E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1999 No. 131 Senate The Senate met at 9 a.m. and was THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE we will be on the holiday for Columbus called to order by the President pro Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, let me Day, so there may be some motivation tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. comment at the outset what a great for people to want to get the Senate The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- pleasure it is to see you opening the business in order to be concluded as day’s prayer will be offered by our Senate again this morning, looking promptly as possible before the start of guest Chaplain, Dr. Winford L. hale and hardy. We keep moving the that 3-day weekend. Hendrix, Vienna Baptist Church, Vi- time earlier and earlier; but no matter I thank the Chair. enna, VA. how early it is, you are always here f We are pleased to have you with us. first. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME The PRESIDENT pro tempore. I PRAYER thank the Senator very much. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. DEWINE). Under the previous order, The guest Chaplain, Dr. Winford L. f Hendrix, offered the following prayer: leadership time is reserved. May we pray together, please. SCHEDULE f On behalf of this assembly, Lord, Mr. SPECTER. On behalf of the lead- DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, thank You for another week of their er, I have been asked to announce that HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, service in Your kingdom and for our we will now begin 30 minutes of debate AND EDUCATION, AND RELATED beloved country. And today we pray on the amendment offered by the dis- AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS that You will grant the kind of under- tinguished Senator from Maine, Ms. ACT, 2000 standing which will enable this Senate COLLINS, regarding diabetes. Following The PRESIDING OFFICER. Also, to see beneath the surface and identify that debate, the Senate will proceed to under the previous order, the Senate the implications, consequences, and a vote on the amendment at approxi- will now resume consideration of S. benefits of the decisions they shall mately 9:30 a.m. 1650, which the clerk will report. make. May each Senator sense Your di- The Senate is expected to continue The legislative clerk read as follows: vine leadership in determining what is consideration of the Labor-HHS bill well founded, fair, and equitable; in- during today’s session. Senators who A bill (S. 1650) making appropriations for deed, what is for the good of all the still intend to offer amendments to the the Departments of Labor, Health and bill are encouraged to work with the Human Services, and Education, and Related citizens of this great land. And I pray Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- that You may reward all who respond managers to schedule time for those tember 30, 2000, and for other purposes. amendments. Following the Labor-HHS to Your divine prompting with an inner The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under bill today, there will be a period of sense of peace and fulfillment. In Your the previous order, the Senator from Holy Name we pray. Amen. morning business. The leader advised me last night that Maine is recognized to offer amend- f the Senate will be proceeding to other ment No. 1824 on which there will be 30 minutes of debate equally divided. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE business on Monday and Tuesday and that we will return to the Labor-HHS The Senator from Maine. The Honorable PAUL COVERDELL, bill on Wednesday. Ms. COLLINS. I thank the Chair. a Senator from the State of Georgia, There are a great many amendments AMENDMENT NO. 1824 led the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: pending. As the chairman of the full (Purpose: To express the sense of the Senate I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the committee announced yesterday, it is that diabetes and its resulting complica- United States of America, and to the Repub- his intention, and for that matter, tions have had a devastating impact on Americans of all ages in both human and lic for which it stands, one nation under God, mine, too, to challenge any amend- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. economic terms, and that increased sup- ments which violate rule XVI; that is, port for research, education, early detec- f to offer legislation on an appropria- tion, and treatment efforts is necessary to tions bill. I encourage all Senators to take advantage of unprecedented opportu- RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING consult with me or have their staffs nities for progress toward better treat- MAJORITY LEADER consult with committee staff to work ments, prevention, and ultimately a cure) The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The out time agreements and sequencing so Mr. President, I do call up amend- able Senator from Pennsylvania is rec- that when the amendment is called we ment No. 1824, which is at the desk, and ognized. can move to it as promptly as possible. ask for its immediate consideration. Mr. SPECTER. I thank the distin- The leader called my attention to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The guished President pro tempore. fact that following next week’s session, clerk will report. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S11757 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:37 Nov 01, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1999SENATE\S01OC9.REC S01OC9 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S11758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 1999 The legislative clerk read as follows: (18) After extensive review and delibera- tion, and ultimately a cure for this The Senator from Maine [Ms. COLLINS], for tions, the congressionally established and devastating disease. herself, Mr. BREAUX, and Mr. GRASSLEY, pro- National Institutes of Health-selected Diabe- Diabetes is a very serious condition poses an amendment numbered 1824. tes Research Working Group has found that that affects people of every age, race, Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I ask ‘‘many scientific opportunities are not being and nationality. Here in America, 16 pursued due to insufficient funding, lack of unanimous consent that reading of the appropriate mechanisms, and a shortage of million people suffer from diabetes, amendment be dispensed with. trained researchers’’. and about 800,000 new cases are diag- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (19) The Diabetes Research Working Group nosed each year. objection, it is so ordered. has developed a comprehensive plan for Na- Moreover, diabetes frequently goes The amendment is as follows: tional Institutes of Health-funded diabetes undiagnosed. Of the 16 million Ameri- At the appropriate place in title II, insert research, and has recommended a funding cans with diabetes, it is estimated that the following: level of $827,000,000 for diabetes research at 5.4 million do not realize they have this SEC. ——. EXPRESSING THE SENSE OF THE SEN- the National Institutes of Health in fiscal very serious condition. ATE TO RAISE THE AWARENESS OF year 2000. Diabetes is one of our Nation’s most THE DEVASTATING IMPACT OF DIA- (20) The Senate as an institution, and costly diseases, both in human and eco- BETES AND TO SUPPORT IN- Members of Congress as individuals, are in CREASED FUNDS FOR DIABETES RE- nomic terms. It is the sixth deadliest SEARCH. unique positions to support the fight against diabetes and to raise awareness about the disease in the United States and kills (a) FINDINGS.—Congress makes the fol- almost 200,000 Americans annually. It lowing findings: need for increased funding for research and (1) Diabetes is a devastating, lifelong con- for early diagnosis and treatment. is the leading cause of kidney failure, dition that affects people of every age, race, (b) SENSE OF THE SENATE.—It is the sense of blindness in adults, and amputa- income level, and nationality. of the Senate that— tions. It is a significant risk factor for (2) Sixteen million Americans suffer from (1) the Federal Government has a responsi- heart disease, stroke, and birth defects. diabetes, and millions more are at risk of de- bility to— The disease shortens the average life veloping the disease. (A) endeavor to raise awareness about the importance of the early detection, and prop- expectancy by up to 15 years (3) The number of Americans with diabetes Moreover, it is very costly in finan- has increased nearly 700 percent in the last er treatment of, diabetes; and (B) continue to consider ways to improve cial terms as well. Diabetes costs the 40 years, leading the Centers for Disease Con- Nation in excess of $105 billion annu- trol and Prevention to call it the ‘‘epidemic access to, and the quality of, health care of our time’’. services for screening and treating diabetes; ally in health-related expenditures. At (4) In 1999, approximately 800,000 people (2) the National Institutes of Health, with- present, more than 1 out of every 10 will be diagnosed with diabetes, and diabetes in their existing funding levels, should in- dollars that we spend on health care is will contribute to almost 200,000 deaths, crease research funding, as recommended by related to treating people with diabe- making diabetes the sixth leading cause of the congressionally established and National tes. About 1 out of 4 Medicare dollars death due to disease in the United States. Institutes of Health-selected Diabetes Re- are used to treat people with diabetes. search Working Group, so that the causes of, (5) Diabetes costs our nation an estimated Indeed, more than 40 billion in tax dol- $105,000,000,000 each year.
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