Ruthenica, 2012, vol. 22, No. 1: 55-92. © Ruthenica, 2012 Published March 22, 2012 http: www.ruthenica.com Revision of the genus Plicifusus Dall, 1902 (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) A.R. KOSYAN1, Yu.I. KANTOR2 A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, 119071, Leninsky prospekt, 33, Moscow, RUSSIA, e-mails: [email protected]; [email protected] ABSTRACT. The genus Plicifusus Dall, 1902 has conchological characters with occasional use of the been revised on the basis of available anatomical data. radulae. Only few buccinids were used in molecular Thirteen valid recent species are recognised, for 9 of phylogenetic studies [eg. Hayashi, 2005; Kosyan et them detailed descriptions of anatomy are provided. al., 2009]. The major reason is unavailability of Four names were synonymized: Plicifusus obtusatus properly preserved material, especially on boreal Golikov, 1985 = Plicifusus maehirai Tiba, 1980; Co- and arctic species. Therefore morphology and con- lus okhotskana Tiba, 1973 = Plicifusus elaeodes (Dall, 1907); Tritonofusus (Plicifusus) aurantius Dall, 1907 chology at the moment remain the principal ap- and Plicifusus (Aulacofusus) rhyssoides Dall, 1918 = proach to buccinid alpha-taxonomy. Plicifusus rhyssus (Dall, 1907). Plicifusus parvus, Tiba, The aim of this publication is to revise taxono- 1980 and Plicifusus saginatus Tiba, 1980 are consid- mic composition of the genus Plicifusus on the ered as junior synonyms of Retifusus roseus (Dall, basis of conchological, anatomical and radular char- 1877). Plicifusus laticordatus (Dall, 1902) is excluded acters. from the genus Plicifusus. Material and methods Buccinidae is a large and diverse family of pred- The material for the study was predominantly atory marine gastropods, widely spread in polar, obtained from the collections of Russian museums: temperate and tropical waters of the World Ocean. Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Scien- Buccinids are also one of the most abundant groups ces, St.-Petersburg; P. P. Shirshov Institute of Ocean- in the Russian Far-Eastern waters, comprising more ology of RAS, Moscow; and the Zoological Muse- than 30% of total number of gastropod species um of the Moscow State University, Moscow. In [Kantor, Sysoev, 2006]. Six subfamilies are present total, 140 specimens were studied, 24 specimens in the North-Western Pacific, with subfamily Coli- dissected. The type specimens of species described nae Gray, 1857 (previously commonly known un- by Dall in the collections of the National Museum der the name Neptuneinae Stimpson, 1865) being of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution were the most diverse in terms of the number of genera mostly studied by the second author. and species [Kantor, Sysoev, 2005, 2006]. It in- While processing this material, standard zoo- cludes 16 of 34 genera and 116 of 263 species of logical methods were used, such as manual dissec- Buccinidae recorded in the fauna of Russia. tion, histology and scanning electron microscopy The best known representative of the subfamily for the radulae examination. Colinae is a genus Neptunea represented mostly by Terminology of the stomach morphology is gi- the species with large and medium-sized shells, ven after Kantor [2003]. which was already revised twice [Golikov, 1963; The dissected specimens are numbered in Mate- Fraussen, Terryn, 2007]. Other genera, with species rial section of species descriptions. Measurements that do not attain commercial size, have not attrac- in the descriptions are provided for dissected speci- ted sufficient attention of malacologists. Latisipho mens only. The size ranges for species are provided Dall, 1916 and Pararetifusus Kosuge, 1967 have in Table 1. been revised by Kosyan [2006, a,b]; several con- Abbreviations: adg – opening of anterior duct of diges- chologically similar genera, namely, Colus Röding, tive gland; agl – ampule of gland of Leiblein; AL – aperture 1798, Plicifusus Dall, 1902, Aulacofusus Dall, 1918, length; ao – anterior aorta; aoe – anterior oesophagus; ba – buccal artery; bc – bursa copulatrix; bh – body haemocoel; Retifusus Dall, 1916, Mohnia Friele in Kobelt, 1878 bm – buccal mass; bn – buccal nerves; cep.t – cephalic ten- and Retimohnia McLean, 1995, still need revision. tacles; cg – capsule gland; cm – cut mantler edge; cm1 – Taxonomy of Buccinidae is still mostly based on outer layer of circular muscle fibers; cm2 – inner layer of 56 Kosyan A.R., Kantor Yu.I. muscle fibers; cnt – connective tissue; ct – ctenidium; cte – narrow riblets (from 15 to 60 on penultimate whorl). transverse folds on the outer stomach wall; dg – digestive Operculum with terminal nucleus, usually turned to gland; dgl – duct of gland of Leiblein; eye – eye; ep, epithe- the left. Central tooth of radula large and broad, lium; fo – female orifice; ft – foot; gl – gland of Leiblein; with two to four (usually three) sharp cusps. Lateral gon – gonad; H – height of the shell; h – height of the last whorl; hd – head; hg – hypobranchial gland; ht – heart; int – teeth usually with three or four cusps, with central intestine; kd – kidney; lfl – longitudinal fold on the inner cusps always smaller than lateral ones. Salivary stomach wall; lm1 – outer layer of longitudinal muscle fi- ducts thin and convoluted. Stomach large, in com- bers; lm2 – inner layer of longitudinal muscle fibers; lpr – parison to proboscis, narrow, with small posterior lateral protractor of radula; lti – longitudinal folds on the mixing area. inner stomach wall; mo – mouth opening; mrr – median rad- Remarks: Plicifusus was described by Dall ular retractor muscle; n – nerves; nd – nephridial duct; nr – [1902] as subgenus of Tritonofusus Mörch, 1857, nerve ring; odr – odontophoral retractor muscles; oeo – oe- sophageal opening; op – operculum; os – osphradium; ot – which is an objective synonym of Colus Röding, oesophageal tensors; p – penis; pdg – opening of posterior 1798, since it is based on the same type species, duct of digestive gland; pma – posterior mixing area; poe – Murex islandicus Mohr, 1786. Plicifusus has been posterior oesophagus; pr – proboscis; prp – propodium; prpg treated as a distinct genus by the majority of subse- – propodial groove; prr – proboscis retractors; pw – probos- quent authors. cis wall; r – radula; rd – rhynchodaeum; re – rectum; ro – s Morphological differences between species of – siphon; sd – salivary duct; sg – salivary gland; so – male the genus are summarized in Table 1. orifice; sp – seminal papilla; st – stomach; sv – siphonal valve; tfl – typhlosoles; va – vagina; vd – vas deferens; vl – valve of Leiblein. Plicifusus kroeyeri (Møller, 1842) Abbreviations of depositories: (Figs. 1, 2, 3 A-D, 4-7) BMNH – Natural History Museum, London, UK; Fusus kröyeri Møller, 1842: 88. IBM – Institute of Marine Biology, Russian Academy of Fusus arcticus Philippi, 1850: 119, pl. 5, fig. 5. Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia; Sipho plicatus A. Adams, 1863: 107. IMT – Institute of Malacology, Tokyo, Japan; Fusus (Tritonofusus) kröyeri vars. major, pumila Mörch, IO – P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Ac. 1869: 19. Sci., Moscow, Russia; Fusus kröyeri var. grossestriata Aurivillius, 1885: 360. NMC – National Museums of Canada; Tritonofusus (Plicifusus) polypleuratus Dall, 1907: 159 SMNH – Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stokholm, Plicifusus kroeyeri. – Dall, 1921: 92. – Galkin, Skarlato, 1955: Sweeden; 176, pl. XLVI, Fig. 3. – Golikov, Gulbin, 1977: 186. – SSM – Sea and Shell Museum, Rikuzen-Takada, Iwate Matsukuma et al., 1991: 83, pl. LXXXI, fig. 1. – Alexeev, prefecture, Japan; 2003: 93, pl. XXXII-4,5. – Kantor, Sysoev, 2005: 137. – USNM – National Museum of Natural History, Smithso- Kantor, Sysoev, 2006: 197, pl. 100 A-B. nian Institution, Washington DC, USA; Plicifusus arcticus. – Dall, 1921: 93. – Dall, 1925: 24, pl. 22, ZIN – Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sci- fig. 4. – Matsukuma et al., 1991: 83, pl. LXXXI, fig. 9. – ences Alexeev, 2003: 93, pl. XXXII-2, 3. ZMUC – Zoological Museum of the University of Copen- Plicifusus polypleuratus. – Dall, 1925: 25, pl. 34, fig. 7. – hagen, Denmark. Tiba. Kosuge, 1980: 17-18, figs. 1-10. – Higo et. al., 1999: ZMMU – Zoological Museum of Moscow State Univer- 230. – Kantor, Sysoev, 2006: 198, pl. 101 H. sity, Russia Colus kroeyeri. – Bouchet, Warén, 1985: 231, figs 631-633. Plicifusus (Plicifusus) kroeyeri . – Higo et al., 1999: 230. Plicifusus (Plicifusus) arcticus. – Higo et al., 1999: 230. Systematics Plicifusus plicatus. – Golikov, Skarlato, 1967: 57-58, pl. 2, Order Neogastropoda Wenz, 1938 fig. 9. – Golikov, Gulbin, 1977: 186. – Alexeev, 2003: Family Buccinidae Rafinesque, 1815 94, pl. XXXII-6. – Kantor, Sysoev, 2005: 138. – Kantor, Sysoev, 2006: 198, pl. 101 A-C; 196, pl. 99 F. Subfamily Colinae Gray, 1857 Genus Plicifusus Dall, 1902 Types: lectotype of Fusus kroeyeri (designated by Bouchet, Warén, 1985) – ZMUC GAS-61 (Fig. Tritonofusus (Plicifusus) Dall, 1902: 523. 2C); possible syntypes of Sipho plicatus – BMNH Parasipho Dautzenberg et Fischer, 1912: 37, 82, 100 (Type 20030809 (Fig. 3 A,B,D); holotype of Tritonofusus species: Fusus kroeyeri Møller, 1842, by original (Plicifusus) polypleyratus – USNM 110476 (Fig. designation). Quasisipho Petrov, 1982: 43 (Type species: Quasisipho 2F). torquatus Petrov, 1982; by original designation; Type localities: Fusus kroeyeri – Western Green- Kamchatka, Russia, Pleistocene). land; Fusus arcticus – Spitzbergen; Sipho plicatus – Sakhalin, Aniwa Bay, 30 m; Tritonofusus (Plici- Type species: Fusus kröyeri Møller, 1842, by fusus) polypleuratus
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