Spec (6»2 GATT BIBLIOGRAPHY; THIRD SUPPLEMENT June 1956 » July 1957 GATT Secretariat O Villa Le Bocage Palais des Nations Geneva August 1957 Switzerland Spec(65)2 Page 1 GATT BIBLIOGRAPHY: THIRD SUPPLEMENT INTRODUCTION The GATT Bibliography was first published in March 195^ and covered the period from 19^7 to the end of 1953. The First Supplement covered the period from January 1954 to June 1955* A number of items falling within the earlier period, but not recorded in the original Bibliography, were included. ..The. Second Supplement covered the period from June 1955 to June 1956. The Third Supplement covers the period from June 1956 to August 1957. It includes a few items not reported in earlier Supplements. .The main events referred to in the Third Supplement are: (a) the Fourth Tariff Conference, which was held at Geneva, 18 January to 23 May 1956, (b) the Eleventh Session of the Contracting Parties, which was held at Geneva, 11 October to 17 November 1956. Note: The GATT Bibliography and its Supplements do not include a list of items published by the GATT secretariat. This is contained in the List of Official Material relating to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, obtainable on request from the secretariat. Spec(63)2 Page 2 1955 L'Accord Général sur les Tarifs Douaniers et le Commerce; lOème session de Genève 27 octobre - 3 décembre 1955. Archives internationales Pharos (Paris) 20 décembre 1955- Bibliographles de l'OECE - OECE bibliographies, No. 2, commerce international, théorie de 1 échange international, politique commerciale internationale, libération des échanges - International trade, theory of international trade, international trade policy, trade liberalization, 1950-1955. (OECE, Paris, 85p.). Fischer, Georges. Organisation de coopération commerciale. Annuaire français de droit international (Paris) 1955. Friedman, Irving S. Collaboration between the IMP and the Contracting Parties to the GATT in the removal of restrictions and discrimination. /Statement made to the subcommittee on foreign economic policy of the joint committee on the economic report. Washington, 15 November 1955/ Friedman, Irving S. Relations between the IMP and the GATT. International financial news survey (Washington) 25 November 1955. GATT, the basis of Canada's foreign trade policy. Business quarterly (London, Ontario) Winter 1955. Mulokov, A. Kperesmotru Obshchego Soglasheniia 0 Tarifakh i Torgovle. Vheshniaia torgovlia (Moskva) Oktiabr' 1955. Report to the Secretary of State by the Chairman, United States Delegation to the Tenth Session of the Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Geneva, 27 October to 3 December 1955. Mimeo­ graphed. 53p. /US State Department, Washington/. Revizione del GATT e organizzazione per la cooperazione commerciale, Istituto per gli studi di pblitica internazionale. Annuario di politica internazionale 12: 738-753, 1955. Wyndham White, E. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Lecture given at St. Gallen, 2k November 1953, reproduced in Die grossen zwischenstaatlichen Wirtschaftsorganisationen, St. Gallen, 1955. Spec(63)2 Page 3 January - May 1956 La dixième session du GATT. Moniteur officiel du commerce et de l'industrie (Paris) 23 janvier 1956. John W. Evans. Regional integration and the multilateral approach* 22 February 1956. 23 p. Mimeographed. Available from GATT secreteriat. [k lecture delivered at the Bologna Center of the School of Advanced International Studies of John Hopkins University/. Eyre, D. GATT, simple explanation of complex instrument. New Zealand commerce (Wellington) 15 February 1956. Franken, N. De tierziening van het GATT. Economist (Haarlem) April 1956. The OTC controversy - pros and cons. Congressional digest (Washington) May 1956. Report on the Geneva tariff negotiations, 1956; with text of the Sixth Protocol of Supplementary Concessions to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Geneva, 23 May 1956). London, Board of Trade, 1956* 7 p# /pind. 9779/ Supplementary report on the constitutionality of American participation in the proposed Organization for trade cooperation (OTÇ) and in the General agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT). Association of the Bar of the City of New York. 38 p. March 1956. June 1956 Anzilotti, E. L*Organizzazione di~ Cooperazione Commerciale nei-lavori di revisione dell'Accordo Générale sulle Tariffe Doganali e il Commercio (GATT). Jus Gentium (Roma) No. 6, 1956. Cederbalk, S. GATT-forhandlingarna 1956. Svensk export (Stockholm) 15 juni 1956. /Results of the tariff conference for Swedish trade/. Le commerce mondial en 1955. Quatrième rapport annuel du GATT. L'Echo de la Bourse (Bruxelles) 10 juin 1956. En 1955 le commerce international a atteint de nouveaux records _estime le"-: - - GATT. Commerce du Levant. Beirut. 