Carolina Comments Published Quarterly by the North Carolina Office of Archives and History Historic Sites Commemorate 140th Anniversary of Index to Volume 56 (2008) A A. C. Reynolds High School: students from, win awards at National History Day finals, 129 A. C. Reynolds Middle School: students from, win awards at National History Day finals, 129 Abandoned Cemetery Study Committee: established by General Assembly (1978), 122 Abbott, Anthony S.: book by, nominated for Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Fiction, 128 Abbott, Lawrence E.: helps organize and will lecture at archaeological symposium at ECU, 133; to lecture at Southeastern Archaeological Conference, 134 Abernathy, Wallace: displays Civil War reproductions at Roanoke Island Festival Park, 56 Ablett, Ian: wins award at Wooden Boat Show, 99 About Habitats: Wetlands (book): nominated for AAUW Award for Juvenile Literature, 129 Adams, Catharine: discusses shared aims with Michelle Lanier, 17 Adams, Sheila Kay: to perform at Thomas Wolfe Memorial, 147; performs at Mountain Gateway Museum and Heritage Center, 97 Adams’s Battery (reenactment group): participates in programs at Fort Anderson, 51, 87, 136 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation: as copartner in Preserve America program, 14 African American Cultural Celebration: held at N.C. Museum of History, 62-63; Historic Edenton staff members participate in, 54 African and African American Studies Program: to partner with Division of State Historic Sites and Properties, 17 Alamance, Battle of. See Battle of Alamance Alamance Battleground State Historic Site: calendar of upcoming events at, 65, 103, 147; cosponsors second-place team in N.C. History Bowl, 89; hosts Colonial Living Week, 19 Albert Ray Newsome Award: presented, 4 Alexander, Clayton Brown: doctoral dissertation of, published, 34 Allen, Sarah Addison: book by, nominated for Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Fiction, 128 Allen Boys, The: perform during African American Cultural Celebration, 62 Ambrose, T. Grant: resigns from Somerset Place, 104 American Association for State and Local History (AASLH): awards of merit presented by, 4 American Association of Museums: conducts museum accreditation program, 93 American Association of University Women (AAUW) Award for Juvenile Literature: nominees for, announced, 129; presented, 3 American Indian Center: provides funding for American Indian Heritage Celebration, 26 American Indian Heritage Celebration: held at N.C. Museum of History, 25-26 American Institute of Architects: awards honorary membership to Catherine W. Bishir, 45-46 American Truck Historical Society: co-hosts show at N.C. Transportation Museum, 90 Americans with Disabilities Act: walkway to be constructed at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson in compliance with, 123 Amspacher, Karen Willis: tells stories at N.C. Museum of History, 100 Anderson, David: to lecture at Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens, 29 Anderson, David: operates paper mill in Cumberland County, 71 Anderson, Ryan: joins faculty at UNC-Pembroke, 33 Anderson, William: to lecture at Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens, 65 Andrews’s Battery (reenactment group): participates in program at CSS Neuse/Governor Caswell Memorial, 17 Aneja, Viney P.: receives North Carolina Award, 6 Anthemion Award: presented to Marla Dorrel, 69 Anthony, Robert G., Jr.: presides over business meeting of NCLHA, 3; speaks at teachers institute, 126; welcomes attendees to annual meeting of NCLHA and FNCHS, 4 Anthropology Department, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: members of, to lecture at symposium at ECU, 133 Antioch Volunteer Fire Department: helps extinguish fire at Governor Aycock Birthplace, 41-42 Antoinette Forrester Downing Award: awarded to Robert Stipe (2005), 32 Appalachian State University: to host disaster-planning workshop, 45; library and university archives at, prepare exhibit for Archives Week, 151 Aquadro, Charles: gives lecture at N.C. Maritime Museum, Beaufort, 60 Aquadro, Jenny: gives lecture at N.C. Maritime Museum, Beaufort, 60 Archer, Jermaine: to lecture at Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens, 145 Archie K. Davis Fellowships: awarded by North Caroliniana Society, 82; proposals for, solicited, 34 Archives and Records Section: administrators of, attend NAGARA conference, 126-127; collabo- rates in Cemetery Survey and Stewardship Program, 122-123; cosponsors disaster preparedness conference, 10; to expand services in Western Office, 2; makes Confederate pension records available online, 130; participates in grant project studying preservation of GIS maps, 130-131; staff members of, attend Southeastern Archives and Records Conference, 83; staff members of, make presentations at teacher workshop, 44; staff members of, publish books, 46; staff news from, 27, 63-64, 104, 