Prioritized Literature from TROPICOS: Top 500 titles from VAST & MOST This list was generated by selecting all titles in TROPICOS published before 1925 and counting the number of vascular (VAST) and bryophyte (MOST) names described in each. This list is sorted by Total taxa and is restricted to 500 titles. Tropicos # ID Title Call number BPH TL2 TL2 Author City Total taxa VAST MOST 1 553 Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, QK1.B55 220.2 15,052 14,415 637 Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 2 1063 Revisio Generum Plantarum Rare Book QK96.K85 4021 Kuntze, C. E. O. 13,548 13,462 86 3 703 Linnaea QK1.L56 532.04 Berlin & 12,695 10,877 1,818 Halle, GERMANY 4 1051 Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni QK97.C2 999 A. P. de Candolle (ed.) 11,757 11,756 1 Vegetabilis 5 629 Flora Brasiliensis FOLIO QK263.M47; reprint edition, QK263.M475538 1965 C. F. P. von Martius (ed.). 9,833 9,729 104 6 682 Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany QK1.J823 471.16 7,599 5,886 1,713 7 788 Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni QK1.R337 772.2 7,578 7,578 Vegetabilis 8 586 Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club QK1.B9673; EWAN 284.15 , USA 5,853 5,183 670 9 1071 Species Plantarum INDEX REFERENCE QK91.S6 4769 Linnaeus, C. 5,736 5,675 61 10 3295 Das Pflanzenreich QK97.P4 1713 H. G. A. Engler (ed.).. 5,455 4,955 500 11 775 Proceedings of the American Academy of QK1.A3791 724.2 5,438 5,297 141 Arts and Sciences 12 661 Hedwigia QK1.H38 413.25 Dresden, 5,373 393 4,980 GERMANY 13 648 Flora QK1.F418 373.28 5,122 3,441 1,681 14 754 Die naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien QK97.E47 1887-1909 1710 A. Engler & K. Prantl. 4,869 2,140 2,729 15 605 Contributions from the United States QK1.U6755 331.05 4,767 4,747 20 National Herbarium 16 678 Journal of Botany, British and Foreign QK1.J5952 459.22 4,310 3,895 415 17 20316 Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni QK97.C2 999 A. L. P. P. de Candolle (ed.) 4,177 4,177 Vegetabilis 18 578 Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France QK1.B91792 275.24 Paris, 3,776 3,570 206 FRANCE 19 575 Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information Kew QK1.B956 263.12 3,161 3,088 73 20 951 Flora of Tropical Africa QK381.F56 7055 Oliver, D. 3,027 3,027 21 922 The Flora of British India QK349.H665.1897 2981 Hooker, J. D. 3,014 3,014 22 1230 Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni QK1.F32, QK1.F35 772.21 2,994 2,994 Vegetabilis, Beihefte 23 552 Botanical Gazette QK1.B468 220.08 2,955 2,676 279 Tropicos # ID Title Call number BPH TL2 TL2 Author City Total taxa VAST MOST 24 14418 Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, ser. 2 QK1.B919626 253.06S2 Geneve & 2,935 2,571 364 Bale, SWITZERLA ND 25 815 Transactions of the Linnean Society of QK1.L5642 885.08 2,714 2,633 81 London 26 3279 Monographiae Phanerogamarum QK97.C18 978 Candolle, A. L. P. P. de & A. C. P. de Candolle 2,599 2,599 27 1405 Systema Vegetabilium, editio decima sexta Linneana QK91.C616 12698 Sprengel, K. P. 2,454 2,355 99 28 544 Bericht uber die Thatigkeit der St. QK1.B228 180.05 2,415 1 2,414 Gallischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft 29 791 Revue Bryologique QK1.R364 779.03* 2,355 1 2,354 30 704 London Journal of Botany QK1.L598 534.12 2,273 1,732 541 31 671 Index Bryologicus QK537.P37 7328 Paris, E. G. 2,272 2,272 32 8010 Synopsis Plantarum Glumacearum QK495.A14.S73 13056 Steudel, E. G. v. 2,160 2,160 33 906 Encyclopedie Methodique. Botanique . REF QK7.L36 4136 Lamarck, J. B. A. P. M. de. 2,153 2,137 16 34 772 Philippine Journal of Science QK1.P44; EWAN 706.02 2,151 2,029 122 35 1075 Symbolae Antillarum QK225.U73 15687 Urban, I. 2,006 1,976 30 36 758 Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, QK1.E4 668.12 1,967 1,967 Edinburgh 37 9164 Species Hepaticarum QK558.L43 13000 Stephani, F. 1,910 1,910 38 1534 Nomenclator Botanicus. Editio secunda QK91.C36 LINNEANA 13053* Steudel, E. G. von 1,895 1,895 39 1224 Gardener's Chronicle & Agricultural QK1.G295 389.07 1,885 1,885 Gazette 40 573 Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier QK1.B919626 253.06 Geneve & 1,875 1,350 525 Bale, SWITZERLA ND 41 1023 Nova Genera et Species Plantarum QK5.B6.1963 Facsimile Ed. on Open Shelves3143 Humboldt, F. W. H. A., A. J. A. Bonpland & K. S. Kunth 1,846 1,846 42 3849 Systema Vegetabilium QK91.C613 LINNEANA 9408 Roemer, J. J. & J. A. Schultes 1,822 1,822 43 1302 Species Plantarum. Editio quarta QK91.C512 LINNEANA 17658 Willdenow, C. L. 1,813 1,813 44 14407 Annales des Sciences Naturelles; QK1.A4632 113.17S3 1,747 1,578 169 Botanique, ser. 3 45 880 Bulletin de la societe imperiale des QK1.B9193 278.1 1,731 1,691 40 naturalistses de Moscou 46 1035 Pittonia QK1.P49; EWAN 711.14 Berkeley, 1,724 1,723 1 California, USA 47 751 North American Flora QK110.N61 781 Britton, N. L. (ed.). 