June 10, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3797 Against Fear while their leader recovered ring, even greater courage and tenacity as an Whereas any ambush marketing in viola- from the attempted assassination; advocate outside the ring; tion of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. 1051 et Whereas, over the next 3 weeks, the march- Whereas Muhammad Ali was a great phi- seq.) undermines sponsorship activities and ers weathered violence and tear gas, but ac- lanthropist and a widely recognized advocate creates consumer confusion around official complished what the Meredith March of peace, equality, and freedom; Olympic and Paralympic sponsors; and Against Fear set out to accomplish; Whereas Muhammad Ali remains an icon of Whereas ambush marketing impedes the Whereas voter rallies and drives along freedom of conscience; goals of the Ted Stevens Olympic and Ama- United States Highway 51 resulted in more Whereas Muhammad Ali was a prominent teur Sports Act (36 U.S.C. 220501 et seq.) to than 4,000 African-Americans registering to African American of the Muslim faith, and fund the United States Olympic and vote; was and continues to be a role model to the Paralympic teams through official sponsor- Whereas the Meredith March Against Fear citizens of the United States of all races, ships: Now, therefore, be it featured many African-Americans defying ethnicities, and religions; Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate the intimidation of hostile Whites; Whereas Muhammad Ali used his fame to that— Whereas, on June 25, 1966, the leader of the advocate for humanitarian causes in audi- (1) official sponsor support is critical to Meredith March Against Fear, along with 125 ences with world leaders, such as Pope John the success of Team USA at all international allies, resumed the march from the Canton, Paul II, the Dalai Lama, and multiple presi- competitions; and Mississippi, courthouse, located 15 miles dents of the United States; and (2) ambush marketing adversely affects the north of Jackson, Mississippi; Whereas Muhammad Ali inspired people United States Olympic and Paralympic Whereas the number of marchers doubled around the globe in displaying the same vi- teams and their ability to attract and retain to approximately 250 by the time the Mere- brant and larger-than-life character and corporate sponsorships. dith March Against Fear reached the city dedication in spite of his physical ailments: f limits of Canton, Mississippi; Now, therefore, be it Whereas 1 mile north of Tougaloo College, Resolved, That the Senate honors the life of SENATE RESOLUTION 491—DESIG- the marchers were met by Dr. Martin Luther Muhammad Ali and his achievements as an NATING JUNE 12, 2016, AS A NA- King, Jr., and hundreds of additional fol- athlete, philanthropist, and humanitarian. TIONAL DAY OF RACIAL AMITY lowers; f AND RECONCILIATION Whereas hundreds of supporters were led through the iron-rod gate at the main en- SENATE RESOLUTION 490—EX- Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Mr. COCH- trance to the Tougaloo campus in Jackson, PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE RAN, Mr. WICKER, Mr. BURR, and Mr. Mississippi; SENATE THAT AMBUSH MAR- GRASSLEY) submitted the following res- Whereas, on June 26, 1966, the Meredith KETING ADVERSELY AFFECTS olution; which was considered and March Against Fear concluded with a walk from Tougaloo College to the Mississippi THE UNITED STATES OLYMPIC agreed to: State Capitol building in Jackson, Mis- AND PARALYMPIC TEAMS S. RES. 491 sissippi; Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. GARD- Whereas the greatest asset of the United Whereas approximately 15,000 individuals NER, Mr. BENNET, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. States is the people of the United States; attended the climactic conclusion of the HATCH, and Mr. SULLIVAN) submitted Whereas the motto on the Great Seal of Meredith March Against Fear, making it the the United States is E Pluribus Unum, ‘‘out largest civil rights demonstration in the his- the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to: of many, one’’; tory of the State of Mississippi; and Whereas the United States is comprised of Whereas the self-sufficiency and resolve S. RES. 490 multicultural, multiethnic, and multiracial that motivated the Meredith March Against Whereas the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic people; Fear made its leader a revolutionary and a Games will occur on August 5, 2016, through Whereas friendship, collegiality, civility, powerful figure in the history of the United August 21, 2016, and September 7, 2016, respect, and kindness are commonly shared States: Now, therefore, be it through September 18, 2016, respectively, in ideals of