144; uses Flickr to post images online, 131 ArtDuckO: Waterfowl Culture in North Carolina (exhibit): to open at N.C. Museum of History, 29 Arts Festival Planning Guide (book): goes out of print, 47 Asante, Maya Freelon: artwork of, displayed at Historic Stagville, 92 Asheville: A History (book): nominated for Ragan Old North State Award for Nonfiction, 127 Asheville Christian Academy: wins student publication award, 3 Asheville Historical Commission: approves relocation of air conditioning units at Thomas Wolfe Memorial, 96 Ashton, Jeff: pictured, 22; replaces chinking at President James K. Polk State Historic Site, 21 AT&T: provides funding for American Indian Heritage Celebration, 26 Atlantic Veneer Beaufort National Boatbuilding Challenge: premiers at Wooden Boat Show, 99 Austin, Rudy: tells stories at N.C. Museum of History, 100 Aycock, Charles Brantley: birthplace of, damaged by fire, 41-44; statue of, at State Capitol, to be restored, 136-137 Aycock, Doug: completes repairs on Old Kentucky Home, 21 Aycock Birthplace State Historic Site: calendar of upcoming events at, 146; cosponsors winning team in N.C. History Bowl, 89; house at, damaged by fire, 41-44; sheep stolen from, 15 B Babits, Lawrence: advises creator of replica of Fort Dobbs, 140 Bailey, Valerie: to lecture at Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum, 55 Baker, Betty Jean: obituary of, 147-148 Baker, Betty McKee: obituary of, 104-105 154 Balachandran, Jayanthi: to perform at N.C. Museum of History, 66 Ballance, Emily: gives presentation at N.C. Historic Sites Leadership Academy, 48 Balsam Range: performs at Mountain Gateway Museum and Heritage Center, 97 Band of Sisters: American Women at War in Iraq (book): nominated for Ragan Old North State Award for Nonfiction, 128 Bandon Plantation: kitchen building from, to be moved to James Iredell House, 124 Baneth, Robin: transfers from N.C. Museum of History, 27 Barbee, Millie: pictured, 5, 98; receives Christopher Crittenden Memorial Award, 5 Barnes, Mary Hollis: to lecture at Southeastern Archaeological Conference, 133; promoted in Archives and Records Section, 63; serves as coordinator of Cemetery Survey and Stewardship Program, 122 Barrow, Frank: participates in African American Cultural Celebration, 62 Bartley, Jimmy: pictured, 41 Basnight, Marc: quoted, 122 Bass, John Haywood: family of, helps with program at CSS Neuse/Governor Caswell Memorial, 17 Bass, Morris: attends black-powder safety training course (2004), 50; gives lecture at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson, 51; serves as instructor at historic weapons training course, 89 Bass Farms, Inc.: listed as life member of NCLHA, 9 Batchelor, John: presents Student Publication Awards, 3 Bate, Harold H. See Harold H. Bate Foundation Bath Elementary School: students from, participate in gourd program at Historic Bath, 15 Bathanti, Joseph: book by, nominated for Sir Walter Raleigh Award for Fiction, 128 Battle of Alamance: anniversary of, to be commemorated, 65 Battle of Roanoke Island: anniversary of, commemorated, 29, 56 Bauer, Margaret: presents Roanoke-Chowan Award for Poetry, 4; wins Parnassus Award, 68 Baxter, Ron: performs during African American Cultural Celebration, 62 Beaman, Thomas E., Jr.: assists archaeological investigation at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson, 123-124; directs archaeological investigation at James Iredell House, 125; organizes session for and will lecture at Southeastern Archaeological Conference, 133-134 Bearing Witness: Civil Rights Photographs of Alexander Rivera (exhibit): opens at N.C. Museum of History, 28, 61-62 Beaufort Oars Rowing Club: offers boat rides during Wooden Boat Show, 98 Beauvoir (house): hurricane damage to, discussed, 10 Beaver, John L.: retires from Western Office, 121 Bebber, Jackson: listed as life member of NCLHA, 9 Bechtel, John: helps restore hospital rail car and cuts ribbon to open exhibit, 18; pictured, 18 Beck, Raymond L.: pictured, 80; retires from State Capitol, 79-80 Beech, Malcolm: gives lecture at Roanoke Island Festival Park, 56 “Before Disaster Strikes: Networking to Protect Our Records” (conference): presented in Raleigh, 10 Behnken, John, Mrs.: listed as life member of NCLHA, 9 Belk, Irwin: listed as life member of NCLHA, 9 Belk, John M.: listed as life member of NCLHA, 9 Bell, Holley Mack, II: obituary of, 105 Bell, John L., Jr.: co-authors North Carolina history textbook, 42 Bellamy Mansion Museum of History and Design Arts: provides funding for reception, 135 Benedict, C. W.: operates Raleigh Paper Mill, 72 Benjamin Cornett House: located in historic district added to National Register of Historic Places, 39 Bennehan House: doors of, grained, 19 Benner, Louise: to lecture in Edenton, 150 Bennett House: tours of, offered during commemoration of surrender, 90 Bennett Place State Historic Site: calendar
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