Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-25-2001 Arbiter, April 25 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. I--'--------....;..,--------------~---_·_- ---.--.------.---------------------..---------.---.--,.-.-----.----------- ~_..-""-~-------------------"--------~._.---- ,_..... -~ ........... --,-~ .. TOM. PErrI'Y U·PiAiii:iiiREA:itEii·s . .WITH SPEOIAL GUESTS- . THE W'ALLFLOWERS Friday.May.11th Idaho Center Arena T1cketa available at all T1ckatweb end select .. Saet outleta, Including Albertson .. tha Record Exchan~e or 'phone 1-868-468-7624, 426-1766 or 442-3232, and online at www.tlcketweb.com. i~ou. rmphitheater show of the season! Saturday May 28th Idaho Center Amphitheater - ,.....r..:nok.ta lrYanabl. -' .11nck ...... b end .... ot ....... t ouuna. Inoludlnl& ""berWon_ or phon. • / ~ ....... 1. .aOG-96154S27, :1.-866-468-7624.426-:1:.7660.442-3232. ,J'·I .."'.I(JD····r~ ~~ J. and on".a at WWW.t1cka_ab.com. ?,i;:;°u t!lJ ("{..........", .'" ~ "'"portlor'l 0' tl~kel88lf1 proceeds beneflts thlllRock and Roll HaU of Fame and MUleum l~::;=:~~hio • ugust r~noiJIDEiJ1j Underthe.tan at the ~..l'!E .. 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Producedby BRAVO ENTERTAINMENT _.bravobsp.com WWW.BRAVOBSP.COM~.jf.Yeitm- W ~' , ,. ," .' ----- . ..... ..~- .. -- - .~. ," ", . .' - . .~_.- , .. _----- ._-- .-~. ----.--_.--' '> _.- .' -' -.-.- ..--- - 5__--'------.--------.-.. .. comlnq fall 2001 ... ,:";:.; ',,' ~, ;" -; " ·~':·,;,::..:'t;,,·':.~'::-, "', ..: >.>,:..,:.- . -,., • - . , ' ' ,'_,_~r; <: " > The Arbiter will produce ztyyb issues each week ... to,;;;. ,~}f . ...get ready to experience the benefits "squared" .-Arbiter . - ---- .. ,.. _ .. - - .. -- -----_ .. ---~-------_.__ ..:..:..:_- ..;;.:;.;--..:.;"_._ ....:.:;- - --"- -- ----------------_..:_---------------------_..:_-----_. 2 2001 4- Lawmakers: support students today for tomorrow r----------------------~-----------, - The biggest slap in the face Governor Dirk ccame from lawmakers who Kempthorne told Idaho this is 2lviewed students as a flock of the year of higher education. esheep rather than the leaders We lament that the Idaho 0" and workers of tomorrow. Legislature did .not entirely ::l Some lawmakers felt a little agree. ~ confetti on the Senate floor Higher education received JJwas enough to constitute several slaps in the face by '03 pulling faculty pay increase lawmakers this last session. ::llegislation and a- childish Despite strong encourage- :I:game of mudslinging direct- ment ~from Kempthorne to ~ ed at Boise State students and make higher education sup- 8 faculty. port and funding a top priori- o We hope in the future, law- ty- for the sake of the state's tI'.,all._ ~ makers follow Kempthorne's economy and future - law- lead and look to the future makers -turned: their backs on when making decisions about students, faculty and conse- .-- .... the future of higher education quently Idaho. in Idaho. Students 'are not the Lawmakers did make some mindless sheep some lawmak- strides in passing legislation ers believe them to be, but for scholarship appropriations thoughtful, voting citizens and college savings plans, but Kempthorne announced his Unequal distribution of funding, Legislation that our state will depend upon to these gestures not recommendation for the most· funding to Idaho schools would have remedied this were keep tomorrow prosperous. enough to cool the sting of generous higher education remained unsolved this ses- inequality by appropriating appropriation in years. The sionas well. Boise State funds to universities based on several slaps that left us won- Editorials reflect the views dering if lawmakers support hope turned into a little tease University has the largest student enrollment died and opinions rif the Arbiter's students and subsequently after the legislature approved student population, yet the despite vocal student support students of .Boise State ,senior editorial staff. Idaho. only part of Kempthorne's and intensified ASBSU lobby- receive the least amount of The legislative session recommendation. ing efforts. began with hope when Firing up the flag, again Fee increase? How "20u cant.let 100 idiotstellus to shining and grocery bagging jobs attempt to abolish freedom of about a pay 'increase? early. - diange the Constiudion" - Rep Phil speech. Boise State University payroll attended the hear- As a wit once said, optimism is But what's not excusable is fur Childers will cost its customers 8.73 ings and those that did the result of intellectual error, and some bird brained and pompous percent more next year. attend, did not have enough It's a dead