17 TH REGULAR MEETING March 11, 2021 RC Tacloban Clubhouse, Tacloban City ProgrammePROGRAMME Call to Order Pres. Eugene Tan Invocation Sec. Jocal Calvara Pambansang Awit Audio Visual Presentation Recitation of Object of Rotary & 4-Way Test Rtn. Benjie Retuerto Rotary Hymn Audio Visual Presentation Introduction of Guests & Visiting Rotarians Dir. Richard De Jesus Welcome Song Dir. Richard De Jesus Joke Time Rtn. Roy Nebrija Recognition Time IPP Bonet Tordillo Introduction of Guest Speaker Sec. Jocal Calvara Message Justice Bautista “Butch” Gler Corpin, Jr. Court of Appeals Magistrate President’s Time Pres. Eugene Tan Night Chairman Dir. Richard De Jesus Host Team TEAM VACCINE facebook: Rotary Club of Tacloban Email: [email protected] 1 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE... Greetings my brothers in the Rotary Club of Tacloban. We gather on this, our 17th Regular meeting, on a somber atmosphere. We have received news that PP Bon Mutia has joined our Creator. Last February 1, we also lost one of our Past President, PP Antonio Cam. We share the grief and sympathies with the family and give our prayers for their eternal repose and comfort to those they survived. This brings us to a closer perspective of our lives as Rotarians. We are limited by the time we spend here on earth. In spite of the said limit, we strive to make our lives as meaningful and purposeful as possible. We strive to make our own mark and leave a legacy to those who we are leaving. PP Bon and PP Tony made their own mark. Serving as active members and presidents of our club, they have passed on the younger generations of Rotarians the legacy of a leader leaving a club for us to be in fellowship with. A club we can be very proud of. Without their leadership, in one way or another, the Rotary Club of Tacloban will not be what it is today: a club where we were destined to meet, collaborate and serve others. That realization of mortality, pushes us to be better. To leave this world better than what we woke up to. It is my gratitude to all of my brothers in the Rotary that we share the same goal of service. That in our own way, when we pass on to the other side, we would be proud to say that: “With the Four Way Test I will pursue my quest and if I, in a way help obtain Peace in the world Then I won’t have lived in vain.” To PP Tony and PP Bon, thank you and may Eternal Light Shine upon you and rest in peace. Your brothers in the Rotary club of Tacloban remembers you and cherish you. I pray that this event builds a stronger link between our organizations. We wish you the best and more power! God bless us all! Yours in Servant Leadership, Rotarian Eugene A. Tan Transforming President 2 SEcRETARy’S MESSAGE... “The Rotary Foundation is not to build monuments of brick and stone. If we work upon marble, it will perish; if we work on brass, time will efface it; if we rear temples they will crumble into dust; but if Secretary’we work upon immortals Message minds…we are engraving on those tablets something that will brighten all eternity.” -Rotarian Arch C. Klumph, December 1928 “The Rotary Foundation is not to build monuments of brick and stone. AsIf Iwe was work studying upon marble, how Rotaryit will perish; Foundation if we work works,on brass, I wastime amazed will efface with it; the facts that the money we are donatingif we rear templesgoes a longthey willway crumble globally into in dust; serving but if thewe workless uponfortunate immortal of minds…weour society. are engraving on those tablets something that will brighten all eternity.” -Rotarian Arch C. Klumph, December 1928 According to Wikipedia, the Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts ofAs RotaryI was studying International how Rotary Foundationto achieve works, world I was amazedunderstanding with the facts and that peace the money through we international humanitarian,are donating goes educational, a long way globally and incultural serving theexchange less fortunate programs. of our society.It is supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world. According to Wikipedia, the Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international Thehumanitarian, Foundation educational, was created and cultural in 1917 exchange by Rotary programs. International’s It is supported sixth solely president, by voluntary Arch C. Klumph, as ancontributions endowment from fund Rotarians for Rotary and friends “to doof the good Foundation in the world.”who share It itshas vision grown of a frombetter anworld. initial contribution of US$26.50 to more than US$1billion. It has one of the largest and most prestigious international fellowshipThe Foundation programs was created in the in world. 