" rv IfF?'!'?? '! X1 ?'!,1 - s f " '4fl r :& - K i.' h -- 1ST s 27, 1921 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEBr-PHlLABELPH- IA, MONDAY, JUNE ', Annual Links Play Tredyffrin Country Club to Hold Its First Golf Tourney, and Offers Cup for l the committee In time for early pnlr- -' Ing. Last "THE KID" AND "BIG JACK" ALL-SCHOLAST- TREDYFFRIN WILL (Jit Thursday the second annual tour STAR Years Champion ICS HARVARD NEI i ney nt Old York lload will be held, Not Here to Defend jmeVWa!Wxmi:mS&TaB "szsw and another snappy contest Is expected In 11 I? w Sj S m.. S3 North Phillies Lose Sessions, for the innln trophy, won Inst yenr by r Wins In 10 Innings n. C. Clnroy. .1. W. Plntt wns mcda1 f.. M. Hank. Iat jenr'a Intrrrnlle-V1- lr PLAY GOLF HOST 1st when he broke the course record that elniinpliin. In WALLOP HIS MATCH .'.n'r. not here to BATTINH.S.3" nfflrkod seera) of the dny. tourney three days, WINS defend lilt title at Merlon. IlinUs wilt (he city's Independent This lasts with n Tetnnrknhle plater, In Hint lie nrirr I'l.o day to qualify and two for match Memed to hnre iinytlilnr. Ho Junt knt linselmll tenms jesterdnj nfternoon play. putting the hull biwk the ten-Inni- en oier net, I'lelMher won n thrilling now- - cham- without nn Idem of trjlni: til wind-u- The Philadelphia nmnteur seore nn earned point, lint mrtliiMl counter which had n stirring Paoli Club Offers Cup for Local pion nnd r-- - Coeilu Dnfnntsl this Local Nine Batters Elizabeth a bns just been crowned Lticlns rennu .., Won Mm the. title, whlcli ,m i emit up. when "I.efty" Nolnn clouted out Doming deserves nil credit for comlnjc feYoimg rt. Mntlnro Hates, cf Ciilltiirnl", Inn Inn n on the path-win- s, York I. lee.n doped nn etitj-- homer with trnmmnte Linksmen Tomorrow through the field Kounci ot nt winner mer Hunk School's Star Hurler Unmer- ." II. Sauntlors in First In the rrronrf round of the louriinuient. and won tii The number to qualify wns doubled ! Wingohocking cifully Up at IVurtli and Road Fete Follows this yenr, which another round Tournoy Score 16 to 10 Ab'-rfoyl- made Intorcollogiate the Ninth Phil'les howed to of match plan iioeesaiuy. When Are of Chester, in eleien innings, tiie msi pint" of the thirt two plnyorr to qualify for . r tors sending three runs ncross the TO LOU DEMING FOUR BIKE CHAMPS M ...r-- HATS OFF the nntionnl amutcur Inst Kar were KAUFMAN'S GHTY in the dong session. Philndolphinns country rea- - "coast player survives .Mnckln allowed I.nst Hide, of he whole Wnlter lired that Philndrlphla hnd taken n big i ninnen, one scratch lilt In tlie game ai Next in the order of loenl golf event step forward ill Its golfing talent The pom-- 1 ni",,,h Prow n street", iinu ' An nil srholnlie tenm. j'1',r, n"'J Lop-ro- w - hnbalt ( - i fir- -t - Pennsylvania team in winning the m- SPICK IIAIX i won O (l. Inly twent.v the nnnunl competition lomor- IN i - f liniinhnti to '" I'r'oereM mndc todny In GOLOEN WHEEL posed of Philadelphia .rhoolboy.. trnr- mpn fnmj oenl t wirier, one for thoTreihrfrlnCup. This brand ' Cup rubbed this Impression in. but -- m "OH nn, )() to lupi" " otolith eled to Kllrnhetli. .1.. Inst Pntnr on bolls and another being new tropin will be plavd for nt the get thc renl inside on the situation .M...... " nn. getting a ba'e only "M. (iritt round oi ii i"j day nnd dofentei the Itntlln High i. if Tredxffrln Comitr Club over eighteen vou luneio follow up loenl event, InterrolloKlnte tcnnlH tourney disposed of Pencoi.l Iron holes of inednl pliy and it Is md that There is a larger number than ecr of School champions nf. New .Trrse.v nnd Nntirlt t ?! Seres' Maddona, Corry and Works eiisil.. S m .". M.oftj Anld club hnndlenps will be ued. The cup iornl sMrs who hnve to be counted In at iWn'rrirCbTHnvorford! New York Cltr. 1C. n 10 It wns the took Devlne's jdnce on the hill in t "' mini be t on ihrr. .lifTerent times for eerr neni. and this was best realized t liar- - 50-Mil- possession no. piny rf,tbii fifnno. Jr.. tho yoiitbTui Carman Entered in e second reersc the nnttln nggregntion took Uevlne's ilnce mi the hill in the iirrmnnent in loeni titular last week at triple A expected event, Suffered till enr. of eighth, two runs hehind, and his Inrgc field is for the Whlteinarsb Krnmus Hnll. is post f . rnthcr rnsy fnMiion. Prooklyn. Inn thp score, nnd oentunlly Nnthll mid it announced