give away that the so those reckless predictions of buffoon to argue we're fighting in Last week the State Board opportunity to ask ques- Idaho legislature is working when imminent relief were bound for a the Persian Gulf to "protect our of Education unanimously tions about the fee increas- you notice a stupendous, obnoxious rude and jarring repudiation symbol." agreed the was neces- es. flood of worthless flatulence sud- 'TIley forgot the flag. _In an utter slap to the face to hike We don't believe apathy denly engulfing the tender city of Now ''Betsy Ross' Bedspread" those who might be wounded or sary if the university is kept students from sharing Boise. still rightly has the throat choking dead, some muck-spouted and going to keep up with an Is its only by chance that this glory to evoke patriotic fervor in Crisco-butted feather merchant expanding student body and their opinions about the usually coincides with Winter's even the most jaded malcontent actually inferred that those brave . increasing maintenance $107 increase. We don't worst '1\ir Alert" days? And during wartime, it can turn men and women hunkered down in costs. The increase may be think indifference kept stu- Yet this year, the 21-21 split in perfectly normal bond lawyers and a Godforsaken sand hole are there necessary, but ouch, 8.73 dents from asking them- the Senate led some dimwitted pWl- cow milkers into Rambo-like to protect a gaudy red, white and percent? We challenge stu- selves how much their par- dits to declare it would be different spread eagleists loonier than a blue piece of cloth. dents to recall the last time ents paid to attend an Idaho Let's just hope, those soldiers Instead of last year's nothing- chimney-full of carpet-sniffing they received an 8.73 per- college. We don't suspect wood wrens. ' don't get an instant CNN replay of burger abortion idiocy that left cent pay increase. agreement with the fee So it's not surprising that most this lunatic drivel. If they do, let's eager Washington and Oregon We also wonder what increase kept students Scrape-em clinics moaning a collec- legislators, whose brains are mostly hope that they don't believe it students think of this voiceless and unquestioning tive sigh of greed, peace and states- barren of Constitutional under-. And if they hear it and have a increase because they about why student fees manship would reign inside standing and utterly blank on the reason to think it's true, let's hope haven't said much. increase a rate more rapid ''Marble Mountain," FIrst Amendment, could be swept- they have the courage to drop their This year's legislature would be away by the moment's emotion and guns and retreat University officials listened then inflation. a model of harmony and brevity vote fur a knuckleheaded anti-flag In disgust to comments from the usual' We believe most student they said - OH lord how long wilt burning memorial IDP student leaders at the fee bodies were too busy work- thou let thine dedicated servants It's even furgivable that they increase hearings. But few ing to say a word about fee suffer? - and the politicians could would waste ten thousands of our This ediiorial was originally pub- students not on the ASBSU increases. - go back to their hay baling, shoe tax dollars on this doomed to fail lished by theArlJiter January 28, 1991. - .,.~" ... -' .<.• - - _ ... ~ ... -- _____----------i' c:' Aprt125-May 2. 2001\ ~ L-'L Free trade ag~ement Claiming we are the best harmful to workers, because we have money seems Great 21st century rivalries chapter 222: envil"9nment' incredibly shallow to me. It is a great big world and other Kiss FMversus Magic 93 , Today lam calling on all countries certainly have done members of the human race to their share contributing to it. by Sean C. Hayes join together and oppose the Think about it, compared to ad featuring the :80S being a bad 'thing to play, passing of The Free Trade of France, England and China, Not since' Coke remade Thompson Twins' hit "Lies"). because for one thing the new the Americas agreement, the the u.s. is about 4 years old. itself in the '80S to match its Magic does have a trump stuff really sucks, and second- next huge leap for globaliza- Are you also claimingthat the 'closest competitor, Pepsi, has card in its deck, blasting Kiss's ly -'-correct me if I'm wrong - tion. This agreement would Wright Brothers could not an undisputed success gone to lack of "live and local" DJs but the oldies station is No. 1 allow corporations and com- " have built their plane in such great lengths to preserve and its import - from in Boise.
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