MEN AT WORK The shrewd Making Lose your Germany moves to strategy behind sense of belly fat build a European army same-sex ‘marriage’ Syria for good! THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPETaugust 2013 | thetrumpet.com SCANDALS The hidden agenda AUGUST 2013 VOL. 24, NO. 7 CIRC. 332,849 ALL THEY SURVEY The National T Security Agency’s massive data warehouse in Bluffdale, Utah “It’s really a turn-key situation, where it can be turned quickly and become a totalitarian state pretty quickly. The capacity to do that is being set up.” WILLIAM BINNEY FORMER NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY OFFICIAL WORLD COVER BIBLE 16 Making Sense of Syria 22 What Is the ‘Key of David’? 18 INFOGRAPHIC The Struggle for 1 FROM THE EDITOR Why All These Scandals? Syria They are a far bigger issue than most people realize. SOCIETY 20 The Foundation Is Already 34 SOCIETYWATCH 60 years on Laid 2 SOCIETY Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste David’s throne 26 WORLDWATCH How will The hidden agenda behind the White House scandals 35 COMMENTARY Britain’s America pay its pensioners? ‘Utopium’ • Not getting along • The ayatollah’s ‘moderate’ president FEATURES DEPARTMENTS • Putin crackdown pays off • Does 32 Discussion Board civil war reveal America’s future? 36 Television Log 9 WORLD Under Construction How Germany is building a European army COVER LIVING : 6 Belly On, Belly Off TRUMPET 12 SOCIETY 7 No New Thing Under the Sun The Shrewd Strategy Behind / Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ JUSTIN It’s been spectacularly successful at reshaping society. 31 PRINCIPLES OF LIVING IN Energize SD Your Bible Study! 14 What Is the Real Goal / FLICKR THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET | AUGUST 2013 Why All These Scandals? The reports of wrongdoing piling up around the Obama administration are a far bigger issue than most people realize. he White House is neck-deep in scandals. Virtually The irs has a lot of clout. And an administration that pays all of them have to do with the government trying to con- no attention to the Constitution when it doesn’t match its own trol people and to take more power for itself. agenda has a lot of power! T Look at the growing list of just the recent scandals: Pres- In June, we learned that the National Security Agency (nsa) ident Obama deciding to ignore laws he does not like, choosing has a secret data warehouse in Utah, a “billion-dollar epicenter” not to deport illegal immigrants who would have been allowed where it can store massive amounts of information. And the phone to stay in the country if Congress had passed the “Dream Act.” records, e-mails and other digital communications the govern- The fbi admitting it uses surveillance drones over U.S. soil. The ment has been tracking include yours. Microsoft, Yahoo!, Google, powerful Internal Revenue Service target- Facebook, YouTube, aol, Skype and Apple have handed over all ing the president’s enemies, mostly conser- kinds of information about you, and claimed that they were forced vative and pro-Israel groups, to suppress to do so. The Associated Press reported that this revelation “illus- their political involvement before the elec- trates how aggressively personal information is being congregated tion. The Justice Department secretly seiz- and analyzed …” (June 13). ing the records of more than 20 Associ- However, the nsa says you don’t have to worry. An agency ated Press phone lines in what was called spokesman said that “[i]ts operations will be lawfully conducted a “massive and unprecedented intrusion”— in accordance with U.S. laws and policies” (ibid). while the attorney general claimed to know Does that reassure you? Has this administration done anything FROM THE EDITOR nothing about it. The Justice Department to suggest that it is careful to follow the law? GERALD FLURRY illegally monitoring the phone lines and When a ceremony was held in May to celebrate completion of e-mails of Fox News reporter James Rosen. the Utah data center’s exterior, it was “closed to the public—an The National Security Agency conducting illegal, covert surveil- exclusive, invitation-only gathering that barred even the mayor of lance programs in violation of the Fourth Amendment, keeping Bluffdale,” AP reported. “The nsa also rejected a request by city phone and Internet records of millions of Americans with the officials to take a group of visiting Utah mayors on a bus tour of full cooperation of nine major Internet companies. The revela- the outside of the facility. The agency said all tours—even of the tions just keep coming. exterior—are prohibited” (ibid). The Benghazi issue wraps three scandals in one: the adminis- Why all the secrecy? Washington claims it needs all this tration’s failure to protect its people there; the