RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVL, NO. 38. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 9,-1944; SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Captaincy For Maurice Samuel Workers For Red OrtrudeVanVliet Red Cross War Fund W. B. Leonard Firemen Celebrate Promotion from first lieutenant to To Lecture At Cross War Fund Joines WAVES captain for William B. Leonard, $334,000 Drive Opens son of Mrs. William B. Leonard of Local High School Drive Make Plans Old Timers'. Night Ridge road, Rumson, has been an- nounced in the South Pacific, where Capt. Leonard Is serving as a Se- Will Speak Sunday Gen. H. S. Borden, curity and Signal supply officer. Independent Engine Company County Chapter Needs $113,000 Prior to his entrance into the Night on "Nazism vs. Chairman, Report* AAF, Capt. Leonard attended Al- To Carry On War-Time Service bany academy, Albany, New Tork, Democracy" $15,000 Collected Honors Four Active Members and Brown university, where he ••- Home* throughout th« county was a member of Delta Kappa Ep- "Nazism vs. Democracy" is the More than 80 persons attended a "Old Timers' Night" was obssma are displaying the Red Cross Ser- silon fraternity. He was later em- theme for the first evening in themeeting of residential workers of by Independent Engine company' vice flag, and many Individuals are Wise Sworn In At ployed by Laidlaw and Co., NewSpring Lecture Series sponsored by the Red Bank branch of the Red Methodists To in Its rooms on Mechanic street wearing the Red Cross lapel flag, York City. the Jewish Community Center next Cross Friday night in the Red Monday night ln conjunction witkT signifying their participation In Freehold Office Capt. Leonard was enrolled at Sunday at 8:30 o'clock at the RedBank junior high school auditor- Hear Missionary the company's monthly meeting, the 1944 Red Cross war fund drive Officers Candidate school from Bank high school auditorium. Mau- ium. Misa Florence Kridel, resi- The affair was such a success that which he was graduated and com- rice Samuel Is to be the lecturer. dential chairman, presided. the company officials planned .tar which opened Sunday on a county make it an annual event. President wide basis. The county chapter Succeeds Assistant missioned as second lieutenant. He His thesis is this: if, even though Gen, Howard S. Borden, branch Rev. John Z. Moore left the state November 1, 1942. war fund drive chairman, Bald: William Crispell, an ex-chlel of tha has a quota of $334,000 In the nat- completely defeated and disarmed, To Preach Sunday Red Bank Fire department, recent-' ional drive for J2O0,00O,O00. Prosecutor Weiser Germany has created a world torn "This year we have a tremendous by hatreds, dissensions, Intoler- task before us, but with your help ly took over the reins ln conducting' Edwin L. Best, war fund drive we can attain our branch quota, Rev. Dr. John Z. Moore of Mad-the company's affairs, and it wit? chairman, today appealed to every Edward W. Wise, Red Bank at- Buy Taylor Arcade ances and suspicions, Hitler will through his Initiative that the "old torney, was sworn, ln at Freehold have won out, whether It be Ger-which is $90,000." Ho reported that ison, New Jersey, will be the guest county resident to give to \he full- he branch special gifts committee preacher at the Red Bank Meth- lmers" were Invited, to be with the- est of his ability toward the chap- Tuesday by J. Russell Woolley, many or another nation that takes youngsters Monday night. A most county clerk, as third assistant And Double House up the struggle for the power prin- las collected more than $15,000. odist church Sunday night, March ter's $334,000 quota. He said "This Other speakers were Mrs. Ralph 12, at 8 o'clock. enjoyable time was had by all. year, more than ever before in the ciple. Pan of the lecture will deal Following a short business ses- with an examination of our uncon- O. Wlllguss, branch chairman; Mrs. Upon graduation from Drew history of Red Cross, we will need At Eatontown Herbert D. Wright, chapter chair- theological seminary, Dr. and Mrs.sion President Crispell introduced the fullest support of every Amer- scious acceptance of some of theman of volunteer special services, MISS ORTRUDE VAN VLIET as the "old timers" Albert L. Ivina, implications of the Nazi philos- Moore went to Korea, where they Dewitt C. Carhart, John Balnlotij - ican. Only through this support and Harald Kenneth, assistant fund labored faithfully as evangelists can we expect to carry out. the tre- Kenneth Van Brunt, ophy. raising director of the North At- Miss Ortrude (Trudy) VanVllet, Warren C. Dennis, Thomas Irving mendous obligations of the Red lantic area of the Red Cross. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart for 38 years. While in thiB foreign Brown, Wa'rren Hartman, Joseph Cross during the coming year, ob- Walter Cotgreave motion picture, "Seven Points to VanVllet of Sycamore avenue, land, controlled by the Japanese, B, Asay, Charles H. Bennett, Sr, Shrewsbury, today begins active Dr. Moore took part In the work and William Francis, several of ligations to our sons and daugh- Hed Cross Selling," was shown. of the Methodist mission schools ters in the armed forces the world Purchase Property Miss Kridel reported that more duty as an apprentice seaman ln whom Joined the company 40 OT over, and to civilians here at workers have been named in Redthe WAVES at the U. S. Naval and the large Methodist hospital. more years ago. Mr. Bennett and home.*1 Bank, Sea Bright and Little Silver. Training school, Hunter college, Mr. Asay have been continually William T. Taylor of 28 Broad on the active list and have served Of the $334,000 to be collected In street, Eatontown, has sold his New borough workers in Red Bank New York city. She was sworn in are Mrs. J. Ross Drye, Miss Caro- as a member of the Women's Corps, the department under 23 chiefs. Monmouth county, $113,000 will be bowling and billiard arcade and Others introduced by Presldtnt needed by the county chapter to his residence - property comprising lyn Hance, Mrs. Kenneth Mc- U. S. Naval Reserve, last week. carry on Its full war time pro- Queen, Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, Mrs. Miss VanVllet was graduated Crispell as "old timers" but who a double house to Kenneth Van- Harrison Bance, Mrs. J. William from Red Bank high school and have not belonged to the company gram, giving service to servicemen Brunt and his father-in-law, Wal- as many years as those above men* and women at army posts In this Helm, Sr., Mrs. J. C. SlmmondB, Sr., lentenary Junior college at Hack- ter Cotgreave, both of Eatontown Mrs. Gustav Anderson, Mn. Harry ettstown. For the past two years .toned were Samuel Rogers, Ray. The new owners have taken pos- Clayton, Jr., Mrs, Florence Wolfe, she has been employed in the of- mond Boyd, Morris Holmstead, session of the arcade and they will Mrs. C, E. Fanning, Mrs. Gene fices of the Red Bank draft board. Louis Becker, Max Weisman, El- move with their families into the Booth, Mrs. Beatrice Brooks, Mrs. She is a member of Shrewsbury mer Johnson and Jacob Stryker. double house April' 1. Mr. Van- Marie Stoble, Mrs. Mae Newman, Towne chapter, Daughters Ameri- A pleasing part of the evening's Brunt was born in Eatontown and Miss Sarah Armstrong and Laur- can Revolution, tfnd is a grand- program was the presentation of has always lived there. He will ence Souville. Sea Bright workers daughter of the late Brig. Gen. R. gold service badges to ex-Ohlefi rent his house at 96 Maple avenue are Mrs. Otto Hauser and Mm. R. Asay and George Worthily, Mr. C. VanVllet of Shrewsbury. Bennett and Samuel Chandler. .It The arcade was built about 20 M. Scott, Jr. Miss VanVllet's brother, First years ago by the late Edward Tay- Little Silver worker* Include had been a custom of Independent Lieut; Stewart VanVllet, Jr., is serv- company to give service badges lor, who conducted the place until Cheater Apy, drive chairman; Mrs. ing with the Army ln the Pacific EDWARD W. WISE his death. A brother, William T. Edward W. McCIellan, Jr., auxiliary every ten years, but this had been area. This week Mr. and Mrs. Van- neglected in more recent years and Taylor, leaaed the arcade for a chairman; Mrs. V. Parker Wilkin- Vllet received a cable from their prosecutor. Mr. Wise takes the time but later took it back and has son, Mrs. W. D. Lewis, Mrs. John it was revived by President CrU- place formerly held by Bernard H. been operating it since. V. Crowell, Mrs. Roger Power, Mrs. son, stating that he had arrived pell. Mr. Bennett has served In- Weiser of EngllBhtown, who has There are two bowling alleys and H. H. Hardwick, Mrs. O. Ivan Barely at his destination. dependent company as an active been ln the Army since December. MAURICE SAMUEL A bridge party was given for fireman continuously for approxi- blllard and (pool tables. A lunch Lyons, Mrs. W. C. Belnap, Mrs The brief ceremony was wit-counter is located near the en- John W. Borden, Mrs. William Rea, Miss VanVliet Monday at the home mately 45 years, having Joined Sep- nessed by Victor R. LeValley, chief trance and a candy and tobacco Mr. Samuel, author, traveller and Mrs, Robert Ferguson, Mrs. Rus-of Miss Doris ^fiwift on Bergen ter 1, 1899. The presentation speech clerk in the prosecutor's office; Jfiu- business is carried on.
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