BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION FOR PROPOSED, ENDANGERED, THREATENED, & SENSITIVE SPECIES 2016 Compartment 52 RCW Thinning Evangeline Unit, Calcasieu Ranger District Kisatchie National Forest Rapides Parish, Louisiana Not likely to Likely to adversely Summary: PET species No Effect adversely affect affect Critical Habitat: None designated on Calcasieu Proposed: None designated on Calcasieu Endangered: Red-cockaded woodpecker Threatened Northern long-eared bat May impact Likely to individuals but not result in a Summary: Sensitive Species No Beneficial likely to cause a trend toward Impacts Impacts trend toward Federal listing federal listing or a or a loss of loss of viability viability Louisiana pinesnake and Bachman’s sparrow Rafinesque’s big-eared bat and southeastern myotis Carolina fluffgrass I. Introduction All U.S. Forest Service planned, funded, executed, and or permitted programs and activities require a biological evaluation (BE) and/or a Biological Assessment (BA) as outlined in Forest Service Manual (FSM) Section 2672.41. This Biological Evaluation addresses the proposed actions in Compartment 52, stands 5, 21, and 36. A. Objectives The objectives of this biological evaluation (BE) are to: 1. Determine what effects the implementation of the proposed management activities in Compartment 52, stands 5, 11, 21, and 36, of the Calcasieu Ranger District of the Kisatchie National Forest (KNF) may have on Federally proposed, threatened, endangered, and on sensitive (PETS) species and their habitats that may be located within the project areas. A list of these rare species specific to the Kisatchie National Forest can be found in the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Revised Land and Resource Management Plan Kisatchie National Forest (Forest Plan)(August 1999) and Regional Forester’s Sensitive Species List Update (Jan. 2002). 2. Provide biological input to insure that the U.S. Forest Service is compliant with the FSM 2670, FSH 2609.23R and the Endangered Species Act (ESA), as amended. 3. Provide management requirements to mitigate any potential negative effects that project implementation may have upon PETS species or their habitats located within the Project Areas. 4. Adhere to the Forest Plan (Forestwide Standards and Guidelines FW-009, Amendment 1) implementation requirement of a site-specific biological evaluation for a project area. This biological evaluation was prepared in accordance with Forest Service Handbook 2609.23R and regulations set forth in Section 7 (a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act. B. Location Compartment 52 is located in Rapides Parish, Louisiana, northwest of the town of Forest Hill. II. Proposed Management Actions The goal of this project is to encourage occupation of one inactive and one recruitment red- cockaded woodpeckers (RCW) cluster by improving foraging and nesting habitat in the immediate area. Several studies have shown that RCW group size and/or reproduction is negatively affected by dense stands of pines (Hardesty et al. 1997, James et al. 1997, in press, Walters et al. 2000). Foraging habitat for inactive cluster 52-12 and recruitment cluster 52-13 would be thinned from the current basal area of approximately 100 to a basal area of 60-70. Approximately 70 acres would be thinned to desirable stocking levels for RCW’s as a result of the proposed action. This is a temporary fix that needs to be supported by thinning the rest of the foraging area of these clusters during the next entry. III. Species Considered and Species Evaluated All Forest proposed, endangered, threatened and sensitive species were considered for this project. Species that are included/excluded from analysis for this project, based upon whether they occurred in the action area or were potentially affected by the action, are listed in Table 1, below. Table 1. Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Species Considered and Included/Excluded from Analysis for 2016 Compartment 52 RCW Thinning Project, Calcasieu District (List derived from Final EIS, Revised Land and Resource Management Plan, KNF, 1999, and Regional Forester’s Sensitive Species List Update, Jan. 2002, and letter from the USDI Fish and Wildlife Service dated September 24, 2009). Considered but USFWS Endangered Occurrence on Considered Habitat Excluded from Species Evangeline Unit in EA/BE Analysis Red-cockaded Open pine forests with Many active cluster Woodpecker large, old trees sites (Picoides borealis) Considered but USFWS Threatened Occurrence on Considered Habitat Excluded from Species Evangeline Unit in EA/BE Analysis Louisiana Pearlshell Small, clear, shallow streams Mussel Bayou Boeuf drainage 1,2 with moderate current (Margaritifera hembeli) Northern Long-eared Bat Within “buffered” Mature forests (Myotis septentrionalis) range