Fall 2011 Alasdair Brooks, DPhil, Newsletter Editor, School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester, United Kingdom Index President’s Corner President’s Corner .......................................1 Editorial: Apology and Correction ...........3 I am very pleased to report that the • Change the quorum required to Images of the Past ..........................................4 proposed revisions to the SHA Constitution conduct business at the SHA Annual SHA Committee News ..............................5 and Bylaws were approved in July by a Business Meeting from 25 to 50 members. Public Education & Interpretation .........5 vote of the membership. These revised • Establish an Executive Committee of APTC Student Subcommittee ................5 governance documents will be printed in the board of directors, and define the duties Register of Professional Archaeologists .....6 the next issue of the Newsletter, and will be thereof. • Establish an Ethics Committee as a ASHA 2011 Annual Conference .............16 posted on the SHA website. SHA 2012 Preliminary Program ..............17 standing committee of SHA, and define the These new documents incorporate duties thereof. SHA 2012 Registration Forms .................31 changes that have been recommended by SHA 2012 Silent Auction Donations .....34 • Define the duties of the conference the board in actions dating back to the 2005 coordinator. Current Research .........................................35 mid-year meeting, and which are: • Allow the board of directors to Australasia & Antarctica .........................36 designate individuals other than board Canada-Québec .......................................39 • Replace the original mission statement members to authorize fiscal or contractual Caribbean & Bermuda ............................40 with one adopted by the board in 2009 as obligations of the Society. Continental Europe .................................41 part of the SHA strategic work plan. • Clarify procedures related to vacancies Mexico, Central & South America .........42 • Define the four officers of the Society in the board of directors resulting from USA-Northeast ........................................29 (president, president-elect, secretary, death or incapacity, resignation, or removal USA-Southeast ........................................44 treasurer), replace board positions for from office. USA-Mid-Atlantic ...................................45 editor and newsletter editor with an • Allow assets of SHA to be delivered USA-Pacific West ...................................45 “editor representing research programs” to more than one not-for-profit educational SHA Archivist Needed ...............................45 and an “editor representing publications organization in the unlikely event of the programs,” and provide that the editors dissolution of the Society. Hampton US Civil War Exhibit ..................46 sitting on the board of directors shall be SHA Books Available for Review ...............46 elected by the membership (previously A number of these changes were needed Perspectives from Historical Archaeology .....47 they were appointed to the board). as a result of the growth of membership • Define the duties of and provide and programs of SHA since its inception in for appointment of editors by the board 1967 (some of the editorial changes, floor of directors (SHA currently has four appointed editors: Journal, Newsletter, Co- nominations, business meeting quorum), Publications, and Website; two of these will and to bring certain provisions of the INSIDE! be elected to serve on the board). documents in line with actual practice • Replace the Editorial Advisory and (conference coordinator, Nominations Newsletter Editorial Advisory committees Committee) and with advances in with the Research Editors’ Advisory technology (electronic voting). and Communications Editors’ Advisory Two new standing committees 2012 SHA committees. were created: Executive and Ethics. The • Allow the use of electronic balloting Executive Committee was proposed by the Conference for official membership votes of the board in 2005 and is intended to allow SHA Society. to handle time-critical business that cannot • Increase the number of voting Preliminary program members required to support a floor wait until the full board is convened. The nomination for elective office in the Society Ethics Committee was proposed this past from 5 to 50. January to recognize the central place of • Define the chair of the Nominations professional ethics within SHA. and Elections Committee to be the The new purpose statement received immediate past president. some discussion on HistArch after the Volume 44: Number 3 Fall 2011 Page 1 ballot had been distributed. SHA’s new course of some five years our debate was counsel has been critical in this process. purpose statement was originally adopted far-reaching, and at times emotional and a My gratitude and respect is also due by the board when they adopted a new bit contentious. the Constitution and Bylaws Review strategic work plan for SHA in 2009. This Debate on the issue of editorial Committee appointed by President Lu was the board’s solution to what was representation on the board began under Ann De Cunzo in December 2009. This unquestionably a very dated purpose the presidency of Doug Scott, became a committee was chaired by Don Weir statement that was originally crafted when central focus of board discussion during with Dan Roberts and Charles Cleland as SHA was first established. the presidency of Lu Ann De Cunzo, and members. These three individuals know The constitution and bylaws were last remained so during the first year of my the history and workings of SHA as well as revised in 2003. Ideally, these documents presidency. Through these five years, many anyone, and many of the revisions recently should be reviewed at least every five board members as well as past presidents, approved came on their recommendation. years. In this case, revisions were not former editors, and our parliamentarian They did not recommend, however, the submitted for approval earlier because the were involved in the discussions. In structure for editorial representation on board became involved in a long discussion addition, two task forces and a constitution the board that is now codified within the about how best to represent our editorial and bylaws revision committee studied constitution and bylaws. The structure for programs on the board of directors. At and made recommendations that were editorial representation on the board was our board meetings in Austin in 2011, we presented to the board. crafted by the board at the Wednesday were finally able to forge the compromise I would like to thank in particular board meeting in Austin, and was approved that was submitted to the membership for Vergil Noble, SHA Parliamentarian, for his by the board with the duly noted objection approval. While the changes that we settled assistance in working through the issues of the Constitution and Bylaws Review on may not seem that radical, over the related to our constitution and bylaws. His Committee. Working these past years on revisions to our constitution and bylaws has left me with amazing respect for all those who Published Quarterly help to govern the Society and its many Subscription Rate: Individual: Regular ($125), Student ($70), Adjunct ($40), Friend ($175), Developer ($250), Benefactor ($400), Life ($3,600). programs. Each has the absolute best Organizational: Institution ($200). All U.S. funds. interest of the Society in mind, and brings to the job a heaping portion of dedication, hard work, and passion. Newsletter Editor: Alasdair Brooks, DPhil In June the board of directors met for Copy Editor: Daniel McNaughton. their mid-year meeting in Alexandria, Special News Editors: USA-Pacific West: Kimberly Wooten Virginia. We worked on a number of critical Current Publications: Charles Ewen USA-Southeast: Gifford Waters issues, including membership and the Images of the Past: Benjamin C. Pykles USA-Southwest: Michael R. Polk website. SHA Website Editor Chris Merritt attended the meeting and we spent several Current Research Editors: Editorial Address: The Society for His- very productive hours reviewing the use Africa: Kenneth Kelly torical Archaeology Newsletter, c/o Dr. history, structure, and needs of the website. Asia: Edward Gonzalez-Tennant Alasdair Brooks, School of Archaeol- The website will be receiving a face-lift, Australasia: Susan Piddock ogy and Ancient History, University of along with some long-overdue structural Canada-Atlantic: Robert Ferguson Leicester, University Road, Leicester changes to make it a bit more user-friendly Canada-Ontario: Jon Jouppien LE1 7RH, United Kingdom and appealing to first-time users. Canada-Prairie: Jennifer Hamilton We also received a proposal from Canada-Québec: Stéphane Noël <[email protected]> John Milner Associates for the creation of Canada-Western: Rod J. Heitzmann a new major award for SHA, the “Daniel Caribbean/Bermuda: Business Address: 9707 Key West Av- G. Roberts Award for Excellence in Public Frederick H. Smith enue, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850. Archaeology.” This award proposal was Continental Europe: Natascha Mehler Phone 301.990.2454; Fax 301.990.9771; reviewed by the Awards Committee, who Great Britain & Ireland: Email <[email protected]> (New subscrip- recommended its approval. The award James Symonds tions, change of address, subscription is named in honor of Dan Roberts for his Mexico, Central
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