thnt entries i Dartmoutl in Annual Feature ins tiirneil trlek tied the r mntrb of will be tiiken by ihe Paoll officials since s. tlrst-las- s lhrcl..,ct earlier In tin 'uunn won out. , ;ulnurUht ,. C trmelln 'V:-.n- - V. H. ' vssocm It recently been to bold li Oil's "pen In Jnl nnd fns tyle. The iclnri Sntnrilny was well de- - South Phllndilpliln Hebrew hns iut lecie.l ini Austin for I I Tlrood HfTalv fpnred iumi otTerliiir fiilr Joseph ",C1 nml - t inn i. niUnr..i .i .!. etliii !! roil nt tin nw it is thnt nil nc Hi ruarfttus Tnlvprelt).. I. iseredb then Thoi out- N't sixth man. HIM "" PIANI TO SPENCER nh.'aties -- Illley out of not rench hnnds of rei'r 'i Ttn I Tc,,h. Colcmnn MEET plnjpfl Iip Ite.I nnd White nine from nnd Itiglcr tict-. chnsing centnnces niny the ert """To" d'n,-o- . io-- box In the first inning witn a nun ' - - & nit . Uiirnl'ofh from mrl t. tinMi. .Tnhnnv the nnvici. '.l.n nini'"i"""(i j...r..i ""'.r Kaufman, lb, nnniitowu llsh School doren runs, and wlnn ng 10 to I'nlvcniity of CnliforniH. Heorces ferr. world's motnr-pne- e star, wns on the hill Scholas-- Hrideslmrg turned back l,it nrottiei .""ft i ovr for the ' .( I R Orthodox, to champion, who won IiIr crown by cop-turln- lies. In fh. fir t iN..tng he socked the " Hichmond and n the hill nnd al the 100. kilometer Krlnd nt Ant- iut inn pitciini for the loncest hit Pitcher Detrlch mi eer made nt th,. i;i7abeth field, lowed the store Dojfl UUl live oi' werp, ItolRlum. Inst yenr, will make with ten "Of '- I.ungreii. ..f rjeniinntiiwn. while the home team secured t Tinntlv, imp. -. " , b 1 and Ilneh his first appearance In Philadelphia aW r W 'ord. of I.n Snlle, on the Leslie -- - :- nnths. Three -- uore J,A to' tli" eupirlor skill of C. ne.xt Thursday night, when nc start -' 1 markers were scored In the see --'. p "Jafi. mil. ?We of Toxns. 2. in the four-corner- tloldeu Wheel 4mm ' Columbia Wallops Shamrock S'f'SS'd Wall"" HrWci. n.llfornla. Besides plnjin n bnng-ii- p game ot jMamwMms - race nt the Point Urecze Velodrome. ;. :, u C'lnrkc. Now ork Unl- ? gfe the mitlnl snek. Limgren. of - i olumbia r . JtfeaieO Hharor' ''fnJ.linen The Oolden Wheel Is nil nnnunl feature Ill 15 Oerman- treie l.i. iiniimii. li. Ui i' ii ii'iii'i every garnered in two 111, ) K,reb: nl? W ;. Kinher, Cor nt bicycle trnck in the world. J..n. hit n .fr, 'H 'V!SoZ 31? iro nwl I.. W. wns originated sni;,. (.nmr ,h0 flr,t Hntt sl,."mrSr.k'B.,l It in Paris n number while us vW,mrl wnsn home run hits frr.e. eluhiW''r.i'2anti oiq ""! rnrly to of yenrs ngo. f rBW'5-V5- "" " li the Sixtv-on- o plnjor" nppcnwd - f"'lnnS inning Barrett nl's. tt, Seres has heen In Americn for scv i ' v VS': - ' fro... Dr. Buffler. both of WMIA'SWra;'! ' "their rnirt nlBiimrnts fiermantown. on the e J oral weeks getting neoliiiuited nnd in " '!.&(! .?V. ,g.rr: .'. r"-- - ? MariMiiS8aa3 sucks. condition. n pnrtlcipnting In the W" Iloehforil. , ten offlrlnl roforon. Those of t.n Snlle Prep, nlso ronrpont twentyHfiht col- - Oolden Wheel, which is n fifty-mil- e John Utitcnko, llstlrallj known as Kid Williams, and one-tim- e world's rapped nut a homer. UK Appropriate Tennis Fund title-holde- r, circuit wallop French '.'n0J year grind, the world's who is a Clinmplon Demjisey in many Go.-- ;, nnnthor rntr record. bantam champion, has wntchrd .Intii of his r'",'.",PH V'fh .''ant01 nml wnH bis .v rk June Jl The rrn i, MPBo,t that I he Frenchmnn, will be pitted iigninst three blngle 3 f .r iur mn.ontvns .ho workouts nt Atlantic Cllj. "The Kid" Is shown asking "UIb Jarli" of the game. Me also mm has am.roprlte0 riiei - ff - pedal-pushe- rs of Prem-- lVOerMllin of n Tenr over hnd with forty- other champions nnd paved well in U'e nf the ( fumilloelntpi "How Is things?" , . the "OKI. , of th i rollogcs rep- - international reputation. hit) ofra rfxrene i IInU nnl mentcen Ainerii. the Bnttin stnr twirlep. nns leani tlmi "ill .""'" to the nlu mi Frank forry, title-bold- of Aus- klincki'd fintu Jul t was announceO toOat rri i t," "TartVnr the slnplos was won by tralia nnd winner of the Oolden Wheel "CAN REPEAT?" inning. i, en,' ,'? righl'liennd doubles Ht 'I X ISXPt&fi'WZ. I, SI. UnnkF, Yale, and the In Pliilndetphla Inst jenr. has been His inter redeemed himself bv muking the nations In the I)ais Bill Brennan Kept " " cnptiin-- by A.
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