Department for Culture, Media and Sport Annual Report and Accounts 2011-12 HC 859 Price: £27.00 [This page is intentionally blank] Department for Culture, Media and Sport Annual Report and Accounts 2011-12 (For the year ended 31 March 2012) Accounts presented to the House of Commons pursuant to Section 6(4) of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000, as amended by the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Alteration of Timetables for Accounts) Order 2013 Annual Report presented to the House of Commons by Command of Her Majesty Annual Report and Accounts presented to the House of Lords by Command of Her Majesty Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed on 25 February 2013 HC 859 London: The Stationery Office £27.00 This is part of a series of Annual Reports and Accounts which, along with the Main Estimates 2011-12 and the document Public Expenditure: StatLVWLFDO$QDO\VHVSUHVHQWWKH*RYHUQPHQW¶VRXWWXUQDQG planned expenditure for 2011-12. © Crown copyright 2013 You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ or e-mail: [email protected]. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to us at DCMS, 2-4 Cockspur Street, London SW1Y 5DH. This publication is available for download at www.official-documents.gov.uk This document is also available from our website at www.culture.gov.uk ISBN: 9780102981216 Printed in the UK by The Stationery Office Limited RQEHKDOIRIWKH&RQWUROOHURI+HU0DMHVW\¶V6WDWLRQHU\2IILFH ID: 2534318 02/13 Printed on paper containing 75% recycled fibre content minimum. Department for Culture, Media and Sport Consolidated Accounts 2011-12 Contents Foreword 2011-12 /HDG1RQ([HFXWLYH¶V5HSRUW Annual Report Introduction Our Focus Achievements Future Plans Our Performance Progress against the Structural Reform Plan Performance Indicators How we have performed Reporting on Better Regulation Core Tables Table 1 ± Public Spending Table 2 ± Public Spending Control Table 3 ± Staff in post Table 4 ± Total expenditure by country and region Table 5 ± Total expenditure by country and region per head Table 6 ± Total expenditure by function, country and region Public Accounts Committee (PAC) recommendations Public Bodies Transparency at DCMS Complaints to the Parliamentary Ombudsman The Environment Management Commentary 2011-12 Remuneration Report: Core DCMS Only 6WDWHPHQWRI$FFRXQWLQJ2IILFHU¶V5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV Governance Statement The Certificate and Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General Consolidated Accounts Notes to the Accounts 1 Department for Culture, Media and Sport Consolidated Accounts 2011-12 )RUHZRUG- Rt Hon Maria Miller Secretary of State for Olympics, Culture, Media and Sport This year has been an amazing one for DCMS. :HKDYHQRWRQO\FHOHEUDWHGWKH4XHHQ¶V'LDPRQG-XELOHHLQVW\OHEXWDOVRSXWRQDVDIHDQGVXFFHVVIXO Olympic and Paralympic Games ± showing the world what we can do in a way that has set the standards for future host cities. The legacy of the Games, however, will continue long into the future and we are looking forward to leading this legacy of sport, sporting facilities and a sporting culture among our younger generation. %XW WKH 2O\PSLF DQG 3DUDO\PSLF *DPHV ZHUH QRW MXVW DERXW VSRUW /HW¶V QRW IRUJHW WKH /RQGRQ Festival that showcased a range of cultural events to celebrate the Games. It brought together artists from across the world and enabled us to enjoy a breath-taking range of spectacles and events celebrating our amazing cultural heritage. Not only did the Olympics bring tourism to the UK this year but the GREAT campaign, the biggest ever advertising campaign promoting the UK as a holiday destination, will see many overseas visitors choose Britain as a holiday and business destination for years to come. Jonathan Stephens Permanent Secretary Our preparations for giving the UK the best and fastest broadband network in Europe have significantly progressed and we are on track to deliver by 2015. We saw the successful transition from analogue to digital TV seeing the last analogue signal cease in October 2012. $QG GRQ¶W IRUJHW WKDW GXULQJ DOO RI WKHVH DPazing achievements DCMS has been going through a rigorous change programme to reduce its running costs by 50 per cent by 2015. We have introduced a fully flexible structure that enables resources to be quickly directed to where they will make the most difference and have the biggest impact. So where do we go from here? 2 Department for Culture, Media and Sport Consolidated Accounts 2011-12 /RRNLQJWRWKHIXWXUHZHZLOOFRQWLQXHWRSXVKWKH*RYHUQPHQW¶VJURZWKDJHQGD :H ZLOO PRYH IRUZDUG RQ WXUQLQJ RXU EURDGEDQG DPELWLRQV LQWR UHDOLW\ 7KLV ZLOO GULYH WKH FRXQWU\¶V economic revival as well as transforming the day-to-day lives of almost everyone in the country. :HZLOOFRQWLQXHWRGHOLYHUDODVWLQJOHJDF\IURP/RQGRQ¶V*DPHV That includes continuing the great sporting culture that the Olympics has brought to the country and building on the GREAT campaign to ensure that the UK is a number one tourist destination. We will ensure that we continue to create an environment where the finest creative work in the world can flourish. And we will work to build a fair and equal society. 