Louis Markos ENGL 3377/Lord of the Rings Office: UAC #100B Room: Moody Library 100 Off Phone: 281-649-3617 M 4:00-6:30pm Off Hours for FALL 2013: MW 1:30-4, TTh 12:30-2 email: [email protected] Home Phone: 713-779-8131, NO calls BEFORE NOON or after 11:00 webpage: www.Loumarkos.com Required Texts: The 50th Anniversary One-volume Edition of The Lord of the Rings (Houghton Mifflin) by J. R. R. Tolkien. Students MUST purchase this edition: ISBN: 0-618-64015-0; Beowulf (any edition you’d like). I will email you a Coursepack you must print/bring to class. Students must also watch (on their own) the full LOTR movie trilogy (extended edition if possible). I will refer to it often in class. You are also encouraged (though not required) to read The Silmarillion and The Hobbit (in any edition you would like). I will lecture on both (see outlines below), and you will be tested on the material. Method of Evaluation: There will be four graded assignments: two 3-page essays, a midterm and a final each of which is worth 25% of your grade. To determine your final grade, I will simply average together the four grades and then factor in your class participation grade as a plus/ minus factor. SCHEDULE OF READINGS (Bring Coursepack with you to all classes) Mon, Aug 26 Lectures on Silmarillion I: In the Beginning & The Coming of the Noldor Mon, Sept 2 LABOR DAY—NO CLASS (but be reading The Lord of the Rings) Mon, Sept 9 Lectures on Silmarillion II: The Fall of Beleriand & The Second Age; The Hobbit Mon, Sept 16 (Sept 11: last day to drop without “W”) Read LOTR: Book I, Chapters 1-12 (I.1-12) Mon, Sept 23 II.1-6 Mon, Sept 30 II.7-10 ESSAY #1 DUE (NO LATE PAPERS/HARDCOPY ONLY) Mon, Oct 7 III.1-7 Mon, Oct 14 III.8-11 Mon, Oct 21 MIDTERM Mon, Oct 28 IV.1-7 (Nov 1: last day to drop with a “W”) Mon, Nov 4 IV.8-10; Read Beowulf (any translation) and 4-pages of notes on Beowulf in Coursepack Mon, Nov 11 V.1-6 Mon, Nov 18 V.7-10 Mon, Nov 25 VI.1-6 ESSAY #2 DUE (NO LATE PAPERS/HARDCOPY ONLY) Mon, Dec 2 VI.1-9 and Appendix A & B FINAL EXAM (Time TBA)—I’m guessing Monday, Dec 9 4 DON'TS FOR MY CLASS (DUE TO ALLERGIES) 1. Don't wear perfume/cologne in class 2. Don't use plastic binders for papers 3. Don't use markers/fine-line pens (ball-point only) 4. Don't use white out/highlighters I hold a Bible Study at my house (1 CLW/week) on Thursday nights from 8:15-9:30 PM. We live less than a mile from HBU: 7614 Carew Street / Houston 77074. From HBU head down Beechnut toward 59. The first light you come to (before 59) is Brae Acres; make a left. Go to first stop sign and make a left. We’re the 4th house on the left. 1 ESSAY 1 Length: 3 pages Due date: see Schedule of Readings For your first essay, I would like you to write a character analysis of Frodo as he is developed by Tolkien in Book I of The Lord of the Rings (if you know the rest of the epic well, you may bring in insights from Books II-VI; however, your analysis must be grounded in how Frodo acts and reacts in Book I). As you analyze Frodo, consider questions LIKE the following: 1) What is his psychological make-up? 2) How does he relate to the world around him (hobbits, elves, men, Tom Bombadil, etc.)? 3) What motivates him to do what he does? 4) How does his specific personality determine the way he will react to certain circumstances and characters in the epic? 5) What strategies does he employ to help him deal with difficult situations? In constructing your analysis, make sure you quote several key passages that reveal Frodo’s personality; then ANALYZE these passages to see what they reveal about his character. Don't let the passage MAKE your argument for you; rather, USE the passage as a TOOL for exploring and bringing to light Frodo’s psychological make-up. As you write your character analysis, you MUST take into account the following three questions: 1) WHY does Tolkien choose a lowly Hobbit like Frodo as his central hero? 2) WHY does Book I move so slowly!! 