Newsletter 2018-14 April 6, 2018 2018 AND BEYOND: WEST VIRGINIA HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION FORUM - MAY 4 The CAWV and West Virginia Division of Highways are holding a second highway construction forum for all CAWV contractors, subcontractors, engineers, material suppliers, equipment dealers and all other interested members on Friday, May 4, at 8:30 a.m. at Embassy Suites in Charleston. CAWV members will join WVDOH and FHWA officials to discuss how the division will design, bid and award hundreds of projects for 2018. Transportation Secretary Tom Smith, his leadership team, district engineers and others will outline the WVDOH’s proposals to get the projects designed and constructed. Officials will update CAWV members on the current pay-as- you-go highway program and the upcoming bond issue projects, as well as West Virginia Turnpike construction and tolling. CAWV members will have an opportunity to ask questions and to provide comments and recommendations on how to get the projects bid, awarded and completed quickly. Registration information is included in this Newsletter. Deadline for registering is April 20. Plan on attending this exciting program about West Virginia’s future highway program. Forms are also available online at http://www.cawv.org/events/wv-highway-construction-forum.html. Accommodations: The CAWV has secured a $129 room rate for Thursday, May 3, at Embassy Suites. For reservations visit www.embassysuites3.hilton.com, or contact (304) 347-8700 and mention group code CAW. Embassy Suites is located at 300 Court Street, Charleston, WV 25301. JOIN US FOR THE CAWV FAMILY NIGHT AT THE POWER PARK MAY 3 The CAWV will host a family event at the Appalachian Power Park on Thursday, May 3. Association members, employees and families are invited to cheer on the West Virginia Power. Game starts at 7:05 p.m. Contact Pat McDonald at [email protected] or call (304) 342- 1166 for sponsorship information. More information and a registration form is available online at www.cawv.org/events/night-at-the-power-park.html. EMBASSY SUITES ROOMS AVAILABLE FOR CAWV MEMBERS Members who want to come to Charleston Thursday, May 3, for the CAWV Family Night at the Power Park and stay for the Friday, May 4, highway forum can stay at Charleston Embassy Suites for $129.00. To make reservations, reservations visit www.embassysuites3.hilton.com, or contact (304) 347-8700 and mention group code CAW. CAWV CONGRESSIONAL FLY-IN SCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 The annual CAWV Congressional Fly-In to Washington will be held Wednesday, May 16. Last year, the CAWV Fly-In was cancelled so members could participate in the debate on highway funding in the West Virginia Legislature. In 2016,17 members attended the fly-in, which was the CAWV’s 28th annual event. “We needed to be in Charleston and at our State Capitol last year to shepherd the highway funding bills through the West Virginia Legislature,” said CAWV President Scott Pierson. “We are fortunate that we were successful in getting highway funding but we must continue to be in Washington to meet with West Virginia’s congressional delegation on issues affecting our membership. This will be the 30th year of CAWV’s fly-ins and I hope we have a good delegation of CAWV members,” President Pierson stated. This year’s CAWV Congressional Fly-In will again be held in conjunction with the Transportation Construction Coalition May 14-16 meeting in Washington. TCC is co-chaired by AGC of America and ARTBA. Members who have attended past fly-ins have been sent information, including flight arrangements to Washington, on the May 16 event. Members who would be interested in attending this year’s fly-in can contact Mike Clowser at [email protected] or 304-342-1166. WEST VIRGINIA'S PRIMARY ELECTION MAY 8 On May 8, West Virginia voters will choose nominees for a host of state offices including U.S. Senate, all three members of the state's congressional delegation, 17 senators and 100 delegates. PRIMARY ELECTION DAY is Tuesday, May 8. April 17 is the deadline to vote in the Primary Election. For information to register online or by mail, click here. On Election Day, polls open statewide from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. To find your polling place, click here. HUB/PAC, the CAWV’s political action committee, will be reviewing candidates for the West Virginia Senate and House of Delegates and making its recommendations prior to the election. CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TO BEAR THE BRUNT OF STEEL & ALUMINUM TARIFFS A pair of competing reports