13 juin 1956. Den fjerde internationale toldkonference under GATT. Udenrigsministeriets tldsskrift (Copenhagen) 15 Juni 1956. Internationale Zollsenkungsaktionen und die Schweiz. Neue ZUrcher Zeitung (Zurich) 24 Juni 1956. Spec(65)2 Page 4 Meyer, P.V. Complementarity and the lowering of tariffs. The American economic review (Menasha) June 1956. La.quarta conferenaa tariffaria di Ginevra. Relazioni internazionali. 2 giugno 1956. Results of" 1956 tariff negotiations: Department announcement and Proclamation giving effect to 1956 tariff concessions. Department of state bulletin (Washington) 25 June 1956. Svenska GATT-resultat. AffMrsvarlden (Stockholm) 14 Juni 1956. Welthandelsprobleme im Spiegel des GATT-Jahresberichtes. Basler Nach- richten 8 Juni 1956. Wyndham White, E. GATT's role in the struggle for world markets. Anglo- American news (London) June 1956. July 1956 Burmeister, G» Agricultural tariff concessions at the fourth round of GATT negotiations. Foreign agriculture (Washington) 20:5-6, July 1956. Engelson, P. Dove è mancato 1*ITO, vive e funziona il GATT. Il Mercurio (Milano) 7 luglio 1956. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: tariff concessions on agricultural products negotiated at fourth round of GATT tariff negotiations in Geneva. United States foreign agricultural service. Washington 1956. 4l p. Heimer, P. 1st das GATT erledigt? Arbeit und Wirtschaft (Wien) 1. Juli 1956. La neuvième séance du GATT. Nea oikonomia /Text in Greek/ (Athènes) juin-juillet 1955. Les problèmes internationaux: le commerce international en 1955» Les problèmes économiques (Paris) 10 juillet 1956. //'international Trade 19557. La quatrième session tarifaire du GATT: ses résultats, ses enseignements. Echanges internationaux (Paris) Juillet 1956. De tariefconferentie van de GATT. Economische voorlichting (Den Haag) 6 Juli 1956. ...... Trade policy as a means of implementing or promoting economic development. Note by the GATT secretariat. July 1956. 21 p. Mimeographed. Spec(63)2 Page 5 August 1956 Gantzer, H. Die vierte Zollkonferenz des GATT in Genf. Europa-Archiv (Frankfurt) 5. August 1956. GATT admittance demands -new Japan- efforts. Sangyo keizai, overseas edition (Tokyo) 15 August 1956. Le GATT - les travaux des Parties Contractantes à l'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. L'Europe naissante (Rome) mai - juin - Juillet - août 1956. ^"international Trade 1955]]/* International, trade. Cost accountant (London) August 1956. /^International Trade 1955^. Japan and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Lecture by Professor J.E. Meade, University of Adelaide, 8 August 1956. 27 p. Nachlese zur Genfer Weltzollkonferenz. Neue ZUrcher Zeitung (Zurich) 6* August 1956. Royer, J. Problème des b'sterreichischen Aussenhandels im Lichte inter- nationaler Zusammenarbeit. /Lecture given in Vienna, June 1956y. Wirtschaftspolitische Blatter (Wien) August 1956. World trade trends in 1955 - GATT report. Overseas trading (Melbourne) July-August 1956.' ' September 1956 After GATT. Economic digest (London) August - September 1956. Les négociations laborieuses- du GATT. Bulletin hebdomadaire de la Krediet bank (Bruxelles) 2 septembre 1956. Soil die Schweiz dem GATT beitreten? Neue ZUrcher Zeitung (Zurich) 30. September 1956. La structure, du commerce interriational et l'évolution des échanges depuis I9A6.Conference given by M. Jean Royer, Deputy Executive Secretary of GATT, at the Economie Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague/ 4 September I956. Mimeographed. 28 p. Obtainable from the GATT secretariat. World trade trends in 1955. Overseas trading (Melbourne) July-August 1956. ^"International Trade 1955^ Spec(63)2 Page 6 October "1956 Ausblick auf die elfte Session des GATT. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (ZUrich) 10. Oktober-1956. Das Beitrittsgesuch der Schweiz zum GATT. Neue ZUrcher Zeitung (Zurich) 27. Oktober 1956. Effects on GATT of proposals for Common Market. The Times (London) 11 October 1956* fc- •• • - <#r* ' -7 Pair trade under scrutiny. GATT considers European market. Manchester guardian 11 October 1956. GATT: Bilan de la lOème session et perspectives de la llème session. Problèmes économiques (Paris) 30 octobre 1956. Grievances voiced against GATT. The Times (London) 14 October 1956. Hoffman, Michael A. New trade set-up sought in Geneva. New York times 28 October 1956. Moves to free European trade. Effects on GATT. The Times (London) 11 October~1956. Problems facing the eleventh session of the Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Statement by H.V. Prochnow, Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Affairs. Department of State bulletin (Washington) 29 October 1956. Le rapport des pays de la CECA au GATT. L1echo de la bourse (Bruxelles) 11 octobre 1956. Die schweizerische
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