle Spencer’s Portrait of Polonia”; Grażyna Blobaum (West Virginia University) — Presenters: Jan J. Kozaczka (Cazenovia College),“World War II Politics Kubik (Rutgers University, US, and University College and the Evolution of Romain Gary’s Polish Agenda in His London, UK); Dariusz Stola (Polish Academy of Sciences) Novels, Forest of Anger and A European Education” 10:30-10:45: Break (Main Hall, Ground Floor) 6. Futures in the Present: Polish Printmaking and the Quest for Democracy in the 1960s (Room 1.46) — Chair: Endi (refreshments are provided for registered participants only) Poskovic (University of Michigan) — Presenters: Endi Poskovic (University of Michigan), “Polish Printmaking and the Quest for Democracy in the 1960s”; Aleksandra 10:45-12:15: Concurrent Sessions Janik (Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design, Wrocław), “The Wrocław School of Printmaking and Cur- 1. The PIASA Distinguished Achievement Award: Roundtable rent Tendencies and Present-day Strategies in Polish Print- in Honor of Jan Kubik (Room 1.47) — Chair: Robert making”; Charlotte Biszewski (Eugeniusz Geppert Acad- Blobaum (West Virginia University) — Presenters: emy of Art and Design, Wrocław), “Embedded in Print: Michael Bernhard (University of Florida); Michał Analogue Storytelling in the Digital Age” Łuczewski (University of Warsaw); Zdzisław Mach (Jagiellonian University, Kraków); Comment, Jan Kubik 7. Remembering the Holocaust (Room 1.45) — Chair: Rachel (Rutgers University and University College London) F. Brenner (University of Wisconsin-Madison) — Pre- senters: Przemysław Różański (University of Gdańsk), 2. Visions of Ethnicity and Culture (Room 2.3) — Chair: Pien “Polish-Jewish Relations During the Holocaust: What the Versteegh (Independent Scholar) — Presenters: Mark American Archives Tell Us”; Liviu Carare (U.S. Holo- Jantzen (Bethel College), “Becoming German, Becoming caust Memorial Museum), “Holocaust Memory in Roma- Polish: The Diverging Paths of the Mennonite Communi- nia. Traian Popovici and the Rescue of Jews in Czerno- ties of Former Russian and Austrian Poland in the Second witz”; Sylwia Szymańska-Smolkin (Uppsala University), Polish Republic”; Kris Van Heuckelom (University of “Jewish Couriers: the Forgotten Heroes of the Jewish Re- Leuven), “Performing Polishness Abroad: (Non-Polish sistance During the Holocaust” Actors and the Construction of (Trans)National Identities in European Cinema (1918-2018)”; Józef Figa (Southern 8. Polskie mniejszości – przeszłość i teraźniejszość [Session in New Hampshire University), “Wojciech Korfanty and His Polish] (Room 2.61) — Przewodnicząca: Anna Łysiak Vision of Silesia in Poland” (University of Gdańsk) — Referenci: Marcin R. Odelski (Instytut Kaszubski, Gdańsk), “Znaczenie zwyczaju Ścina- 3. International Relations During the Cold War (Room 2.6) — nia kani/Scynanié kanie na Kaszubach. Przeszłość i Chair: Jakub Tyszkiewicz (University of Wrocław) — Pre- teraźniejszość. Wybrane zagadnienia”; Eugeniusz Prycz- senters: Jan Lencznarowicz (Jagiellonian University, Kra- kowski (Rada Języka Kaszubskiego), “Kaszubska diaspora ków), “Polish-Australian Relations at the Time of Solidar- w Kanadzie”; Tadeusz Stegner (University of Gdańsk) ność and the Martial Law in Poland”; Nameeta Mathur “Kresy polsko-ewangelickie na konferencji pokojowej w (Saginaw Valley State University), “On the Front Line of Paryżu, 1919” Friendship: Poland’s Diplomatic Mission in India During _____ 6 FRIDAY, June 14 Faculty of History building, University of Gdańsk, ul. Wita Stwosza 55 12:15-13:45 (12:15-1:45 pm): Lunch (Main Hall, 15. Dimensions of Emigration. Research Activity of the Emi- Ground Floor) Provided for registered participants only. gration Museum in Gdynia (Room 1.45) — Chair: Agata Beata Domachowska (Mikołaj Kopernik University, 13:45-15:15 (1:45-3:15 pm): Concurrent Sessions Toruń) — Presenters: Agnieszka Kowalkowska (Emigration Museum in Gdynia), “Dimensions of Emigra- 9. Commemorating the 225th Anniversary of the Kościuszko In- tion. The Marine Station in Gdynia 1933-2019”; surrection (Room 1.46) — Chair: Adam Koniuszewski (The Katarzyna A. Morawska (Emigration Museum in Gdy- Bridge Foundation) — Presenters: Arkadiusz Janicki nia), “The Mobility of Highly Skilled Migrants”; Rafał (University of Gdańsk), “The Attitudes of the Courland No- Raczyński (Emigration Museum in Gdynia), “Relations bles Toward the Kościuszko Uprising, 1794”; Anna Rosner Among the States of Origin and the Diaspora in the Con- (Jewish Historical Institute), “Berek Joselewicz”; James S. text of Transfer of Knowledge, Skills and Know-how” Pula (Purdue University Northwest), “Tadeusz Kościuszko 16. Kazimierz Wierzyński: w pięćdziesiątą rocznicę śmierci Prevents a War” (1894-1969) [Session in Polish] (Room 2.61) — Prze- 10. Gombrowicz in Transnational Context Fifty Years After His wodnicząca: Beata Dorosz (Polish Academy of Sciences, Death – 1 (Room 1.48) — Chair: Piotr Seweryn Rosół Warsaw) — Referenci: Marek Kusiba (Polish-Canadian (Université Clermont Auvergne, France), — Presenters: Publishing Fund, Mississauga, Canada), “Adresy Kazimi- Olaf Kühl (Advisor to the Mayor, Berlin, Germany), erza Wierzyńskiego”; Beata Dorosz (Polish Academy of “Translating the Secret”; Silvia G. Dapía (John Jay Col- Sciences, Warsaw), “Kobiety w życiu Kazimierza lege, City University of New York), “The Cow Stares at Us: Wierzyńskiego”; Konrad Niciński (Polish Academy of Issues of Vulnerability and Precariousness in Gombrowicz”; Sciences, Warsaw), “Kazimierz Wierzyński na igrzyskach Jerzy Jarzębski (Jagiellonian University, Kraków), “The w Amsterdamie. Poeta, dziennikarz, olimpijczyk”; Paweł Political Gombrowicz” Rams (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw), “Korespondencja Kazimierza Wierzyńskiego i Jana 11. Americans in Poland, 1918-1947 (Room 2.6) — Chair: Lechonia – edycja cyfrowa” Stephen Leahy (Shantou University, China) — Presenters: Norman Kelker (Enzo Biochem, Inc.), “Herbert Hoover, 15:15-15:30 (3:15-3:30 pm) Break (Main Hall, Ground the Man Who Fed Poland”; Jan-Roman Potocki Floor; refreshments provided for registered participants only.) (Independent Scholar), “Americans in Poland 1919-1947: Revisiting Herbert Hoover’s Legacy”; Vivian Reed 15:30-17:00 (3:30-5:00 pm): Concurrent Sessions (Independent Scholar), “A Month in the Life of a Diplomat: Hugh Gibson, June 1919” 17. Studies in Film (Room 1.46) — Chair: Barbara Klassa (University of Gdańsk) — Presenters: Aleksandra
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