BOOK REVIEWS AND BOOK NOTES EDITED BY NORMAN B. WILKINSON lVe.xed and Troubled Englishmen, T590-i642. By Carl Bridenbaugh. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. Pp. 487. $10.00.) In this enormously erudite and lengthy volume Carl Bridenbaugh investi- gates the characters, habits, and activities of Englishmen in the half cen- tury before war erupted between King and Parliament, and during which "The First Swarming" and "The Puritan Hegira" took place. He has explored the visual remains of an earlier England, consulted a vast nunm- ber of archives, libraries, and repositories, and scrutinized the evidence afforded by literature, secular and ecclesiastical records, the Statute Book, pamphlets, tracts and sermons. Purely demographical statistics and analysis are not stressed, nor is any attempt made to compare the condition and motivation of English with other colonial peoples, though an occasional note reveals some interest in this. What has been most successfully achieved is a panorama more vivid and extensive than hitherto available, of the island inhabitants on the eve of colonization. The author's easy command of varied material and lively style make this readily and agreeably perceived and understood. Students of both English and early American history should be grateful for the series of pictures of the people in country and town; their ranks of society, health and disease, daily routine and food, community partic- ipation, and their sins against God and man. Three chapters deal with "The Rulers and the Ruled"; "The Faiths of Englishmen"; and "Educated and Cultured English." The chief concern throughout is the portraying of the vexatious and troubles besetting the everyday life of ordinary people in the early seventeenth century; purely constitutional, political and ideological controversies appear only inferentially. The privations of the poor are described in more detail than the comforts and preoccupations of the rich. The contrasts between the chills and scarcities of the Old World and the abundance of fuel and food in the New are strikingly depicted. Professor Bridenbaugh examines "Insecure, Disorderly Englishmen" and finds that human frailty accounts for most of the lapses of the countryside, while the pursuit of profit occasioned much of the wickedness of urban areas. Then as always honest labor and unostentatious virtue were less remarked than crimes like theft and prostitution, yet the cases in quarter sessions courts were surprisingly few in number. Among a perceptive minority recognition of the need for amelioration of the condition of the poor may be found. Much more apparent and most forcefully articulaked were lamentations about the morals of the age, and urgent demands for regeneration. But neither glimmerings of humanitarianism nor forebodings about "degenerate times" were peculiar to Stuart England and can be 242 BOOK REVIEWS AND BOOK NOTES 243 discovered both earlier and later than in this particular period of troubled and vexed Englishmen! Emnigration as a means of bettering life-in spite of the horrors of the voyage out-began to be increasingly attractive. Mobility, Bridenbaugh points out, was already characteristic of English life, but now the oppor- tunifies were greater. Imperial policies and aspirations are not the concern of this volume; in it the author sticks closely to his declared purpose of prob:ng the motivations of the ordinary Englishmen in leaving home. He stresses the astounding vitality and challenge of the age, even though every- thing seemed to be "out of joint." After 1620 he maintains the woes of the average man in this apparently ill-faring land mounted every year and reached a climax in the years between 1629 and 1642. Doubts about their country and their own position in it were reinforced by the attractions of westward lands offered in a growing promotional literature. Professor Bridenbaugh judiciously reminds us of the variety of reasons for the exodus. Individuals endured a diversity of miseries and discontents. The puritan families who left out of religious conviction offered a special case of self-induced emigration. There was little paternal guidance by govern- ment for any. There seems to have been scarcely perceptible self-conscious- ness of the daring and portentous achievement they were beginning among the emigrants. They did not realize the historical significance of their emigration in the founding of a new nation. Vexed and Troubled Englishmen is a book that will help a great many to understand much more about the factors molding early American life. It is a brilliant and provocative work, answering many questions and raising others. Bridenbaugh does much to discover answers to the enquiries raised in the quotation from Cotton Mather with which he ends his prologue: what "those Englishmen were like, and what their land was like, and what happened there to make them abandon that pleasant isle, cross the tempestuous Atlantic and venture their all in the Wilderness." Bryn Mazwr College CAROLINE RoBwINS Liberty and Authority, Early