November 21, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11907 obviously someone who has not read RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME public’s time by provoking arguments the bill. One of the things we have in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under over their distortions about what this legislation is a provision called the previous order, the leadership time health reform means. Spurious rumors the CLASS Act. What does it do? It al- is reserved. were spread about death panels. One lows someone to voluntarily pay $120 a mailing opposing this bill claimed that month into a fund. They do it for 5 con- f reform would mean denying care to secutive years. If they become dis- SERVICE MEMBERS HOME OWNER- people based on their voting records. abled, there is money there for them. SHIP TAX ACT OF 2009—MOTION How desperate can these entrenched Ever since I have been in the Congress, TO PROCEED powers get, those who want to stop we have been looking for a way to take The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under health care reform? These are the tac- care of the aged, infirm, and disabled. the previous order, the Senate will re- tics of obstruction in the service of the It is not an entitlement; it is voluntary sume consideration of the motion to status quo. Meanwhile, what the American peo- and fully paid for, as is the rest of the proceed to H.R. 3590, which the clerk ple yearn for are constructive solu- bill. will report. tions. They want an honest debate, not To talk about all this debt—I don’t The bill clerk read as follows: know what world, what sphere they are a filibuster. That is what they deserve, Motion to Proceed to H.R. 3590, to amend living in. The Congressional Budget Of- and that is what we owe them. the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify A Vermonter came by my office to fice, a nonpartisan organization—not the first-time home buyers credit in the case always good—I wish they would have of members of the Armed Forces and certain talk about health reform, as so many come up with some other numbers be- other Federal employees, and for other pur- have over the last several months. I cause we got no credit for all the poses. hear this every time when I am home wellness things we do in this bill that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under in Vermont. If I am in the gas station will save lots of money. We received no the previous order, there will be debate putting gas in my car, if I am in the credit for that. But in spite of that, ev- until 6 p.m., with the time controlled grocery store, if I am coming out of erything in the bill is fully paid for. It in alternating 1-hour blocks, with the church on Sunday, I hear this. This reduces short- and long-term debt. It majority controlling the first hour. Vermonter is a physician. He has a spe- expands coverage. This chart says ‘‘94 The Senator from Vermont. cial perspective from inside the sys- percent,’’ but it is actually 98 percent Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, I am tem. He recalled stories about his fa- because CBO does not give us credit for glad to see my colleague and neighbor ther, also a very respected doctor, who people in Medicare. So 98 percent of from New York in the chair, an ex- practiced in the days before Medicare. Americans are covered. It contains in- traordinarily hard-working Member of He remembered the devastation his fa- surance market reforms, and lots of the Senate. I am not surprised, on a ther felt when he was forced to turn away elderly Vermonters because they them. It contains delivery system re- Saturday morning, that she is here. forms. Before I begin, I wish to state my ap- did not have health insurance. It may be difficult today to even The key elements of this health care preciation for the kind words from the imagine this, but before Medicare, reform bill, I repeat: It reduces short- majority leader for the Senator from older Americans were routinely driven and long-term deficits, expands cov- Vermont. He and I have been friends erage, promotes choice and competi- into poverty during their retirement for decades. I am glad to see the work years by health expenses. Before Medi- tion, reforms the insurance market, he has done in bringing this bill to the and improves quality of care. All we care was launched in 1964, nearly half floor. I intend to work closely with of seniors over 65 had no health cov- are asking today is to have a debate on him. it. Why would anyone be afraid, in the erage and more than one in three lived Decision time is near on health in- in poverty. Today, because of Medicare, greatest debating society, supposedly, surance reform. I will vote today to in the world, to debate health care? virtually everyone 65 and older has end the filibuster so the Senate can health insurance. The poverty rate What are they afraid of? begin this important, historic debate He said anyone who votes for this is among seniors has plummeted. More to improve and reform our Nation’s going to have a lot of explaining to do. than 100,000 Vermonters have Medicare health insurance system. Let’s not That is really Orwellian. Have a lot of insurance. duck the debate. Let the debate begin. explaining to do if they vote to allow The arguments that were made Let’s not hide from votes. Let’s have the debate to continue? I think quite against creating Medicare may sound the courage to vote. Stand up and vote the opposite. I think any reasonable familiar. Opponents of Medicare, when on the amendments. Let the American human being would feel the same way. it first came up, tried to demonize the people know where we stand and not Shouldn’t we debate health care reform plan. They claimed it would never say: Well, it never came up because of in America today, with 50 million peo- work. How could government run a ple uninsured, and this legislation is the filibuster. We can end the filibuster program like this? They ignored those going to take care of 98 percent of today. We can get going. We can let older Americans living in poverty. But Americans? every American know where we stand. eventually Members from both sides of This legislation looks out for small The sentries of the status quo again the aisle, Republicans and Democrats, businesspeople. Right now, most small have spared no effort to kick the can worked together. They passed a bill businesses don’t have health insurance down the road, as they have done be- that is one of the most successful and for their employees. Do they not have fore. The country suffers when there is popular programs in America today. health insurance because they are a failure to act on serious challenges Vermont’s entire congressional delega- mean or cheap? No. They can’t afford that millions of ordinary Americans tion, which at that time was Repub- it. The insurance industry has made it face in their daily lives. This is a defin- lican, supported passage of that land- impossible to pay for because of their ing moment for the Senate and for the mark legislation. huge profits. country. I rank this along with other Today, we have a health system with Someone not voting to allow the de- major decisions such as the creation of contradictions. Federal investments in bate to continue is going to have a lot Social Security and Medicare and the research and private investments in de- of explaining to do. Even though my Civil Rights Act. We have been talking velopment have produced modern med- friend is Orwellian and said that if you about health insurance reform for more ical marvels in the equipment, train- vote to allow debate to continue, you than 70 years, before I was born. The ing, techniques, and drugs that are will have a lot of explaining to do, how Senate should not now prevent a real available to many Americans. Yet in could you be a Senator and be afraid to debate on health reform by hiding be- the prices we pay, in the lack of access debate health care reform? hind the figleaf of a procedural fili- to basic medical care, in the loopholes Simply, this legislation, on which we buster. and the redtape that plague ordinary will vote on a motion to proceed to this A bill worthy of this debate has been Americans in our health insurance sys- evening at 8, saves lives, it saves produced, after months of arduous tem and in overall results in so many money, and it saves Medicare—a pretty work. Opponents of reform, unfortu- categories, we get far less for our enor- good deal. nately, have wasted much of the mous health care spending than do the VerDate Nov 24 2008 23:35 Nov 21, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21NO6.003 S21NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with SENATE S11908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 21, 2009 citizens of countries whose health care malpractice insurance providers. Clos- tempered will of the Senate’s member- costs are only a fraction of what ours ing this loophole in our antitrust laws ship. are. Tens of millions of Americans have is long overdue, and I will offer my leg- This Senate can do that again.
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