measuring the potential impact of the Trump Administration’s steel and aluminum tariffs have reached a similar conclusion—the construction industry will bear the brunt of the metals tariffs. While employing different models and arriving at drastically different figures, the two reports similarly project that the tariffs will greatly and adversely impact construction employment, especially when compared with other industries. A report by the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) - a domestic agriculture, manufacturer and union coalition - estimates that the tariffs could jeopardize 10,635 jobs in the construction sector, while a report prepared for the Business Roundtable by the Trade Partnership Worldwide puts that figure at 66,022 construction jobs, the most of any sector except “trade and distribution” services. Regardless of the precise figure, the steel and aluminum tariffs’ will thin out a construction workforce that is already experiencing worker shortages. AGC urges its members to continue to pressure their congressional representation—and the president—to end the steel and aluminum tariffs. (Reprinted from AGC’s Construction Legislative Week in Review.) SUBSCRIBE TO AGC OF AMERICA'S PODCAST The ConstructorCast is AGC of America’s monthly podcast covering all the news, views, and interviews relevant to your construction business. Each month, AGC picks a new topic and sits down with experts to go in depth on some of the most pressing subjects in the construction industry. Search for it on your mobile device’s podcast app to subscribe, or visit the AGC website for more information. CAWV / BRICKSTREET OSHA: ISSUES, INSPECTIONS AND COMPLIANCE SAFETY TRAINING - APRIL 13 Join the CAWV and BrickStreet Insurance for OSHA: Issues, Inspections and Compliance safety training on Friday, April 13, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the BrickStreet headquarters in Charleston. This seminar will offer an overview of OSHA hot topics including, Dart Rate explanation, Emod, record keeping, reporting, and OSHA inspections (what to do and how to handle). This training is for business owners, safety managers, equipment operators, employees and anyone who needs to learn how to prevent the loss of life around excavation sites and avoid OSHA fines. This seminar fulfills one of the CAWV/BrickStreet Safety Program seminar requirements. The fee is $35 for CAWV members and $50 for future members. A registration form is attached to this week’s newsletter, or you can contact Pat McDonald at (304) 342-1166 or [email protected] to register or get more information. SAVE THE DATE: ANNUAL CAWV SCHOLARSHIP GOLF OUTING JUNE 1 The annual CAWV Scholarship Golf Outing will be held Friday, June 1, at Berry Hills Country Club in Charleston. We are limited to 20 "Sixsomes" for both the 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. starting times. For morning golfers, a luncheon will be held immediately after play. For the afternoon golfers, dinner will be held immediately after play. Awards will be presented at the luncheon for the morning flight and at dinner for the afternoon flight. All proceeds from the golf outing benefit the CAWV Scholarship Foundation. More information will be available to members in future Newsletters. SAVE THE DATE: ANNUAL CAWV ANNUAL MEETING JULY 12-15 The CAWV Annual Meeting will be held July 12-15 at The Greenbrier. The meeting will feature many activities for CAWV members, along with a golf tournament, trap / fishing tournament, children's program, in addition to all the amenities offered at The Greenbrier. More information will be available to members in future Newsletters. 20120188 ANDAND BEYONDBEYOND WESTWEST VIRGINIAVIRGINIA HIGHWAHIGHWAYY CONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION FORUMFORUM MayMay 4,4, 20182018 EMBASSYEMBASSY SUITESSUITES CHARLESTON,CHARLESTON, WESTWEST VIRGINIAVIRGINIA COST:COST: $50$50 CAWVCAWV MEMBERSMEMBERS $100$100 FUTUREFUTURE MEMBERSMEMBERS ($50($50 TOWARDTOWARD MEMBERSHIPMEMBERSHIP DUES)DUES) TheThe WestWest VirginiaVirginia LegislatureLegislature inin 20172017 passedpassed Gov.Gov. JimJim Justice’sJustice’s $2.8$2.8 billionbillion highwayhighway program,program, thethe firstfirst fundingfunding packagepackage inin nearlynearly 2525 years.years. CAWVCAWV membersmembers willwill joinjoin WestWest VirginiaVirginia DivisionDivision ofof HighwaysHighways officialsofficials toto discussdiscuss howhow thethe divisiondivision willwill design,design, bidbid andand awardaward hundredshundreds ofof projectsprojects forfor 2018.2018. 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