wv^imvEBsrvY The HUH1MP hbramv 'mm Official Organ of the Diocese of Pittsburgh-Founded in 1^44 Jüst Settlement in Palestine To The Point The Assumption Prdyer " X * i'li lilfplll í p »II S. BT THE EDITOR —m—^m—mmm«— | i Imperative, Msgr. McMahon More Peace Talk (The following is a translation of the prayer which Now it is the President of the Pope Pius XI recited in St. Peter's Basilica on Nov. 1, 1950, Soviet Union, Nikolai Shvernik, on the occasion of the ¡proclamation of the Assumption as Tells Congress Committee ü who sends a "peace" proposal to a Dogma of the Church.) m this country. In a long message ad- ' . - J M^l Vt-T-i-frV 1 dressed to President Truman, re- Washington, Aug. 34-While it is "absolutely necessary * ceived Monday, there is talk of the O Immaculate Virgin,! Mother of God and Mother of men, with to continue aid to the Nejar and Middle East, "and more pre* ••sincere friendship of the Soviet all the fervor of our faith we believe in thy triumphant assumption, cisely to the Arab refugees of Palestine," real peace in the peoples toward. the people of the body and soul, into heaven, where thou art acclaimed Queen of all Middle East will not be achieved until there is a just settle- whole world," talk of a five-pow- the choirs of angels and all the groups of saints. ment of the Palestine question. j er treaty for peace, talk of outlaw- •We join with them iri praising and blessing the Lord, who has This was the testimony of Msgr.# j — ——— tog atomic weapons—all the ex- exalted thee above all other pure creatures, and in offering thee the Thomas J. McMahon, president of tion?" Msgr. McMahon "asked. the Pontifical Mission for Palestine pressions the Russian leaders use expression of our devotion and love. "What have you done j to compen^ while they give no indication of We know that thy gaze, which rested with motherly love on and national sjecretary of the sate the homeless people who did practicing the things they talk the humble and suffering humanity of Jesus on earth, now finds its Catholic Near East Welfare Asso- ciation, before the House of Rep- not giye up their homes voluntar- about. fullest satisfaction in the sight of the glorified humanity of the The only question about this lat- resentatives Committee on For- ily? You will never achievepeace Incarnate Word. We know that in the joy of soul at seeing the eign Affairs, here. The committee in the Middle East until you have est piece of peace talk is how much Adorable Trinity face to face thy heart is filled with raptures of It Will weaken our defense effort. is holding hearings cm legislation given these hundreds of thousands To induce us to slow down in the bliss and tenderness. proposed to implement the Mutual of people the rights that are most certai nly theirs. production of armament, to get us We poor sinners, who find the flight of out souls impeded by ¡Security program of the U. S. Gov- to go back to "politics! as usual" the burden of our bodies, ask thee to purify our senses, so that even ernment. This legislation would "You have neen votings to the and "profits as usual" must be one here on earth we may learn to find our happiness in God alone, in provide economic aid to the Near UNRWA (the United Nations Re- of the principal purposes of all spite of the attraction of created things. and Middle East, among other lief and Works Agency operating these peace statements, and we places. j.... jy in Palestine) and its antecedent We are confident that thine eyes of mercy behold our miseries agencies a' respectable aid each •hall be foolish, indeed, if we yield and sorrows, our struggles and weaknesses. We are confident that "What have y|ou done for a just nj settlement! of the Palestine ques- (Continued oèj Last Page) to such crude craftiness. thou dost smile upon our joys and victories. We know that thou As to -the proposals Russia dost hear the1 voice of Jesus say of each one of us, as of His be- makest she can hardly expect them loved disciple, "Behold thy son." Invoking thee as our mother, to be taken seriously. She can have we take thee, as did St. John, to. be our guide, our strength and our K. of C. Convention Program assurance of peace, and all the agreements, arrangements and un- consolation during bur life on earth. derstandings she talks about, any We are strengthened by the life-giving assurance that, thine Covers Three Days' Activities; time she wants them-r-simpljf by eyes, which once wept over the earth that was bathed in the j Blood eeasinglher obstructive tactics in of Jesus, still turn toward this world, a prey to wars and persecu- the United Nations. The