Sezona|Season 2o11−2o12 HUMANITARNI KONCERT HUMANITARIAN CONCERT Pozdrav iz Austrije II Greetings from Austria II dirigent • conductor UVE TAJMER | UWE THEIMER [Austrija • Austria] • PODGORICA • Velika scena Crnogorskog narodnog pozorišta Great Hall of Montenegrin National Theatre Četvrtak, 23. februar 2012. u 20.00 časova Thursday, February 23d, 2012 at 20:00 Gostovanje•Guest performance • HERCEG NOVI • Dvorana park Park Hall Petak, 24. februar 2012. u 20 časova Friday, February 24th, 2012 at 20:00 GENERALNI SPONZOR CRNOGORSKOG SIMFONIJSKOG ORKESTRA GENERAL SPONSOR OF MONTENEGRIN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA KARL MIHAEL CIRER • CARL MICHAEL ZIEHRER Poloneza lepeze • Fan Polonaise (Fächerpolonaise) Pjesma, ples, smijeh • Singing, Dancing, Laughing (Singen, Lachen, Tanzen), Valcer | Waltz Prepuštanje • Letting Go (Loslassen) Brza polka | Quick Polka (schnell) JOZEF ŠTRAUS • JOSEF STRAUSS Žensko srce • Women´s Heart (Frauenherz) Polka Mazur Ravings • Delirijumi (Delirien) Valcer | Waltz JOZEF HELMESBERGER • JOSEF HELLMESBERGER Male novine • Small Gazette (Kleiner Anzeiger) Galop | Galopp JOHAN ŠTRAUS MLAĐI • JOHANN STRAUSS II Ubrzanja • Accelerations (Accelerationen) Valcer | Waltz Sa dunavske plaže • From the Strand of Danube (Vom Donaustrande), Brza polka | Quick Polka (schnell) pauza • intermission FRANC LEHAR • FRANZ LEHÁR Fata Morgana Koncert Gavotte | Concert Gavotte The Ball Sirens • Balske sirene (Ballsirenen) Valcer | Waltz Nehledil-marš • Nechledil March Zwanzinette Ciganska ljubav • Gipsy Love (Zigeunerliebe) Valcer | Waltz PROGRAM • PROGRAMME PROGRAM EMERIH KÁLMÁN • EMERICH KÁLMÁN Grofica Marica • Countess Mariza (Ouvertüre zur Gräfin Mariza),uvertira | Ouverture Želim da igram • I´d like to dance (Tanzen möchte‘ ich) Valcer | Waltz 3 MEDIJSKI SPONZOR MEDIA SPONSOR Pozdrav Greetings iz from Austrije II Austria II U Austriji se tradicionalno, 1. janu ara, The New Year´s Concert of the Vie nna u „zlatnoj sali“ Bečkog Muzikferaj na Philharmonic traditionally takes place (Udruženje prijatelja muzike) održava on January 1, in the „Golden Concert No vo godišnji koncert Bečke filhar­ Hall“ of the Vienna Musikverein (Soci e ty monije. U međuvremenu se po uzoru of Friends of Music). Follo wing the na njega u mnogim zemljama organi­ example of Au stria, many countries zuju novogodišnji ko ncerti, najčešće u have in the meantime established their prvim sedmicama Nove godine. Nakon own New Year´s concerts, all of them prošlogodišnjeg prvog koncerta Bečke taking place in the first weeks of each muzike, drugi koncert ove vrste u Pod­ New Year. Like the first concert with gorici donosi izbor djela braće Johana i Viennese music last year, this year´s Jozefa Štrausa i Karl Mihael Cirera, iz second concert in Podgorica offe rs again vremena procvata ove vrste muzike, za­ a combination of famous compositions jedno sa djelima Jozefa Helmesbergera, belonging to the golden age of this i kompozici jama Franca Lehara i Eme­ music style, from brothers Johann and riha Kalmana, dva najvažnija kompo­ Josef Strauss, from the time of turn of zitora iz „srebrne“ ere Bečke operete, the century from Carl Michael Ziehrer na pre la zu u XX vijek. and Josef Hellmesberger, and also from Franz Lehár and Emmerich Kálmán, the two most important composers of the „silver“ age of the Viennese Ope re tta. 5 KARL MIHAEL CIRER (1843– The concert begins with three 1922), sin