3) WHY does Tolkien add in the long digression with Tom Bombadil (left out of movie version)? DO NOT JUST GIVE ME PLOT SUMMARY!!! Don't just tell me what Frodo does in the story and leave it at that. GET DOWN to the root of his personality. DIG into his mind and soul; FIND OUT what makes him tick. ESSAY 2 Length: 3 pages Due date: See Schedule of Readings Your mission in this essay is to construct a character analysis of EITHER Gandalf OR Aragorn as he is developed by Tolkien in Books I-V of The Lord of the Rings (you may want to finish the book before writing it, though there is enough information on Gandalf and Aragorn in Books I-V to write a very full essay!). As with your analysis of Frodo, consider questions LIKE the following: 1) What is his psychological make-up? 2) How does he relate to the world around him? 3) What motivates him to do what he does? 4) How does his specific personality determine the way he will react to certain circumstances and characters in the epic? 5) What strategies does he employ to help him deal with difficult situations? In constructing your analysis, make sure you quote several key passages that reveal Gandalf or Aragorn’s personality; then ANALYZE these passages to see what they reveal about his character. Don't let the passage MAKE your argument for you; rather, USE the passage as a TOOL for exploring and bringing to light Gandalf/Aragorn’s psychological make-up. As you write your character analysis (whether it be Gandalf or Aragorn), you MUST take into account the following three questions: 1) WHY has this character become an icon in our modern age? 2) WHAT kind of leadership skills does he display throughout the epic? 3) HOW does he interact with the other eight members of the Fellowship? DO NOT JUST GIVE ME PLOT SUMMARY!!! Don't just tell me what he does in the story and leave it at that. GET DOWN to the root of his personality. DIG into his mind and soul; FIND OUT what makes him tick. # You are NOT ALLOWED to consult ANY outside sources in composing your essays. You MAY use some ideas from class discussion, but DO NOT just give me back what I said in class. I want your own ideas unguided by other commentators. If anyone is caught plagiarizing in this class, he or she will automatically fail the class!! Students must attend class on exam days—only acceptable excuses: 1) you're very ill (with dr's note) or have a family tragedy AND you call me on my 24-hour voice mail (281-649-3617) on or before the time of the exam, 2) you must participate in a mandatory school function and you tell me one week in advance. 2 THE SILMARILLION I: IN THE BEGINNING 1 In the beginning there is the one (Eru/Ilúvatar): creation ex nihilo out of the mind of God 2 Il creates the Ainur (angelic beings): he sings a song of creation in which they join 3 But greatest Ainur (Melkor) grows proud/envious; he would dominate/shape song of Il 4 Each Ainur knows a part of the song, but only Il knows the full song and its end 5 In song, see vision of earth/children of Il (elves/men); THEN song enacted in space/time 6 Ainur who CHOOSE to, go down to earth/Arda, become bound to it; these are the Valar 7 Main Valar linked to elements: Manwë (Air); Ulmo (water); Aulë (earth); Melkor (fire) 8 Manwë’s Queen=Varda/Elbereth (lady of stars/light); Aulë’s Q=Yavanna (giver of fruit) 9 Valar served by Maiar (same kind/lesser degree); Melkor corrupts Maiar of Aulë: Sauron 10 Melkor corrupts/perverts all; he hates water & light; creates Balrogs/Dragons/Orcs 11 Valar live in M-E (lit by 2 lamps), but Melkor destroys it; they move West (Valinor/Aman) 12 Yavanna sings into being Two Trees of Valinor: they give light/life & start count of time 13 Firstborn of Il: Eldar (elves)—immortal but bound to earth; if killed go to halls of Mandos 14 Men less fair/wise; given GIFT of mortality/restlessness; their final destiny beyond world 15 Aule impatient, creates dwarves out of earth (less beautiful but strong): Il adopts them 16 To protect nature, Yavanna creates Ents (highest plants) and Eagles (highest animals) 17 Though elves created in Middle-Earth, many battles with Melkor; most move to Valinor 18 Edenic time as elves dwell with Valar; Valar live on earth in human form; Melkor bound 19 Melkor feigns repentance; PRETENDS to love Eldar; tempts them with secret wisdom 20 Finwe (Noldor Elf) has sons by two wives: Fëanor (Achilles-like) / Fingolfin & Finarfin 21 Fëanor creates 3 Silmarils: gems in which he incarnates light of Trees; Melkor lusts for them 22 Melkor/Ungoliant (spider) destroy Trees; LATER, Valar make Sun & Moon to light M-E Louis Markos (www.Loumarkos.com), Prof in English and Scholar in Residence at Houston Baptist U, is author of On the Shoulders of Hobbits: The Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis.
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