of species Earthfruit Saline prairies in mostly bare Not reported but 1,2 (Geocarpon minimum) areas and in sandstone glades remotely possible Considered Occurrence but Global State Rank on Considered USFS Sensitive Species Habitat Excluded Rank (*) (**) Evangeline in EA/BE from Unit Analysis A variety of Outside of Louisiana Fatmucket G4 S? substrates in known 1,2 (Lampsilis hydiana) flowing water distribution Sand, sand and Outside of Louisiana Pigtoe gravel, or sand and G1G2 S1S2 known 1,2 (Pleurobema riddellii) silt substrate in distribution flowing water Usually sandy Outside of Sandbank Pocketbook G2 S2 substrate in flowing known 1,2 (Lampsilis satura) water distribution Predominantly Outside of Southern Creekmussel G3 S1 sandy substrates in known 1,2 (Strophitus subvexus) flowing water distribution Sand, sand and Outside of Southern Hickorynut gravel, or sand and G2 S1S2 known 1,2 (Obovaria jacksoniana) silt substrate in distribution flowing water Sand, sand and Outside of Texas Heelsplitter gravel, or sand and G1G2 SH known 1,2 (Potamilus amphichaenus) silt substrate in distribution flowing water Usually sandy Outside of Texas Pigtoe G2G3 S3 substrate in flowing known 1,2 (Fusconaia askewi) water distribution Flowing water with Calcasieu Painted Outside of some structure on Crawfish G2 S2 known 1,2 the substrate, such (Orconectes blacki) distribution as logs or rocks Occurs in Free State Crawfish G3 S3S4 Creeks western 2 (Procambarus kensleyi) drainages Flowing water with Red River Kisatchie Painted some structure on drainage, Crawfish G2 S2 1,2 the substrate, such extreme (Orconectes maletae) as logs or rocks north of Unit Ouachita Fencing Ditches and Outside of 1,2 Crawfish G2 S2 ephemeral forest known (Faxonella creaseri) pools distribution Ditches and Outside of Sabine Fencing Crawfish G4 S1S2 ephemeral forest known 1,2 (Faxonella beyeri) pools distribution Flowing water with Bayou Teche Painted Crawfish some structure on Boeuf and 2 G3 S3 (Orconectes hathawayi) the substrate, such Spring as logs or rocks Creek drainages Probably breeds in Texas Emerald seeps along small G2 SNR Occurs 2 (Somatochlora margarita) streams and pitcher plant bogs Schoolhouse Springs Reported High-quality Leuctran Stonefly G2 S2 from Loving 2 flowing water (Leuctra szczytkoi) Creek No records; Blue Sucker Flowing water in G3G4 S2S3 no suitable 1,2 (Cycleptus elongatus) larger rivers habitat Quiet backwaters No records; Bluehead Shiner of small to medium G3 S2 no suitable 1,2 (Pteronotropis hubbsi) sluggish streams habitat and oxbow lakes Outside of Sabine Shiner Flowing water over G4 S4 known 1,2 (Notropis sabinae) a sandy substrate distribution Outside of Western Sand Darter Flowing water over G3 S2 known 1,2 (Ammocrypta clara) a sandy substrate distribution Mesic mixed pine- Louisiana Slimy Outside of hardwood forests, Salamander G3G4Q S1S2 known 1,2 usually on slopes (Plethodon kisatchie) distribution above drainages Open pine woods Louisiana Pinesnake with very sandy Two old (Pituophis ruthveni) G3Q S2S3 soil and pocket records gophers Commonly Bachman’s Sparrow Open pine forests encountered (Aimophila aestivalis) G3 S3 with a grassy in ground layer appropriate habitat Roost in large hollow trees in Occasionally Rafinesque’s Big-eared riparian areas, encountered Bat G3G4 S3S4 under bridges and in specific (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) in man-made situations structures like concrete bunkers Roost in large Occasionally hollow trees in encountered riparian areas, in specific Southeastern Myotis G3G4 S4 under bridges and situations; 3 (Myotis austroriparius) in man-made known large structures like maternity concrete bunkers colonies Bottomland forest, small stream forest, Barbed Rattlesnakeroot hardwood slope No, but 1,2 G3 S2 (Prenanthes barbata) forest, mixed possible hardwood-loblolly pine forest Bottomland forest, small stream forest, Bay Starvine hardwood slope Two known 2 G3 S3 (Schisandra glabra) forest, mixed occurrences hardwood-loblolly pine forest Broadleaf Barbara's Outside of 1,2 Buttons G3 S1 Riparian forest known (Marshallia trinervia) distribution Carolina Crownbeard 2 G4 S4 Riparian forest One record (Verbesina walteri) Shortleaf pine/ oak- hickory forest, mixed Carolina Fluffgrass One old G3 S2 hardwood/loblolly (Tridens carolinianus) record forest, western upland longleaf pine forest Outside of Cypress-knee Sedge Baldcypress G3 S3 known 1,2 (Carex decomposita) swamp distribution Drummond's Yellow-eyed Western hillside Outside of 1,2 Grass G3 S1 seepage bog, pine known (Xyris drummondii) flatwoods distribution Outside of Giant Orchid Western upland G2G3 S2 known 1 (Pteroglossaspis ecristata) longleaf pine forest distribution Pine flatwoods, Jackson calcareous Outside of Giant Spiral
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