3 Department for Culture, Media and Sport Consolidated Accounts 2011-12 /HDG1RQ([HFXWLYH¶V5HSRUW Governance Structures The new Departmental Board was formed on 31 March 2011 in line with the new Corporate Governance Code. The Board consists of twelve members, which includes an equal number of Ministers, Non- Executive Directors and senior officials. In November 2011, a Performance and Capability Sub-Group (PCG) to the Board was formed. The PCG focuses on Departmental performance and risk. In addition, the Board is supported by the Executive Board, Audit and Risk Committee, and Pay Committee. Board Review In 2011-12, the DCMS Board met six times at two monthly intervals. At the meetings the Board took an in-depth look at key Departmental policy delivery areas and projects such as Broadband Delivery, Local TV, PhilaQWKURS\7RXULVPWKH2O\PSLFVDQG6FKRRO6SRUW7KH%RDUGDOVRORRNHGDWWKH'HSDUWPHQW¶V internal management including its Change Programme, and Departmental performance and risks. Departmental Review The Non-Executive Directors have formed the follRZLQJYLHZVRQ'&06¶VSHUIRUPDQFHWKLV\HDU x Strategic Clarity and Results Focus: )ROORZLQJ\HDUVRISUHSDUDWLRQWKH'&06OHGDQGFRRUGLQDWHGWKH*RYHUQPHQW¶VUROHLQWKHKLJKO\ successful Olympics and Paralympics Games this summer. At the height of the Games 300 DCMS staff members were engaged in roles supporting their delivery. The Department responded positively to the pressures the Games placed on its resources, while continuing to deliver against its other priority areas. The Department has maintained high performance against its Structural Reform Plan (SRP) milestones and has high Ministerial satisfaction with delivery. The Department has risen to the challenge of taking on new areas of funding and additional responsibility including the Royal Wedding, the Leveson Enquiry, World War I commemoration, and the Youth Sport Strategy, and built on the major portfolio change following the Machinery of Government change in December 2010. The Capability Review identified delivery and implementation of policy and projects as a key strengths of the Department. The Department remains on track to deliver a 50% reduction in administration costs over the spending review period through its on-going Change Programme. The Department has completed and implemented WKH $UP¶V /HQJWK %RG\ 6SRQVRUVKLS 5HYLHZ ZKLFK SLRQHHUV D IXOO\ ULVN-based DSSURDFKWRHQJDJHPHQWZLWKWKH'HSDUWPHQW¶VHQWLUHSRUWIROLRRI$/%V7KH'HSDUWPHQWKDVVHWRXW its vision and approach for a smaller, more focused organisation post-Olympics. This vision captures a growing economic focus for the Department, particularly following the Machinery of Government Change at the end of 2010. With input from the Board, work is now underway to develop the detailed agenda beyond this, identifying the opportunities and challenges ahead. 4 Department for Culture, Media and Sport Consolidated Accounts 2011-12 x Commercial Sense: The Department worked with LOCOG and ODA to deliver the £9.3 billion Olympics and Paralympics Games on time and under budget. The Department has responded positively and innovatively to economic challenges presented by the Games and made best use of combination of private and SXEOLF VHFWRU UHVRXUFHV 7KH *DPHV ZHUH GHVFULEHG DV ³WKH EHVW-PDQDJHG SURMHFW HYHU´ E\ WKH Major Project Authority. The Department has started to build its in-house procurement and economic expertise as part of its Broadband delivery agenda, but this will need to be developed further over the next year. x Talented People: The Change Programme is more than half way through implementation. The Senior Civil Servants (SCS) within DCMS has been reduced by 50% to a smaller, more focused but highly motivated senior management team, and a programme of voluntary staff reductions has taken place. The Change Programme has a strong focus on ensuring that the Department has the right capability and people beyond the Games and further staff reductions. In April 2011, the Department adopted Flexible Resourcing, which has allowed the organisation to deploy its people according to priority. The Department is the first in Whitehall
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