1,685 1,664 21 48 559 Botanische Zeitung. Berlin QK1.B568 225.2 1,679 939 740 49 925 Flora Capensis QK403.F54 2448 Harvey, W. H. 1,668 1,668 Tropicos # ID Title Call number BPH TL2 TL2 Author City Total taxa VAST MOST 50 545 Bibliotheca Botanica QK1.B28 189.01 1,641 845 796 51 864 Botanical Magazine Rare Book QK1.B477 221.13; BPH/S1290 164.L05W. Curtis (ed.) 1,630 1,630 52 672 Index Bryologicus Supplementum Primum 7328* Paris, E. G. 1,627 1,627 53 555 Botanical Magazine QK1.B476 221.17 1,609 1,551 58 54 1092 A Numerical List of Dried Specimens MICROFICHE QK77.W25 16582 Wallich, N. 1,599 1,597 2 55 1065 Rhodora QK1.R485 799.17 Journal of 1,586 1,572 14 the New England Botanical Club, USA 56 807 Synopsis Muscorum Frondosorum omnium 6496 Mu|2ller, C. 1,457 1,457 hucusque Cognitorum 57 958 A General History of the Dichlamydeous QK93.D66 1498 Don, G. 1,401 1,401 Plants 58 768 Oesterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift QK1.O39 683.13 1,394 1,231 163 59 658 Genera Muscorum Frondosorum 6519 Mu|2ller, C. 1,346 1,346 60 1154 Icones plantarum formosanarum nec non et QK367.9, .H33 426.03 2499 Hayata, Bunzo|5 1,324 1,324 contributiones ad floram formosanam. 61 1415 Anales de la Universidad de Chile UN-CAT-SEP'ED: QK1.A44224593.12 1,302 1,302 62 568 Bryologia Universa 757 Bridel, S. E. 1,293 2 1,291 63 1019 Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und QK1.B237 668.21 1,276 1,258 18 Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 64 542 Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt QK1.B177 169.09 1,243 1,114 129 65 584 Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de QK1.S65875 280.26 Bruxelles, 1,233 536 697 Belgique BELGIUM 66 1324 Genera Plantarum RARE BOOK QK97.B472 429 Bentham, G. & J. D. Hooker 1,226 1,226 67 833 Adansonia QK1.A303, .A304 52.02 245 Baillon, H. E. Paris, 1,205 1,205 FRANCE 68 1089 Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk QK1.V62, .V621 964.12 1,195 795 400 Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjobenhavn 69 1147 Bijdragen tot de flora van Nederlandsch QK370.B58 562 Blume, C. L. 1,174 1,174 Indie 70 1084 Transactions of the Linnean Society of QK1.L5642 885.09 1,163 1,018 145 London, Botany 71 1110 Enumeratio Plantarum Omnium Hucusque QK93.K96 4004 Kunth, C. S. 1,159 1,159 Cognitarum 72 855 Biologia Centrali-Americana; . Botany . QK215.H4 2627 Hemsley, W. B. 1,158 1,158 . 73 3469 Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae QK431.B76; Microfiche IDC 231 825 Brown, R. 1,155 1,155 74 3159 Journal de Botanique (Morot) QK1.J45955 460.04 1,143 960 183 75 1401 Rare Book QK92.P4 7732 Persoon, C. H. 1,137 1,137 Tropicos # ID Title Call number BPH TL2 TL2 Author City Total taxa VAST MOST 76 3480 Edwards's Botanical Register RareBook SB407.E39 355.01; BPH/S 312.17 1,134 1,134 77 968 Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew QK1.H763 420.27 1,126 910 216 Garden Miscellany 78 5309 Plantae Wilsonianae QK355.S37 10303 Sargent, C. S. 1,124 1,124 79 1265 Flora Boreali-Americana QK110.M6 5958 Michaux, A. 1,103 1,070 33 80 942 A Flora of North America: containing . RARE BOOK QK110.T7.1969 14757 Torrey, J. & A. Gray 1,089 1,089 81 1198 Flora Telluriana QK98.R34 8587 Rafinesque, C. S. 1,088 1,088 82 746 Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg 1803 Fleischer, M. 1,087 1,087 83 983 Journal of Botany, being a second series of QK1.J5951 460.02 3004 1,087 1,083 4 the Botanical Miscellany 84 1007 Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club QK1.M432; EWAN 588.12 1,084 1,046 38 85 896 Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of QK1.C65495, .C65494, .C65496327.19 1,083 1,083 Harvard University 86 22332 Nova Genera et Species Plantarum (quarto QK5.B6.1963 Facsimile Ed.
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