CONTENTS Vol. 16. April, 1952. No. 4. EDITORIAL M.V. "DTLNTBOON-—10.500 UA. or an N.A.T.O. Building a United Community, Economic and Military, for Defence 4 MELBOURNE British Minewatching Service 5 STEAMSHIP ARTICLES CO. LTD. Indian Navy—Past and Present ^ HEAD OFFICE: Merchant Navy Defence Courses ? 31 King St., Melbourne. The Launching of the "Voyager" 10 THE WONDERFUL LAMP BRANCHES OR AGENCIES M.d. in Au.tr.li. lot Th. G.n.r.l H.cl.lc C.. Ltd. ol Engl..* Queen's Message to Royal Navy . II Austronautics 12 AT ALL PORTS. MANAGING AGENTS World's New Hydrographic Record 14 (or Navigational Problems 27 HOBSONS BAY DOCK FEATURES AND ENGINEERING Personal Paragraphs 22 COY. P1Y. LTD. Sea Oddities 24 SHIP REPAIRERS, ETC. Speaking of Ships 26 Work.: Book Review 28 Williamstown, Victoria. OVERSEAS NEWS Maritime News of the World 15 News of the World's Navies 19 HMI,« ASSOCIATIONS. CLUBS Ex-Naval Men's Association of Australia 30 it is a pleasure Published by The Navy League, Royal Exchange Building. 54a Pitt Street. Sydney. N.S.W. Telephone: BU 5808. to smoke Subscription Rate: 12 issues post free in the British Empire, 18/- CAPSTAN Copies of "Herald" photographs used may be obtained direct from Photo cigarettes Sales, Sydney Morning Herald, Hunter Street, Sydney. For the Best Soft Drinks Always say . MARCHANTS PLEASE ! Office 81 Factory: 34 YORK ST., RICHMOND, VICTORIA ' THE inmri nvouno OMMHBTTI 'Phone: JA 3151. April. 1952. I THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA Why Pay More? FEDERAL COUNCIL Commander (S) J. D. Bates. V.R D., The "SILENT KNIGHT" is the greatest Refrigerator at the R.A.N.V.R. Lowest Price. Dtt>uty Pr«ud«iil: Commander R A. Nettlefold, D.S.C., VR D. R.A.N.R. De Luxe Model £72-10-0 Secretary: Brigadier Guy N. Moore. CBE.. (Gas or Electric) D.F.C., E D. Hon. Treasurer: Standard Model £69-10-0 Lieut.-Cdr. (S) J H H Paterson. (Kerosene, Gas or Electric) M.B.E., R.A.N.R. New South Wales Division Patron: Prices F.O.R. Sydney. Packing and Installation Extra. His Exccllcncy The Governor of New IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OBTAINABLE. South Wales. President: T. H. Silk. Esq , MICE., M.I.N.A • No Motor, no Noise, no Vibration. • Aluminium Ice Block Trays. Acting Secretary: H. G. Coleman, Esq. • Non-rusting Metal Exterior. • Cream, Green or White. Hon. Treasurer*: D'A M. Shelley. Esq • Porcelain Enamel Interior and Base. • Five Years' Guarantee. Commander Winn L Rcilly. • Heavy Chromium Plattrd Hardware. • An Australian Product. Victorian Division Patron: Hi* Exccllcncy The Governor of Victoria. Preaid.nl: HALLSTROMS PTY. LTD. Commander R. A. Nettlefold. D S C . VR D. R.A.N.R. 462 Willoughby Road, Willoughby, N.S.W. S« rei.ry: ""HIS is a friendly invitation to you from your nearest Brigadier Guv N. Moore. CBE. - Branch of the Commonwealth Bank. D:F.C., E D In the Manager's office your financial position, your Hon. Tr.Murrr: problems, your plans may be discussed with complete frank- Commander C. T Goodc. R.A.N.R ness and with the assurance that the information will always South Australian Division be kept confidential. Patron: The Commonwealth Bank is a modern trading Bank and His Exccllcncy The Governor offers you a full range of banking services. Cheque Accounts, of South Australia Finance for Commerce and Industry, Overdrafts, Letters of Credit and Travellers' Cheques, Interest-bearing Deposits, Lieutenant Cdr C. C. Shinkfield. 1 Housing Loans, Loans for Primary Producers—these are only R.A.N.R. (retd ) some of the facilities available. Hon. Smetary: are the &Mi«nts" Lieut. Commander (S) L T Ewens, The staff of your nearest Branch says, "Come in please R.A.N.V.R and let's get acquainted." THAT MAKR Siamm* £am|x6 so GOOD? Tasmanian Division Patron: COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA Vice-Admiral Sir Guy Wy.it; K BE, •THE BANK YOU OWN" There's the tungsten filament, for instance—born in heat as C.B., R.N. (retd ). high as 6,000 F.. under pressure ug to 3.000 lbs. per square inch; argon clear gas to fill the bowl, with endurable plastic The RiSht Hon Mr' A R Park. cement that seals the glass rigidly and permanently to it* M.H.A. Hon. Secretary: metal stem and cap. And. because of P. F Morris. Esq these high-grade materals, coupled with expert Australian workmanship, you get in Siemens Lamps units of AUSTRALIAN SEA CADET illumination that are unexcelled for COUNCIL FOR ALL . service and long life. Representative, ol the Naval Board: Director of Naval Reserves. BOAT ft YACHT GEAR Captain A. S. Rosenthal D.S.O.. RAN. (Chairman), Commander F. R. James. R.A.N. Repneemattve* of The Navy League: BROOMFIELDS LTD. f immander R A. Nettlefold. D.S.C., ELECTRIC LAMPS V.R.D, R.A.N.VR. All Quotations attended to immediately L. G. Pearson, Esq, L. Forsythe, Esq.. Phone: BX 5801 SIEMENS (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LIMITED L.c (S) F G. Evans. R.A.N".V.R. Hon. Sicitlity: BROOMFIELDS LTD., 152 SUSSEX ST. (near King St.), SYDNEY Brigadier Guy N. Moore, C.B.E.. D.F.C., E D April. 