THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1900. 11 PERSONALS. ROOMS TO LET—Fnrn. and Unfam. Heyen. Hannah Wilder. Harold O. HOTEL ARRIVALS. ¦OCXUKBSf PAfint' CO3irA3IT. Hosle. David 3TUU.) ELECTRIC lijhts la every (PACIFIC room-Winchester GRAND SOUTHERN*, southeast comer Seventh GRAND HOTEL. Trains le»»r nml nr« <tu« to nrrl**at Hotel. 44 Third ft., new Market: 700 Sunny rooms, mite or ATTRIDGE—August Attridge, $1 £0 per roorr.«-: and Mtesicn Bts.— en 29. 1S00. James J A S Jose ¦ NAM ru.*.>i:i>i4o. *zc to .r.ljrht: Jl £0 to 16 per weck single; ladles* parlor; reading-room; elevator. beloved brother of Mrs. Margaret Gibbons, Hicks. C LMerrlsn. Stanford free rum and baccaga to LITTLE C G Jerson. L Ang C Merrlan. Stanford (Main ?oot of Market StnsL) and frcm the ferry.' Sirs. Mary and Mm. Lizzie Nelson. CLOSERACEFOR THORH Line. Gardiner . HOTICLFrancisco— Elegant FUites; elngrle; tran- a native of the parish of Durus, County Cork, G Crystal. Vacavllle H McNaught. Stanfd — — Bausbach, PILCS-Sno i«nr.anent cures in San Francisco fler.t; baths. MRS. KING, Turk and Taylor. Ireland, agpd 55 years. G Kennedy, Llvermore L Stanford LKATB TROlf ACOCST 12. 1900. ASBITS who can be *cer.; no operation; no pain; respect- M H Webster. Stent P C Webber. Nev x-r;'.. rar- up to J5; OTriends and acquaintances are t'.culars Act. Physician, hex 1SS0. Call. HOWARD. EIS-Rooms from tl week fully day A Lucle, Brooklyn A S Jose •7:00a Benldi. Suisan, Elmir*. VMafiSe, 2Sc to IInight; aiso housekeeping rooma. invited to attend the funeral this Williams. Ramsey LT-nivRnTVS (Friday), at 9:30 o'clock, from the parlors of F A Boole. Sanger Miss Williams. S Jose aod Saor»naenv> *7l43r Oulntoniea. liaYrtonle etop» falU the Fifth STAKES SMASHES TRACK C Jones. Cal C Metcalf & w. Honol •~iOO» 8hua Exprcn— D»t1s. Williams (fo* 0S3, Undertakers, REAPERS ing out; cleaning, beautifying; HOWARD. cor. Gth—Orlando House— New United 27 and 23 w, Bartlett BprlocsX K«U S5c & bottle. rnar.af;eni<?r.t; rms.; single. street, Church. In- E Osborne & Cal J "White. Ukiah WUlo-wa. furnished suites or thence to St. Patrick's J Levlson. Rocklln A Stevenson, Stanford BliiS, Fortiand. «7:t3p LEDEHOrB tamo Shampoo leads them aU- terment Mount Calvary Cemetery. T C Broderick Mrs McKerg, .Shasta *7i3tAMartinez,8w lUsnon. V*llejo.Jf»p», Sat real merit; try it; only package, - JESSIE. .163. near Fifth and Market—Furnished AVERY—In city, August Edith Snider. Calistogk *Ctl9p 5c u.-c rooms, f5; persons. $8. Pearl, this 30. 1900. G N Fresno Helen Shasta sod MsnU Rosa J4 ard large, for 2 darling daughter of Williaman* Edith Johnson. McKer?. •8iO«a D»t1«. Knights WANTi:D-Oid-ras h.one*l copper Avery, a native Francisco, 8 T F Boyd. S Rafael i C J Teasse, Grass Val Woodlsad. Laadiaf. Miv-r.brasE. LAS PAI.MA?, 1SS0 Market Suite of 2 or 3 of San ased RECORD TWICE MsnsTille. orotille. AT SHEEPSHEAD *Ti«3r lla" - St.— months and days. R E "Wallace. Cal S Dr J Jones. Keawlck s t:iI>uP°nt Vt. mi?.: jirivate; hath; sin. rms.; board optional. 