Elytra, Tokyo,34(2):299-307, November 18,2006 A Revision of the TaiwaneseSpeciesof theFamily Ochodaeidae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) Teruo O cHI 21-6, Kofudai 5-chemo, Toyono-cho, Toyono-gun,Osaka,563-0104Japan, Kimi o MAsUMoT0 I nstitute of Human L iving Sciences, Otsuma Women's University, Tokyo, 102-8357 Japan and Chun-Lin LI* Department and Graduate Institute of Entomology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 10764 R.0.C. A bstract The Taiwanese species of the family Ochodaeidae are revised. Two n e w species of the genus Ochodaeus are described: 0chodaeus sakaii sp nov., and Ochodaeus lanyuensis sp n o v ene species, 0chodaeus cooman1 PAULIAN, is recorded for the first time f rom Taiwan. A key isgiven to thespecies of thegenus Ochodaeus. Ochodaeus is a large genus in the family Ochodaeidae comprising about eight generaand 80 species in the world (SCHULTZ, 1988). Four species have so far been recorded f rom Taiwan: 0. -lcant homelas (WIEDEMANN, 1823), 0chodaeus asahinai KUROSAWA, 1968, 0. interruptus interruptus KUROSAWA, 1968, and 0. ftormosanus KUROSAWA, l968. In recent years, theauthorshad an opportunity toexaminemany specimens of thesebeetles in theauthors' collections, and also in the collections of the NationalScienceMuseum(Nat. Hist ), Tokyo, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Wufeng,andNational ChungHsingUniversity, Taichung. Theauthorshavereached several conclusions fromthisexamination: twospecies, 0. asahina1and 0. xanthomelas, werenot ascertained as to their exact distribution in Taiwan. So far as t he au thors have investigated, anyspecimen of thesespecieswere not found. On the other hand, they found two newspecies and anewly recordedone, 0chodaeuscoomani PAULIAN, l945, *This study is partly supportedby the National Science Council, Taiwan, as the grant number NSC 95-28 11 -B-002-039. 300 Te ru o O c HI. K imio M As UM oT o and C hun -L i n LI amongthecollections. Thus, theyaregoingto describehereintwonewspeciesandto record one species from Taiwan. Beforegoing further intodetails, theauthorswish toexpresstheir cordial thanksto Dr.WataruSUZUKI, Tokyo,andMr.Jing-FuTsAI,ChungHsingUniversity, Taichung, for offering materials, Dr. Shuhei NoMuRA, National Science Museum (Nat. Hist ), Tokyo, and Mr. Hsien-Tzung SHIH, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Wufeng, for permitting loanof theold specimens in their collections. Ochodaeuscoomani PAULIAN, 1945 (Figs. 1 & 6) Ochodaeus coomani PAULIAN, 1945, Fn. Emp fr., 3: 185. - KUROSAWA, l968, Bull natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo,11:240. Specimen exammed. 1ex., Liukuei, Kaohsiung Hsien, 7-VI-1976, M. KuBoTA leg. Specimens compared. 3 exs., Cue Phuong (330 m), L. T., Ninh Bin Prov., N. Vietnam,2-VI-1998, S. NoMURAleg. Dist ribution. Taiwan [new record], Vietnam. Notes. Thisspecies wasoriginallydescribedbyPAULIAN(1945,p. 185) from Hoa Binh and Saigon, Vietnam. Since then, it has not been referred to except for KUROSAWA'scomment (1968,p 240). Through the courtesy of Dr.Shuhei NoMURA, theauthors wereabletoexamine threespecimens of thisspecies from North Vietnam. As theresult of theirexamination, itwas foundthat theTaiwanesespecimen isentirely ident ical wit h t hose f rom Vietnam. Ochodaeus formosanus KUROSAWA, 1968 (Figs 2 & 7) Ochodaeus fiormosanus KUROSAWA, l968, Bull natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, l l: 241. - MAsuMoTo, 1976, Elytra, Tokyo,3:3. Specimensexammed. lc,フ1,Baibara, Formosa,3-IV-1926, T. KANO(Paratype); 1 ex., Habon, C. Taiwan, 25-X -1986, K. LAHleg; l ex., Takesaki, Taiwan,14-IV-1965, R. KANO leg; 1 ex., Chuyunshan Lintao, Taiwan, 26-I-1995, C.-L. LI leg; 4 exs., Fu-Fu Shan, Tao Yuan Co., N. Taiwan, 1~ 17-V-2004, C.-L. LI leg; 1ex., Tengjhih, Kaohsiung Co., 27-V~22-VI-2005, C.-L. LI leg. ist ribu tz'on. Taiwan. N otes. ThisspecieswasoriginallydescribedbyKUROSAWA(1968,p 241) based on two specimens from Taiwan. It iswidely distributed in Taiwan, and thebody color var ies in som e local it ies. Revision o f T ai wanese Oc hodae idae 301 Figs. 1-5. Habitus of Ochodaeus spp. - 1, 0chodaeus coomani PAuLIAN, male; 2, 0. f(ormosanus KUROSAWA, male, paratype; 3, 0. lnterrupttis lnterruptus KUROSAWA, male, paratype; 4, 0. sakail sp nov., male holotype;5, 0. 1anyuensls sp nov., male, holotype. 302 Teruo O cHI. Kimio M AsuMoTo and Chun-Lin LI Ochodaeus interruptusinterruptus KUROSAWA, 1968 (Figs 3 & 4) Ochodaeusmaculatusinterrtlptus KUROSAWA, 1968, Bull natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, l l: 243. - MAsUMoT0, 1985, Coleopt. JapanCol.,Osaka,2:350. Ochodaeuscarinatus interruptus: 0 cHl, 2001, Kogane, Tokyo, (2): 20. - FuJloKA,2001, Kogane, Tokyo, Suppl., (1): 28. Ochodaeuskurosawa1interruptus: 0cHl & KAwAl: 2002, Kogane, Tokyo, (3): 52. Ochodaeus interruptusinterruptus: 0 cHl & KAwA1:2003, Kogane, Tokyo, (4): 55. Specimene;x,amlned. 