cover-up, lies and information for America’s war against terrorism. It is expand- change in talking points; and the White House’s refusal to reveal what the presi- There is an unparalleled spirit of lawlessness dent did on the night of the attack (arti- cle, page 2). behind all of these scandals. And it is leading to If you aren’t paying attention to this trend, you should be. Many people are an outcome far worse than most people believe. trying to pretend like there is no real problem, and that those who are concerned are overreacting. But ing the nsa’s powers exponentially using the war on terrorism as this should deeply trouble every American! There is an unpar- the rationale. alleled spirit of lawlessness behind all of these scan- Yet at the same time, the president gave a speech in May telling dals! And it is leading to an outcome far worse than most people us that there is no war on terrorism. “This war, like all wars, must believe. I explain why in my free booklet America Under Attack. end,” he said. America shouldn’t be on “a perpetual wartime foot- Franklin Graham, the son of the famous preacher Billy Gra- ing.” He claimed that the war is winding down, thanks to several ham, said he believes two of his ministries were targeted by the victories by his administration. irs. He believes a newspaper ad they ran supporting an amend- If this is all true, what does the government need that Utah ment against same-sex “marriage” triggered an audit jeopardizing facility for? their tax-exempt status. The process took more than twice as long Despite all the data the government is collecting, it did not stop as usual, and it wasn’t finished until just after President Obama was the Boston Marathon bombers. The “underwear bomber” wasn’t reelected. Many other conservative groups have told similar stories. stopped by the surveillance program prism, but by a tip from the This indicates an unprecedented amount of political meddling! would-be bomber’s parents. How many terrorists is this IMAGES It seems this administration is blatantly manipulating the politi- program catching? Some analysts say jihadists tend to 1 GETTY cal process, and the nation is too weak to do anything about it! See SCANDALS page 36 ➤ THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET | AUGUST 2013 t took eight long months for Ameri- cans to finally hear testimony from some- one who was actu- ally on the ground in Libya the night the U.S. compound in Benghazi was ambushedI by terrorists linked to al Qaeda. For eight months, the White House had obfus- cated the truth, delayed hear- ings and pressured potential whistle-blowers to keep quiet. Then, on May 8, three highly respected State Depart- ment officials—Gregory Hicks, Mark Thompson and Eric Nord strom—testified under oath before a House commit- tee. These men had experi- enced the tragedy of Benghazi firsthand. Their testimony was heartfelt and sincere—at times emotionally agonizing. Above all, it was believable. Gregory Hicks, the number two diplomat in Libya at the time, provided the most rivet- ing account. He told the com- mittee that as soon as the U.S. compound was attacked, Amer- icans on the ground knew it was terrorism. Hicks said that when he spoke with Chris Ste- vens on the phone, just min- utes before the ambassador was murdered, Stevens told him they were being attacked. In fact, U.S. Embassy personnel in Trip- oli thought they were the next target, which During the hearing, Hicks also Emergency Support Team (fest). This is why they destroyed hard drives and fled described a conversation he had with a spe- special operations unit is the govern- for a safe house. cial operations team in Tripoli on the night ment’s “only interagency, on-call, short- There were no reports in Libya of of the attack. The team was hurriedly pre- notice team poised to respond to terrorist street demonstrations or protests outside paring to fly to Benghazi to help the Amer- incidents worldwide,” the State Depart- the diplomatic post in Benghazi on Sep- icans under fire, but their team leader said ment’s website says. It’s specifically trained tember 11. Hicks said he told Secretary of the U.S. Special Forces Command Africa to respond “quickly and effectively to ter- State Hillary Clinton the night of the attack told them to stand down. He told Hicks rorist attacks.” that it was a terrorist strike. He told com- he had never been so embarrassed. An official involved in the response told mittee staffers in the lead-up to the May 8 Hicks’s testimony directly contra- cbs reporter Sharyl Attkisson that fest THE hearing that he requested military support dicted the Obama administration’s claim members “instinctively started packing” the WHITE from Washington in response to the attack.
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