1917 by Rotary International's sixth president, Arch C. Klumph, as an endowment fund for Rotary "to do good in the world." It has grown from an initial contribution I amof US$26.50 pleased to to more announce than US$1billion. to the club It has that one weof the are largest aiming and again most prestigiousto be 100% international Paul Harris Club for this fellowship programs in the world. transforming year. With only two remaining listed rotarians, your board will be finalizing strategyI am pleased on how to announce we can to be the 100% club that Paul we Harris are aiming Club again again. to beIt 100%was PP Paul Malcom’s Harris Club term for that the club wasthis lasttran sformingrecognized. year. RY2015-2016With only two remainingtruly amplifies listed rotarians, its theme your “Be board a willGift be To finalizing The World” by sharing blessingsstrategy on in howdonating we can tobe the100% Rotary Paul Harris Foundation. Club again. Currently,It was PP Malcom’sour club term has thatalready the club an all-time giving of USwas $125,462.00. last recognized. RY2015-2016 truly amplifies its theme “Be a Gift To The World” by sharing blessings in donating to the Rotary Foundation. Currently, our club has already an all-time giving of US $125,462.00. Let us transform the life of others byLet sharing us transform blessings to the the life Rotary of others Foundation. by sharing blessings to the Rotary Foundation. Yours in Rotary Service, Jocal Yours in Rotary Service, Jocal 3 ROTARy INFORMATION... PE Bobby Andrade The $2 million grant goes toward Rotary club-led Partners for a Malaria- Free Zambia program; an additional $4 million contributed by partners the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and World Vision USA. The Rotary Foundation is giving a significant boost to the fight against malaria in Zambia with a new $2 million Programs of Scale grant that will scale an already successful program model. Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia is a Rotarian-led effort that will use a community health worker model proven to effectively respond to cases of malaria and prevent transmission. The program aims to help reduce malaria cases over time by 90% in 10 target districts in two of the country’s provinces. Malaria, a preventable disease caused by a parasite spread through the bites of infected mosquitoes, continues to be one of Zambia’s leading causes of illness and death, especially infant and maternal deaths. The grant will allow Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia to strengthen the country’s health system by working with Zambian health officials at all levels and training 380 health facility staff members, as well as training and equipping more than 2,500 new community health workers. This will increase access to malaria diagnosis and treatment for the more than 1.3 million people in heavily affected areas in the Central and Muchinga provinces and greatly contribute to the national effort to eliminate the deadly disease. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Federal Way, Washington, USA, the program brings together local Rotary members and partner organizations who share a goal to combat malaria in Zambia. In addition, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and World Vision USA will co-fund the program with $2 million each, bringing total funding to $6 million. “This project complements and builds upon the leadership of the government of Zambia in working to eliminate malaria from the country,” says Philip Welkhoff, director of the Malaria Program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. “We are thrilled to expand on our longstanding partnerships with Rotary and World Vision to advance progress in hard-to-reach communities and to realize the goal of ending malaria for good.” To diagnose and treat community members, health workers will be supplied with rapid diagnostic test kits, anti- malaria medicine, lancets for finger pricks, and educational materials. They’ll also receive bicycles and mobile phones, allowing them to reach communities and regularly report cases and share malaria data within the national health system. Making sure local and national information is integrated and providing ongoing support for the community health worker network are essential to the program’s goal of strengthening provincial health services for long-term success fighting malaria. By empowering these volunteers, who are selected by their fellow community members, the project connects people in areas with limited access to health care with trusted members of their community, says Bill Feldt, a member of the Federal Way club. source: www.rotary.org 4 A TRIBUTE TO cELEDONIO “BON” MUTIA To a good friend Bon Mutia, You maybe gone but you live in the hearts you left behind who will continue to cherish memories of your jokes and active participation in Rotary functions, your birdies and pars in golf, and the drinks we shared in meetings.
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