bečkog šeširdžije, izučio compositions by CARL MICHAEL je zanat svog oca, ali se neuporedivo ZIEHRER (1843–1922). Son of više interesovao za muziku. Nakon a Viennese hatter, who learned his što je stekao muzičko obrazovanje, father´s trade, Ziehrer was actually prvi put je nastupio kao kompozi­ mo­­re interested in music. After acqui­ tor i vođa sopstvenog orkestra 1863. ring a music education, he first per­ godine. Već tada su novine pisale da formed in 1863 as a composer and „će bi ti ozbi ljan takmac braći Štraus“. conductor of his own orchestra. The Njegovi najpoznatiji valceri, Somot newspapers promptly repo rted „that he i svila – (Samt und Seide), Bečke dje- will be a serious rival to Strauss brothers“. vojke (Weana Mad’ln), Građani Beča His most famous waltzes Velvet and Silk (Wiener Bürger), Djeca karnevala (Samt und Seide), Viennese Girls (Weana (Faschingskinder) ili Naprijed (Here- Mad’ln), Citizens of Vienna (Wiener inspaziert), se isto tako često izvode Bürger), Carnival Goers (Faschingskinder) kao i njegov čuveni „Schönfeld Marš“, or Come right in Hereinspaziert), are jedno od najpopularnijih djela u equally popular in Austria as the the Au striji (Marš je posvećen poručniku Schönfeld-Marsch (dedicated to and feldmaršalu – t.j. generalu najnižeg named after Field­Marshal­Lieute nant ranga – Antonu fon Šoenfeldu – Anton von Schönfeld, Chief of Gene ral Staff načelniku Generalštaba). Od 1870. K. of the Army). From 1870 onwards he M. Cirer je naizmjenično bio šef vojnih i was alte rnately conducting military and civilnih orkestara. U periodu 1885–1893 ci vil orchestra. Between 1885–1893, godine vodio „k. u. k.“ (kaiserlich Ziehrer conducted the band of the und königlich=carski i kralje v ski) voj­ “k. u. k.” (abb reviation for “kaiserlich ni orkestar pješadijskog puka u Beču und königlich”, meaning: impe rial and (čiji je jedan bataljon duže vrijeme bio royal, pertaining to the Dual Monarchy stacioniran u Kotoru), koji je podigao of Austro­Hungary) infa ntry regiment na visok nivo i sa njim postigao prve 4, stationed in Vienna (one of its battal­ velike uspjehe. Vrhuncem njegove ka­ ions was in based Kotor for a long time). rijere smatra se imenovanje za četvrtog He led it to a high level and achieved i poslednjeg c. i kr. dvorskog muzičkog his first big successes with it. The direktora 1907. godine, nakon oca i nomi nation as fourth and last “k. u. k.” sina Johana Štrausa i Eduarda Štrausa. Court Ball Music Dire ctor (Hofball- Za vrijeme Prvog svje tskog rata Cirer Musikdirektor) in 1907, after Johann je izgubio svu imo vinu, koju je, kao Strauss Senior, Strauss Junior and Eduard monarhistički patriota, založio za rat­ Strauss, can be described as a zenith of ne obveznice. Umro je u siromaštvu his career. Ziehrer, a fervent monarchis­ 1922. godine. tic patriot, lost all of his fortune in war 6 Poloneza lepeze – Fächerpolonaise bonds during the First World War, and (op. 525), se svake godine izvodi na died impoverished in 1922. otvaranju bala Bečke filharmonije i TheFan Polonaise‒Fächerpolonaise Bečke opere, kao i mnogih drugih ba­ (op. 525), by Carl Michael Ziehrer, is a lova u Austriji (Poloneza je francuski piece of music frequently played at the naziv za tzv. poljski ples, iz vremena pri­ beginning of balls in Vienna like the an­ je Bečke muzike, koji se izvodi u taktu nual Vienna Philharmonic Ball or the ¾, pri čemu ulazak igrača i izvođenje