1ex., Taiwan, 14-VI-1929, T. KANOleg. Specimens compared. 9exs., Mt. Yarabudake, Ishigaki-jima Is., Okinawa Pref., 11~ l3-V-2005, Y. KAwAHARAleg. Dist ribution. Taiwan, Japan(Yaeyamagroup of thesouthern Ryukyus). Notes. Thisspecies was described by KUROSAWA (1968, p 243) based on two male specimens from Ishigaki-jima Is., Yaeyama group of the sout hern Ryukyus, Southwest Japan, and Taiwan. As the result of theauthors' comparison ofspecimens fromtwolocalities, anydifferencewasnot foundbetween them. Theauthors, therefore, regard the Taiwanese form as belonging to thenominotypica1subspecies. Ochodaeussakaii sp n o v (Figs 4 & 9) Length (including mandibles and pygidium): 9.1-9.3mm; width: 4.9-5.0mm (n=4). Body oval, strongly convex;dorsalside denselyclothed with fairly long yellowish brown todark brown hairs; ventralsidealsodensely clothedwith hairssimilar to those ondorsum. Color yellowishbrown; headentirely yellowishbrown; pronotum yellowish brown with a blackish roundspot at the middle of base; scutellum blackish brown; elytron yellowish brown with one small round patch and two vague blackish brown bandsasfollows:thesmallroundpatchatthebasebetweenthe6thand7th intervals, the median transverseband extending from the2nd to6th intervals and becomingwider laterad, the apical transverse one extending from suture to 9th intervals; pygidium yellowish brown; ventralsidealmost yellowish brown though partly becoming a little darker;mandiblesandlabrumyellowishbrownexcept foreachanteriormarginblackish; antennae wholly yellowishbrown; legs almost yellowish brown. M a l e. Headslightly transverse,slightlyraisedinmiddle; clypeusratherstrongly produced forward and weakly denticulate, with a semicircular carina a little behind anterior margin, andalso withapair of steeply raised tubercles a littlebehind theends of front carina; distancebetweentwotuberclesabout0.75mm; marginalmembraneof clypeus somewhat short, about 0.10 mm in length; posteriormost portion o f head distinctly raised along margin, shallowly concave on both sides before the marginal elevation; surface rather shining and densely granulate; labrum widely emarginate in Revision of Taiwanese Ochodaeidae 303 Figs 6-10. Head and pronotum. - 6. 0c11odaeus coo,natli PAuLIAN, male; 7, 0. f(or,nosanus KUROSAWA, male; 8, 0. interruptus interrtlpttls KUROSAWA male; 9, 0. sakaii sp nov ; 10, 0. 1anyuensls sp nov., male. fron t. Pronotum well convex above, 1.83 te l.84 times as wideas long (n=4), with an obtuselongitudinal impressionalongmidlineinbasalhalf; anterior marginalittledeeply emarginate in middle, and a littlesinuous on both sides of the emargination, widely bordered,especiallysoat themiddle, with rather widemarginalmembrane,about 0.23 mm in lengthat themiddle; lateral marginsroundly attenuate towardseach apex, finely bordered;anterior angleswell produced forward,subtriangular in lateral aspect;poste- rior angles rounded; posteriormarginobtusely angulateat themiddle, clearly bordered throughout; disc evenly convex though a little depressed in median portion of base; surface densely and somewhat evenly covered with granules, which are somewhat c o a r s e . Elytra126te l.28timesaswideaslong(n=4),widesta littlebehindtheshoulder; lateral margins gently rounded; disc with ten striae, of which one is along epipleura1 margin,each striastrongly andsomewhatwidely impressed, with stria1puncturescoarse anddistinct; intervals weakly convex, a littledensely coveredwith granules, whichare smaller than thoseon pronotum. Pygidium weakly convex, a littledensely granulate. Prosternum strongly produced, 304 Tcruo O cl ll . Kimio M,、suMoTo and Chun-Lin L1 formingasharpanddecurvedprojectionat themiddleof anteriormargin. Metatarsus long,withthefirst segment a little longer than the followingfoursegmentscombined. Typeseries. Holotype: (f, KentingPark, PingtungHsien, Taiwan,3-V-1971, K. SAKAI leg. (NSMT). Paratypes:1 ex., thesame locality as for the holotype, V-1971, C.-K. YU leg; 1ex., Liukuei, Kaohsiung Hsien, Taiwan, 4-VI-1986, W. CHENG leg; 1 ex., Gukuan, Taichung Hsien, V-2002, J.-F. TsAl leg. (THU). Notes. The present n e w species is somewhat resembles 0 c11odaeus grandiceps FAIRMAIRE,1897 fromSichuan, China, but canbeeasily distinguished from the latter by the following characteristics: 1) head with a semicircular carina a little behind anteriormargin,andalsowithapair of tuberclesbehind thecarina (head withapair of tubercles only in front, and without semicircular carina in 0. grandiceps); 2) head slightlybut distinctlyraisedat themiddle(headentirelyflat in 0. grandiceps);3) elytron with fifth stria ordinary, not morestrongly curved than theother striae. Ochodaeuslanyuensis sp n o v (Figs 5 & 10) Length (including mandibles and pygidium): 7.9-10.3mm; width: 4.0-4.8mm (n =8). Body oval, rather strongly convex dorsad; dorsal sidedensely
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