American Political Ideology, 1689-i763. By Lawrence H. Leder. (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1968. Pp. 167. $5.50.) Professor Leder is to be congratulated for writing a most useful analysis of the political theories current in British America before 1763. Bernard Bailyn has already given us an exhaustive study of the political ideology prevalent in America on the eve of the struggle for America's independence. A hook on the political ferment in British America before 1763 has long been needed, however, and Mr. Leder's book has met the need admirably. Articles which appeared in the colonial newspapers have served as Pro- fe sor Leder's principal sources. Freedom of the press was necessary before there could be a free and meaningful exchange of ideas about governmental pl ablems. Newspaper editors were fighting for freedom of the press at the time of John Peter Zenger's trial; by 1763 their fight had been won alln freedom of the press was well established in British America. Political discussion was inhibited early in the eighteenth century by the 244 PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY view that government was God's ordinance to man. Critics of government soon turned to a more secular idea of the origins of government as they adopted a Lockean interpretation which removed God from politics. Gov- ernment could then be discussed freely, and critics who chose to discuss it soon filled the colonial newspapers with letters which expressed their ideas. It soon became apparent from the letters which appeared in the press that colonial political thinkers could not arrive at a broad agreement upon the nature of their rights and liberties. Men who lived in corporate colonies could and did claim the rights which were secured to them by their charters. Likewise, inhabitants of proprietary colonies could shield themselves from imperial interference by citing the liberties granted in their charters. People living in crown colonies were much more vulnerable to pressures from Whitehall, but they quickly learned to resist imperial controls by claiming for themselves the "fundamental rights of Englishmen." Exactly what was meant by the "fundamental rights of Englishmen" was not made clear by the colonial political theorists. They shifted ground to suit themselves when they were in conflict with imperial authority. Pas- sages in the Magna Carta were useful to them on some occasions. On others, they turned to the Bill of Rights for protection. Flexibility seemed desirable to them as long as Parliament did not force them into a corner by declaring the colonies to be subordinate to the mother country. Imperial controls were tightened after 1763, and Parliament asserted its absolute supremacy over the colonies in the Declaratory Act of 1766. Colonial thinkers were then forced to reexamine their positions. Their rights as Englishmen had just been taken from them, as they saw it, and they shifted the ground of their arguments to claim for themselves the natural rights of man. These natural rights were asserted in the Declara- tion of Independence, and they represented a decisive break from the con- cepts which British Americans had evolved in their political thinking dur- ing the half century or more before 1763. The reviewer believes that Professor Leder has made a valuable contri- bution to a better understanding of political theories held by British Americans of the late colonial period. And he has shown clearly that the colonial leaders of the first half of the eighteenth century had not anti- cipated a rupture with Britain and had not prepared a rationale for a move- ment for autonomy or independence. The book is well organized and Mr. Leder has a good style. The lay- man as well as the scholar will find Liberty and Authority both readable and instructive. Northern Arivona University GEORGE W. KYTE The Susquehannah Company Papers. VOluate V: I772-I774; Vo1Mle VI: 1774-1775. Edited by Robert J. Taylor. Published for the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1968. Pp. 419, 453. $25.00 the set.) The issuance of Volumes V and VI of the Susquehannah Company Papers BOOK REVIEWS AND BOOK NOTES 245 brings to the mid-point (twelve volumes exist in typescript) the publica- tioju of the primary materials essential to the scholarly analysis of the bou.ndary dispute between Connecticut and Pennsylvania which Claude Vaii Tyne urged before the American Historical Association some three sco e years ago. Edited by Dr. Robert J. Taylor of Tufts University under a grant from the National Historical Publications Commission, these volbmes move what Dr. Oliver W. Holmes, the Executive Director of the Commission, called a "laudable and unique . project . ." toward its much-desired conclusion. The Susquehannah Company was a Connecticut land company which was formed in 1753 to extend the boundaries of the original thirteen colonies westward. That extension brought them into conflict with the Wyoming Valley settlers of northeastern Pennsylvania.
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