24 A A Dellcne, Mrs P Galvln, |-1:OO4 AtUotio Kxpren—Osdxn and Ea«t 'Uilir J^JlIlL^l^I\L^l^^I^ Redlands, Ar- Sacto Manila •Hi»iUJiilef, Tracy, Lathrop. Stockton "J:13a M'lTB to order on eRMTpaj-rnent?". BELLMAN-In August 2?. 1S0O. J Stern. Cal Miss Hessian. Manila Stockton, ng « Examiner, ArTTsjior^ avc. 12T.-1 or 2 neatly front thur Bellman, beloved son of Vin- •>i3Ua San Juie, Liferniois, o.. building, rrota 407. LOCUST furnished• Watkins H J Curry. Martinez Mrs Mocks. Manila S»crs:tieiit<i. rrvjiiiv,J4 ."•<» por month. cent and Marcuret Bellman, and brother of David Garrick Wins Out Jones, Kennedy, Ion*. PUeerTiC*. Eustace. Pacer Goes Two Heats at H. Pinole O Uvermore M*c>stUI».Chloo. KedlElnS •»:15p The Newly fur- Robert. Vincent Jr.. Isabel. Cecil J A Johnson Cal Miss C Place, S Jose •8:3Oa Chinas* (Jtox Yoasmite). itomar to color; MARKET. 1D35. Ix>henrrln— and Alico Bellman and Mrs. G. C. Gallagher, J Oakdkle. Hawmxurax li. at an druggists. nished front rooms; also others; by the -week a native agea 23 years U Gardiner. R Vista Sumner. St Joseph Sonorm. Carters. "isl.1r of San Francisco, Over Toddy by Half Woodland in 2:07 1-4 G B Graham. Fresno Mrs S G Ellison. Gait *lI: olj jr^.a or month. months and •!>:OOa HajwkTiU. Mlrs aod War—Sutlooi. IS* CAST-OFF rlothinz. and silver bought; 17 days. MII SiWey. S Jose send rental. (CTNotice Durst. Wheatland R P. •0:00a Lnn Angeles Eirrw» Slariinoi CQLEMAN-P. U* K»arny st. 1L3—2 sunny bay-window rooms; of funeral hereafter. Abble R &w, Bakrs Tracy, Lathrop, Ueteed NOE, or 3 r&s In city August a Length. and 2:08. Parrott. Or Morrow ritoektoa. rnnjre; erato: $14. BERLIN— this 30. 1900. Charles W A Watts & w.Wash Dr G Fee & w. Reno Fresno aud Loa Angeles *7tl3p AM) bath: Holt Berlin, beloved husband of A. Ber- G Cal •»::to* Martin«s Way 1li4J? rUYSlCJAXS BCRGBOSS. lin, Etflenative of Turner. Modesto L. Jaffa & w. V.u-i.i. ana Stations O'FAnRKLL, 20-^Sunny furnished rooms and and brother of F. A. Berlin, a J H Drain. L AnK Ml«s Jaffe. Cal •1O:UU4 Tha Oierl.u JUiDicsd—Ofdeo. Dan. DR. J. office*; elevator; eloctric liKhts; day. wk., mo. West Virginia, aged 41 years 9 months and E Ang Brown, Ter, Omaha. Chicago *9il3p HERBERT~REEveT26V Kelrnyit" 2 Easily L Swain. L R Vancouver Kll««, Stockton, Macraaeuto, cures by In- days. Kamara Leads in the One Great Crowd in Attendance at the W F Texas V." Barr. Stanford •HiOOa Men. son-.ii:a e^trtcitv XttvSSi PrVetration. O'FAr.rtm.L. 742— Nicely furnished sunny quiet CTFriends are respectfully Invited to at- Smith. LRussell, Fmno, Iiftoford, VUaUa, tarrh. Asthma. KheumatlFm. r.iralv.Ms. ca- rooms, en suite or single; gas, bath, phone. tend the (Satur- Mil« Event and in Rec- a of A H Smith. Texas Mrs Louisvill* doU. Consumption. Kitinev. «nrl funeral services to-morrow Wins Races and Enjoys Day M L. Dorris. V Bancroft, Stanford Porterville *4il3* all' ii'Sain- day), at 12:30 o'clock, at his late residence. Stockton •11:04a Urermore. BaDK«r, Oosh«a Juno- POS1\ Newly furnished front room; other ord Time for the Splendid Sport at the "W Rchuette. Milwke F" H Hyatt. Pomona 527— 314 Cherry street. Interment private. M Jfewburg, Eureka tion. Bakanfleul. Loa Ao»'ele»..... rooms! unfurnished; reasonable. 