the people of the United States; and Resolved, That the Senate— Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Whereas organizations and communities (1) commemorates the 50th anniversary of Whereas more than 10,500 athletes from 206 across the United States, motivated by the the ‘‘James H. Meredith March Against nations will compete in 28 Olympic sports ideals behind the motto of E Pluribus Unum, Fear’’; and 4,350 Paralympic athletes from 176 na- have joined together in introspection and re- (2) recognizes the discipline and focus re- tions will compete in 23 Paralympic sports; flection on how the diversity of the people of quired to complete the James H. Meredith Whereas American athletes have spent the United States has been indispensable in March Against Fear during the most conten- countless days, months, and years training creating the United States: Now, therefore, tious decade in the Civil Rights Movement to to earn a spot on the United States Olympic be it encourage African-Americans to defy intimi- or Paralympic teams; Resolved, That the Senate— dation and register voters; and Whereas the Ted Stevens Olympic and (1) designates June 12, 2016, as a national (3) acknowledges the significance of the Amateur Sports Act (36 U.S.C. 220501 et day of racial amity and reconciliation; James H. Meredith March Against Fear. seq.)— (2) supports all people of the United States f (1) established the United States Olympic who join in activities in support of the goals Committee as the coordinating body for all and ideals of racial amity; and SENATE RESOLUTION 489—HON- Olympic and Paralympic athletic activity in ORING THE LIFE AND ACHIEVE- (3) encourages the people of the United the United States; States to observe the day with appropriate MENTS OF MUHAMMAD ALI (2) gave the United States Olympic Com- ceremonies and activities. Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. BOOKER, mittee the exclusive right in the United States to use the words ‘‘Olympic’’, ‘‘Olym- f and Mr. MCCONNELL) submitted the fol- lowing resolution; which was consid- piad’’, ‘‘Paralympic’’, and ‘‘Paralympiad’’, SENATE RESOLUTION 492—DESIG- the emblem of the United States Olympic ered and agreed to: NATING THE WEEK OF JUNE 6 Committee, and the symbols of the Inter- THROUGH JUNE 12, 2016, AS S. RES. 489 national Olympic Committee and the Inter- ‘‘HEMP HISTORY WEEK’’ Whereas Muhammad Ali was an Olympic national Paralympic Committee; and gold medalist; (3) empowered the United States Olympic Mr. WYDEN (for himself, Mr. PAUL, Whereas the athletic legacy of Muhammad Committee to authorize sponsors that con- Mr. MERKLEY, and Mr. MCCONNELL) Ali is cemented by a 21-year professional ca- tribute to the United States Olympic or submitted the following resolution; reer amid a golden age of boxing, in which he Paralympic teams to use any trademark, which was considered and agreed to: amassed a record of 56–5 with 37 knockouts; symbol, insignia, or emblem of the Inter- Whereas Muhammad Ali was the first indi- national Olympic Committee, the Inter- S. RES. 492 vidual ever to capture the World Heavy- national Paralympic Committee, the Pan- Whereas Hemp History Week will be held weight Title 3 times; American Sports Organization, or the United from June 6 through June 12, 2016; Whereas Muhammad Ali memorably recap- States Olympic Committee; Whereas the goals of Hemp History Week tured the world title in the ‘‘Rumble in the Whereas Team USA is significantly funded are to commemorate the historical relevance Jungle’’ on October 30, 1974, when he by 36 sponsors who ensure that the United of industrial hemp in the United States and knocked out then-undefeated World Heavy- States has the best Olympic and Paralympic to promote the full growth potential of the weight Champion George Foreman; teams possible; industrial hemp industry; Whereas Muhammad Ali successfully de- Whereas in recent years, a number of enti- Whereas industrial hemp is an agricultural fended his title 10 times, perhaps most fa- ties in the United States have engaged in commodity that has been used for centuries mously during the ‘‘Thrilla in Manila’’ on marketing strategies that appear to affiliate to produce many innovative industrial and October 1, 1975; themselves with the Olympic and consumer products, including soap, fabric, Whereas Muhammad Ali showed, beyond Paralympic Games without becoming official textiles, construction materials, clothing, his impressive fighting prowess in the boxing sponsors of Team USA; paper, cosmetics, food, and beverages; VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:21 Jun 11, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.001 S10JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE.
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