Beaver jout his By Sufesoipiiuw Only t Hunter ore diifi- Council ule$ David Kleimnan and Arthur Schreiber will vie for t :1 Presidency in next Wednesday-'s ejection, he Student Ccun- 0l ln Ir the foot Kleinman, a lower senior, is the present Chairman of Presidentiaf>-^iZ ^ r l election- , Stud^P*e of the Mstorv-makin. debates rhe past rdination Board, while Schreiber. also » T^^-^*- ^r,;«- • f Student CotrociL Nextv week's election will take -lace-in. the. eleventh 5oor snack -,<±T and the Student Center lob- y. When voting1, students must .resent their bursar cards. In other school-wide elections, ?.ob Solodow '62,'Dave Podoff yG2. .r.d Dave Tager '61, are running jr the Coancil Vice Presidency. Presently^ Solodow is Corres- ondrng Secretary of Council. "-•odofF is the editor-in-chief of -7he T^lteJ. aMti^TUgBX holds the"~ -osrtion of SC Treasurer. In;, the race for- Corresponding Secretary of Council, Mige Nigris "•2 is competing- with Brendan yenegban '63 for the posrtion. N'igris is president of the Intra­ dural Buaid while Heneghan is -. Coancil representative. position of Trcaaurer ' CeonetL The post of Recording Secretary will be open since no '.odexxt has applied for the posi- • on, AI Stein, "61, functioning coor- nator of ACB, & the only can- ~.e Activities Coordination Board. Bob. Signer, ^62, managing edi- .r of-The Ticker is running an-. •ntested for the post of Baroch \.hool Kataonal Student Assoei- ion Delegate. Doris Warner '61, Bob Signer 2, LarrySJmger *62» Bob-Pitler '3 and Brendan Heneghan '63 are meeting Friday nigrht, sto- Forum to Give z^Jo^n. s? ^°^ >***-**.»* RHE Chairman Rabin Theodore L. Adams w conduct an unusual type >/ forum discussion Thursday at _.2:1 5 at Hillel's quarters. '44' JE^24th Street. In recogrnition of the many questions eople have about the Bible, abbi Adams has agreed to The first speaker was Mr D;s- evote the entire forum to eri of the Psvcholotrv L> .iswerin*; questions raised partmenv Taikirrar about 'Com­ <>m the floor. petenc: and Men* He. '->i be Rabbi Adams is a graduate proved vat tr.e two are inter- the City College and The related and dependent icieas. -ac EHchanan Theological Semi- Master of ail subjects may be ~y. He is a former president gotten h rough application and The Synagogue ^ Coancil of prepare ion. Mr. Disperrzieri . .=: erica. He is currently spiritual stated. "aler at Congregation Ohab Tze- -v 118 W. 95th Street, which or Mordecai Dairia. J trwi_-»."i the largest Orthodox syna- Chap ajn at Fort Dix, spoke at • <ue in Xev Xoade~- He expects the next forum. He stated that » receive his doctorate in soei- cooperation without compromise' gy this. year. are t le key words in A-my inter- Rabbi Adams has served as a faith relations- <-mbear of President Eisenhow- The Roosevert Haters" was 's Foreign Policy Seminar and discussed by Dr. Fred Israel at acknowledged as one of today's the thirdi forum. Aithough F. D. emost Biblical experts. This R. wa disliked by some, many ill be the fourth and final regarded him almost a personal rum of ffiBeTV fall deity. (Coatimoed Congressional comnrrttees. as ^^^' ^^M^y t "r^T. w- •&<:. •'- •w* r< Ct*o fc Council Sets re in I Music Recital, Dance Set by Sophs Figures Given to BHE =By Norman KJeinberg; The Class of 'fi3 h?*f annmm^ __ &y Marilyn'-Kai4in--~ The municipal colleges xrf~N* tst year | TTHT Partners m crime" referred to in the above title are roem- it will held its First Annual received $769,756 in. grants for faculty;- research^ it - was |bersLjp£.J. ^^f^'-y^Hy. llMise^Aitriuberfr di^tfie faculty who .^Student Council will sponsor two special events during Winter Wonderland Week-end announced last week in a- report submitted to the B*oar<i persist in presentmgr •dxnticar'quizzes and midterms to class after the month Of December. The first is a Music Recital Wednes­ January 27-29, at Surprise Lake of Higher Education by :—r—., " ." ' . ........' • ..-"" . • t las**, senejd^s^id^er semorter. Den% these ststrnetor» realize IM» day; Dec emberJ. 4, at 2 in 200 of the Student Center. Violin­ Camp. Although tins is technical­ ist Zvi Zeftlin and his accbm- GttstaveO. Rosenberg", chair- of her role as a woman; from an grreat the temptation is for a student to consult _a "fraternity file" ly a "Soph Week-end," an in­ man of the board. experimental program preparing or to jret the complete test in advance from a friend who had taken panist will perform. Mr. vitation has been extended to the , Mr. Rosenberg also revealed teachers to present science the test a previous period or had taken the course during a previous principles underfymj Zeitlin has recently been J21?