Vienna Opera Ball (The termPolonaise figura uz kratke naklone u različitim is the French description of a so­called pravcima omogućava njihovo uzajam­ „Polish dance“ and in the festive ¾ tact, no pozdra vljanje kao i pozdravljanje allo wing the dancers to greet each other publike). Poloneza lepeze je sigurno and the audience upon entering, while najpoznatije djelo te vrste. Prvi put je performing ele gant figures followed with štampano 1906. godine, uz napomenu short nods in different dire ctions). The da je „već sa velikim uspjehom izvođeno The Fan Polonaise is probably the most na mnogim balovima“, što navodi na famous music piece of its kind. It ap­ zaključak muzikologa da je kompono­ peared in print in 1906, with a sugges­ vano već oko 1900. godine. tion „that it has already been performed Svoj ljupki valcer Pjesma, ples, on many balls with great success“, thus smijeh – Singen, Tanzen, Lachen leading to the conclusion that it was (op. 486) Cirer je komponovao za composed as early as 1900. hor i orkestar povodom karnevalske Ziehrer initially composed his lovely proslave Bečkog muškog pje vačkog waltz Singing, Dancing, Laughing / udruženja 27.1.1899, gdje je doživio Singen, Tanzen, Lachen (op. 486) for veliki uspjeh. Danas se ovo djelo izvodi choir and orchestra of the Viennese Male uglavnom u orkestarskoj verziji. Choir, on the occasion of the carnival Brza polka Prepuštanje – Loslassen (op. celebration held on January 27, 1899, 386) izvedena je prvi put 7. okto­ which was an instant success. This bra 1887. godine u Beču, od strane piece is nowadays being performed Orkestra 4. pješadijskog puka. Po­ only by orchestra. put mnogih Cirerovih brzih polki, Ziehrer first performed his quick polka i ova je prepuna specifičnog šarma, Letting Go / Loslassen (op. 386) with koji tokom duge balske noći, iznova the Orchestra of the Infantry Regiment uzbuđuje plesače. Nr. 4 in Vienna, October 7th, 1887. JOZEF ŠTRAUS (1827–1870) As with many of his fast polkas, this je, poput starijeg brata Johana, od sparkling and charming composition oca naslijedio ljubav i talenat za mu­ electrifies the dancing crowd during a ziku. Ipak, nije želio da se bavi ovim lengthy ball night. 7 pozivom, već da postane građevinski JOSEF STRAUSS (1827–1870), inženjer, te je studirao tehniku. Izme­ as well as his older brother Johann, đu ostalog izumio je mašinu za inheri ted the talent and love of music čišćenje, koja je dugo bila u upotrebi from his father, but did not want to na bečkim ulicama. Nakon što mu se become a professional musician. He brat Johan teško razbolio tokom jedne studied engineering and worked as inostrane turneje, Jozef je na nagovor an architectural draftsman. Among porodice pristao da privremeno vodi other things, he invented a street­ Štraus­orkestar. Ali, interesovanje za cleaning device, which was used in ovaj orkestar je bilo toliko da je Jozef, Vienna for a long period of time. After his čak i nakon bratovog ozdravljenja, do bro ther Johann fell seriously ill while kraja svog života radio kao dirigent i touring abroad, the family talked Josef kompozitor. Dok na nastupima nije into leading the Strauss­orchestra, bio tako uspješan kao njegov brat which was so much in demand that he Johan, dotle su mnoge njegove kom­ worked as a condu ctor and a composer pozicije po kvalitetu bile dorasle dje­ until the end of his days.
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