~ First Fall Fest A winning start NEVS Psych checks in ~~~ Old library to house psych Cultural foods, drinks Men's, women's swim teams ----- - c,oo~~ add new twist to festival ---- - departtnent, UCS and more win Scranton Invitational - ---- PageA1 Volume 64, Issue 9 The University of Scranton's Only Student Newspaper Thursday, November 14, 1991 Students help area homeless By AMY CASSINELU MCH was founded to achieve two pur- Aquinas Editor poses: To use existing resources to end invol- Members of the University's Health - untary homelessness and to act as an agent Administration Club recenily donated their between homeless people and welfare and efforts to the organization Mission: ·Come other assistance agencies. Home's fight to end involuntat}' homeless- While Marquardt admits it is :nOt possible ness. to end homelessness, he says the answer to Five members of the newly formed club, ending involuntary homelessness is already monitored by Alice O'Neill, health admini- out there. He described the "involuntarily stration professor, contributed their time and homeless" as those people that don't want to energy to painting and repairing Scranton be homeless and wlio are willing to make a · houses .. as ~ ofMCH's •'House S~Up/'·''cOmmitment·to changing their lifestyle to - ' - ' ' ff " - ' ' ~ ~ - -·• ·~-- ---~ '• - •o .--.......--~-.'I -a-.--__....-_~._.-~ Rehab Program. ·- achieve that goal. -- This progr.un is just one of many that •"'fhe homeless problem is worsened by MCH has c:reated to take existing residence two things," Marquanh said "The homeless resources and match them with homeless that don't want to be are faced with a confu­ people. The organization tries to convince sion of services, how to access those services, landlords to rent to homeless people by show- embarrassment and low self-image. ing bow they can benefit and maintain their Secondly, the number of circumstances property values at the same time. adding to the homelessness problem has The club, headed by senior Claire mushroomed beyond existing help services." r McCloskey and sophomore Dan Nazarenko, MCH finds a way to set willing homeless was notified of the MCH undertaking by people up with a steady income and an apart­ member Lisa Cheny, O'Neill said ment that they can afford with no more than "We would not have been able to do it half their earnings. except for University of Scranton students When a landlord agrees to participate in and staff," said Steve Marquardt, MCH MCH's endeavor, his or her property then foWlder and Mayor Tun Connors' adviser on undergoes either a "spruce-up," which usu­ human affairs. ally includes interior and exterior painting, Marquardt, an emergency respiratory cleaning and minor plumbing and eleclrical Volunteers fix up a home in West Scranton for occupancy by a homeless teclmician at Mercy Hospital when he's not repair, or a "rehab;• which involves more woman arid her four children. In front from left to right are Ron Oleski and Dan volunteering, said the idea was his brain- extensive interior or exterior repairs. MCH Nazarenko. Painting on the porch are Cynthia Oleski and Steve Marquardt. child, yet he can't believe no one has thought vohmteers petfmm all the wmk free for the of a simillll' progi3U1 before. See HOMELESS, page 6 Scranton Times photo/ANGELO ROSE -:_~:_INSID-E:': ·:·····.-. •'. - , ... Teleconference spotlights education News 1-3,6 By MARY JANE NATHAN by the Penmylvania Department of lum, school leadership and staff ences and institutes of the Center Assistant News Editor Education and the Pennsylvania development for Professional Developing and Forum 4-5 "All Education Is Special." an Association of Federal Program Project SEED will also be pre­ Training under Dexter Hanley Common Ground education teleconference, will be Coordinators, will focus on instruc- senled. In Project SEED, mathema­ College. "It looks very good" broadcast by the University on Nov. tional programs that work. ticians will show how teaching Solomon said he expects area Al-AS 18 and 19 in rooms 117 and 119 of ''Kids on the Block" will feature higher math can improve self-<:on­ teachers and administrators to at­ The Gallery. The teleconference child-size puppets to help adults fidence and academic petfonnance tend though the conference is open Classifieds A6-A8 will run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on and children understand handicaps in students. to all faculty, staff and students of Sports 7-8 Monday am from 8:30a.m. to 11:45 and family and emotimal problems. "I was very impressed with what the University. The University of­ a.m. Tuesday. "Outcome-Based Education" will they're trying to do," said Albert fers the teleconference as a service I The teleconference, sponsored present tips on improving curricu- Solomon, coordinator of confer- to the community. 2 The Aquinas Thursday, November 14, 1991 . : .. ·. By SANDY SNYDER . , . ..' · ·· ·. <-· -· ::_··... :wenrie5s·'Forll¢.