29, 1900, Edwin Stanford O C Barker. •I3:nov Uajwarda. Niles and Way rtUtiou«. •2M.1p 2?^;?W^Oate«'«aa reMfl-nce. BROCK—In this city, August Track. Fair. F Btishnell & w. Cal H Elchwald. ElPaso llitei3te»mer» f.1:»lU ?«££<£7 Market ft.. IviSixth and Seventh. nicely furnished, William Brock, dearly son of Fletcher, Napa ?l:OOrSacramento POST. El.V-Suite of rooms and Oliver Brock,belovedaged Mrs Cal W Rutherford. •:i:«0r H<i]r«Mds. and Waj SUUonf. *StISp al««o single rooms; rent and use William F. and Mary E. 2 H D w, MiUOp Niles reasonable months and 8 days. Whitehead. Cinn O Fuller & London Martluez. Han lUmoti. V.llejo, FOR of bath. W H Miller & w. Cal H H Hunter. Alaska Napa. Sauta Roaa «»il»» I^AL^ESTATE-CITV SALE. BURKE— In city, August 30, 1900, Mar- NEW YORK, Aug. 30.—The chief event Special Dispatch to The Call. O Atwoofl, Mrs Brown ft LAg •IiOOr C'allatoKa.Winter*. Rooms, this • Stockton ». BraicU. 8aeiamenlo. FOR salt business property ROSEDALE House, S19 and321Elllsst.— garet A., drarly beloved wife of Hugh W. of the day at Sheepshead Bay was the E J Mann, Seattle C P Allen Jr. Stanfd Wootlland, KuUhU Landing. cheap? on Howard tl, werk Jl 25 $4; open night. burke, Burke, daugh- n aM nrth- Appl-v bew r.icht Sc to to mother of William H. Reapers stake, in which the added horse, WOODLAND, Aug. 30.—The fourth day LKeslle. L Ang J Biffar. N Y M.rjsTill*.OrovUIe MO:11 4 A ter of Eliza and the late John McLaughlin, J A Alexander. Stanfd Mrs G Rider. Eacto MiSOpNUea. Han JneeandStoekioa *?<I3P Drvi^? r^'.. ROTAL HOtrPE. 126 Ellis »t.—Incandescent and Sessar, William J. Mc- Toddy, was made a slight favorite over of the "fair has been an unqualified suc- lipht: room, room and ladies' sister of Mrs. M. PALACE HOTEL. •»:uOrTha Owl limited— Tracy. Fresno. MODERN house* built;loweet prices; plans reading smoking Laughlin and Mrs. A. Sinclair, a native of that uncertain animal David Garrick. cess. While the attendance has not quite -,,- ->- Baajua for baaUk Bajt- eetlmg.tea and parlor; room?, per night, 35c to $1 50; week. $2 H J Hon. San Jose W" A Thurston, Ifanlla BalianOalJ.Loa furnished. Campbell. 1147 Mission. San Francisco, aged 38 years 1month and 3 got away his equaled that of Governor's day, it has W Manila barm. Angolea. *1»>1Sa to ?S; month, t% to $20; elevator on office days. Toddy in the lead and held J Leet, San Jose W S Gambrlll, •3U»«p Stockton IH-Ma MISSION cottage; 6 anTbath; large lot; floor; rooms with hot and cold water; baths. advantage to the upper turn, David been larger than was anticipated and con- W W Elmer, Cal T D Kelleher, Manila *3iO»pKsw Express— terms rooms . ItTNotlce of funeral hereafter. when C USA Orleaat Hakersflold. to «uit rmyer.
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