1952. 2 Ik* Novy 1 community into one huge garrison, concerned only That the Council's structure, though not without with defence," he said. "Such an objective would difficulty, is becoming a still more effective asso- be foolish and self-defeating. Our aim is to re- ciation of like-minded nations, determined to main- move the threat of war and thus set free the tain peace in the face of potential dangers, would forces of human progress and advancement." seem now to be beyond question That plans for the co-ordinated, united build-up of Western defence arc steadily shaping them- selves into action was further afforded by the BRITISH MINEWATCHING SERVICE. Lisbon talks, held at the end of February. They disclosed that the adoptions of the committee set up in Ottawa in 1951 to plan N.A.T.O. strength, The rcccnt formation of a new Royal Naval arc now shifting from the planning to the opera- Mincwatching Scrvicc in Britain has crcatcd great tional stage. This, the ninth, session of the N.A. interest in that country, both in those interested T O. Council, ended with a declaration that N.A. in Naval affairs in general, and in coastal and T.O.'s 14 member nations were "forged as a shield trade route defence in particular. In announcing against aggression, with peace as its aim." the setting-up of this scrvicc at an Admiralty Press Conference recently, the First Lord (Mr. J. The Council announced that it had adopted P. L. Thomas) said that part of the British Gov- the goal of SO army divisions half in reserve ernment defence policy was to make it clear to by the end of this year, in the belief that defensive any potential aggressor that any attack could and strength was the best deterrent to aggression. would be successfully met. The Council's report also said that the Atlantic The safe passage of ships, goods, material, and Pact Governments further recommcndcd that all manpower in time of war was essential. This re- should seek to increase production in all its spheres, quired safe entrance into and exit from the United control the use of scarce raw materials, facilitate Kingdom. The life of the country depended on labour mobility, and alleviate manpower shortages considerable imports of food and raw materials, in defence industries. and Britain could not effectively defend herself As to the allocation of naval strength under without an outward flow of men and instruments the N.A.T.O. Pact, the newly-appointed Allied of war, and the effectiveness of the air potential Supreme Commander in the Atlantic, Admiral based on the United Kingdom depended almost Lyndc McCormick, announced recently that the entirely upon a steady import of petroleum pro- Thus the movement towards this goal was British Navy would represent about 30 per cent, ducts. Vol. It. April, 1952. No. 4. dearly strengthened by Mr. Churchill's pronounce- of the Allied Naval forces in the Atlantic Com- ment, and his Ottawa speech last January indi mand. The United States, on present plans, In the last war Great Britain had to maintain NATO BUILDING A UNITED catcs that his plan for the "streamlining" of would provide about 60 per cent, of the total alone an average import of about one million tons COMMUNITY. ECONOMIC AND N.A.T.O. is meant to have an effect far beyond Naval power, and other member nations, apart of goods a week, of which nearly half was in the MILITARY. FOR DEFENCE. the improvement of the organisation's defence ef- from Britain, would provide 10 per cent. form of aviation spirit, petrol, fuel oil, and lubri- ficiency. What Mr. Churchill and many of thc cants. The parallel expert was also prodigious; best minds in the Western dcmocracics envisage This would seem to be a fair and equitable ar- hundreds of thousands of men left the country by When Mr. Churchill said in Ottawa in January is an Atlantic community based on three pillars rangement and should lead to general approval. sea, and these required a vast amount of stores, last that the North Atlantic Alliance had been (1) the United States of Amcrica: (2) the Brit- An important step forward at the Lisbon Con- etc., to keep them operational. ish Commonwealth; and (?) a "united Europe" ference was the decision to translate the N.A.T.O.
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