-scl1~duled· Aquinas News Editor The ·c~ilege'of Heailli/&:Jiicalion'.and'·:H-'.:Res~urces wiil;~ri;. Marketing is one of the most es- sor·a we~ss' .FOrulh .on .:No~1 :1s.- Three xrieetings will oe held: .· _ ' . sential strategies in today's product Meeting A ,will tak~ place from· 9:30 to 10~i5 ·am. in the Esuite~s competitive society and public re­ 1942 ·room.: .· . .: . _ _... ·: ... ·.· ·: ·, .. ·:._ . ._ . ..· lations· is its most under-used tool, Meetfug·l3- ~ill' take place.·.fioril 10:30 to 11:15 !i·it_l. ·in·the Sn.xden't John Putney told members of the Affcilis conr~nce. RooinL·:. ): · .-. - .. - : . · . · . :.· .. · University's Public Relations Stu­ An open ineem1g wilt' tak~·piaee· froin; 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p;m. aiSO' dent Society of America Tuesday. in the Estate's-1942 r<>OIIL.. -. ·, · · · . · · · · . Putney, the president of Putney Adrllliusirii.tlori;·-facult:y -and. stilff are _invite{I_ to attend any-meeting. & Associates, a full-service adver­ Call Joanne Reichle at 94i~7634 or Diane Muliiz at 941-5305 if you tising and public relations firm ·wll?h· to attend Meeting A or J3. No registration is required_ for _the open based in Wilkes-Barre, explained me~tiDg~ - · to the students the importance of public relations and the elements of Dexter ·Hanley Open -House . a powerful communications cam­ Dexter· Hanley College will hold an open-hoUse from 6:30 to 8:30 paign. tonight in Th.~ Gillery.. Information_ on adinis8ioris and ilnancial aid, A complete campaign is best es­ programming, life ·experience ·credits•. the Career .A~sessment and. tablished by mixing pcrs_onal sell­ Learning Rci:sources· Center ilJid _individua} acade~c .adVising will .bO ing, advertising, promotion and available. Current adUlt· stiidents·. Will· discuss .'management ·of'schoo~ public relations, Putney said work'. aoo f:Wltiy ··resj,(,~i)iliti~~-. _cOllege' acadeqJics_ 'and 'deallitg with The fact that public relations is yoiinge:t dass!P.ates~-,,. ' ·' · · · ·: .. _ .,. - under-emphasized "may come from ::: ·. •.:: ..··· .. _.;; ... .··. .. .: : the perception that public relations . ·::.-·_, -:~_::_'~:;;_::::_:_~:~:< ., ,,:::·.; -~·~·FE~_'Hme:.·: .:: ,_. ... .- ·.·:- ..... ·:.: . .- is nothing more than good corpo-­ sn.xdent:Ad.vocates ·far::.t!W·'Eitvlionment (s:AF.E;). ir '\yill.-~or. rate relations or product publicity," he said "It's much more than thaL Public relations can add enormous :iSf~p!8:~~~~~~~~~~itl!' credibility to a campaign" inforination ·i=·a:n=~ fo\lilcfin tlie ·s.AF.E ·_diSplay 1J:l·:~Pe.:9~re.r,.~-­ Referring to Ted Levitt's •'Mar• oi- t,y -C:~i-963~543,4<'·. :=' :,::·: < .;·. :: -:,._:_.. -:·:··> .. :·'-::: =.;;:.·,: -~ -,:- -..:=_: ·.-:·. __ .., . .- keting Myopia," Putney told th~. snxdents that no comPanY. ooUid exist unless they could provide SOID:e- , . The~~~~~~=~F~oi;~;is;~;~ thing that people ~ire. :ro'ctq this ti~: What is_.this complWY1. Why ~ wpat's bere ~I ~ould Nov. 19 ~-COllegiate ·Ha1l.-.'flie:·show will'fealllre a Jine ·or:·activewFr_. ~cc~~ly, ~ ~~~y neec(,. is it. ~t an4 better.'?, WPat is .it :-f c8re.IW<?~ ~t. ~)'body~~~ ~--e courtesy of New Self_iri.Scranton.·'Admission·wm be $1 for-stUdents and w,.9ul4 to be perceived as ~gnizably bet- fulfilling_ fpr. people. that. they .can't- about," he added . .. S4 ror all_ Ot)lers: : . :.-:· :· ... · t ter or meaningfully different, be get from somebody else'? Putney touched upon the subject said. "Our job in a lot of ways is like of ethics in communication with . .. _-Circle· K : . , __ · Putney stressed that marketing introducing a friend; I truly think the sn.xdents. He pointed out a state-:. ' 'crn;Ie· '.K_ meets at 7. 'pin.·. every TuesCJa.y .iri T310~ Circle K a is. was essential to product promotion. you are not going to be successful at · ment of author Bill Bembacb that community'.-~eiVice··crub that Will help- develoJ:):·yout leadership skills. In today's parity product economy. this if you can't find something you he relies on when faced with ethical Everyone is ~elcome._ . · · · · · · marketing capability is important care about in a positive way about questions: •'It's not a principle until because competitive advantages do this client," he said it costs you something." Above all, . Collegiate -Volunteers:, not last as long, he said A communications professional he told the students they must con- -Tutors ani ·activity' co<>tdiD.ators'. are ·still needed. for :the Valley Putney said communication pro- is also ••Jike an explorer," Putney stantly act like "ladies ~and gentl~ View Coinmruuty Center's after-schooLprogr;ltp for childrcm. The· fessionals must ask several ques- said. ••you're simply trying to men" in their treatment of others. program is held from 4 to 6 p.m. and· 6 to 8 p.m. Mondays; Wednesdays· and Fridays_. · . · . -Baby sitters are needed for children of single parents who are_ taking' a parent:irig. class. · . · . _ . ' -Horizons volimteers will be going to the Boys• and Girls.
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