machin- tions and to the oppression of the just and the weak. ery for peace and understanding Amid the shadows of this valley of tears we confidently hope, among nations is all there, ready through thy heavenly light and loving pity, to obtain relief from to be used. So there is no reason A four-day program, which will include Pontifical Mass our sorrows and an end to the trials of the Church and of our in St. Paul's 1 Cathedral celebrated by Bishop John P. Dear- why we should be fooled or be- country. wildered by her "outside" talk. den, with a s^qnon by Archbishop Paul Scnulté of Indian- Finally, we believe that in the glory in which thou reignest, apolis; a banquet at the William Penn Hotel to be addressed clothed with the sun and crowned with the stars, thou art, after by the Spanish Ambassador to the United States, Don Jose Kefauver Report 1 While the publjic hearings of Jesus, the joy and delight of all the angels and saints. Felix de Lequerica y Erquiza, and otheri. events, has been Kefauver committee that were From this world, through which We pass as pilgrims, comforted announced for the 69th annual convention of the Supreme carried by television, radio and by our faith in the future resurrection, we look toward thee as our Council of tbe Knights of Columbus to be held here from newspaper a few Weeks ago dealt life. our sweetness, and our hope. May thy kind voice lead us, ao | Aug. 21 through Aug. 24. chiefly with the connection be- that one day, when this oUr exile is over, thou mayegt show unto The convention will officially :tween organi zed crime and poll- us the blessed fruit of thy womb. O clement, O loving, O sweet open with the Pontifical Mass in 'tics, some i ottie r interesting facts Virgin Mary! Amen. the cathedral Tuesday morning, Were uncovered by the commit- Aug. 21, at 10:00 o'clock. The iuü« tee, as revealed in Senator Ke- formed color guard of the Fourth xfauver's book on the subject, re- Degree K. of C, from varioua as- cently published. Bishop Dearden To Preside ; | semblies in Western Pennsylvania W. One chapter, for instance, tells will form a guard of honor at the how an anti-union company I in Mass. Following this, a civic re* Detroit, a big stove manufacturer, At Marian Eucharistic Rally ceptton will be held at the Wil- employed a notorious "racketeer" ! _ ' ' * . k . n ham Penn Hotel, at which Mayor to "protect" its plant against union David L Lawrence will extend organizers and to help it break a Most Rev. John F. Dearden, Bishop of Pittsburgh an<f the official welcome of the City strike. The story is not a prejtty Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Greensburg, will of Pittsburgh and Judge John E. one. Followers of Westbrook Peg- preside at theiMarian Eucharistic rally for the Catholic wom- Swift, of Boston, eupreme grand ler should read it, as an antidote. en of Westmoreland County, to be held Sunday, Aug. 10, knight-of the K. of C., will re- at 3:00 o'clock, in the stadium of St. Vincent's College, La- spond. "I : Utility 'Enterprise* trobe. ! '• * "" " ' ' Judge Swift will preside at the An increase in wages has been or St. Vincent's Archabbey, rep- convention business sessions, and granted the employes of the, The Bishop will address the congregation, which will com- resenting i Coadjutor Archabbot will be one of the speak«« at Pittsburgh Railways Company Denis Strittmatter, O.S.B., of St the convention banquet Tuesday and the affiliated Pittsburgh Motor prise women from the 78 par- ishes in Westmoreland County, Vincent's. evening, at 7:30 o'clock, along with Coach Company, bjecause arbitra- V ! part of the recently established Chaplains to the Bishop will be the Spanish Ambassador. Leo E. t ! tors decided it wajs called for by Rev. Owen J. Kirby, pastor of St. Gribbin, of Shamokin, state depu- increases in liviifig costs. The Greensburg Diocese. He will also Officiate at Solemn Pontifical Be- Leonard's Church, Monessen, and ty, will be master of ceremonies companies, which ' operate the Rev. Martin J. OToole, pastor of street car lines and the principal nediction of the Blessed Sacra- Naiiled Bishop at "the banquet.' ^ • • vi-Sí-M^l ment at an altar to be set MP in St. Edward's, Herrninie; Rev. Ni- Business sessions will be con- bus lines here, promptly announc- (Continued on Last Page) fl that they will ask the Public the stadium. Of Grand Island ducted all four days, at the con- JpOitiies Commission for permis- The sermon at the rally will be vention headquarters in the hotel, II sion to raise their rates to [cover delivered by Rev.
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