** of 'ft* «^ ****>*> A—:——: IF C Slates that grants for the current^~col-~ elementary scnool to the the term? Is it possible "that there could be a single instructor in the chemical phenomena, Elated to play five concerts Karuch School who is unaware of the abuses which result when he added. for the N. Y. Philharmonic. The total cost for the week­ lege year accepted by the^. board retical analysis of nuclear i •• Diplomat from Cuba Denied Details of his 30 to 40 minute Dance Fete end will be $15.00. A $5.00 deposit in the past three months totaled action data; from research for administers the same test to class after class* semester after semester? •, * - - - - . —; • . Therefore at the Baruch School will be required by December 23, $225,534. biography of the founder of t).~ a compromise approach to chem­ program- at the Baruch I must confess .that -I am not completely aware of the reasons Xext Saturday evening:, De­ and the remainder by January 10. Japanese socialist -'.and 'lab' istry is in operation. Dr. BurtseS. School will be released later. "The value of research when why an instructor would wish to give the same tests to each class. cember 17th at 8:30, the Inter There will be a late fee of $1.00 movements to" the study of e> Speaking Rights at College said that he expects the business- The Council will also hold a properly related to teaching," However, some of the "motives" for the "crime" shall be discussed Fraternity Council (IFC) will after that date. ' -the. chairma'n - ^ratoH iyi com- /docrines and cells of pituita; . The appearance of Raul Roa, Jr., akernaLte_jCiifaari_ student to benefit from tfae^ Christmas Dance Friday. Decern- a»td i»vajuated.i — - change, and at the same time to. sponsor "The Eighth Annual Miss nienting on the grants, "is ^rery glands. representative to the United JNations, for a speech at the ber 23. The dance will have -two The fee incfudes all costs for *:• $ c UptowT n CenteL r be enthused and encouraged' by IFC Bail." The event is being the week-end, including food great. Research is an essential "in many ' cases these grarr. ~*~" ~ ^— — has been Hiocked by .college procedural parts. The afternoon section will Perhaps the first explanation which comes to mind is "laziness." the syllabus' to continue his in­ element of a college instructor's bring to our .campus equipme: requirements. be held in the second floor lounge held in the .second floor lounges 'bedding and transportation. The terest in chemistry after gradu­ which would be impossible i'< Many students are unaware of the difficulty of constructing: a jrood Originally Mr. Roa's talk was Was brought into effect, and the of the Student Center from 12:30- money is being collected around repertoire, and with the aid of ation. of the- Student Center." As you us to acquire," Dr. Rosenbe . test. It is admittedly difficult to devise a forty-minute test which will stopped b}' Professor John W. date for the talk was cancelled. 4. Information about the evening the school by Paul Dann, Har­ appropriate grants we can pro­ ..night guess from the title, the .present to the instructor an adequate picture of what a student has Hutchins. faculty- ^adviser of the i_Frorn a purely •- m«K>hani<>al part of the dance, which is to be vey Katz and Norman A. Ross, vide the reduced teaching sched­ noted. "For example,, an elect: • .President - Bueli ^.- Gattafrher fraternity entering the best-look- teamed- from a semester's work. Thus, an instructor may feel that he Eusrerie V. Debs Club, who re­ point of view, the laboratory from -S-12, wiH he announced. 'the Three coordinators. ules and the- equipment needed microscope valued at $30,000 .!• said .that if Mr. Roa were invited w has done his job when he has devised one grood quiz to cover- the fused to sign, the necessary ap­ manuals in both chemistry 1I» Both sections are free. It will be ing girl iH he awarded the gold —Ross. for the conduct of this work. used by Dr. Arthur and Dr. Lam through usual channels, the col­ material under consideration. plication forms. and 2b are being completely-re­ * dress-down affair and refresh­ cup. Students are closely associated Colwin at Queens College in tht- lege would have no objection. vised. The notebook for labora­ In financing this affair, IFC's _ I- i*!i;^!-|!;!; with the research going on in important study of fertilizatio: Such an instructor should re-examine his position. Of what use Professor Hutchins said that Earlier in the term. Governor ments will be served. "s m tory reporting has been discarded main objective is to perk up the our laboratories and we count of the egg. Of course, the con­ is this one good test when its validity is destroyed due to the fact that he did not like the present Cuban Michael V.
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